Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1453 Conan: Lost a happy life

. , Conan's I am not a snake spirit

"The pair of high heels at the door are Miss Hiroko Inoue's shoes, right?"

Chi Feichi asked. In fact, he had already made up his mind, and continued, "Check to see if there is any white sand in it, including Miss Inoue Hiroko's clothes, the bag she may carry when going out, and the gaps between finger and toe nails."

Knowing that the victim's boyfriend is the murderer, there is no need to recall the method. According to the existing clues, this is a method of "killing someone in another place and then transporting the body back, using the space and time difference to create an alibi".

He remembered that this method had appeared more than once in Conan, and he was more sensitive to this kind of method.

And transporting corpses in cardboard boxes in front of him... Don't you know that he is a professional in transporting people in cardboard boxes?

Although he usually delivered live TA-Q-BINs, others delivered 'dead body' electrical appliances.

"Wait..." Conan looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously, "Brother Chi suspects Mr. Takaoka, right? But why?"

Did my friend find Mr. Takaoka suspicious?

He did not believe that Chi Feichi would make unfounded reasoning and judgments.

Chi Feichi looked at the pot of sunflowers on the floor of the living room. It seemed that it was originally placed next to the French window leading to the balcony, but now it fell on the ground in front of the window. If you move, the sunflower disc will also turn..."

Conan looked at the pot of sunflowers from afar, frowning and organizing his thoughts.

Takagi looked at the flowerpot, but he didn't find anything strange about the sunflower, so he said with a dry smile, "Mr. Chi, it's past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun can't shine on the place where the flowerpot is. Bar?"

An idea flashed in Conan's mind, no, this pot of sunflowers is indeed...

"This apartment is the same as mine. The balcony faces south, and the living room has glass windows from the same balcony. The sun will shine directly into the living room at noon," Chi Feichi said, "If Miss Inoue Hiroko was killed between 10:00 and 1:00 , then the house should have been messed up at that time, the curtains were torn off at that time, and the flower pots also fell off at that time. There is no tall building in front of this place, and the weather is cloudless today, and there will be plenty of sunlight coming in. It also hits where the pots are, and the pots of the sunflowers should be turned upside down instead of touching the ground like that."

Takagi She was taken aback for a moment, realizing the problem, "Yeah, that is to say..."

"The time when the curtains were torn and the flower pots fell was not at noon, but an hour or two before we came, so the murderer probably killed Miss Hiroko elsewhere and brought her body back , and at around 4:30 in the afternoon, disguised as a delivery man from an electrical appliance store, packed the corpses in cardboard boxes, and then messed up the living room to create the illusion of a robber killing..." Conan took the words, and after analyzing, he realized When he realized that he was acting too much, he looked up at Chi Feichi with a smile and looked cute, "Brother Chi thinks so, right?"

Gao Mushe's attention was diverted, and he looked at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi nodded to confirm, and added, "It's better to even check the trunk of Mr. Gao Gang's car."

The murderers who use this method seem to like to use the trunk of the car to transport the corpse to the designated place. Even if the corpse is put in the trunk, there is something on it, or it has been put into a cardboard box, there will always be some traces.

Gao Mushe was used to the detectives mysteriously sending him to run errands and investigate, so he said with a headache, "But we don't have the car keys. If we need to investigate the trunk of the car, I'm afraid we have to talk to Mr. Gao Gang..."

"Don't disturb him, that car was bought by Miss Hiroko," Chi Feichi said, turning his head to look at the women's handbag beside the entrance cabinet, "Although Mr. Takaoka is driving it, but Ms. Inoue Hiroko's There should be a spare key."

Takagi nodded seriously, got up and went out to call the forensic personnel.

In the room, Megushisan was asking Mori Kogoro about the situation of Inoue Hiroko, but he didn't realize that his subordinates were sent to work by others again.

Conan turned his head to pay attention to the movement in the living room, and found that Chi Feichi stood up and walked out, and followed him.

Chi Fei was late in the corridor, leaning his back against the wall, lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and then took out his mobile phone to read the email he had just received.

Conan looked up at the distant sky, in a daze.

Why is he not happy at all when he has a clue about the case? Because the uncute brother Chi gave the answer implicitly...

But recently, his little friend is really full of energy. On the isolated island before, he, Hattori, and Baima were three people who solved the window trick. Chi Feichi solved the case, and then Hattori and Baima ran away, leaving him to work. Under the shadow of Chi Feichi...

Is he hoping that Chi Feichi will continue to be active so that the case can be solved as soon as possible to seek justice for the deceased, or is he hoping that the next incident will not happen to Chi Feichi, so that he can experience the joy of solving the case...

The sky where the twilight is gradually disappearing is really depressing, and the loss of a happy life is really heartbreaking...

"Da da da……"

After Chi Feichi replied the email, he put away his phone.

