Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1492 Chi Feichi, a frequent customer of the hospital

Chianti received the compliment and was in a good mood, "Okay, Gin, let's withdraw first!"

"Ah... You guys should withdraw first," Qin Jiu responded, cut off the communication of the communication headset, took out his mobile phone, and called the person by the upstream bridge, "Clean up the traces..."

Vodka put down the binoculars and said with a smile, "Those two guys didn't expect that we prepared underwater lighting, and the expressions just now were really exciting."

"Rum was well prepared."

Chi Feichi expressed his approval of Rum's logistics work.

"Yeah," Vodka laughed, "Boss Rum is really thoughtful!"

Gin Jiu, who hung up the phone, glanced at Chi Feichi, turned around and opened the car door to get in the car, "If after the last action against Akai Shuichi, it is impossible to advance the underwater searchlight at this kind of water, Rum's logistics chief The manager has failed too much!"

Please Lark think about who has been leading the movement, think about who has been letting the car ride, think about who is running around here...

Rum's logistics should be prepared for underwater lighting. Is this also worthy of praise? Why don't you think about the fact that the intelligence team even stared at the wrong person this time?

If they hadn't retreated, even if they were sure to deal with the accident, they would have been splashed all over in embarrassment.

Forget about vodka, why does Lark join in the fun when he praises him every day? He thinks that Rum is well prepared, and he still has to give Rum a "Best of the Show" award for his feelings?

The position is outrageously crooked, it is simply unreasonable!

Chi Feichi looked sideways at the Gin in the car, and a question mark appeared in his mind.

Let's not talk about why Qinjiu suddenly acted like 'I'm upset'. If you're unhappy, you can't be happy. Why did you use the action against Akai Shuichi last time to stab him?

That operation was led by him, but it failed. If he hadn't planned to kill Akai Shuichi in the first place, Gin's words would be just throwing salt at his scars.

But what happened to him? Thinking about it carefully, he meant that Rum was well-prepared. During the operation, their logistics manager always considered various possibilities and put the things they might need in a place that was convenient for them to take. It was almost enough to deal with N plans, N An accident, well prepared.

Not only is Gin's temper inexplicable, but it's also inexplicable against him... Snake spirit disease!


A fire ignited under the bridge, destroying all the traces left by the peripheral members when they hanged people.

Before the fire was fully lit, the people who set the fire cleared all the wheel marks on the embankment and evacuated the scene.

Since this area is inaccessible, no vehicles or passers-by noticed the 'fire under the bridge' until the fire was extinguished. At the same time, the two bodies drifted with the water. It was difficult to be found in time on this winter night when most people stayed at home. Organizations have more time to confirm traces are cleared.

After the Porsche 356A left, it didn't wander around blindly, but stopped in a secluded place.

In the car, Chi Feichi cooperated with Gin to deal with the follow-up.

Confirmation of Chianti and Cohen evacuation...

Contact Rum to confirm site cleanup...

Tell some people to drive around the embankment and destroy the rut marks that should have been cleaned up...

Vodka always felt that the atmosphere in the car was not very good. He looked at the gin next to him on the phone, and then looked in the rearview mirror at Chi Feichi, who was wearing a fake face in the back seat and helping to confirm the situation by email. He couldn't see anything. not good.

Illusion, it must be that the elder brother and Lak are both busy, the atmosphere is too solemn, which made him have an illusion.

Would you like to say something to lighten the mood? Or don't disturb the two of them doing business?

"Just let him drive by there, and you don't need to do anything... After he leaves, don't contact him in the near future, wait for my news." After finishing speaking, Qin Jiu hung up the phone, and silently reflected on whether the scar he had just exposed was not exposed. Too much.

It's a pity that the one who made Lark firmly believe in "killing Akai Shuichi" failed last time. It is estimated that Lark has always had a thorn in his heart...

Even if the scars are exposed, it shouldn't be in front of other people. Isn't that a blow to a certain Lak's proud self-esteem?

Vodka lit a cigarette. Seeing that the gin was finished, he turned around and saw a vending machine on the street not far away, and asked aloud, "Brother, Lark, do you want to buy something?"

"Need not."

"Need not."

The uniform and indifferent refusal made Vodka a little embarrassed, scratched his head, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Uh, then I'll go buy a pack of cigarettes."

There was no one on the street. Chi Feichi watched the vodka go to the vending machine, and then looked at the gin in the front seat. When he thought that inhaling too much second-hand smoke was more likely to cause cancer than smokers, he thought about it. Do you want to have a 'mutual harm' with the vodka and gin bastards.

For more than an hour, there was only second-hand smoke in the car, and there was hardly a minute of idle time!

Gin lit a cigarette, and raised his eyes to pay attention to Vodka who received a call in front of the vending machine, "Where will I take you?"

After Chi Feichi thought about it, he gave up lighting up, "No. 119."

"Hmph..." Qin Jiu smiled, "You don't plan to report to that person just because I mentioned that action?"

"Am I that stingy?" Chi Feichi asked back speechlessly, raised his eyes and looked at the car coming from behind the car through the exterior rearview mirror, and said hoarsely, "Seven years ago, in England..."


The car behind passed by and drove to the intersection ahead.

