Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1554 Kuroba Kaito: I Have a Bold Idea

"If it gets involved too deeply..." Chi Feichi thought for a while, but still didn't continue, "Forget it, it's okay to deepen the cooperation."

In the capitalist country, the government has left the land and finance to the capitalists. In this case, the land and real estate are the bones of the consortium, supporting the consortium from falling down, and the circulating funds are the circulating blood that keeps the consortium alive. Although technology is a gold swallowing beast, it is the muscle that determines the strength of the body, and it is also the future.

Others, such as luxury operations, are just means of obtaining funds.

As far as Japan is concerned, the Suzuki family focuses on the development of bones and blood. Although they have also invested in many scientific and technological fields, some have succeeded and some have failed. Generally speaking, the development of the Suzuki family is not as good as the first two. Focusing on blood and muscle and development, it's not that they don't want to develop bones, but because these fields have long been divided up by major consortiums.

Of course, that was before that. If it was Umbrella who integrated the Yan Group, it would not be too weak in this regard. Coupled with the closeness of the Suzuki Group, there is absolutely no need to worry about the "skeleton" in Japan .

What he considered was not that the Suzuki consortium would take the opportunity to erode Umbrella. What the Suzuki consortium wanted was the longevity of the Suzuki family. They wanted to get some tickets for the future so that they would not be crushed by the wheels of the times. Cooperation has twelve What he cares about is Umbrella's choice of the Suzuki consortium.

Umbrella's confidence is Noah's Ark. The energy brought by artificial intelligence, the changes and development it can bring, far exceed many people's imagination. In fact, without the Suzuki consortium, Ark can step by step through information collection and calculation. Eat the bones needed for a business, and not just that.

What he was considering, that is, the future "plan" for the Suzuki Consortium, once it got too involved, sometimes Umbrella would fight for the interests of the Suzuki Consortium, just like stabbing the fingers of his left hand with a knife in his right hand.

It's just that Umbrella's strategy for other consortiums was not completely hacked to death. Whether it is the Yan's consortium or the Eight Generations consortium, they all belong to "absorption".

This kind of behemoth can only be absorbed. If the person in charge is not pleasing to the eye, then find a way to change the person in charge.

The current head of the Suzuki Foundation, Suzuki Shiro, is a generous person, and the consultant Suzuki Jirokichi who is involved in the matter has a good relationship with their family. If there is no accident, Suzuki Sonoko will be the future heir. Whether he has a good relationship, even if it's because of affection, 'gentle absorption' is the best.

He still likes Suzuki Jirokichi, an old man. Umbrella has Wilson spending money on the Internet and showing off. His cheap dad likes spending money on scientific research and spending money on other things. These two seem not very good at it...

The Suzuki family wants to inherit the wealth from generation to generation. When Umbrella develops to a certain level and the future is bright again, the Suzuki family will be willing to take a ride without Umbrella expressing his position.

If the Suzuki family is reluctant to part with the emblem of the era of "Suzuki Foundation" that has been developed for many years, then keeping it and adding "Umbrella" in front is also a solution.

Just let it develop naturally.


The streets near Jinzuo have been cordoned off, and only TV broadcast vehicles and police cars can enter.

The Chi family's car was an exception, but when they got near the destination, they still had to get out of the car and walk over due to the large crowd of onlookers.

After Hui Yuanai got off the car, she turned around and asked, "By the way, Brother Feichi, is Feichi sleeping?"

The weather has gotten a lot hotter recently, and she thought of the time when "Pan Feichi cools down and relieves the heat".

After Chi Feichi waited for Yueshui Nanatsuki to get off the car, he also got out of the car, and took out the 'soft-shaped Feichi' from under his jacket to have a look.

Snakes have no eyelids, so if Feichi didn't make a sound or move, he really wouldn't be able to tell if Feichi was asleep.

Hui Yuanai was startled when she saw the soft Feichi, her face turned pale, "Is Feichi sick?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also cast a questioning look.

Feichi lazily vomited the snake letter, and moved it into Chi Feichi's sleeve little by little, "Master, I'm so tired..."

Chi Feichi tucked Feichi back into his sleeve as a help, "It's okay, it's running around the room today, moving things around, it's too tired from playing."

They were all made by that One!

"Really..." Huiyuan Ai always felt that Feichi was not 'too tired', but that he was almost exhausted, but thinking that Chi Feichi was a veterinarian, if Feichi was not feeling well, Chi Feichi would have found out. Immediately relieved, he turned his head to look at the crowd, and analyzed, "It seems that Kidd didn't send out an announcement this time, but with so many people waiting for him, he should come, and he won't keep everyone waiting too long. It'll be there around 1:00."

"The time is coming soon..." Yueshui Nanatsuki came with the Tang sword that Chi Feichi gave. The knife was tied to the sash of the skirt belt, and he reached out to hold Hui Yuanai, "Let's go, let's go see Look, there are many people here, be careful not to get lost."

Huihara Ai looked up at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, she didn't resist Nanatsuki Koshimizu leading her, and looked towards the crowd in a good mood.

Sometimes, she really couldn't see what brother Feichi was thinking, but she had a basic understanding of her brother.

Brother Feichi would invite Detective Yueshui to watch the excitement, which is a good signal in itself.

