Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1503 I'm Going to Kushito Park

At twelve o'clock at noon, in a restaurant near Kubado Central Hospital, people who had lunch suddenly had abdominal pains.

At the same time, a strange smell of gas permeated Kubado Station, and those who stayed at the station and were preparing to board the train had symptoms of eye pain and shortness of breath one after another.

Then, a movie theater near Kubado Central Hospital caught fire, sending black smoke rising from the building into the sky in a brazen rallying signal.

The Loudou grass flower pot was also sent to Kuwato Central Hospital by the courier under the name of "Sent by Kusuda Ludo".

When the courier asked 'Which ward is James Black in' at the front desk, James Black, Judy, Conan, and Shuichi Akai who were staying on the first floor noticed and received the pot of weeds.

Not long after, a large number of unwell people flooded into the Kuwado Central Hospital, which made the frightened people somewhat confused.

Akai Shuichi and Conan soon discovered that there was a bomb hidden in the flower pot, and found that it was too late to dismantle it, so Judy and Andre Cameron had to drive to an open place to detonate.

But everything is not over yet, the home delivery service was sent to the hospital one by one, and sent to the patients in each ward.

Plush toys for children, fruit baskets for hospitalized men and women...

All gifts are sent in the name of 'Nantian Ludao'.

Akai Hideichi checked a fruit basket, and after confirming that there was a bomb in it, he did not disturb the patients in each ward, and asked the frightened people to disperse, and collect the gifts that might contain bombs for centralized processing.

If so many bombs are allowed to explode, the inpatient building is likely to be blown down!

They can't even let the patients know that there are bombs in these gifts, otherwise the whole hospital will be in chaos, and the people in the organization can use the chaos to do something dangerous.

Just when the frightening manpower was distributed in each ward to collect gifts, the TV in each ward suddenly broadcast an interview.

"Dear viewers, I'm really sorry for making you worry..."

On the TV, Shui Wurenai was sitting on the hospital bed, looking at the camera with a smile on her face, "My injury has completely healed..."

The perverted person was taken aback, and immediately rushed towards the ward where Rena Mizumu was.

Of course, with the gift of the bomb that was just recovered.

A large group of people rushed to the ward where Mizurunai was located one after another, but they didn't expect that the bombs in their hands were equipped with locators, and they were all being watched as they gathered towards the ward. ...

In the Porsche 356A driving on the street, Gin looked at the laptop on his lap, saw all the positioned green dots moving towards a ward on the map, and sneered, "It's like flies gathering on garbage Same, more and more..."

Vodka, who was driving, took a look and smiled triumphantly, "Ward 307 in No. 4 inpatient building... as long as you know which ward it is, everything is at your fingertips, brother!"

"Hmph... I didn't pay attention to the location of Kiel's cage from the beginning." Qin Jiu sneered.

"Huh?" Vodka was puzzled.

"Just leave a horrible impression in the minds of Fuckers and let them know that we have found it. Next, let's see how those flustered flies plan to fly away..." Qin Jiu explained in a deep voice, "Last night at After that guy Kusuta had an accident, they must have thought that we would look for it and considered how to move it. I had someone keep an eye on the vicinity of the hospital last night, and someone found more than one blue van driving into the hospital parking lot. It should be It is the means of transportation prepared by F to transfer Kiel, we only need to be near the exit of the parking lot and pay attention to the blue van, and we can intercept them on their way to transfer..."

"In that way, we can take the opportunity to bring Kiel back, but brother, since they have prepared more than one car, they will definitely use more than one car to distract us during the transfer, so that we can't figure out what is going on with Kiel. In which car," Vodka asked, "how do we know which car Kiel is in?"

"Which car is Kiel in? I will judge according to the situation..." After Gin finished speaking, he asked the communication headset, "Luck, Chianti and Cohen have arrived near Kuwano Central Hospital. What about over there? Are you going to take a look at the intersection near the hospital, or find a place to watch a play?"

On the other side of the headset, a voice as hoarse as sandpaper said, "I'm in Kubado Park."

Gin used the computer to call up the map, "There is indeed a route leading to Kubado Park on the route from the Kubado Central Hospital, why? Do you think they will take Keir that way?"


In Kubato Park, black Zelas parked on the side of the road.

In the passenger seat, a young man in black was listening to the phone, with a faint smile on his mouth, his fair face was cast by blond bangs, and his blue eyes were sunken in the shadows, the fundus of his eyes seemed to be stained with black and blue , hissed to the communication headset, "Not necessarily, but I want to wait and see if I can wait for a gift."

"Oh?" Qin Jiu smiled softly, "Then I don't care about you, it's not too far from our location, maybe you can really wait for a gift to come to your door..."

Takatori Yannan waited for the two of them to finish talking, then pressed the headset communication button, turned around and asked, "Boss, shall we wait here?"

Chi Feichi also temporarily cut off the communication, "Turn around the area, you should familiarize yourself with the terrain first, and it depends on whether your car is stable enough today."

Takatori Yannan laughed heartily, "That's really worth looking forward to!"

Chi Feichi looked at the street outside the car, waiting for Yan Nan Takatori to drive away.

