Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1502 Lie down and fly with me

"After all, you almost blew up the stronghold of the organization. If I hadn't noticed that someone lost contact that day, I would have died too. When you are abnormal, what you will do is beyond comprehension..." Gin looked sideways Looking at Chi Feichi, there was mockery in his eyes, "So, if necessary, I don't mind letting Chianti punch a few holes in your body that night."

Chi Feichi leaned against the car and corrected, "With the size of a bullet hole left on the human body by a sniper rifle, even if it is a single injury, if the rescue is not timely, you may lose too much blood and die. If you open a few holes, you might as well let him She aimed for my head."

Qin Jiu retracted his gaze, looked at the phone screen and typed, "You couldn't just be thinking about such a boring thing, right?"

"There are other things." Chi Feichi's tone was calm, revealing the seriousness that others could feel, "This world is not normal."

Gin Jiu paused for a moment when he was about to send an email, and then asked, "When did you feel that the world was normal?"

Chi Feichi was as good as he was, "That's right."

This world is not normal.

Gin sent an email, then continued to process the next email, suddenly remembered something, and jokingly asked, "Luck, do you know who the most arrogant person in the world is?"

Chi Feichi cast a cold glance at Gin, "I don't want to know, shut up."

"That guy, obviously his perception of time is confused, but he always thinks that the world is wrong, other people's time is wrong, and everyone in this world is abnormal except him," Qin Jiu did not satisfy Chi Feichi's wish , As I was talking, I felt that a certain Lak was really arrogant beyond ordinary people's imagination, so I decided to stop before Chi Feichi exploded, "However, you said you couldn't sleep and wanted to help, I don't think you have the slightest plan to help .”

"You can handle it anyway..."

Chi Feichi looked again at the neon lights between the buildings across the river. He believed that all of them could lie flat, and the gin could fly. This was trust, "That one didn't let me take this opportunity to target Akai Shuichi."

"I can really handle it well, but I can't, and I won't let Kiel fall into their hands alive," Qin Jiu said in a deep voice, "but getting Kiel back is just the beginning, although I don't think Kiel is beaten like that. People who refuse to leak the secret to their death will not be able to hold on, but F's method of forcing those guys is hard to predict. After taking Kiel back, I have to confirm whether she has betrayed the organization. I was thinking, if you You can rest well tonight, and tomorrow will take over from me and other people in the operation to monitor Kiel."

Chi Feichi looked at the neon lights in the distance, "Where's the vodka?"

"Knowing the whereabouts of Keir, he probably won't be able to sleep well," Qin Jiu laughed, staring at the phone screen to read emails, but his eyes were filled with cold murderous intent, "Fight against those guys, as long as Thinking about it will make me so excited that I can't sleep well... But I haven't told Chianti and Cohen the news, let them watch Kiel tomorrow night, and trouble Belmode, if she is here, even if I meet Any unexpected situation can be dealt with.”

"People on shift don't have to worry, isn't there Ireland?" Chi Feichi said, "There are quite a few people on his side. The one who mentioned it earlier seems to intend to let him participate in the follow-up surveillance operations."

"Hmph..." Gin snorted, "Let that guy help, it's better to let Rum's people come!"

Chi Feichi stared at the flashing neon lights, and asked in a low voice, "Are you still afraid that he will trip you up?"

"I'm worried about him. He's already dissatisfied with Pisker's affairs. Although at present, his dissatisfaction is aimed at me, this dissatisfaction itself is also dissatisfaction with that person's decision," Gin received. He picked up his phone, took a cigarette and bit it, and looked at the neon lights in the distance, "If he has a chance to get rid of me, this dissatisfaction will be transferred to that person and organization, and be dealt with from Pisk From the beginning, there have been irreversible contradictions."

Chi Feichi took out the matchbox from his jacket pocket, and threw it to Gin casually, "Then should I say, it's hard work for you to be a target?"

He felt that the analysis of gin was correct. Even if Irish whiskey killed gin, the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart would not disappear. Transfer to the one who gave the order and the organization that is the root of the evil.

"A target that distracts attention cannot be used for a lifetime. Sooner or later, the existing contradictions will erupt, especially after he finds out that my target is not so easy to aim..." Gin Jiu caught the matchbox, pulled out a match and lit the cigarette , Throwing the matchstick into the river, watching the matchstick being washed away by the river with cold eyes, "The stronger his hostility towards me, the stronger he will explode in the future, but you should really thank me for taking the blame for you, last time Srivova took a picture of him and he decided it was me who had him spied on, to the guy who complained about my random spying on members of the group, I'm not sure what the guy told him, but at least it calmed down , He didn’t talk about it again after that.”

Chi Feichi took the matchbox from Ginjiu, and a sentence came out of his mind suddenly, with a hint of darkness in his purple eyes, "Ginjiu has been responsible for the organization's security for so long, and there has never been a mistake or omission in action."

Qin Jiu was taken aback, and after realizing what Chi Feichi was talking about, he laughed again, "It's really like what that person would say..."

Chi Feichi put away the matchbox and continued to look at the distant building distractedly.

That's right, if Ireland questioned Gin's nonsense, that person would not explain a lot to Ireland, but would only reply "Gin has been responsible for safety for so long, and there is nothing wrong with his actions", reminding Ireland to reflect on his wrong mentality that caused Gin Suspect.

