Haibara Ai was led by Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and was also brought closer. Looking at the distance between Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki who were almost hugging each other, she suddenly felt that the Kaitou Kidd's assist was excellent, and did not find any confusion A pair of hands reached quickly to her shoulders from the crowd.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was suddenly pulled closer, and before he had time to react, he felt that the hand of Haibara Ai who was holding him was being pulled away with great force. He was startled, and at the same time he turned his head to look over, he pulled out his right hand with a 'swish' Tang Dao slashed at the hands holding Hui Yuanai back.

In the crowd, Kaito Kuroba's face was illuminated by a ray of white light, and the malicious smile he had shown when he just succeeded froze, and he quickly withdrew his hands.


The narrow black knife with only a white blade fell quickly, and stopped less than two millimeters from the outside of Hui Yuanai's sleeve.

Huiyuan Ai turned his head to look at the black blade resting on his shoulder, and then looked up at Nanatsuki Koshimizu holding a knife in his right hand with a solemn expression.


Young hero is good at swordsmanship!

Kuroba Kaito retreated into the crowd, his face stiffer than Hui Yuan Ai's, and he didn't recover for a long time.

With such a fast drawing speed and slashing speed, who is this girl...

No, no, wait, the point of the question should be, with so many people crowding around, this girl actually drew her knife and slashed, isn't she afraid of accidentally injuring others?

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't know who wanted to pull you away just now, I didn't even think about it..." After Koshimizu Nanatsuki recovered, she thought that Huiyuan Ai was frightened by her actions, but there was no time to hesitate , explained, and pulled Hui Yuan Ai to his side, still clenched the handle of the knife with his right hand, and looked around vigilantly, "But don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Haibara Ai tightened Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand and increased the strength in his hand, wanting to make Koshimizu Nanatsuki feel more at ease, then turned to look at the crowd, "I didn't see anyone just now, but I smelled a little anesthetic the smell of..."

"Phantom Thief Kidd."

Chi Feichi's voice subconsciously showed a trace of coldness, and his face softened a second before Yueshui Nanatsuki and Huiyuan Ai looked surprised.

It's okay for Kaito to joke with him, but if he kidnaps Haibara Ai while Koshimizu Nanatsuki is pulling Haibara Ai away, Koshimizu Nanatsuki will definitely feel guilty, and maybe he will leave a knot in his heart.

Isn't this messing him up?

When Yueshui Nanatsuki and Huiyuan Ai moved their eyes to Chi Feichi's face, what they saw was Chi Feichi's calm expression as usual, and they couldn't help wondering whether it was because of their nervousness that caused them to hear Chi Feichi's words just now. sound……

It seems to be murderous!


The white figure flying above exploded a cloud of smoke, which soon enveloped the intersection.

Kuroba Kaito didn't make any further moves, and quickly ran towards the display stand. At the same time, he tore off the disguise and camouflage clothes on his body, revealing the white dress underneath, and jumped onto the display stand nimbly.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when Brother Feichi said 'Kid the Stranger Kidd' just now, he felt a chill on his neck...

When the smoke dissipated, Kaito Kuroba's feet landed on the booth, with one hand propped on the table, squatting halfway.

When the surrounding crowd saw it, cheers erupted immediately, and they ran towards the booth again.

"Master Kidd!"

"It's amazing, it jumped directly from the air!"

"Just like Superman!"

Yueshui Nanatsuki saw that Chi Feichi had retreated behind her again, helping to block the crowd coming forward again, put the knife back into its sheath with a 'shua', bent down and hugged Huiyuan, and mourned, with anger still in his eyes, " Since Kidd appeared in the crowd, the one in the sky just now was a dummy, right? To actually want to take advantage of the chaos and kidnap a child, it's really disgusting!"

Hui Yuan Ai was "forcibly hugged to keep warm" by Mao Lilan who is afraid of ghosts more than once, and was hugged by Chi Kanai more than once, even Chi Feichi had hugged her before, and she was used to being hugged like a child, plus she was silent in her heart Koshimizu Nanatsuki could be one of his own, so he didn't feel awkward, and intentionally comforted him, "The Kaitou Kidd doesn't kill or hurt anyone, he probably just wanted to make a joke."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought about the rumors that Phantom Thief Kidd had never hurt anyone, and he was relieved, but he was still a little dissatisfied, and frowned, "Then you can't target children, what if you scare children?"

"I'm not the kind of child who is easily scared." Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi who was blocking the crowd behind him, and found that Chi Feichi's expression was also not very good, so he didn't say any more.

Strange, since the Phantom Thief Kidd and Brother Feichi are acquaintances, then Brother Feichi should know that even if the Phantom Thief Kidd kidnaps her, he still has to send her back in the end, why his face is so ugly...

At the crossroads ahead, the four bodyguards around the booth were busy blocking the crowd, fearing that some strange thief would take advantage of the chaos and sneak into the crowd.

Suzuki Jirokichi saw the appearance of Kaitou Kidd, and immediately had people activate the organs around the intersection.

A network of wires rises from the ground and stretches between buildings, forming a square shape that cuts off the four directions of the intersection.

In the square net, apart from Kaitou Kidd, some people who rushed to the display stand and the police were also surrounded inside.

The host of the TV broadcast quickly reported to the camera, "It's the net! The huge net has covered the intersection of Kinza 4-chome!"


After the surrounding wire and rope nets groaned, the ropes became as hard as iron.

