Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1491 The Fish Downstream

"So that's how it is," Belmode took the words and said with an understated smile, "That woman was wearing the same outfit that she wore when she joined the bank. The photos found in the women's employment materials used the same dress to interfere with the judgment of witnesses and diverted our tracking direction."

The clothes I wore when I joined the job a few years ago are not in line with today's economic conditions, age, or even trends. If you don't notice this plan, the clothes you wear are easy to be ignored, and even if you notice, you won't pay too much attention. After all, people may also wear such a suit to bid farewell to the past and because of time constraints.

But once he noticed this plan, the outdated clothes seemed very abrupt.

In addition to the fact that the car will pass by the industrial park and the time schedule for the industrial park to deliver the goods to the dock every night, it is no wonder that Gin dares to say this plan with such certainty...

"Brother, it's been two weeks. Didn't that person leave the country with the cargo?" Vodka asked.

"The cargo from the pier has to go through multiple inspections. It is impossible for that woman to just pass by like this, and they cannot bribe the people on the entire line. There is no way for that woman to escape from this line!" Qin Jiu arrived at the embankment Highway, turned to look at the man in the river, "If someone finds a woman unconscious in the box, they should call the police immediately, and then the police will take the woman away before the organization finds the person. I think this is what he envisioned. Of course, it is also possible that the woman hid in the box by herself, so the woman would attack and stun the delivery man while the delivery man was checking the box while the box was open, and leave from there..."

"That's two weeks for her to escape, gin?" Chianti said, "I haven't heard of any woman found unconscious in the box at the pier. It's unlikely that the woman has contacted the police, but there are many opportunities Escape from Tokyo by other routes!"

"Yeah, even if she got in touch with the police, she doesn't have any evidence to prove the existence of the organization, but Srivova is at the pier these days, if a policeman suddenly passes by, he will tell that one, and we will also We will definitely get the news, the woman was not taken over by the police, and our people who were watching near the Metropolitan Police Department did not see her report the crime, which means that she has not yet contacted the police..."

As Qin Jiu spoke, he turned to look at Chi Feichi.

At present, it doesn't matter much if the woman runs away, because there is nothing at hand that may endanger the organization in the slightest. If they can't catch people for a while, they are at most just upset, but in fact, they don't need to worry. found clues.

Whether it is leaving Tokyo by water, going to other places, or leaving Tokyo by land, it is impossible for that woman to escape too quickly if she does not ask for help from others. At present, it is better to leave Tokyo and seek help from others. They have mastered that woman. All the dating information, financial accounts, as long as the woman makes a move, they are all clues.

Furthermore, since the plan of the two of them has been detected, some clues can be found from the delivery route and terminal station in the industrial park, and even Srivova, who was recently at the dock, can also be manned through the smuggling line at the dock. Look for witnesses of the woman leaving.

In short, there are too many ways to obtain clues. If the organization concentrates on the investigation, it will be possible to figure out the woman's escape route within three days.

What he cared about was Lak's abnormal behavior.

He turned around suddenly and left the water, and gave him a warning look, which meant 'it may be dangerous to bring the water, stay away as soon as possible', and then kept looking upstream, probably found something...

"The fish is wrong..." Chi Feichi still looked at the upstream, his hoarse voice became lighter after being suppressed, "There is something floating down the upstream."

Gin looked at the darkening sky, "Are you going to take the waterway?"

"It's not a single individual entering the water, otherwise so many fish would not be disturbed," Chi Feichi hissed, "There is also a very faint smell of blood drifting with the water..."

During severe cold weather, the temperature in the water will be a little higher, but not much higher.

When the sun is shining, the temperature in the shallow water area rises, and the fish will float up. On the contrary, if it is cloudy, the temperature in the deep water area will be higher. When the fish swim in the river, they will choose a position near the bottom of the river. It won't be fast either.

There is no sun all day today, and the air is as cold as ice. The fish should stay in the deeper water area. In a low-light environment, it is difficult to see fish in the water standing on the shore.

But he just looked upstream and saw fish from the surface.

No trace of more than one fish.

He also saw silver carp, which likes to dive into deep water for the winter, but at the same time, this fish is also timid and easily alarmed, and its movements are not very agile.

Seeing silver carp appearing abnormally in shallower water levels, and changing their habit of lazy diving, as if they were disturbed by something, they went downstream with the current, so they could judge that something had entered the water.

This river has a wide surface and deep water. It is not a single individual that can disturb so many fish. Even if an adult swims over, it is unlikely to disturb so many fish. , the faint smell of blood coming from the upper reaches...

It's a pity that if he could sell favors, he tended to pretend to be stupid and give this man a chance, but he continued to stay by the water, he was not sure what would happen, whether he would be in danger, so he could only get out of the water as soon as possible edge, and suddenly leaving the water's edge meant that he needed an explanation.

We can only expose this anomaly.


