Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1485 Only Surprise, No Joy!

"Thank you, Brother Chi!"

The three little devils put away the New Year's money contentedly.

Huiyuan Ai looked up and saw Feichi cautiously looking at them from his sleeve. Thinking of the cold weather, he didn't pull Feichi out. He reached out and nodded Feichi's head, "Feichi, you too, Happy New Year."

"By the way, I want to say Happy New Year to Feichi!"

The three children and Conanwei stepped forward to look at Feichi.

"Feichi, Happy New Year," Ayumi said with a smile, then raised her head and asked Chi Feichi, "But, did Brother Chi plan to go out just now?"

"It's really lucky!" Yuan Tai said with emotion, "If we were one step late, we might have missed Brother Chi!"

"No." Chi Feichi said.

Conan, who was addicted to reasoning, smiled and said, "Because Brother Chi is not planning to go out, but just came back from outside, right?"

"Huh?" The three children turned their heads to look at Chi Feichi.

"Look, there is a bit of dirt scratched on the side of Brother Chi's shoe, probably left by going out for morning exercises in the morning." Conan leaned closer to Chi Feichi and sniffed, "I still have the car keys in my hand, and there are The smell of disinfectant, you drove to the hospital after morning exercise, and you just came back now?"

"Go to the hospital?" Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, "Is there something wrong with your body?"

"It wasn't me. I ran into Yingyou when I came back from morning exercise and went to buy lucky money red envelopes," Chi Feichi said. "He was going to the hospital, so I drove him to the hospital by the way. He really just came back."

The new year is coming again, which is quite unexpected for him. When he went out for morning exercises early in the morning, he just temporarily bought red envelopes containing New Year's money. When he went, there were not many red envelopes left.

I don't know how many times this situation will happen this year. Anyway, he doesn't think that tomorrow will pass this year, and he probably will suddenly jump to a certain day after the next year.

Fortunately, he sent a lot of lucky money red envelopes directly from the Internet, and the few red envelopes he bought were enough.

When Conan heard the word 'hospital', his face froze, and he tried to keep his expression calm, "Doctor, hospital? Brother Yingyou, is he sick?"

what happened?

Didn't Xiaolan say that Hondo Eiyu lost contact after the winter vacation? Why is it still related to the hospital?

"When he transferred from another school, Zhiming and I suspected that his clumsy movement was due to sensory integration disorder," Chi Feichi explained, "He went for a checkup after the holiday, and it was affected by sensory integration disorder, and he may need a doctor's guidance He had a long period of adjustment therapy."

"Sensory integration disorder?" Ayumi asked curiously, "What kind of disease is this?"

"His symptoms are poor spatial perception and easy bumping into things." Chi Feichi said.

Mitsuhiko couldn't help but sighed, "People are really amazing, they can get all kinds of strange diseases."

Yuan Tai nodded again and again, "Before I met Brother Chi, I didn't know that there were still people who were mentally ill!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Are you polite?

"Which hospital did he go to?" Conan asked eagerly, and then quickly added, "I think, I can go to see him with Sister Xiaolan and Sister Yuanzi when I have time!"

"Cupato Central Hospital, but he doesn't need to be hospitalized, he just goes to the hospital occasionally to communicate with the doctor about his recovery," Chi Feichi said, "And he doesn't want others to know, probably because he doesn't want to be disturbed, and he also wants to give you a surprise. "

Conan: "..."

Only surprise, no joy!

Guang Yanxing answered Chi Feichi's question, "We will go to the Maori Detective Agency next..."

Hui Yuanai waited for the time when the three children were pestering Chi Feichi to speak, approached Conan who was bowing his head in thought, and asked in a low voice, "Cuphu Central Hospital, I remember that is the hospital where the hostess is?"

Conan nodded his head and gave a 'huh'. After regaining his senses, he smiled at Hui Yuanai, "Okay, since Brother Chi and the new doctor made the judgment first, it's probably true that he went to the hospital to see a doctor..."

"But whether he really has a sensory integration disorder, or whether he found something in the hospital and found an excuse to go in and out of the hospital frequently, then it is impossible to be sure." , it was a bit of a coincidence."

"When he was with us, he never mentioned that he wanted to find Mizumu Rennai, and he has been secretly inquiring about it. This is his biggest secret, and he probably didn't tell Brother Chi that he was looking for Mizumu Rennai," Conan said. Recalling the details of getting along with Eisuke Hondo, he analyzed, "If he finds out that Rena Mizumu is in the Kubato Central Hospital, he will only act on his own, and it is impossible for Brother Chi to send him there, so he is unlikely to find anything. Of course, I'll call Teacher Judy later, and tell those pushy people to be careful."

"There is a very important issue, his identity, and his connection with that organization," Haibara Ai recalled the situation he went to Osaka to investigate with Dr. Ali and Conan not long ago, and said thoughtfully, "He His father works for the 'company', the so-called 'company', does it mean the same as the F..."

"Maybe, I have asked Mr. Judy and the others to investigate the identity of his father," Conan said with a smile when he saw Hui Yuanai's face was ugly, "Don't worry, at least I can be sure that he is not the same as those guys." dude."

"How can I rest assured?" Hui Yuanai looked dissatisfied, "That guy took Brother Feichi to Beihu Central Hospital, where there are all cunning people, and people from the organization may come to him at any time. will get sucked in."