"Brother Chi..." As soon as Conan opened his mouth, he was startled by his own voice. What's the matter with this unlovely tone, cheer up, you must cheer up, "Are you confident in your reasoning? The murderer The delivery man who pretended to be an electrical appliance store may not necessarily be Mr. Takaoka, right? It could also be Mr. Kizuka."

Chi Feichi looked up at the falling night and smoked, "I specially made an appointment with someone at five o'clock in the afternoon, but I came late, probably to let others be the first to find out, although traffic jams are inevitable, But why didn't he make an appointment at 5:30, leaving enough time for himself to prepare and deal with various situations?"

Conan really wanted to say that not everyone would think about it that much, but after thinking about it, this is indeed a place of doubt, so go and check to see if there is anything wrong with it, "The doctor said that he will take everyone to camp the day after tomorrow, are you going?"

"The doctor called me and I agreed." Chi Feichi looked at Tianji calmly.

"Really..." Conan also had a calm face.


He actually talked about camping at the scene of the crime, he fell!

Please do something to cheer him up, for example, police officer Takagi came back and said that Chi Feichi's reasoning was wrong?

Just as he was thinking about it, Gao Mushe walked quickly from the stairs, and found that Chi Feichi and Conan, who had cheered up, looked at him, nodded heavily with a tinge of joy, and took out a stack of evidence bags from his pocket.

Conan: "..."

Life is hopeless.

"We found white singing sand under the insole of Ms. Inoue Hiroko's shoes, and a little white sand was also found in her bag, fingernails and nail clippers," Takagi showed the results of the investigation, suppressing the excitement in his heart, He said solemnly, "In addition, we found a newspaper clipping in Ms. Hiroko's bag, which was the report of Mr. Takaoka's interview in Fukushima last night. This report was only reported by the Fukushima newspaper this morning. Tokyo and There are no other areas, which is enough to show that Ms. Hiroko has been to Fukushima this morning. Also, we have checked the trunk of Mr. Takaoka’s car. There is a blanket on it, and the blanket is very clean, but we found a gap in the car under the blanket. The same white sounding sand was found, which can also prove that there was something in Mr. Gao Gang’s trunk. Now the forensic personnel are still comparing the sand with Miss Hiroko’s belongings and the sand found in the gap between her fingernails. Yes, at present, it is very likely that it is the same beach that is singing sand."

Conan was expressionless.

Great, evidence and verified reasoning in one step.

After listening to Gao Mushe, Chi Feichi said, "Officer Gao Mu, how about you say that you discovered and investigated it?"

"Ah?" Gao Mushe was stunned, scratching his head and laughing awkwardly, "Mr. Chi, it's not because you don't want to take notes?"

Chi Feichi looked at Gao Mushe with a calm face, acquiescing.

if not?

"This is not acceptable," Gao Mushe scratched his head again, smiling on his face, but his eyes were serious, "Sorry, Mr. Chi, I don't have the ability to discover the truth of this incident, if I lie that I discovered it myself Yes, and if you get a reward for it, it will be deceiving everyone, and I will be very uneasy, so I will explain to everyone that you discovered it and asked me to investigate... Uh... Otherwise, you can go to Bring Conan with you when the Metropolitan Police Department takes notes?"

Conan: "?"

Chi Feichi didn't force it, and turned his head to look at the room, "Then you go and reason, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Takagi took a deep breath and nodded seriously, "No problem! Please leave it to me!"

Not everyone can do it in the face of a prisoner's reasoning. The prisoner will use some questioning and misleading remarks to interfere with the reasoning person. , it is best to have a confident and calm posture, so that the guilty prisoners' psychological defenses will collapse.

If the person who speaks the reasoning is obedient and appears guilty, even if the truth is told, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Of course, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Most people will be confident when they say the answer they are sure of. For Takagi Tsutomu, who has evidence and is a policeman, it is no problem to deal with this kind of situation.

In the living room, Akira Takaoka was still explaining his trip to Fukushima to Megushisan, but after Takagi She reasoned and produced evidence, his psychological defense collapsed, and he fell to his knees, "It's all because she didn't Well, I broke up with her, but she didn't agree anyway, saying that I wanted to get rid of her when the opportunity came, which was too much... I also knew that it was wrong for me to do so, but she said that she had paid for me So much effort, now it's finally my turn to take care of her, she wants me to spend my whole life to repay her... I was really scared when I heard her say that, I know, she will follow me like a shadow for the rest of my life, I'm not willing to be tied up by her for the rest of my life, so I want to say that I must defend my own freedom..."

Mori Kogoro frowned and stared at Akira Takaoka, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

At the door, Chi Feichi caught the loopholes in Gao Gangming's rhetoric, "If you want to be free, you just broke up with her a few years ago? No matter how much you talk about it, it's forget about it when you're happy, and you're proud of it." Forget it."

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