As night fell, the light under the bridge became increasingly dim.

Shan An, who was suspended under the bridge, felt that his hands and feet were so numb that he couldn’t move. He lowered his head and stared at the water for a while, and noticed that the people guarding nearby turned around and walked up. He raised his head with difficulty and saw the car parked above leave, feeling a little more foolish in his heart. ridicule.

It seems that the people in the organization felt that he couldn't catch anything with this bait, and had lost interest in keeping it.

The calculation time is about the same. In less than a minute, the organization's snipers will shoot him in the vitals without hesitation. In this kind of darkness, they still have the confidence to let him kill him with one blow. It's disgustingly conceited.

In the river, the school of fish swam past the mountain bank in an awkward posture, more like struggling and twitching in pain.

Not long after swimming forward, a bomb with a flashing red warning light detonated in the belly of a fish that was cut open and closed. The flash of fire was very dazzling at night, but it was quickly extinguished by the rising water column .

But there were more than one explosion, and the fish that passed by Shan'an exploded in front of them one after another. Amidst the rumbling sound, the water column and splashing water completely covered the bridge, and also blocked the stunned Shan'an's figure.


Beside Shan'an, a figure in a diving suit emerged from the water, gritted his teeth and raised his hand to cut the rope.

"You..." Yamagishi turned to look at the woman in surprise.

"Go! Don't show your head on the surface of the water. There is a boat downstream. Let's leave from the bottom of the boat!" Before the woman had time to talk, she stuffed the mouthpiece of the oxygen tube she had prepared in advance into the mouth of the mountain bank, dragging the weak hands and feet of the mountain bank to dive .

Yamagishi wanted to struggle, but he had no strength. He wanted to talk, but he took a mouthful of water that smelled more like fish or gunpowder. He could only bite the nozzle of the oxygen tube and let the woman lead him through. A body of water in which a column of water rises and falls.

"This, what's going on..."

It seemed that the shouts of people who hadn't gone far could be heard from the shore, and they were quickly left behind by the two who were swiftly going down the river.

Being led forward in the water, the two of Yamagishi suddenly had a trance feeling of being transformed into fish and swimming all the way to the sea. It seemed that after they left here, what was waiting for them outside was the free and vast sky, until...

A bright light suddenly lit up at the bottom of the water, as if the pitch-black river instantly turned into the entrance of a wonderful dream, but in reality, it was a fatal light leading to death.

Underwater lighting!

The expression of the woman diving in the water suddenly changed, and it was too late to turn back, not only because she was illuminated too suddenly, her movements could not keep up with the reaction speed of her brain, and she was unable to turn around and swim back for a long time, but also because she was illuminated too suddenly. The illuminated area was too large, and they couldn't swim in this bright water anyway.

More importantly, with a premonition of death coming, her hands and feet became too heavy, and it became difficult to move around...

"I found it, I can see it clearly, and both targets are here!"

On a tall building nearby, Chianti stared at the scope, looked at the two figures in the illuminated river in the water, with excited anticipation in his eyes, "Okay, Gin, hurry up and decide! It's the first time to kill that Traitor, or should we deal with the woman who was already on the cleaning list first?"

On the embankment, Qin Jiu was standing beside the car, looking at the illuminated area of ​​the river, and clearly saw the two people in the water, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Do it in the order that should be, let that traitor Knowing that nothing he does is going to help!"

"Understood! Cohen, then you come first!"


No nonsense, Cohen aimed at the woman in the water and pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew through the air, through the water, and finally through the woman's head.

As the bullet penetrated, a wisp of bright red was brought out, and before it was completely diluted by the river water, it was mixed with a large amount of gushing blood.

Yamagishi's pupils dilated, staring at the blood-wrapped figure beside him, his expression just changed from surprise to grief and anger, when a bullet pierced through his upturned head.

"The marksmanship is still so good, Cohen, Chianti..."

On the embankment, Vodka stood by the car, observed the two people in the water with binoculars, and praised them without hesitation, "Those two guys are so dead that they can't die anymore!"

Chi Feichi looked at the river surface that was quickly stained red with blood, his golden wig cast a shadow on his face, and a scratch stayed on the left side of Yi Rong's face, adding a gloomy and menacing look to his indifferent expression.

He seems to have killed two more...

However, the two men's absconding plan would not have worked.

Even if at the beginning, the people in the organization let the two escape into the water because of the unexpected explosion and splashing water, but the lighting in the water was already prepared. As long as the upper and lower rivers and the river case are blocked, the two people will not be able to escape. .

The criminal group hates traitors deeply. When everyone commits a crime together, they have to be careful not to allow anyone to obtain evidence or clues. At this time, a person who has information on the team suddenly betrays, and the blow is devastating. Almost It means that a line is completely paralyzed. If it is more serious, many people will be at risk of being arrested.

Well, after a comprehensive analysis, the ending has little to do with his reminder.

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