Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1538 You are going to die today

"Huh? Conan, why did you come out?"

Mao Lilan bent down, smiled and said to Conan, "It's Miss Nanatsuki, she is very curious about astrology, but today she has an appointment to meet with the client, so she can't come with us, so she wants to meet first Client, and rush here before we finish, to see if Miss Lihua can help her with divination."

Conan felt relieved, since she is a girl, then it will be fine, "So that's the case, has sister Nanatsuki received a commission in Tokyo?"

Mao Lilan walked into the house, "Yeah, it seems to be a classmate who used to study in Fukuoka. The puppy at home was lost..."

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, it seemed that every professional detective could not escape the commission of finding cats and dogs, investigating cheating and catching extramarital affairs.

In the living room, Chi Feichi and Mori Kogoro stood talking together.

"Really," Mori Kogoro complained in a low voice, "The interview is about to start, you said so much, how can I remember..."

"You don't have a good memory, you are right," Chi Feichi retorted, and continued when Mori Kogoro choked, "You are a detective, not an astrologer, and you have a certain understanding. It seems that you are knowledgeable and knowledgeable." Enough, you just need to remember that the so-called astrology is that the astrologer draws the astrolabe according to each person's place of birth and date and time, so as to interpret people's character and destiny. The earliest origin of astrology is no longer available, but history People think..."

Conan listened curiously, and ran to the sofa to sit down again.

It seems that Chi Feichi discovered that the uncle didn't read the interview materials seriously at all, and was giving the uncle a temporary make-up lesson. These days, it is not easy for an apprentice to lead a master.

five minutes later……

"Mr. Mori," Katsuragi Kensuke turned around and greeted, "Let me introduce you to Teacher Lihua, and then our interview will begin!"

Kogoro Mori looked over and saw Reika Shijo standing beside Kensuke Katsuragi, his eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward, "Oh, Mrs. Lihua, I have known you for a long time, today we finally met! It's even more beautiful than what I've seen!"

Chi Feichi took a look and decided to let it go.

If nothing else happened, Zitiao Lihua would be dead.

As the astrologer who is now miraculously spread, Reika Zijo died. This interview will definitely attract unprecedented attention. He has already thought of the title for the publishing house. The collision of rational detectives.

Although it's cruel to think so, but if you want to increase your reputation, his teacher's performance this time is better than participating in four or five TV programs.

The murderer this time seems to be Kensuke Katsuragi, the president of Xingkong Publishing House, but it doesn’t matter if the president is gone. Their thk company has cooperated with Xingkong Publishing House. The person who took over the Star Publishing House will also actively launch this interview in order to let the Star Publishing House get rid of the negative news of "the president murdered" and to increase the reputation and attention of the publishing house. It is best to praise Mori Kogoro This famous detective who is sharp in solving crimes has come to divert the public's attention to Kogoro Mori.

Originally, he considered whether to let Koshimizu Nanatsuki come over, and after the case happened, let Koshimizu Nanatsuki come in, but what Starry Sky Publishing House wanted was not a detective who was sharp in solving crimes, but Mori Kogoro's current fame. You can also use the "collision and commonality of metaphysics and science" as a gimmick. This interview can only be done by his Maori teacher, and only by letting his Maori teacher solve the case will he gain the most benefits.

If Koshimizu Nanatsuki is allowed to come, after the accident, in order to eliminate the negative news, the publishing house will still focus on the "last interview with the astrologer" and only casually mention the case. It seems that This will allow both his Maori teacher and Yueshui to have a little exposure, but in fact, it is better not to let his teacher be crazily praised in the end, and Yueshui Nanatsuki is also easy to be at the beginning, because of fame, It is positioned as 'lower than Mori Kogoro', and it will not be easy to improve in the future.

In short, this time is not suitable for Nanatsuki Koshimizu, Nanatsuki Koshimizu is better to accumulate for a while, and it is best to let his Maori teacher take the opportunity to take a ride. Anyway, there is no shortage of cases around the Shinigami elementary school students, and there are plenty of opportunities.

It doesn't matter if his teacher doesn't remember how much astrology knowledge, seeing that the interviewee is a beautiful woman, it's okay to enliven the atmosphere and show humor. Even if you encounter some problems, you can deal with them by yourself. Everyone will think that the teacher's reputation is

Mori Kogoro hides his secrets...

Mori Kogoro keeps a low profile and doesn't show off...

Mori Kogoro has no airs and is quite humorous...

It wouldn't be too bad anyway, so he didn't worry about it.

"Mr. Maori, you are too polite," Zitiao Lihua is indeed very beautiful, with big golden wavy hair hanging down, wearing a long red suspender skirt with a material that hangs down, with only a shawl on it, showing a proud figure and charm Kogoro Mori laughed at the elegant style, "You are also much more handsome and graceful than what I saw in the news reports."

"Oh, is it?" Mori Kogoro scratched his head and smiled, "I'm so embarrassed to be praised by a beauty like you!"