After the car passed by, Vodka came to the Porsche 356A with his mobile phone in hand, opened the door and got in the car.

"Brother, there is news about Keir!"

"That person..." Chi Feichi's words were interrupted, and he didn't continue.

Vodka turned to look at Chi Feichi who had fallen silent in the back seat, wondering if he interrupted him inappropriately.

"If what you want is an answer, then I can give you the answer. Your guess is correct," Gin Jiu broke the silence, smoking his pipe, "If you want to know the specific situation, you have to ask that person, I have no memory of what you said."

"I guess you don't remember either." Chi Feichi hissed.

"It's not that I forgot, I didn't participate in that operation at all," Gin couldn't help explaining before saying to Vodka who got into the car, "Vodka, let's go to Lark's laboratory!"

Really, is he the kind of person who forgets all about it after the action?

For people who die when they die, that's true, but if he met Lark in that operation seven years ago, it's impossible not to remember it!

"Ah, good!" Vodka started the car, turned around, and headed to the rear intersection, "Brother, we have news about Keel's whereabouts."

Gin understands the progress of the current investigation, and guesses what the news that makes Vodka so excited, "Find the cage where Kiel was imprisoned by the FBI?"

"Yeah," Vodka asked directly when he heard the gin, and told the situation without avoiding Chi Feichi in the back seat, "At about nine o'clock this morning, the guy who was lurking in the Cupido Central Hospital sent a message to that person. The email said that it was discovered, and I will confirm it tonight. After that, there was no news, and the person lost contact. The person who responded tonight went to the hospital to have a look. The entrance of the hospital is really bustling with foreign faces. In front of the hospital, it's very lively."

"Hmph, Is it the Cupido Central Hospital..." Qin Jiu sneered, "That person mentioned that Lak also went to the Cupido Central Hospital yesterday morning and found something abnormal there, so we can pay attention to it. I thought there would be news today."

"Huh?" Vodka asked curiously, "Has Lark been to Kubado Central Hospital recently?"

"After Kiel's accident, he has been to more than just the Central Hospital of Kushido," Gin said with a smile on his lips, "Mihua Central Hospital, Mihua South Hospital, Kuwano Hospital, and even the hospitals in Nishitama City... Maybe there is another small clinic."

Vodka became even more curious, "Luck, are you also secretly investigating Kiel's whereabouts?"

Chi Feichi: "..."


What should he say...

He didn't intentionally go to various hospitals to visit and investigate, just because one day he was stabbed by a prisoner in a certain incident, one day the wound was opened and he chose the nearest hospital for examination, one day he encountered an attack, and one day he encountered an explosion. Occasionally, his teacher would pick up strange wounded people, or his teacher had a detective friend who was hospitalized, or just dropped by to help Xinchu Zhiming get medical equipment...

Qin Jiu was right, he went to the hospital quite a lot, but luckily he didn't only go to the same hospital, otherwise he thought the hospital could consider getting him a membership card, after all, he was a frequent visitor.

Since he knew that Keir might be hospitalized in a car accident, he had to report to that person when he went to the hospital or was injured, so he also had the task of 'checking out the hospital for any abnormalities by the way' that didn't need to be done specially.

"He went to the hospital for an absolutely reasonable reason." Gin paused, "But Luke, what happened to you yesterday?"

"I didn't have any accidents yesterday," Chi Feichi said with a cold face, "I just heard that a child wanted to go to Beihu Central Hospital. I haven't been to Beihu Central Hospital, so I agreed to send him there. By the way, I will also see if there is any abnormality." .”

He also doesn't want to go to the hospital frequently, as an action teammate, not to mention Gin Jiu expressing his understanding, at least can he cover up his gloating mood as if he was about to fly out of the car?

Gin Jiu stopped teasing in the mood of watching the excitement, "What did you find out yesterday morning?"

"Before nine o'clock in the morning, there were two burly foreigners in the rest area next to the consultation hall on the first floor," Chi Feichi said. The water in the bottle is almost gone, there are still a lot of cigarette butts in the ashtray, and there are ash at the feet, it seems that I have been sitting in the rest area for a long time."

Gin understood, and thoughtfully said, "An FBI agent on duty at night..."

Chi Feichi gave an 'um' and added, "I took a look and left without alarming them."

At that time, it was impossible for him to immediately judge that it was an FBI agent. After all, it might be the bodyguard of a certain important person. Because the important person was hospitalized, he took turns guarding the hospital.

It is impossible for that person to want him to stay in the hospital and investigate layer by layer. The organization has already deployed manpower in the hospital. It's more troublesome, and in a place where there may be many FBI watching overtly and secretly, it is the right choice for him to leave in a natural state and send an email to explain the situation.

He specifically stated that he did not alarm the other party, and it was not because he would disrupt the organization if he alarmed those people, but that he did not do anything suspicious, so the other party would not think that 'Chi Feichi' was suspicious.

"It seems that Kiel was indeed hidden by the FBI in Kuwado Central Hospital, but the place should be surrounded by the FBI as airtight as an iron barrel. How can we bring Kiel out, brother?" Vodka Asked, "If you don't deal with it well, once the exchange of fire with them becomes serious, the existence of the organization may be exposed."

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