Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1493 Reasons to be Carefully Confirmed

"That's right, the key is to bring Kiel back from the F-boss silently," Gin Jiu said with a playful smile, "So, we must use the rob."

In the back seat, Chi Feichi turned his head sideways, looking at the scratches on Yi Rong's face reflected in the window glass, with a strange coldness in his eyes.

He wants to do something...

"Ah?" Vodka was puzzled, "Brother, what does 'used to grab' mean?"

Isn't it impossible to make a big fuss?

"Don't worry, Vodka, since I knew that Keir would be in a place like the hospital, I've already made the arrangements," Gin said, raising his eyes to see Chi Feichi's reaction in the rearview mirror, reminding him Said, "Luck, compared to Akai Shuichi, bringing Kiel back is the most important thing. Of course, if possible, you can get rid of him by the way, although I don't understand why that one is so afraid of him, anyway, it's just a It's just people... If you only have one silver bullet, you won't be able to defeat the black cannon."

But there was more than one silver bullet, and the two even teamed up...

Chi Feichi didn't look back, still looking out of the car window, and said in a hoarse voice, "That guy has been in the organization before, he has an understanding of the organization's style of work, quick response, accurate judgment, and was able to contain me with a sniper rifle last time. So many reasons should be enough to have a cowardly companion as support, although... it is not impossible to solve."

"Hmph... If it can be solved, then it's not a problem!" Gin took out his mobile phone and sent an email, "When you confirm that incident with that person, tell me about Kiel's situation by the way, it's not too late to do things , we will act tomorrow, and get Kiel back before F forces those people to make sufficient preparations! The specific action plan, after I confirm that there is no problem with the previous preparations, I will send an email to tell that person."


Kubado Central Hospital.

A group of Fs huddled together in Reina Mizuta's ward.

Kusuda Rikudo, who was lurking in the hospital, committed suicide after being chased by them. Akai Shuichi judged that the organization might have gotten the news and would make a move soon.

It's just that, after discussing every word and phrase among a group of people for a long time, you still haven't come up with a solution that everyone thinks is good.

Akai Hideichi urged the others to take a break and take turns to be on duty so that they would not make mistakes due to exhaustion when organizing moves, and then went to the rooftop alone, looking at the email that Miyano Akemi had sent him before his death.

Conan heard that Judy and James Black said that Shuichi Akai had a girlfriend in the organization, and guessed that Shuichi Akai's girlfriend who had been killed by the organization was Akemi Miyano, and went to the rooftop with complicated emotions.

Late at night, on the quiet rooftop, Akai Hideichi stared at the phone screen with his back leaning against the water tower. When he heard the door opening, he immediately turned his head to look over.

"Hey..." Conan put one hand on the doorknob, seeing that Akai Shuichi noticed him, he didn't go up to the roof again, "Can I have a few words with you?"

Akai Hideichi smiled, closed the phone, "If it's a countermeasure against those guys, I'm still thinking about it."

Conan originally thought about Miyano Akemi, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't know how to tell Akai Shuichi, so he could only talk about countermeasures along the topic, and said with a smile on his face, "But when I saw Mr. Akai's It's time to think of it... Will you go with me?"

If his reasoning is correct and Rena Mizumu is Ia, then there is no need to guard against it at all. On the contrary, he can let that organization bring him back.

However, how to do it naturally, so that the organization does not suspect it, needs to be carefully considered. Also, the top priority is to confirm the situation of Minami Rena.

"Oh?" Chi Jingxiu put his mobile phone back into his trousers pocket, and started to walk towards the entrance of the rooftop, "Then, you have also found the opportunity to wake up Sleeping Beauty, right?"

"I think you need my help!" Conan said with a smile, and when Akai Xiu came downstairs, he closed the roof door and followed.

Akai Shuichi waited for Conan on the stairs, and continued downstairs after Conan caught up, and said softly, "I thought you came to me to talk about Mr. Chi, Judy told me before, We don't seem to be on the same page."

There is a saying that different Taoism does not conspire with each other.

Conan heard Hideichi Akai's hint, and asked back, "Does Mr. Akai really think Brother Chi will be the companion of those guys? Or... just want an answer that can make me feel at ease?"

During the day, he was surprised to hear Judy talk about Akai Shuichi's suspicion, but he could understand, because he also doubted Chi Feichi.

That organization is dangerous and one cannot be too cautious.

Therefore, he felt that Akai Shuichi did not suspect Chi Feichi because he had any evidence, but just out of caution, hoping to find enough evidence to prove that Chi Feichi had nothing to do with that organization.

What you say now is 'not on the same front', just want to find a reason not to take him into danger!

Akai Hideo looked at the stairs extending down the forward road, and kept walking, "Is there any difference between the two?"

"Let's just pretend there is no difference, but Brother Chi doesn't understand our situation, and I don't intend to get him involved in these troubles, and F-pussy has nothing to do with him, and he won't let him get involved if he wants to act. What news do you know," Conan deliberately followed, staring up at Akai Shuichi with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, "Why is Mr. Akai overly cautious in confirming whether Brother Chi is from that organization?"


Because I guessed the identity of Huiyuan, she was the sister of his deceased girlfriend, and she was also paying attention to Huiyuan, so why did I want to confirm whether the people around Huiyuan were related to that organization?

All he could think of was this.

Akai Hideo looked at Conan for a moment, and didn't put on the look of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but smiled helplessly, "Well, I hope your thoughts are right, and I don't want to doubt Mr. Chi, at least whether it is You and Judy, or the people around him, think he is a very good person, I just have a reason to be careful to confirm no matter what... Tell me, how do you want to help me?"


The third floor of the inpatient building.