In the car before, Brother Feichi talked about the Suzuki Consortium, without taking into account the presence of Detective Yueshui. Although he didn't say much, Brother Feichi's attitude was that the Suzuki Consortium was the Suzuki Consortium, and the Chi family was the Chi family.

When they received a friendly invitation from the Suzuki family and Sonoko still has a good relationship with them, many people should feel too indifferent and rational, and some emotional girls might feel uncomfortable.

Her brother Feichi sometimes speaks annoyed people, not because he doesn't understand the world and how others feel, but because he is too lazy to hide it or wants to be willful. You don't say that in the car.

It seems that Detective Yueshui doesn't care if her brother Feichi's attitude towards the Suzuki Consortium is too rational and indifferent just now, and she and Detective Yueshui have chatted a lot on uL software, maybe it is better than Brother Feichi and Detective Yueshui After chatting a lot, Detective Yueshui must have a good impression of her brother Feichi, and she also thinks Detective Yueshui is good.

Seeing that Brother Feichi has a chance to get out of the future waiting for her to retire, Detective Yueshui has absolutely no problem getting along with her. It's only natural that she is in a good mood.

Chi Feichi waited for Dashan Mi to arrange the driver to drive outside to wait, then turned around and led the way to the crowd, "Yueshui, why did you bring the knife?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed Hui Yuanai with one hand, patted the Tang Dao hanging on his waist with the other hand, and said with a smile, "I want to see if I can help catch Kidd. Like magic, I think it's going to be hard to do without a weapon."

Hui Yuanai looked up at the two of them, and suddenly felt that he seemed too optimistic.

Brother Feichi, don’t you think the name ‘Yue Shui’ is too pretentious?

Also, Detective Yueshui doesn't seem to know that Kaito Kidd has an unusual relationship with Brother Feichi...

In the crowd, Kaito Kuroba disguised himself as a passer-by young man, shamelessly followed other fans and excitedly shouted 'Long Live Kidd', when he suddenly heard someone not far away saying 'Catch Kaito Kidd', he turned his head curiously go.


Why does his family's frenzied elder brother come to join in the fun again?


Wait, the girl who said 'catch Kidd' just now came with her brother?

This is a new face, never seen before, is it Brother Chi's new friend?

Um? Wait a little longer, he seemed to see another little loli, the one that Brother Feichi didn't take him to play with but took with him every day.

Speaking of which, that tea-haired loli should also call him brother, right?


He suddenly had a bold idea.

When stealing gems, it shouldn't be too much to steal a brother who is not Chi's little sister, right?

Hui Yuanai walked in with Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki, vaguely aware of malicious eyes staring at him, and it didn't feel like he was organizing those people, so he turned his head to look at the crowd around him in doubt.

Is it an illusion? still……

Kaito Kuroba quickly looked away, and also suppressed the wicked smile on the corner of his mouth. Taking advantage of the crowd's cover, he took out his mobile phone to send an email to Terai Konosuke.

Very good, let's change the original plan and let Grandpa control the dummy to fly one more time in the air...

"Mr. Chi also arranged a strategy expert for Advisor Suzuki?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard what Oyama said, and wondered in his heart whether Chi Feichi really wanted to catch Kidd.

"Yes," Dashan Ya smiled kindly, "Consultant Jirokichi called the consultant and asked him to borrow someone. Of course, the consultant would agree. This time, our two families gathered a lot of strategy experts, anti-theft experts, psychological experts, and other preparations. , Kaitou Kidd is not so easy to deal with."

"Not necessarily," Chi Feichi disagreed, "Sometimes, the more you think about it, the more loopholes you will have."

Kuroba Kaito, who approached quietly, felt emotional.

His brother Feichi still has so much confidence in him, but the plan has already started, and he will definitely carry it out.


Surprised cheers suddenly erupted from the side.

"Kid! It's Phantom Thief Kid!"

"Kidd is here!"

In the air, a figure in a white dress flew over, and a propeller was installed behind the hang glider.

Amidst the cheers, the figure flew towards the loudest cheering crowd, causing another burst of excited screams.

"Ah! Master Kidd!"

Fans from other directions started rushing towards that direction with frenzied expressions, raising their heads and stretching their hands, regardless of whether they would bump into others, or in other words, there were some people who were completely coerced by the crowd and squeezed there of.

Oyama Mi was unfortunately squeezed away by the crowd.

Chi Feichi stood sideways on the far left side of the rushing crowd, and stretched out his hand to help Yueshui Nanatsuki fend off the oncoming people.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also held Huihara Ai tightly, and turned to look around at the people who ran past frantically.

In the crowd, Kuroba Kaito saw that when Chi Feichi stretched out his hand, the arm and palm were still some distance away from Koshimizu Nanatsuki's body, and a nasty smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

His elder brother is indeed a gentleman.

If Brother Feichi got too close, he was really worried that he would be kicked away by Brother Feichi when he made a move...

In the air, after the white figure flew a little lower, it circled again and flew in the direction where Chi Feichi and the others were.

The crowd that was rushing there turned around and ran back.

Chi Feichi was originally on the left side, but it was too late to go to the right side at this time, so he took a cold look at the white shadow in the air, stretched out his hand to pull Yueshui Nanatsuki closer, and at the same time paid attention to the movement around him.

He remembered that there was not such a big chaos in the original plot, and that kid Kaito didn't know what the hell was going on, and his place was the most severely impacted by the crowd... That kid must have no good intentions!

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