Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1452 You Captured Feichi


In the room, Mu Moshisan, who was asking a young man a question, turned his head and looked at Kogoro Maoli who was out of breath at the door in surprise, and then saw Chi Feichi and Conan who came to the door, "Brother Maoli, brother Chi, And Conan...why are you here?"

Mori Kogoro held the door with one hand, still short of breath, "I heard...the news that Ms. Hiroko Inoue was killed..."

Mu Mu Shisan was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the three of them, "Then which one of you has something to do with the victim? Or do you happen to know some important clue?"

Seeing that his teacher was still breathing, Chi Feichi explained aloud, "Miss Hiroko Inoue opened a bar called Sunflower. The teacher is a frequent customer there, and I have been there too. As for the clues, I don't have any here."

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."

After investigating for a long time, when I was in a state of desperation, looking at Brother Chi's indifferent face and listening to Brother Chi's unhurried words, it was really refreshing.

"I don't have any clues here yet, but Ms. Hiroko is my friend for many years. I want to see if there is anything that needs help." Mori Kogoro slowed down and bowed to Mu Mushisan, "Please, Mu Mu Officer Mu!"

Mu Mushisan was taken aback by Kogoro Maoli's solemn posture, sweated, and stepped forward and said, "Okay, okay, brother Maoli, since you are the victim's friend, we also need you to provide some information to understand Tell the victims, you bring them in first."

"excuse me!"

Mori Kogoro straightened up and went to the entrance to take off his shoes.

Seeing Kogoro Mori being so serious, Conan felt heavy in his heart, and suddenly found that Chi Feichi, who was taking off his shoes next to him, had a white cat hair stuck to his black coat. "

Chi Feichi squatted down beside Conan, following Conan's gaze, saw the cat fur on his coat, took out a handkerchief from his pocket to cover the cat fur, and put it back in his pocket, "Sorry, I came in a hurry, so I didn't pay attention. "

"It's okay, it's only on the coat..." Conan stepped forward, stretched out his hands on tiptoes, and patted Chi Feichi's coat sleeves and hem for a while, and said with a smile, "Just pat it clean at the door!"

Chi Feichi looked at Conan silently.

Conan's behavior is not quite right, he is getting too close, could it be... is it student Caixiang?

Taking advantage of the opportunity of being close to Chi Feichi, Conan noticed the smell on Chi Feichi's body, and he was relieved when he found that there was only a faint smell of cigarettes and washing powder.

The cat that can leave white fur on Chi Feichi's body, besides Wuming, may also be a cat from Zhenchi Pet Hospital, or a stray cat outside, but judging from the time when Chi Feichi arrived here, it should have been in At home, I will not rush over from the pet hospital, and because I came in a hurry, it is impossible to tease the pet cat halfway.

So this is most likely the nameless Mao.

Chi Feichi adopts a 'free-range policy' for keeping cats, and he seldom wears an unknown name. Two of them were with Belmode. As soon as he saw the white cat fur, he suspected that Belmode used cats or other cats. Excuse me, it was too late to go to Chi Fei.

Startled him.

Fortunately, Chi Feichi didn't smell of any woman's perfume or cosmetics, and there was no suspicious hair on his clothes. There were only two cat hairs on the hem of his clothes. They should be lying on the sofa or chair when Wuming was lying next to him or Wipe the past stained.

Chi Feichi continued to stare at Conan silently.

So, the detective didn't find traces of suspected contact with Belmode on his body, shouldn't he be relieved?

Conan noticed a cold stare staring at the top of his head, stopped his hands, raised his head and smiled obediently, "Okay, it seems that the cat's hair has been patted off~"

Chi Feichi lowered his head to look at Feichi who was poking his head blankly from his sleeve, "You caught Feichi."

Conan sweated in embarrassment, "Hug, sorry..."

Chi Feichi didn't get entangled with Conan. After getting up, he looked at the pair of high-heeled shoes at the entrance.

There is only such a pair of women's shoes here, and there are no other women in the room. It should be Hiroko Inoue's shoes, but the placement of these shoes is very strange. They fell on the ground sideways, with one toe facing the room and one shoe Point to the door.

Conan then turned his head to look, and was taken aback.

Ordinary people take off their shoes when they enter the door. The shoes don't look like this, do they? Did the killer kick it when he left?

However, it still feels weird...

After Chi Feichi looked at it, he got up and walked into the house without saying anything.

It seems that there is such a case, the beautiful bar owner, for the boyfriend to realize the ideal, but when the boyfriend is about to succeed, he is killed by the boyfriend...

What is the specific method, he is a little vague, and he has to look at the situation in the room.

"Mr. Takaoka, I really don't know what to say..."

Mori Kogoro stood in the bedroom, talking to the man kneeling beside the bed.

"That's why I thought I could make her live a little happier," the man kneeling by the bed trembled with shoulders, suppressed a sob, turned his head to look at Kogoro Mouri, and then lowered his head deeply, "Unexpectedly, this happened at this time kind of thing..."

Conan followed Chi Feichi to the living room, looked at the two people in the bedroom, and tugged at the corner of Chi Feichi's clothes. Suddenly, something was wrong, and he quickly withdrew his hand.