The three of Chi Feichi happened to be right next to the net, and they didn't rush forward to squeeze with the people rushing to the display stand.

Haibara Ai was hugged by Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and curiously reached out and touched the hardened net, "Is it a material that will harden quickly when exposed to air? No, it should be that there are thin tubes in the net cord, which will make the net harden when exposed to air. The hardened material of the rope spreads everywhere..."

Chi Feichi looked into the sky, "It's not over yet."

On the top of the four or five storey high net, red rays interlaced rapidly, forming a large net of red rays above the head.

In front of the booth, the young woman looked up at the phantom thief Kidd in a white dress, and said eagerly, "Master Kidd, please make up like me and run away!"

The man next to him quickly said, "I can do it too, Lord Kidd!"

"What is the net above?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki asked Chi Feichi in a low voice.

Chi Feichi looked back at the large red net above his head, and explained, "The net above the head has a biothermal detector. Once a heat body larger than the size of a child's body goes up, it will transmit the other party's body heat data. To the console, and avoid being affected by the heat of the object, only when the object that matches the body heat touches the net, will the center console give a warning. A paralyzing ray."

Hui Yuanai asked curiously, "Brother Feichi, how do you know this?"

"This is the anti-theft system newly researched by Zhenchi Group. It is suitable for anti-theft in open-air warehouses and other places, and it will not accidentally trigger the alarm due to passing small animals such as cats and birds, or cause cats and birds to be injured," Chi Feichi looked at. The display platform ahead said, "Of course, the specific data can be adjusted."

His cheap father spent money on technology back then, and researched more than this, but some security defense facilities are too scary to show, it is better to be subtle and low-key, so the list given to Jiro Suzuki is only those that can be produced and sold externally. small portion.

Probably because of the decision to challenge in the open air, Jiro Kichi Suzuki chose this.

"Then it should be difficult for Kidd to escape, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Kaitou Kidd who was squatting on the booth, comforting the fans and putting the gemstone sandals in his arms, a little eager to try.

"No, he will definitely be able to escape," Chi Feichi saw the confident smile on the corner of a strange thief's mouth, and knew that all these preparations were useless, so he patiently explained, "Kidd will investigate the situation before he acts, since he dares to come , I have been prepared for a long time, and the above network is very easy to break through. Since it is a program-controlled thing, then, before that, he can disguise himself as someone to secretly adjust the program data. In addition, he has accomplices, let them mix Entering the staff can also assist him in escaping."

"Adjust the trigger data to the data that he can pass through? That would allow him to pass through the laser network without triggering the alarm," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around, "but the surrounding network has four or five floors Gao, if someone tries to climb over, they will definitely be seen. Afterwards, the police only need to investigate one by one. He who stole the jeweled sandals will not be able to escape at all. He failed the challenge issued by Advisor Suzuki, and on the ground, he couldn't use the hang glider to escape..."

Hui Yuanai looked up at the helicopter with searchlights in the sky, "Even if you can fly up with a hot air balloon, it will be affected by the airflow of the helicopter, causing the hot air balloon to lose control, and it is easy to be hit by people. The Kaitou Kidd on the ground , It’s really not easy to escape.”

"So, we need a magic show next," Chi Feichi said, thinking that it would not be good for Koshimizu Nanatsuki to hold a seven or eight-year-old child standing for too long, so he took over Haibara Ai from Koshimizu Nanatsuki's arms , walked towards Mori Kogoro standing in front of the crowd, "Let him go back into the air."

"Everyone, don't worry," said a strange thief squatting on the booth with a confident smile, "All of this is within my expectations..."

The TV reporter held the microphone high in front of Kaitou Kidd and asked loudly, "Then what are you going to do next?"

A certain thief smiled, and put the sandals on the booth into his arms, "Since the work is over, let's go home."

The female reporter was a little confused, "The point is how to leave?"

A strange thief raised his right index finger, with a mysterious smile on his face, "Teleportation."

"Teleportation?!" The female reporter was even more confused.

Nakamori Ginzo in the crowd gritted his teeth, "That guy is talking nonsense again..."

Suzuki Sonoko in front of the booth was very excited, "Really? Master Kidd is going to use teleportation to leave here?"

Kogoro Maoli was speechless. Seeing Chi Feichi coming, he greeted Chi Feichi, "Feichi, you are here."

"Teacher." Chi Feichi greeted Hui Yuanai with his arms in his arms.

"Mr. Mori, hello." Koshimizu Nanatsuki also greeted.

"You guys seem to be a bit late, and I'm worried that you'll be blocked from the net, and you won't be able to watch some of Kidd's mobile performances up close," Mori Kogoro said, aiming at Haibara Ai, "Although children The sight of her is easily blocked by the crowd, but you don't need to hold her to see it? Children are usually too spoiled, so it's not very good!"

Conan was still thinking about how the Kaitou Kidd would run away, but upon hearing this, he couldn't help but look up at Haibara Ai with complicated eyes.

Is Haibara sure that the drug won't make the mind young as well?

Recently, Huiyuan was hugged by a child, and he didn't seem to have any resistance. This kind of reaction was completely inconsistent with Huiyuan's character.

Haibara Ai glanced at Conan expressionlessly, and then looked at Kogoro Mori expressionlessly.

What does it mean to raise a child too spoiled?

She usually doesn't wait for others to serve her, and she is also very worried about the doctor and brother Feichi.

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