Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1494 Conan: Just ask

"But now it seems that I should tell you," Rena Mizumu said with a smile to Conan, "You found out that I woke up, right?"

"Yeah," Conan returned to his senses and explained with a smile, "Didn't I say that I forgot something and went back to the ward once? Compared with before I left, the folds of the sheets around your neck have changed slightly, so I I just realized that you have woken up. By the way, I know that brother Yingyou is hiding somewhere in this hospital because brother Chi sent brother Yingyou to the hospital to see a doctor. I heard brother Yingyou said that his classmate was also hospitalized here. After I found out from Brother Chi, I found out about the classmate whose surname was Nakamichi, and asked him if he had seen Brother Yingyou, but he said without thinking about it, but that it was Eisuke Aisawa from the football club. went to see him."

"So you know that Yingyou is hiding here?" Shui Wurenai asked.

"Because it's weird!" Conan pretended to be a child and smiled, "I asked him if he saw Eisuke's brother, but he knew right away that I wasn't asking about Eisuke Aizawa, not Eisuke. Bentang Yingyou, that's why I knew he was the one who hid Brother Yingyou, in his ward!"

"You're still amazing." Rena Mizumu sighed.

"Yeah," Akai Shuichi looked at Conan with a smile, "Even the FBI is always amazed."

"However, you said that Mr. Chi sent Yingyou to the hospital for treatment," Shui Wurenai hesitated, "Could it be that Yingyou..."

"He is indeed ill, but it's not bad news," Conan explained, "When Brother Yingyou entered Didan High School, Brother Chi happened to be at the new doctor of Didan High School. They guessed that Brother Yingyou often bumped into things while walking. It’s because Brother Yingyou feels integration disorders, and I recommend him to the hospital to see a professional doctor, although at his age, it’s difficult to completely cure it through training, but after receiving treatment, the results will definitely be much better than now.”

"Really..." Shui Wulian laughed, "Then I really should thank Mr. Chi and the new doctor for letting them worry about Yingyou."

Conan listened, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

That's right, let's not talk about the new doctor, Chi Feichi takes good care of Hondo Yingyou.

Akai Shuichi noticed the fact that 'Chi Feichi recommended Hondo Eisuke to come to the hospital', and asked Conan thoughtfully, "When did Hondo Eisuke enroll?"

"It was not long after Ms. Reina Mizumu's accident..." Conan came to his senses, looked at Shuichi Akai for half a month, and said with a speechless expression, "Within a week, and the Kubado Central Hospital will not be recommended by Brother Chi and the new doctor. We didn't know each other well at that time."

Really, Mr. Akai, on the surface, he was asking about the admission time of Hondo Eisuke, but actually he wanted to know when Chi Feichi suggested Hondo Eisuke to come to the hospital, right?

Suspected that Chi Feichi deliberately lured Eisuke Hondo to the hospital to help confirm whether Rena Shuimu was here?

That is impossible.

First of all, at that time, the organization probably didn't know about Reina Mizumu's car accident and was hospitalized. It would be a long time before she was found out. Chi Feichi had already recommended Hondo Eisuke to the hospital for treatment.

Secondly, Hondo Eisuke had just entered school at that time, if Chi Feichi and the new doctor recommended Kabano Central Hospital, then Hondo Eisuke might have listened to the opinions of 'professionals', but he only recently confirmed that Hondo Eisuke was Mizumu Rena This is how Hontang Yingyou forced Shui Wurenai to admit, if at that time Chi Feichi wanted to use Hontang Yingyou to find Shui Wurenai, how did Chi Feichi know the identity of Hontang Yingyou? Just because of looks?

If that organization had known the identity of Rena Mizumusi and Eisuke Hondo long ago, Rena Mizumusi would have died a long time ago, okay?

Finally, the most important point, let Hondo Eiyu come to find Mizumu Rena, what good is Chi Feichi?

Use Hondo Eisuke to find Rena Mizumu, and then hide by yourself to make a profit?

To achieve this goal, Chi Feichi should have kept following Yingyou Bentang, but Chi Feichi was nowhere to be seen. After all, they took advantage of it and stayed at Yingyou Bentang.

Besides, when they went to the family where Hontang Yingyou's mother worked as a maid, Chi Feichi was not interested at all, and had no idea about Hontang Yingyou's past.

He actually felt that brother Chi and the new doctor recommended brother Yingyou to visit the hospital just for brother Yingyou's consideration...

Akai Shuichi also figured out some key points, and had to admit that he was thinking too much, and felt guilty for some reason, especially when he was stared at by Conan, he could only smile helplessly, raised his hand and touched his nose, and felt sympathetic towards Shui Said, "I have a question to ask you, you are in the organization, have you heard any news about Mr. Chi?"

Conan stopped staring at Akai Shuichi and waited silently.

Forget it, Mr. Akai will not let it go without asking, so just ask.