Akai Hideichi entered Reina Mizuna's ward, and used the excuse of 'changing shifts' to force F, who was guarding the ward, to send his colleagues away.

Conan stayed outside the door, waited for the pussy to leave, picked up the bowknot voice changer, randomly switched to a middle-aged male voice, and shouted, "Mr. Akai, gather urgently!"

"Is it a pre-war meeting?" Akai Shuichi turned and opened the door again.


"Understood, I'll come right away."

In the ward, Shui Wurena pretended to be unconscious, and heard the door was closed again, still lying quietly on the bed, without moving.


The door was opened again.

Hondo Eisuke closed the door lightly, walked to the hospital bed, looked at the motionless Mininarena,

"Hey, Rena Mizumu, get up for me..."

"If you don't wake up, how can I ask sister Yinghai what's going on!"

"Hey, get up!"

"You're going to be taken somewhere else again, aren't you?"

"Before that, you open my eyes!"

Rena Mizumu closed her eyes tightly, keeping her breathing steady.

"I said open your eyes..." Hondo Eisuke saw that Rena Mizumu still didn't respond, picked up the scissors from the tray on the table, and stabbed them through gritted teeth, "If you don't open your eyes, it will hurt!"


The hand holding the scissors was grabbed by Rena Minzuna and stopped in mid-air.

Mizuruna opened her eyes and looked helplessly at Hondo Eisuke who was crying. Since she had been pretending to be unconscious for too long, her voice was weak, but she was very firm, "It can't be like this, Xiaoying... Didn't I tell you? No Be a person who hurts others!"

Hondo Eisuke looked at Rena Mizumusa's serious face, and subconsciously said, "Sister, sister?"

"It's me..." Rena Mizumu gave Eisuke Hondo an affirmative answer, frowning slightly, "So don't ask anything, leave this dangerous place quickly!"

"Liar!" Hondo Eiyu gritted his teeth and threw the scissors on the hospital bed, and asked loudly, "Aren't you blood type aB? If you were my sister who gave me blood transfusions before, it should be type O. I have type O blood. You can only accept blood transfusions with type O blood!"

"Because your blood type later became type aB."

Conan opened the door, looked at Hondo Eisuke and said, "You had leukemia, transplanted your sister's bone marrow, and your blood type became type aB, but you never found out..."

Akai Shuichi followed Conan into the door, and listened to Conan's reasoning about Hondo Eisuke, which also explained that Mizumu Rena and Hondo Eisuke's father, Isa Hondo, was an agent of Ia, but when Hondo Eisuke asked about the 'organization', he stopped in time topic, let Andre Cameron take away Eisuke Hondo.

When Rena Mizumu asked how his identity as Ia was exposed, Conan reasoned and listened to Rena Mizumus tell the truth about the year.

Back then, Mizumu Renai joined the organization only because the original contact person of Isan Church died. She needed to go to Isan Church for a connection, and told Isan Church the identity and contact information of the new contact person. According to the plan, after there, Shui Wu Lianai would get away in a deliberately created accident and leave the organization.

At that time, Reina Mizumu was still a newcomer, her psychological quality and methods were still immature, and she was not suitable for lurking in such a dangerous organization.

But because Rena Mizumu is a newcomer, she underestimated the means of the organization, and failed to find the signal transmitter stuck on the collar of the new member by the organization, let alone know that when she went to the abandoned building to meet Ethan Hontang, she The abnormal behavior has been grasped by the organization.

Without any chance of escaping, when she and her father met in the abandoned building, they heard the sound of the engine of a gin Porsche 356a coming from outside, and her father shot her directly, forging the words 'she found Ethan Church suspicious, her Follow up the situation of being captured and interrogated and killed Ethan's church'.

She also promised her father that she would persevere and wait until someone of her own appeared to complete the task for her father.

"Then, after a while, the gin and vodka came. I said it as my father taught me, and I was not silenced by the people in the organization. Afterwards, the new contact, Barney, was also shot on the spot because he was discovered by them. committed suicide..."

Shui Murena was lying on the hospital bed, looking at the ceiling, telling the ins and outs.

She just lurked like this, without waiting for her contact person, until this time when the gangster and the organization confronted her, she fell into the gangster's hands.

Conan also guessed that Reina Mizumu had no contacts, and asked suspiciously, "Then, did you contact Uncle Kogoro to help you solve the doorbell incident to find a new contact?"

"No, I want to get the contact information of a detective through this method. I want him to protect my brother. The kid called the TV station several times. I think he will find the TV station soon... "Rena Mizumura looked sideways at Conan, "Of course, I wrote these reasons in the email I sent to Mr. Mori, betting whether he will believe and agree to my request."

Conan froze in place.

Said in the email?

Uncle has never missed a word!

Did you not take it seriously? No, that's not right, if you thought that Reina Mizumu entrusted her to protect her younger brother as a joke, then the uncle would probably say it as a joke, but he didn't hear any relevant information from the uncle at all.

Cough... However, it's also possible that the uncle took it as a joke, read it and forgot it, and didn't think about it afterwards, or it might be because he didn't read the email carefully at all, or Mizumu Rena just entrusted the uncle to protect Eisuke Hondo, and the uncle also I did it silently, but I don't know why.

That's right, Rena Mizumusi probably wouldn't casually disclose things about the organization. Uncle is sometimes very reliable, but sometimes not very reliable. Maybe he really took things to heart, but after contacting Eisuke Hondo, he Thinking that Eisuke Hondo would not be in any danger, he forgot about it.

No matter how you look at it, the uncle doesn't look like he is protecting Hondo Eisuke, it's true that he hates it so much that he can't see it...

Calm down, don't scare yourself.

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