Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1430 Add Fancy Table Flip Technique

When they arrived at the other courtyard, Shi Lian led the way, took a group of people to the room, and introduced the situation of the other courtyard.

There are four rooms in the whole courtyard, which are like a square and divided into four squares equally. The four rooms are only separated by a wooden door.

Each room is the size of eight tatami mats, and there are fully transparent glass boxes at the four corners, and the statues of the four heavenly kings are placed in the glass box.

As soon as they heard that the corpse was in the upper right corner of the room, Conan and Hattori Heiji ran over immediately, lifted the tatami mats, and looked at the floor.

Kogoro Mori walked up to one of the statues, squatted down curiously, and reached out to lift the glass cover on the glass box of the statue.

"It's okay to touch it, but please don't break it," the host Shi Lian said in a calm tone, "because this is a Buddha statue passed down from our Shengyue Temple era."

"Ah?" Mori Kogoro sweated, and quickly and carefully put the lid on, "Okay, okay..."

Chi Feichi raised his hand to pull off the Tengu mask, put it on, and walked towards Mori Kogoro calmly.

He remembered the method of this case. It is very difficult for a person to waste time on something that is known and dawdled. How could he be the only one who finds it boring?

Yes, he was going to flip the table.

It's just that it's a bit bland to flip the table directly at Conan every time. This time, we can add some fancy table flipping skills.

"Huh? Master, this room really smells of blood!"

As Chi Feichi approached the statue, Feichi also smelled the bloody smell that is difficult for humans to detect. He jumped off Chi Feichi's shoulder, sniffed the snake letter, and sniffed around, feeling happy all of a sudden.

The smell of blood is under the glass box where the Four Heavenly Kings are placed!

This must be an important clue, it must remind the owner!

There hasn't been much action recently, and the owner doesn't pay much attention to the months and days of tomorrow. It has not shown itself for a long time, but today, yes, it is today, and it will let the owner see it again. strength!


"Shi Lian is the host," Chi Feichi stood behind Mori Kogoro, with a calm voice, "Do you need my teacher to expose you directly?"

"Eh?" Mori Kogoro was still squatting in front of the Buddha statue, turned his head and looked up in a daze, feeling his heart stopped for a moment, and was almost sent away by his apprentice.

The light shone from behind Chi Feichi, casting a long black shadow in front of him. The person standing against the light was wearing a zipped black coat and a red tengu mask on his face. The holes in the eyes exposed the purple eyes. Due to the lack of light, the purple color looked cold and dark. Looking at him condescendingly, it made people feel serious heart discomfort.

Host Shi Lian looked back suspiciously, and felt that the hairless scalp was getting colder, so cold that it gave goosebumps.

On the side, Hattori Heiji and Conan, who had put down the tatami, also turned their heads to look at Chi Feichi with half-moon eyes.

Conan watched Mori Kogoro gradually lose expression, and covered his ears deftly.

"I said..." Mori Kogoro stood up and roared with dissatisfaction on his face, "Can you stop standing behind others and making a sudden noise? Even if you can't, can you take off the mask and speak? Do you know that people are scary?" It will be scary!"

Mao Lilan, Yuan Shan and Ye next to him were affected by the roaring sound, their hair fluttered back, and they huddled together in cold sweat.

"Don't be fooled by the weirdness of the appearance," Chi Feichi felt that his teacher was really making a fuss, but he took off his mask and looked at Kogoro Mori calmly, "You are a famous detective who makes the wicked fear. , if the ghost sees you, you will also take a detour."

Hattori Heiji ran through a row of 'fuck' in his mind, looked at Chi Feichi, and then looked at Conan blankly.

Is Brother Feichi so good at talking? Then why every time he felt that brother Feichi was hurting him with words and indifferent attitude?

Conan grumbled.

Chi Feichi is really... really...

How can you talk nonsense in a serious manner without blushing or beating your heart?

Looking at the uncle's bewildered and inexplicable appearance, it is obvious that he has been tricked.

Shi Lian was silent for a while, "The benefactor's words are very spiritual and have Buddha nature."

Chuanjiu silently nodded his approval, if he didn't say anything, he wouldn't have thought of this.

Chi Feichi took a deep look at Shi Lian, doubting that what the old monk said, "being spiritual" equals "being able to fool around" equals "we lack people like you" equals "whether you should consider becoming a monk", but no matter what the old monk thinks, he It's here to turn the table, nothing else is important.

"Oh, you said that..." Mori Kogoro blushed, reflecting that his behavior of spraying his apprentice just now was very inappropriate, and he didn't know how to express it. He coughed dryly and laughed, "That's right, I'm famous My famous detective, I will take a detour if the ghost sees you!"

Mao Lilan put her hand on her forehead, her father didn't even know how to be modest.

Chi Feichi felt that his teacher's reaction was very interesting, and continued to guide, "And the teacher has already seen through the truth, it is not a bizarre thing at all, and there is no need to make a fuss."

"That's right, this little bizarre event is not worth making a fuss about at all..."