Once we met, the atmosphere was very harmonious and the interview went smoothly.

One is a well-known detective and the other is a well-known astrologer. The two sat on both sides of the round table in front of the fireplace and talked, just like gossip, talking about things in their respective fields.

The photographer was recording on the sidelines and taking photos from time to time. The angles and timing of the photos were all chosen, ignoring the exaggerated timing of Mori Kogoro laughing, and only taking pictures that showed the charm of famous detectives.

"I think it might be due to my innate detective talent," Mori Kogoro smiled confidently and earnestly, "A lot of times, cases are solved unconsciously, hahahahaha..."

On the other side of the sofa, Mourilan and Conan looked helplessly at the laughing Mouri Kogoro.

Every time I laughed smugly, someone's famous detective posture was completely gone, and I should be thankful that this was not a live broadcast on TV.

Chi Feichi sat aside, bowed his head and sent ul messages to Koizumi Hongzi.


[Pretty Magical Girl: Mr. Maori only memorized three sentences of the information I sent you? I thought I was unreliable, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't need to give people astrology, he can deal with it casually. 】

[Scarecrow: In the information you uploaded, it seems that there is not much knowledge about astrology, and it is all spread outside. 】

[Magic Girl: I don’t use astrology either. It’s not as accurate as my magic divination. Even if I occasionally need time with the power of the stars to build a magic circle, I calculate it by myself, and I don’t ask the crystal ball to come quickly. There seem to be two related books in the past. The classics, but they were used as padding materials when I made potions, and I accidentally burned them, so they were not uploaded to the database, why? Are you interested in astrology? If you are interested, I can use the crystal ball to go back to before the book was burned, and I should be able to copy the contents...]

Chi Feichi looked at Lihua Zitiao, who was amused by Mori Kogoro, and replied silently:

[Scarecrow: No need, I'm not interested. 】

What astrology did he study? Isn't it faster and more accurate to ask the witch when you are indecisive?

And some things are going, even Koizumi Koko, a real witch, is not sure, let alone astrology, if it is not for Mori Kogoro to seize this opportunity to perform well and strive to leave a resourceful image in the hearts of the public , he would not let Hongzi Koizumi pass him materials to make up for the teacher temporarily.

Now he can give Zitiao Lihua a criticism in advance: 'You are going to die today'.

The accuracy rate is quite high, the kind that can escape a catastrophe, but can't escape the second catastrophe...


The door was opened, and a young girl in white clothes with short black hair came in with a phone, walked up to Zitiao Lihua, covered the speaker of the phone, and said softly, "Teacher, Mr. Nakame from Dongdu TV Station is calling." , saying that I have something very important to see you."

Reika Shijo, who was smiling happily at Kogoro Mori, turned her head, put away the smile on her face, and frowned, "I'm working now, I'll talk about it later."

"Yes." The young girl answered, and those calls left.


Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze and looked down at his phone.

[Pretty Magical Girl: I took a look, that astrologer is going to die, it's a pity, so pretty, don't you care? 】

[Scarecrow: If I intervene and cause the situation to rebound, she is still likely to die. It's too troublesome, and she also cheats people in our company. If you are interested, you can manage it yourself, as long as she doesn't affect the thk company. Benefits, I just don't know. 】

Chi Feichi didn't want to care about this matter.

Zitiao Lihua's case is not a simple misunderstanding, rather than causing many people to hold grudges. It is more troublesome and unsolvable than a "misunderstanding case". After he intervenes, Zitiao Lihua will die even worse .

Moreover, taking notes yesterday took him too much energy, which was more tiring than going out to stay up late to run and perform tasks. Today he just wants to relax himself a bit.


[Pretty Magical Girl: If I intervene, the backlash will be worse than yours, okay... I don’t know her well, so why not care about her? It's better to make some medicine. 】

[Scarecrow: Let's talk another day. Ark, clear the screen. 】

After the message was sent out, all records were deleted by Ark's background database.

Over there, the interview is also over.

Mori Kogoro and Shijo Reika got up and were going to sit in the garden for the cameraman to take two photos.

After Chi Feichi put away his phone, he followed, and stood in the corridor with Kensuke Katsuragi, Mao Lilan, and Conan to watch.

This villa can indeed be said to be a castle. The house is designed in this European medieval style, with a large garden with white stone paving, surrounded by a lawn that is manicured according to a special pattern and covered with flowers of various colors. Against the background, it is a bit dreamy.

"This house is really beautiful!" Mao Lilan sighed.

Katsuragi Kensuke looked back, and said with a smile, "This was originally a villa of a certain property owner, and Lihua bought it."

"Lihua?" Mao Lilan was a little puzzled when he heard Kensuke Katsuragi's name being called affectionately.

"No, I mean Teacher Lihua." Katsuragi Kensuke quickly changed his words.

Conan turned to look at the exterior of the house, "Is that stained glass?"

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