"Mr. Chi?" Shui Wurenai frowned and recalled for a moment, then slowly shook her head, "No, I've never heard of it, Mr. Chi, what's wrong with him?"

Hideo Akai looked at Conan and explained, "Bermod had been in contact with him as the actress Chrissy Wynyard before, and shortly afterwards, Belmod disguised himself as someone else and appeared beside him, although We have already figured out the purpose of Belmode that time, and it really has nothing to do with him, or he is not the main target of Belmode, but after Belmode retired as a female star, he once again used Chris - Wynyard has contacted him, so I would like to ask, is there any action related to him by the organization?"

Even if it wasn't to confirm Mr. Chi's relationship with that organization, wouldn't it be good for Mr. Chi's safety if he asked clearly?

Conan heard Hideichi Akai's question, looking forward to staring at Rena Minzumu, hoping to get some clues from Rena Minzumu.

But what disappointed the two of them was that after thinking about it seriously, Rena still shook her head.

"I haven't heard of it. Although I am in Gin's action team, in many cases, I can only get specific information after the operation starts. As for what Belmode is investigating, I have no way of knowing," Shui Wurena thought of the happy banquet that night, thought of the smiling faces, thought of Chi Feichi who didn't smile much but still cooperated with everyone, and tried hard to remember, "Based on my understanding of the organization, they are eyeing Mr. Chi, it may be Because of Mr. Chi's family background and identity, it may also be that Mr. Chi has something that the organization wants to obtain or recover. Mr. Chi did not deliberately hide, and the organization has not been in a hurry to do it, which shows that Mr. Chi did not let them feel it. Threats, Belmode contacting him, maybe it will be the initial investigation stage of some big plan...Of course, this is just my guess, I really don't know what Belmode is thinking or doing."

"Is that so..." Akai Shuichi thought for a moment and responded.

He could tell that Rena Shuimu treated this issue entirely with the point of 'Chi Feichi has nothing to do with the organization', which meant that Rena Shuimu never felt that Chi Feichi had anything to do with the organization, not even the slightest feeling or suspicion , on the contrary, there is still a little good impression, at least the evaluation in my heart is 'Mr. Chi is not bad'.

It seems... It is true that his nerves are too tense.

Conan suddenly thought of something, and asked aloud, "Then what about cold highness? This is the name Belmode gave to Brother Chi. Have you ever heard it mentioned by Belmod or someone else in the organization?"

"Your Highness?" Reina Mizuru recalled, "The words of highness seem to be related to the organization of a certain operation a few years ago. I just joined the organization at that time, but I just heard Gin Jiu say it, probably referring to a certain rich man. Well, that operation is over, and the target should no longer exist in this world, as for cold highness... I haven't heard of it."

Conan nodded, frowning in thought.

Rena Mizumu's analysis was similar to theirs, without any useful clues.

If 'highness' refers to rich people, then does the 'cold highness' written by Belmode next to Chi Feichi's photo represent cold rich people?

Thinking about Chi Feichi's usual personality, it is very appropriate, but it is still not sure what it means.

Seeing Conan's solemn expression, Mizuruna smiled and comforted softly, "I think Mr. Chi is a very smart person, and with you, a little detective, with him, there will be no problem in dealing with some of the organization's plans."

Conan thought about it, and nodded heavily with a smile, "Yeah!"

"You really have faith in them."

Chi Jingxiuyi smiled and sighed, but thinking of Chi Feichi's keenness, thinking of Chi Feichi's reasoning ability that he had heard from Zhu Di many times, and thinking of the FBI people who were sent to the Metropolitan Police Department by Chi Feichi. I can't laugh anymore.

After all, he once suspected that Chi Feichi was a spy of the Japanese judicial system or public security intelligence personnel.

I just thought of Chi Feichi's identity as the young master, and didn't think that the Japanese police could hire Chi Feichi as an informant...

"It's not just them. I believe that if something happens, your FBI won't stand idly by. After all, it seems that Conan has a very good relationship with you." Do? The organization has now discovered that I am here, and plans to take me back, maybe it will find me here soon, right?"

"Yeah," said Akai Shuichi, "so I have a proposal..."

Rena Mizumu looked at Hideyoshi Akai with a half-smile, "Couldn't you be... want me to take this opportunity to go back to the organization?"

Akai Hideo nodded, "That's right, as you said, I hope you can go back."

"Do you provide information about the organization for your FBI?" Rena Mizuna asked.

"Of course, I hope you can serve as our FBI's informant in the organization and provide us with information about the organization at your convenience." Akai Hideo said with a serious look.

Conan stared at Rena Mizumu, who was thinking with downcast eyes, waiting for Rena Mizumu's reply.

Akai Hideichi is very confident that he can get Rena Mizumu to agree.

Rena Mizumura didn't think about it for long, and turned to look at the ceiling, "No problem, I can go back to the organization, but I hope you can agree to one condition."

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