Feichi, who had just stretched out his head to bite, took a bite, looked at Conan with cold eyes, and retracted Chi Feichi's sleeve again.

Let Conan wake it up just now, wait!

Conan was speechless for a while, and complained in his heart that pets are as narrow-minded as their owners. The next second, he realized that Chi Feichi was looking at him. He felt a little guilty, and said with a dry smile, " that person talking to uncle?"

"Ms. Hiroko's boyfriend, Akira Takaoka, is 35 years old and a director of independent films." Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and flipped through an email from a while ago, "There have been no successful works, all thanks to Ms. Hiroko Opening a bar to make a living, but I cooperated with THK some time ago, and THK invested in a movie that he was responsible for writing and directing..."

Conan was not surprised when he saw that Chi Feichi had changed Umbrella's phone, "No wonder uncle said Miss Hiroko wanted to thank you in person."

After speaking, Conan suddenly sighed with emotion.

This is destined to be a thank you that cannot be sent.

From the long email, Chi Feichi found a general description of one of the investment works, and at the same time recalled the key point of this case, "The movie is based on the theme of the singing sand on the Baisha Coast of his hometown, Fukushima Prefecture. It is a romance film, and the script is written It is very good, but because the film is still in the preparation stage, the title is controversial, so the title has not been officially decided."

Mori Kogoro comforted Akira Takaoka, came out of the bedroom, and found Megure Shisan, "By the way, Officer Megure, the time of death is..."

Mu Mu Shisan stood beside the fixed line of traces in the living room, and said seriously, "According to the judgment of the forensic doctor, it should be between ten o'clock noon and one o'clock in the afternoon today."

Conan looked around the room.

Torn curtains, fallen stools and flower pots with sunflowers, power cords that seem to have been ripped off or kicked out of sockets...

Looks like it's been a tough fight.

Chi Feichi also looked at the situation inside the house, focusing on the pot of sunflowers on the ground.

When he went to the bar before, he heard from regular customers that Hiroko Inoue's favorite flower was sunflowers...

"Sunflowers, Ms. Hiroko seems to like this kind of flower..." Mori Kogoro sighed, walked to the desk in the living room, looked at the sunflower oil painting hanging on the wall, and shouted with a sad face, "You must have seen the prisoner Is it right? What kind of guy is it? Which abominable guy is it that caused Miss Hiroko to suffer so badly!"

Chi Feichi glanced at his teacher, then turned to Mu Mu Shisan, "Officer Mu Mu, did anyone see any suspicious people or suspicious things nearby at the time of the incident?"

"This is still under investigation. There is a cigarette shop across the road from the apartment building. I have asked someone to..."

Mu Mushisan was talking, when he heard the phone ringing, he said 'wait a moment', picked up the phone, and saw that Mouri Kogoro also turned his head to look over, and repeated the report from the other side of the phone, "The time of the incident, the cigarette across the street The old lady of the store has been in the store, isn't she... Didn't see anyone coming in or out of this apartment building... After that, only a clerk from the electrical store brought in a big cardboard box... What time? Not long ago It's half past four...Okay, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the incident...Please investigate around again."

After Conan finished listening, he walked to the bedroom and saw a man kneeling beside Akira Takaoka. He raised his head and asked, "Officer Takagi, who is that person next to Mr. Takaoka?"

"Ah, he's Mr. Osamu Kizuka." Gao Mushe looked at Chi Feichi who was following him, knelt down beside Conan, and looked at the two people kneeling in front of the bed in the bedroom, "He and Mr. Takaoka It was a friend from work, who found the body and called 110 to call the police."

"Huh? That person found Miss Hiroko?" Conan asked in a childish voice, "Why isn't it Mr. Takaoka?"

"He has always wanted to be a playwright. It seems that Mr. Takaoka said that he wanted to borrow some plot ideas from him, so we met here at five o'clock this afternoon. When he came, the door was not locked. After entering the door, he saw Miss Hiroko Takagi said the situation, "After we received the call to the police, we arrived here at 5:20 p.m. Mr. Takaoka arrived not long before us, saying that it was because of a traffic jam or something, so Arrived about 15 minutes later than the scheduled appointment time."

Chi Feichi squatted aside, "What about the alibi?"

Takagi thought it was strange for the two of them to squat and whisper at the scene of the crime, but he didn't think too much about it. He took out his notebook and looked at the investigation records, "Mr. From 1:00 to 1:00, he was busy shipping goods in the warehouse. As for Mr. Takaoka, he said that he went to the white sand coast of his hometown, Fukushima Prefecture, last night to prepare for the filming. I drove back, but no one had seen him on the white sand coast. We are still checking with the hotel where he stayed, and asked colleagues from the Fukushima Prefectural Police Station to help investigate to see if anyone can prove that he has been in the Fukushima Prefecture."

"Officer Takagi," Chi Feichi said in a low voice, "Can I ask you to check the shoes at the door?"

"Shoes at the door?" Gao Mushe turned to look at the door suspiciously.

Conan guessed that Chi Feichi was talking about Hiroko Inoue's shoes, and looked at Chi Feichi in confusion.

Those shoes are a bit strange, but what is the specific investigation... Does his little friend know what's wrong?

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