But it is obvious that Ireland's thinking has gone astray. On the surface, it has stopped, but in his heart he is still dissatisfied with gin, and he still feels that the person is too indulgent and pampered with gin.

It's just because the action plan arranged by Gin is really thorough, and he can brake in time in times of danger. He would rather take everyone to evacuate than take risks. Ireland can't refute that person's words and can only keep his dissatisfaction in his heart.

Therefore, after Ireland discovered the existence of "Kudo Shinichi", he thought of taking Conan as evidence of the failure of gin and showing it to that person...

His existence seems to be subtly embedded in the development of the situation, and it is not known whether it is an adjustment of the trajectory of fate.

The sense of reality and illusion are intertwined in his mind, and the track that affects the direction of the situation is flickering. He stretches out his hand, but the line disappears between his fingers.

The result is...he danced again.

Could everything he experienced now be just a dream, a long dream that he had just before he died after he detonated the bomb at the age of 27?

Then do you want to try to blow it up here?

Maybe the explosion here will wake up the dream.


Two cars were parked on the embankment, and two people were blowing cold wind against the river.

Qin Jiu was distracted for a while, smoked a cigarette, and continued to deal with the matter at hand, and found that Chi Feichi was still staring at the distance in a distracted manner. He paid attention to it at first, and then habitually ignored it.

The night faded little by little, and the morning light in the sky spread, like a silent confrontation. As the darkness gradually receded, the blue and white colors occupied the entire sky.

After Feichi woke up, he crawled out of his collar in a daze, and saw Gin Jiu standing next to him on the phone, spitting out snake letters lazily, "Morning, Gin Jiu, it's still so cold this morning..."

It's a polite pet snake that greets you whether gin can hear it or not.

Qin Jiu heard the rustling sound of fine scales on Feichi's body rubbing against the fabric, and noticed Feichi crawling out from the corner of his vision, and said to the phone, "Then please bring two raw fish for Feichi when you come over." piece……"

"Okay," Vodka paused on the phone, "Brother, is Feichi with you?"

Gin looked at Chi Feichi who was still staring at the building and said, "Luck is here too."

Lark probably made a mistake in some way. It's normal. He was just in a daze. He didn't do such a dangerous act of bombing the stronghold, so it's not very serious.

"It seems that he heard about Kiel's whereabouts, and he didn't fall asleep last night," Vodka said with emotion, "Brother, what do you and Lak want to eat? I'll bring it to you too!"

Gin originally wanted to say whatever he wanted, but when he thought of Chi Feichi who was still staring into the distance like a sculpture, he said maliciously, "Then just buy two fish lunch boxes..."

Chi Feichi turned his head suddenly, looked at Gin, and said calmly and firmly, "I don't want fish bento, anything else is fine."

"Hmph... I thought you died suddenly while standing," Gin complained, and then said to the vodka on the phone, "No fish bento, anything else is fine."

Vodka felt that this was normal. If he brought two fish bentos, he doubted that Lak would directly smear the bentos on his face.

"Then I'll bring Lak a fried chicken bento...Brother, are you too?"

"I'm not that picky eater..."

In less than an hour, Vodka came over with a lunch box, walked straight to the car, and found Feichi craned his neck from Chi Feichi's collar to look over, and said with a smile, "Good morning, Feichi, I brought you fish nuggets !"

Qin Jiu stepped forward, picked up a lunch box, and turned to look at Chi Feichi who had entered the 'on-hook' state again, "Luck, if you're not in the right state, it's better to go back and rest as soon as possible."

"What's wrong with Lark?" Vodka looked at Chi Feichi curiously.

"I'm fine," Chi Feichi recovered from the 'hanging up' state, turned around and walked to Vodka, and took the lunch box, "Thank you."

Gin: "..."

Standing in a daze for nearly seven hours, like a corpse specimen, I didn't even move my fingers, and I only said that I didn't want to eat fish bento. Is it okay?

The three of them started eating bento for lunch, thrifty, simple, and frugal.

Not long after the meal, Chianti and Cohen sent emails to Gin one after another, saying that they were ready.

Takatori Yano also brought a pot of flowers and rushed to the embankment of Tsumusu River.

"Srivova, you're here too!" Vodka greeted enthusiastically, "Why did you bring a pot of flowers?"

After Chi Feichi had eaten, he had already escaped from the hang-up state, leaning against the side of the car and said, "It's for Gin."

"Huh?" Vodka turned to look at the gin.

Gin took the flowerpot with gloves on, uprooted the plants inside, and put a bomb wrapped in a plastic bag into the soil, "This is what I plan to give to those bastards... A declaration that heralds the beginning of chaos !"

Vodka looked at the flower pot, hesitantly said, "This kind of flower..."

"Lou Doucao," Chi Feichi explained aloud when he saw that Qin Jiu was obsessed with burying the flower roots back, "The meaning of the flower is 'you will definitely get it', and another meaning is 'resolute victory'."

"It's still an appropriate declaration," Vodka laughed, "but big brother, Lak, you still know a lot of flower language, even this uncommon plant flower language!"

Chi Feichi and Qin Jiu: "..."

I always feel that the emotion of vodka sounds a little strange, making it difficult to distinguish whether it is daily exaggeration or praise, or yin and yang.


What happened to understanding the language of flowers? Can't you understand the language of flowers?

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