Conan could only laugh dryly, "He didn't mean it either."


The three children had to go to Kogoro Moori to get another New Year's Eve money. Hui Yuanai said that he was too lazy to run, so he decided to go upstairs to play games with Chi Feichi.

Conan guessed that Haibara Ai's sensitive nerves were touched by the "Kabato Central Hospital", and he would definitely not be at ease if he didn't follow, and he didn't persuade him much, and took the three children to harm Mori Kogoro.

Throughout the morning, except for Kazuki Kazuki who was brought by Atsuko Saneda to the door, sent New Year blessings, and received red envelopes for New Year's money, there were no other visitors in Chi Feichi's apartment.

After lunch, the brother and sister sat on the floor in front of the TV, playing games in rotation all afternoon.

After the sky completely darkened, Chi Feichi went into the kitchen to cook dumplings.

Regardless of whether it is the Spring Festival or not, he feels that eating dumplings is more ceremonial.

Hui Yuan Ai put down the game controller, raised his hand to move his stiff arm, and got up to collect the dolls and game discs that were thrown on the ground.

She was overwrought in the morning.

That hall, Yingyou, just called Shang Feichi to the Cuphu Central Hospital this morning, and she will definitely not ask Feichi to go again in the near future. She shouldn't come today to prevent Feichi from being involved in trouble.

Besides, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and everyone is very busy. The children are busy asking for New Year's money, and the adults are busy dealing with the children. It is impossible for someone to ask Brother Feichi to go somewhere...

But it's good to be here, it's very comfortable to stay in the warm room and play games with Brother Feichi.


Chi Feichi's mobile phone on the TV cabinet beeped softly, and the screen lit up.

Hui Yuanai looked up and said, "Brother Feichi, someone sent you a UL message."

"Who sent it?" Chi Feichi asked in the kitchen.

Hui Yuanai looked at the screen of the mobile phone, "It shows that it's... a playwright."

Feichi was stunned for a moment, and quickly rushed to the TV cabinet to confirm.

In the kitchen, Chi Feichi paused for a moment while scooping up dumplings with a colander, and continued to put the scooped up dumplings into the soup bowl, "What did you say?"

Gin is very cautious, it is impossible to use the UL chat software to send out organizational matters, so it is not a big problem.

"Preparation for the show is complete, a rare end-of-year execution drama..." After Huiyuan mourned, he turned to look at the kitchen, "That's all displayed on the screen of the phone, and the rest of the content can't be seen."

"Then don't worry about it, I'll watch it later," Chi Feichi said, "Wash your hands and eat."

"Wait a minute, the living room will be cleaned up soon."

Huiyuan Ai moved quickly, put the game disc back, and hung back the Kidd doll that Feichi had taken off the wall, and quickly ran to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Xiaomei hid herself in the living room, unpacked the CD case, and cleaned the ashtray on the table. When Huiyuan Ai went to the restaurant, she obediently stopped.

Hui Yuan Ai didn't look at the living room much, and smelled the smell of food, went to the dining room and sat down, waited for Chi Feichi to serve two bowls of dumplings on the table, and seriously shouted "I'm going to start", looked up and found that Chi Feichi had already started to eat the dumplings , Speechlessly moving his chopsticks, "Does that theater fortune teller want to invite you to a New Year's performance?"

"He is the screenwriter and planner of that play." Chi Feichi said.

"Hmm... Vegetarian dumplings tonight?" Hui Yuan Ai ate a dumpling, and the conversation became very lively, "By the way, I have nothing else to do with the doctor during the New Year, and the performance will not be related to ancient executions or anything. Right? Performing this kind of repertoire in the New Year is really unique, I don’t know if the doctor is interested.”

"There are meat and vegetable dumplings, I put them randomly," Chi Feichi took over the two topics while eating, "Are you interested in this kind of play?"

Hui Yuanai replied earnestly, "I can't say I'm very interested, but the drama with historical content is not very boring, there are always some thoughts in it..."

Chi Feichi interrupted, "But this genre is not suitable for children to watch."

"Treat me like a child who doesn't understand anything..."

Hui Yuanai murmured speechlessly, knowing that her "New Year's viewing plan" was in vain, since Brother Feichi said so, he would never take her there.

After the meal, the two cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. Xiaomei was so depressed that she avoided Hui Yuanai at the door of the kitchen and played "ghost flash".

Hui Yuanai dried her hands, gently picked up Fei Chi on the table to digest food, and went to the living room to watch Nimai TV's New Year's special program.

Chi Feichi took out the cup, put ice pucks in the cup, poured rye whiskey, and returned to the living room, sat on the sofa to reply to the UL message.

[Fate Master: The preparations for the play are complete, and the rare end-of-year execution drama will start as scheduled, and reservations will be made for tomorrow morning. 】

[Scarecrow: Ok. 】

Probably because he was relaxing after dinner, many people sent New Year greetings one after another, and he also needed to reply.

However, after replying in a circle, during the "expected contact time", Nanatsuki Koshimizu did not move.

Before that, he hired a lawyer to help Nanatsuki Yueshui. The lawyer came back this morning and called him to say that the task was completed. That is to say, Nanatsuki Yueshui should contact him no matter whether it is New Year's Eve or not.

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