Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1484 Hui Yuan Ai: Childish Happiness

Thinking about it, Conan looked at Chi Feichi who was sitting beside him, and found that Chi Feichi was looking at the people who were leaving the scene outside the window, half of his sharp-edged face was hidden in the shadows, his expression was calm and unwavering, his eyes were focused, but he was obviously distracted .

It seems that no matter how time passes, light and shadow intertwine, no matter how things rise and fall, the people around them can still maintain this posture and sit down peacefully with this expression, but they are left out, unable to enter that world.


What kind of weird feeling does he have?

However, Chi Feichi seemed to be vaguely aware of the loneliness in Chi Feichi's body.

It was a very special feeling of loneliness, not as strong or painful as others, on the contrary, it was very peaceful, and I didn't even know if it could be called loneliness.

If I have to say it, the loneliness of other people is like a person trying to reach out his hand, silently shouting and beckoning to others in pain, longing for others to come closer, and Chi Feichi is

'Stay away, don't disturb Lao Tzu's cleanliness! '

Seeing that Chi Feichi was in a daze, Huiyuan mourned and wanted to relieve the dull atmosphere, yawned, and stood up pretending to be light, "By the way, sister Xiaolan and the others should go out with the guests, and they are already waiting for us outside now." Yes, there was an explosion outside, and the children must have already started arguing."

"That's right," Conan returned to his senses, worried that Chi Feichi was depressed, he agreed with a smile, and raised his head obediently and said to Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, let's go find them quickly, everyone must be waiting for us Woolen cloth!"

He wants to remind his friends: Look around, there are so many of them, there is no need to be lonely!

Chi Feichi guessed that the two of them were thinking too much again, so he stood up and said, "I didn't think too much, loneliness exists in everyone's heart, it's nothing strange."

Loneliness has different colors.

Some are the same as Pu Hejiang, withered and yellow like withered leaves; Sneaking out from the crowd from time to time, dark red like a naughty child, maybe some people will have the same transparent color as when he dances.

The others were laughing, crying, and making noises, but he alone seemed to be cut off by invisible things, and that feeling was very subtle.

Even if it is a pair of twins in the same situation, the loneliness they feel will not be exactly the same.

Just because people's hearts cannot be completely connected, loneliness will parasitize in each individual's heart, and it will pop out at any time.

But he doesn't feel uncomfortable, just live as he should, and just ignore the sense of isolation. In the depths of loneliness, everyone's unique self is hidden, and that is his own space, a place where he can get the ultimate tranquility.

If others wanted to disturb him, he would not be happy.

"Then what was brother Chi thinking just now, why was he thinking so preoccupied?" Conan pretended to be curious and ignorant, and asked secretly.

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan and walked out the door, "I was wondering why I couldn't find Mr. Pu He's mood when Mr. Pu He was staring at me that day."

It was a mistake, a big mistake.

If he finds out, maybe he will have a tuner who dares to carry a gun to attack, dare to make explosions again and again, dare to chase people under the nose of the police and retreat in time .

It's not regrettable, this talent is gone, and there will be another one, but he is reflecting on where he made this mistake and how to improve himself next time.

After Conan was taken aback, he quickened his pace and followed Chi Feichi. Although Chi Feichi's glance was cold just now, he remembered that he had had this kind of regret before. He knew how uncomfortable that feeling was. After thinking about it, he also I didn't expect to be comforted. When I went out, I pretended to be a serious child, raised my head and said, "Brother Chi has done a good job, just like Sherlock Holmes!"

Chi Feichi felt that Conan and his thoughts were not on the same line, but thinking about the recent performance of the famous detective, he still raised his hand and patted Conan's head softly, "Conan is becoming more and more like Sherlock Holmes."

Huiyuan Ai was speechless for a while, although she knew that Edogawa was worried that Brother Feichi would be decadent, but this scene became more and more like two people flattering each other.

"Brother Chi thinks so?" Conan's eyes lit up.

Is this generally accepted? no.

Others said that he was 'Sherlock Holmes in the Heisei era'. Now facing this kind of praise, his mentality is much calmer, but Chi Feichi is different. Chi Feichi's reasoning is better than him. Chi Feichi's approval and praise are very Rare.

He can play with Hattori for a while!

Chi Feichi nodded, "Yes."

A famous detective is growing up, not in terms of ability, but in terms of becoming more and more humane, much more mature than Kudo Shinichi, who was immersed in glory and didn't know how to feel other people's feelings.

Conan raised his hand and scratched his head, smiled embarrassedly, and seemed a little proud, "Actually, not at all, haha... I'm still a lot worse..."

Hui Yuanai followed Feichi in his arms, Ban Yue looked at the two of them, and complained in her heart, "childish and incomprehensible happiness".

Chi Feichi took over Feichi who was being hugged by Hui Yuanai, and put a black cigarette case in Hui Yuanai's hand by the way.

Hui Yuan Ai looked down at the cigarette case and thought of a possibility. He opened it and poured out a handful of fruit-shaped candies. He picked a blueberry-flavored one, peeled off the wrapper and put it in his mouth, and put the other candies into the cigarette. box, stuff it in your pocket.

Always giving her fruit candies, Brother Feichi really treats her like a child? childish.


