Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1539 Conan: It's not about my friends

Kensuke Katsuragi turned around and looked at a round piece of stained glass on a high place, "Yes, that is the stained glass designed and made by Mr. Lihua himself. It can be seen in other places of this villa. There is a profile of the teacher on it. Like, there is also the pattern of the teacher's guardian constellation Scorpio..."

Chi Feichi glanced back, and looked away without interest.

Based on the information Koizumi Hongzi sent him, there is a high probability that Zijo Lihua is a Taurus, just like the troublemaker Conan next to him?

He can't count, and no matter what the zodiac sign is, even if it is a special seat for the old, weak, sick and disabled, people of the Scorpio will express that they don't want to protect them, and they will give these unruly people a cold face.

"Ding dong!"

Hearing the doorbell ring, Katsuragi Kensuke started to go into the house, "I'll go and open the door."

"It's so bitter!"

Over there, after drinking the coffee, Zijo Lihua frowned and reprimanded the young girl in white clothes, her disciple Shiraishi Yuka, "You make the coffee so thick that the original aroma is gone!"

"terribly sorry!"

Shiraishi Youhua bowed and apologized, and quickly cleaned up the coffee on the table, "I'll make it again."

Katsuragi Kensuke, who went to open the door, came back, followed by Midorikawa Kulala, who was dressed in a low-key manner.

Seeing Lvchuan Kulala, Mao Lilan smiled in surprise, "Miss Kulala?"

Lvchuan Kulala turned her head and saw Mao Lilan and Conan standing in the corridor, and also saw Chi Feichi next to her. She was startled, and being stared at calmly and indifferently by those purple eyes, she felt that she was thinking All the hidden things were seen through, and he quickly bowed and greeted, "Consultant Chi, Miss Maori, I didn't see you here just now, I'm really rude!"

Mao Lilan was frightened by such a big battle in Lvchuan Kulala, she was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved her hand to explain, "I just saw you coming here, so I wanted to say hello..."

Lvchuan Kulala stabilized his mind, straightened up, and looked at Zitiao Lihua sitting in the garden, "I made an appointment with Miss Lihua for divination, and I'm here to look for her today."

"Go get busy if you have something to do, don't worry about us." Chi Feichi said.

"I'm sorry." Midorikawa Kulala bowed again before walking towards Zijo Lihua who turned her head to look over.

"I didn't expect that Ms. Midorikawa would come here today." Kensuke Katsuragi smiled helplessly at Chi Feichi and followed.

Mori Kogoro, who was sitting with Shijo Reika to take pictures, saw Midorikawa Kulara, and greeted with a smile, "Miss Kulara, I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Mr. Mori," Kulala Midorikawa is not a person who is good at chatting. After greeting Kogoro Mori, he looked at Reika Shijo, "Didn't you agree to help me with divination today? Why are there so many guests here? "

"The magazine asked me to do a special feature with Mr. Mori," Zitiao Lihua smiled, and looked at Chi Feichi who was looking coldly at this side in the corridor, "I almost forgot, the female detective lawyer played by Ms. The case seems to be adapted from the case that Mr. Maori personally experienced."

Kensuke Katsuragi saw that Reika Shijo had noticed Chi Feichi, and guessed that Kulala Midorikawa's sudden bow in greeting just now was too much of a reaction, which made Reika Shijo feel strange. After all, famous detectives don't get that kind of treatment, so he explained with a smile, "Mr. Chi is a shareholder of THK and is also a consultant of the company. Mr. Chi is responsible for adapting the script of the movie starring Ms. Kulala."

"So that's how it is," Zitiao Lihua retracted her gaze and said with a smile, "If I had known earlier, I should have invited you to come together."

Midorikawa Kulala listened with lowered eyes calmly, feeling that the smile on Zijo Reika's face seemed to be stuck on her back, and the right hand hanging by her side slowly tightened its fingers, and soon relaxed again down.

Mori Kogoro thought of Midorikawa Kulara's role based on Fei Eri, and his smile stiffened a lot, "Yes, yes..."

Midorikawa Kulala whispered to Zitiao Lihua, "Teacher Lihua, can I take a moment of your time?"

"Of course no problem." Zitiao Lihua raised her head and smiled brightly at Midorikawa Kulala.

Kensuke Katsuragi looked at the cameraman and said with a smile, "Since the photo has been taken and Mrs. Lihua has guests again, then you can go to work first. Mr. Mori can go to the living room with me to see how the photo is taken .”

Seeing Zitiao Lihua and Lvchuan Kulala pulling over, Mao Lilan turned sideways to get out of the way, turned her head and saw Chi Feichi still looking at the garden indifferently, and smiled helplessly, "Brother Feichi, Miss Kulala is facing Were you too nervous when you were there?"

Chi Feichi: "It seems so."

Mao Lilan: "..."

She wanted to persuade Brother Feichi to smile more at the artistes of the company, at least to have a kinder look in his eyes, which would make him more popular, but thinking about it carefully, Brother Feichi was not a sunny boy in the first place.

Forget it……

A group of people went back to the living room and sat down. Mori Kogoro asked the photographer Masao Tamura for a camera, and narcissistically flipped through the photos he had taken before.

"Oh, who is this? He looks so handsome! He's so manly!"

Mao Lilan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What are you bragging about?"


The door of the living room opened, and Lihua Zijo, who had just left for a while, came back with Kulara Midorikawa. After entering the door, she smiled at Kogoro Mori, "Mr. Wait for an hour, during this period, I have prepared a small wine for you to taste."