Yes, it is worth looking forward to.

F forced to hide in Beihu Central Hospital for a long time. He knew the situation of the hospital and had the home field advantage. He could set up traps in advance. How could Qin Jiu send someone to break in rashly?

It's still the old rule, let the enemy move first, as long as the enemy moves, they can seize the right moment, bite the enemy's vital point, hit the enemy with one blow, and retreat after hitting...

This is the style of the organization.

In the original plot, F tried to interfere with the organization's judgment, so the soldiers divided into three groups and left the hospital in three vans. Shuichi Akai chose a road that would pass through Kubado Park and head to Mihua Town.

Now that he is involved, it is likely to cause deviations in the plot, but it is not impossible to predict according to the situation.

Coming out of Cupo Hospital, apart from the main roads leading to various areas, there are also many small roads and alleys, but there are not many routes for F to choose.

First of all, F-forces will not choose to get into small roads or alleys. Although it is so convenient to get rid of the members of the organization following the car, it is also easy to be outflanked by detours, or plunged into traps. Those people should deeply feel the preparation of the organization Come, don't take the risk.

Secondly, F will not be on roads that are prone to traffic jams during the current time period. This is to prevent cars from being stuck on the road and unable to move for a long time.

After lunch, it's time to go to work, and there are many road sections that are prone to traffic jams. In this way, half of the roads that F will choose are excluded.

In addition, F-Bi will not choose the fast lane leading to other districts. There are very few intersections on that kind of road where you can change lanes and go back. When a truck gets on the fast lane and goes all the way, it will only get farther and farther away from its companions, and it is difficult to turn around. This is not conducive to mutual support, and the organization can completely stick to one side and attack.

F forced to stay in Kabado Central Hospital for so long, he should know the surrounding situation very well, and as a person who has lived in Kabado for nearly five years, even if he has not been around the Kubado Central Hospital recently, he still knows a little bit' Tradition'.

For example, on a street near the Cupido Central Hospital, when the holidays come, the Children’s Palace will organize elementary school students to go to the roadside park to exercise. Usually, there are very few cars passing by that street, and the children become mischievous and suddenly chase football across the road. It is possible that in order to avoid trouble for himself and danger for others, F will also not choose that path.

For example, the community baseball, football and other sports competitions in Kubado Town during the New Year are held every year in the gymnasium near the Kubado Central Hospital. Today is January 10. The game should be in the last day or two. After lunch, the game will start in the afternoon Sometimes, there will be many cars parked on the road in front of the gymnasium, and there will be groups of people crossing the road, so it is impossible for F to choose this road.

For another example, during the time after the New Year and before students start school, there is a shopping mall and a street with many shops nearby. In order to promote sales, there are always sales promotions day after day, and there are quite a few people who like to run around...

With such an exclusion, what F can choose is really the same as in the plot, there are only three paths.

On the first road, turn right after exiting the hospital. Before reaching the street where the gymnasium is located, you can continue to turn right to avoid troublesome roads, and return to the hospital after turning around.

The second road, after passing through the road section with more cars at the beginning, there are fewer cars on the remaining road section, and you can turn into a road that can go to Mihua Town along the outer edge of the embankment Wutsu River. Pedestrians and cars on that road less.

The last road, that is, the road that can reach Mihua Town after passing Kubado Park and crossing the Kubado Sanqiao. There are more cars on this road, but the road is wide, and there are few traffic jams on the road before reaching the bridge. Phenomenon, because there are many cars, there are no residential apartments or certain activity places on the side of the road, so it is unlikely that there will be people jaywalking, and at the same time, it is convenient for cars to get mixed into the traffic flow.

The most important thing is that these three paths can also support each other.

The second path is a clean place suitable for duels. It should be used as the location of 'Return to Kiel'. Mizuruna will be there, and the one who sent Mizuruna to the past will definitely be Andre Cameron. Akai Shuichi identified as the 'teammate', the person who revealed the plan, as for the others.

The third road is also in the direction of Mihua Town. You can turn off the lane halfway and divert to the second road. Once there is any problem with the "Return to Kiel" plan, people on this road can rush over in time .

This road has high requirements for timing and situation judgment. Akai Shuichi will definitely take this road himself to ensure that the development of the situation will not get out of control, or to adjust in time when an accident occurs.

At the same time, since it is a support team, in addition to Akai Shuichi, F will also arrange a lot of people here.

As for the first road, the road is smooth, and it doesn't take long to go around the hospital. After the detour, you can drive to the second road immediately and provide support from the rear. The first and third roads are closed, even if Qin Jiu won't lose his mind, he can also exert pressure to force the organization to withdraw as soon as possible after Shui Wurenai is taken back.

This road, Shuichi Akai will hand over to Judy who is trustworthy enough, and at the same time, will be equipped with a relatively large number of people.


Calculating in this way, the probability that Akai Shuichi will follow the same path as the original plot is as high as 95%.

Such a high probability is enough.

He did promise that person not to do anything against Akai Shuichi this time, but it doesn't mean that he can't come to make things difficult for Akai Shuichi.

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