Two days later, five elementary school students were wearing thick cotton clothes and walking on the streets of Kabado-cho.

Conan walked at the end, keeping a little distance from the chattering three children, and was on the phone with Hattori Heiji.

"So, after you went out, you found that Xiaolan was depressed, so you used the sound of the violin to lure her into the woods?"

"Yeah, a lot of people were there at the time, and Brother Chi was there too," Conan said in a low voice, "Although Belmode knows my identity, I still don't want her to have too many clues about Kudo Shinichi, and I'm also I think it’s better for Brother Chi not to know about these things, Hattori, you’ve also heard from Baima Tan that last time Brother Chi seemed to see something scary outside the window, I asked him directly, and he said it was not a hallucination..."

"Isn't that great?" Hattori Heiji said carelessly, "Maybe Brother Feichi suddenly thought of a terrible case!"

"Please think about Brother Chi's character, no matter how terrible the case is, he won't show that expression, right?" Conan said speechlessly, "He said that he suddenly remembered something, and felt that he had put a part of reality in the past. Confused with the dream."

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji was a little confused, "Confused?"

"It should be that what I thought was a dream is actually reality, and what I thought was reality is actually just a dream." Conan felt a headache when he thought about it, "It's no wonder he showed a terrible expression, and suddenly realized that this If it were you, you would be shocked too, right?"

"It's very scary..." Hattori Heiji sighed, "I assumed that after thinking about it like this, I always feel that my memory is messed up!"

"That's why I don't think I should tell him that he is very powerful, but sometimes he is in a bad state," Conan said, thinking of the cut on Chi Feichi's arm, "and..."

Hattori Heiji didn't wait for the next sentence for a long time, and asked in confusion, "And what?"

"Uh," Conan hesitated for a moment, but decided to help Chi Feichi keep it a secret, "It's nothing, I just want to say, if he finds out, one day his state goes out of order, he might do something dangerous."

"That's right, then you should persuade Brother Feichi to treat him well, right?" Hattori Heiji said with a hint of pride in his voice, "But in fact, it is enough for me to help you investigate, the father of Xiaolan's suspicious classmate, but I A clue for you to find!"

"Got it," Conan said with half-moon eyes, "I've already said thank you, how many times do you have to mention it?"

"Then let me mention something else," Hattori Heiji began to gossip, "You used the sound of the violin to lure people to the small forest, and then what? Did you take the opportunity to confess your love?"

"I want your mother-in-law!" Conan's hair was black. "I just failed to promise her to go to the concert. Seeing her lost, I feel a little guilty. What does it have to do with what you said?"

"Oh...really?" Hattori Heiji laughed.

Conan made a note of Hattori Heiji in his heart, and soon he felt better again, "Then let me tell you one more thing. That night, Brother Chi said that I am becoming more and more like Sherlock Holmes."

"Like Sherlock Holmes?" Hattori Heiji said, "You used to be called the Heisei era..."


Seeing Hattori Heiji's reaction, Conan said with a smile, "Hatbu~Brother Chi rarely praises others, at least I don't think he will praise you that much."

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth: "You wait!"


Conan put down the phone, looked at the call end page, and put the phone back in his pocket in a good mood.

Osaka, Japanese-style house.

With a dark face, Hattori Heiji dialed Chi Feichi's number.



Hearing Mo De's emotional greeting over there, Hattori Heiji was sweating, and the impulse brought by his disobedience faded a lot, but he still greeted with a smile, "Brother Feichi, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance!"

There was silence on the phone, "I'll transfer the lucky money to you from the UL software, remember to collect it."

"New year's money, New Year's money?" Hattori Heiji's peasy eyes said, "It's not because of this..."

"I also wish you a Happy New Year in advance," Chi Feichi said.

"Uh, thank you, Brother Feichi," Hattori Heiji scratched his head. He didn't expect to receive other people's New Year's Eve besides his own parents, Toyama and Ye's father's New Year's Eve. As a brat, "Actually, there is one more thing I want to ask you... Do you think I look like Sherlock Holmes?"

Looking forward to it, especially looking forward to it.

There was silence on the phone again, "Crazy."


Hattori Heiji's expression froze.


One moment I wished him a happy new year in advance, but the next moment I gave him a happy new year, how could Brother Feichi be like this!

Downstairs in the Kubado-cho apartment, Chi Feichi hung up the phone, feeling a little baffled by Hattori Heiji.

What is "Do I look like Sherlock Holmes"?

In terms of skin color, Sherlock Holmes is British, with white skin, and Hattori Heiji is black, which is too far away; in terms of personality, Holmes is usually withdrawn and quiet, which is completely different from Hattori Heiji; in terms of hobbies, except Solving the case is much worse...

"Brother Chi!"

Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko who walked to the front of the building sang, their eyes lit up, they ran forward quickly, and stretched out their hands with bright smiles.

"Brother Chi, Happy New Year~!"

"Brother Chi, Happy New Year!"

"Brother Feichi, Happy New Year!"

Haibara Ai and Conan also extended their hands to join in the fun.

Chi Feichi understood in a second, and took out a stack of lucky money red envelopes from his pocket, and put one in his small hand, "You too, Happy New Year."

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