"Thank you so much." Mori Kogoro scratched his head and smiled.

"Where?" Zitiao Lihua smiled, and looked at Chi Feichi again, "Mr. Chi, are you interested in astrology? If so, I can help you with a simple divination by the way, as long as your birthday and Just give me the location."

Chi Feichi said indifferently, "Not interested."

Even Koizumi Hongzi couldn't figure out his fate, so he expected a person without special power in his body to figure it out?

Zitiao Lihua was suddenly a little unconvinced, and asked, "Don't you believe in astrology?"

Chi Feichi raised his eyes and stared at Zitiao Lihua without saying a word.

Hurry up if you want to die, why is there so much nonsense for a person who is dying?

Being stared at by Chi Feichi, Zitiao Lihua always felt uneasy, like a prisoner facing trial, she looked away from the side and frowned.

Mori Kogoro saw that his apprentice was cold and cold, and quickly smiled and said, "Miss Lihua, you don't need to worry about him. This kid is very weird when he is in a bad mood. He is not interested in anything outside. What a shame. You can be willful!"

"Yes," Mao Lilan said quickly, "please don't mind."

"It's okay," Zitiao Lihua quickly recovered, smiled with a good temper, and turned to Midorikawa Kulala, "Miss Midorikawa, please come to my room at 5 o'clock, before that , you can sit with your consultant and Mr. Maori for a while, and it doesn't matter if you have a drink."

"Okay." Lvchuan Kulala nodded, watched Zitiao Lihua go out, walked beside the sofa, and greeted Chi Feichi, "Consultant."

"Sit wherever you want," Chi Feichi said, "Just think of it as sitting and chatting with friends, you don't have to be restrained."

Midorikawa Kulala nodded and sat down on the sofa beside her.

"Right, I'll go out for a while."

Mao Lilan remembered that she still had something to look for Zitiao Lihua, so she hurriedly got up and went out, and chased after her.

Conan guessed that Mao Lilan was going to ask something, so he turned to Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, I'm going for a walk in the garden, do you want to go?"

Chi Feichi got up and said, "I'll accompany you."

"Don't run far away," Mori Kogoro urged, "Remember to come back in an hour!"

"Got it!" Conan responded, trotting up to Chi Feichi.

The two walked to the back door of the garden, and suddenly heard Shiraishi Youhua's emotional questioning voice from a room with the door half closed.

"Why? We clearly agreed that I'm going to take over that column next, isn't it?"

"That's what I really planned," Katsuragi Kensuke said helplessly, "But Lihua insisted on refusing to agree, unless you can use divination other than astrology, it doesn't mean that your ability is not good..."

"All of this is just an excuse, it's clearly because the teacher hates me!"

Conan went to the door and took a peek inside, then followed Chi Feichi who had walked some distance away with a speechless expression.

Chi Feichi took Conan for a walk in the garden.

There is nothing much to do in the garden, but it is quite interesting to let Feichi out for a stroll and watch Feichi roll and tie knots on the grass.

The yellow afterglow of the setting sun shines on the garden, and under the reflection of the white stone floor, the whole garden seems to be shining yellow.

Chi Feichi took Conan to sit down on the steps of the Roman-style corridor, feeling that everything was so intrusive, so he leaned against the pillars, closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of the breeze blowing through the flower beds, tables and chairs, and through the gaps in the pillars.

Conan sat aside, looked up at the sunset in the sky in the distance, then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Let me tell you, are you in a better mood?"

"It's not as bad as you imagined," Chi Feichi closed his eyes, and explained, "I really don't believe in her astrology, and I feel that speaking out in front of a famous astrologer will cause conflicts, so when she asked You choose to be silent when you are alone, and you are not asking me out to visit the garden because of this, are you?"

Conan pondered for a while, is it Miss Lihua's fault?

Thinking about it this way is also true. Ms. Lihua's question is a bit of a tough questioning feeling. If people say they are not interested, then don't ask questions like "Do you not believe it?" Chi Feichi will answer it.

Well, then it's not his little friend's problem, it's Miss Lihua's problem. Ms. Lihua is too arrogant in astrology and underestimated his little friend's temper. Chi Feichi, this guy depends on his attitude and personality when getting along with others, but he won't Because Ms. Lihua is beautiful, she will accommodate her.

"It's not entirely because of this. If you're there, Ms. Kulala seems to be very nervous. You can't let her stay for an hour, right? And I really think it's boring to wait," Conan sat on the steps with one hand With her elbows resting on her knees and her chin resting on her palms, she looked at the flower bed boredly, "By the way, did you think Miss Kulala was weird before? It was when she first came here and used to talk to Miss Lihua, I felt She seems to be hostile towards Miss Lihua, but I'm not sure."

"I feel it too..."

Chi Feichi heard the sound of birds flapping their wings in the wind blowing, opened his eyes, and looked at the birds flying over from the distant woods.

The bird was small in size, with snow-white feathers on its belly, and blue feathers on its back and wings. Under the warm yellow light of the setting sun, it had a layer of grayish blue.

"It's a red-edged blue-tailed bird." Conan saw that Chi Feichi raised his hand, and the bird landed on Chi Feichi's finger, chirping and rubbing against Chi Feichi's finger. He felt that his little friend was too fond of animals. Welcome, he couldn't help but asked jokingly, "It's very rare for this kind of bird to fly to this kind of place. Couldn't it be Brother Chi who raised it in nature again?"

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