Mori Kogoro paused, a little confused.

Wait, what truth? What did he see through?

After Haibara Ai was stunned for a moment, she couldn't help casting a sympathetic look at Conan.

If the uncle sees through the truth, it should be that Brother Feichi has discovered the truth of the mystery of the disappearance of the corpse, and someone seems to be...

Conan: "..."

Hehe, sorry, he has no clue at all.

Host Shi Lian was dubious, without showing any abnormality on his face, and looked at Kogoro Mouri, "Then, I would like to ask Detective Maori, do you think there is really a dead body swallowed by this room?"

"The truth is under the statue," Chi Feichi looked at Mori Kogoro, "That's why the teacher came here, right? But the host seems very reluctant to expose the truth, so you hesitated again."

"Uh, that's right..." Kogoro Maoli replied hesitantly, and secretly winked at Chi Feichi.

Did his apprentice misunderstand something? He doesn't know anything, why don't you go out and communicate with him?

Hattori Heiji looked at the statue on Mori Kogoro with a dazed expression.

It seems nothing strange, what did Uncle and Brother Feichi discover? Has his ability regressed so badly?

Host Shi Lian sighed, raised his eyes and said to Monk Chuanjiu, "Chuanjiu, go boil water and make tea, I want to talk to the guests here."

"Yes..." Monk Chuanjiu hesitated for a moment, and didn't rush to leave, "Master, does that corpse really exist? But why do you say that I misread it in a dream?"

"This is all your illusion. There are no female benefactors here at all. This is the illusion that you miss your mother who left you in the monastery eighteen years ago and committed suicide by jumping into the sea," Shi Lian sighed. Tone, "Although I want to say that, in fact, you are not mistaken, the corpse does exist, as for why I lied to you, you just think that I don't want this kind of thing to affect the reputation of the temple. In the monastery, it is always not a good thing, it is my fault to deceive you."

"No, host, I don't actually... I just find it weird and want to know the truth," Monk Chuanjiu hesitated to speak, didn't say any more, nodded and turned to leave, "I'm going to boil the water."

Host Shi Lian watched Monk Chuanjiu leave, turned around and saw Hattori Heiji and Conan looking at the statue, and reminded, "I said this is a treasure passed down from generation to generation at Shengake Temple, and I didn't lie to you. It would be a pity if it was broken. of."

"Using precious Buddha statues passed down from generation to generation to cover up blood and corpses, isn't it inappropriate to preside over this behavior?" Heiji Hattori let go of the glass box that had been picked up, and smiled at Shi Lian, but tears were left in his heart.


What's wrong with this statue?

He took out the Buddha statue and looked at it. It was just an ordinary Buddha statue, heavy and hard, without even a blood spot. As for the glass box containing the Buddha statue, except for the thin wooden frame, the rest was made of transparent glass. The Buddha statue can see the tatami below at a glance, and there are no bloodstains or organs.

So, what did he ignore?

"I actually think that even if the Four Heavenly Kings knew what I did, they wouldn't blame me," Shi Lian looked at Kogoro Mouri, "Mr. How terrible the sight is, after that, I will tell you all about it."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

This is really being burned on the stake by the apprentice!

However, his disciples must have admired him so much that he realized it? At this time, if you say that you are actually at a loss, will you disappoint your apprentice? Will it look embarrassing?

Chi Feichi walked towards the Buddha statue where Hattori Heiji and Conan were waiting.

Mori Kogoro had a flash of inspiration, and presided over Shi Lian pretending to be deep, "Let the young man try it. If his idea is wrong, I, the teacher, will correct it."

Host Shi Lian nodded seriously, "Detective Maori is a good teacher."

Conan: "..."

Hey, why did the uncle's image become taller in an instant?

Also, since when did Chi Feichi and the uncle get along so well that they actually sang the oboe together... No, in fact, the essence is that some guy is leading everyone by the nose!

Speechless, Conan looked at Chi Feichi who walked to him and squatted down.

Does he hope that Chi Feichi's guess is correct, or does he hope that Chi Feichi makes a mistake, and the momentum of "arrogance" is eliminated?

Chi Feichi squatted down in front of the statue and only did two things.

First things first: Open the glass lid, take out the deity inside, and set it aside.

Second thing: Take the glass case and set it aside.

After Chi Feichi took away the glass box, there was a brown blood stain that had dried up on the tatami below the corner of the wall.

"This is..." Hattori Heiji looked at the blood in surprise, then looked at the glass box that had been removed, picked it up, and felt even more depressed in an instant.

The bottom of the glass box is glued with a piece of bamboo surface that is the same as the tatami mat. As long as the glass box is placed on the tatami mat and only the statue inside is removed, they can see the tatami mat below at a glance. In fact, what they see is just glued under the glass box bamboo noodles.

Just because they felt that there was no way to hide any traces under the glass box, they didn't even think about removing it, so they ignored this possibility.

Once it is exposed, it is actually a very low-tech cover-up. Why didn't he think of removing the glass box to take a look?


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