Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1556 My younger brother, clean up by yourself

"Damn Kidd!"

Ginzo Nakamori roared angrily, pushed through the crowd and rushed towards the booth, "Don't even try to run away!"

"The legendary sandal 'Purple Nails', I took it away, so in more than ten seconds, let's meet again somewhere in time and space..."

After a certain thief finished speaking, a puff of smoke exploded around him, and he disappeared without a trace, leaving Ginzo Nakamori and the bodyguards beside the booth in vain.

The crowd erupted in amazement.

"Wow! Really disappeared!"


"It's just taking advantage of the smoke to sneak into the crowd," Conan revealed in a low voice, "it's not teleportation."

Bodyguards in black passed through the crowd and stood under the surrounding net, blocking the edge of the net tightly.


A card flew in front of Mori Kogoro and landed on the ground. There was also a stick figure of Kaitou Kidd on the card.

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro looked at it suspiciously, "Is this Kidd's mark? Where did it come from?"

Conan had already bent down first, picked up the card on the ground, turned it over and looked at it, "There is a letter transmitter stuck on the back, it should have been stuck on the sandal by Consultant Suzuki, and English..."

"Tree?" Suzuki Sonoko watched closely and read out.

"I picked up Lord Kidd's card!"

In the crowd not far away, a girl who picked up the card from the ground looked at the card and said happily, "There seems to be a word on the back... Tw?"

"e?" In the crowd on the other side, a man also picked up the card.


On the roof of the nearby building, as the smoke exploded and was blown away by the wind, a figure in a white dress also appeared, as if suddenly appearing on the roof.

The TV reporter on the rooftop looked surprised, took the microphone, turned to the camera and said, "It's Kidd! Kidd suddenly appeared on the roof!"

A white cloak fluttered in the wind, and he looked playfully at the surprised crowd below, turned around and walked along the edge of the roof guardrail, walked to the camera, took out a sandal with a purple gemstone, and said in a gentle and slow voice, "again Tell Mr. Jiroji for me, I have indeed received the treasures you gave me. Unfortunately, one of them is a fake, and this fake will be returned to you first. If possible, I hope you can be here tomorrow night Prepare another one for me, if you give it to a woman you love, if there is only one, she will be angry."

As he said that, a strange thief handed the sandal to the reporter, fell backwards, and on the way to the ground at high speed, the hang glider behind him opened and flew the person into the distance.

At the same time, the wild laughter of a strange thief came from the air.


Conan felt that a certain Phantom Thief was laughing abhorrently. He stared at the figure flying into the distance, squatted down, and turned the knob on the power-enhancing shoes, preparing to pop out the belt football and throw a flying ball to the white figure.

Chi Feichi stepped forward with Hui Yuanai in his arms, and walked towards Suzuki Sonoko naturally, "Sonoko, advisor Jirokichi?"

"Ah?" Suzuki Sonoko turned his head to look at the white van on the side of the road, "He is directing there."

Conan looked at the distant sky, and silently put down his right hand on his belt.

His little friend came forward at the wrong time, and just blocked his sight, causing that arrogant thief to fly away...


After everything was over, the cheering crowd dispersed one after another.

At the invitation of Suzuki Sonoko, Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran, and Conan returned to Suzuki Jirokichi's house and held a temporary meeting.

In addition, there are Suzuki Jirokichi, the person who issued the challenge letter, Nakamori Ginzo, the main force of the police who arrested the Kaitou Kidd, and Oyama Ya, the security captain, and the strategy expert leader.

Chi Feichi also took Yueshui Nanatsuki and Hui Yuanai there, and when he arrived, he watched the programmer check the anti-theft equipment.

"Could it be that he took the elevator up?" Mori Kogoro looked at the rebroadcast video and guessed, "As long as you take the elevator that goes straight to the top floor, it should be easy to run from the window to the rooftop, right?"

"Impossible!" Suzuki Jirokichi said firmly, "I booked the four buildings around the intersection for a whole day, and I even found someone to block them. It is impossible for anyone to get in!"

"The package, the package?" Mori Kogoro was surprised, and then looked at Chi Feichi, who was staring at the programmer adjusting the data, and was speechless for a while.

By the way, there are more than 30 experts studying how to catch Kidd before. Sometimes the thoughts of these rich people are really capricious and people can't understand.

"And even if he sneaks into the building, it will take at least a minute to take the elevator to the top floor," Suzuki Jirokichi added after thinking, "20 seconds is absolutely impossible!"

"But," Conan said cutely, "if it's just sandals, wouldn't it be easy to get them upstairs? Doesn't Kaito Kidd have an accomplice? As long as that accomplice cooperates with Kidd downstairs and upstairs , just send the sandals up, one disappears and one appears, isn't that like teleporting to the roof?"

"No... not just sandals," Suzuki Jirokichi closed his eyes with a heavy face, and looked at the bodyguard guarding the door, "Let him in!"

The one who entered was one of the four bodyguards guarding the booth before. When he was eating a burger, ketchup accidentally stuck to his hand. When he was grabbing Kidd on the booth, that hand also grabbed Kidd. cape.

After that, Kaito Kidd appeared in the video of the rooftop, and there was also a ketchup-shaped handprint on the white cloak that was blown by the wind, which was enough to prove that the Kaito Kidd downstairs and the man who appeared on the rooftop later Kaito Kid is the same person.

"That guy really moved," Jiroji Suzuki concluded gloomily, "In just 20 seconds, he moved to that place at a height of 30 meters!"

The others were puzzled and solemnly silent.

Chi Feichi sat on the sofa and saw the programmer who was checking the data on the computer turn his head and nod to himself, and then broke the stagnant atmosphere, "Since Mr. Jiroji needs an independently managed database, there is no backup at the Machi Group. However, judging from the data operation records on the control device, the data in the device is normal and has not been modified or cleared by anyone.”

"That, that is to say, Kidd did not pass through the ray detection network above, and went directly to the top floor?" Nakamori Ginzo said in disbelief, "Could it be that guy can really teleport?"

"No, this only proves that he didn't tamper with the equipment." Chi Feichi looked at Suzuki Jirokichi who looked depressed, "Mr. Jirokichi took good care of the equipment control machine, but it's not impossible to guard against the biological heat sensor Other methods, the simplest method, are to wrap the body with a temperature-insulating cloth, or wrap it with a cloth that emits the same temperature as the outside temperature, and it is not very difficult to make these cloths simply."

He had to admit that his previous calculation was a little wrong, ignoring the mind of the magician.

Since Kaito intends to perform the magic of 'teleportation', it is impossible to change the setting data on the device to let people know that Kidd needs to pass through the ray net, thus destroying the mystery of the magic.

However, it is not difficult to block heat induction detection. As long as the investigation is clear that it is a ray that senses the heat of the human body, and then use foreign objects to make the detected temperature consistent with the outside world, the alarm will not be triggered.

Yes, it is to transform one's external body into a temperature-changing animal like a snake, and use the characteristics of a snake to defeat the heat-sensing device developed with the snake's thermal eyes.

"If it's not that we don't have enough time, we should dig the road, install the weight sensing device underneath, and then install the number recognition device!" Suzuki Jirokichi was annoyed, and asked again, "Feichi, what about Kidd? Do you have any thoughts on the way to move to the roof?"

"Sorry, I haven't found it yet."

Chi Feichi lied calmly.

He knew what this teleportation magic was all about.

The so-called traps in magic are nothing more than a few. The difference between a top magician and an ordinary magician does not lie in the number of techniques he has mastered, but in his thinking and his flexible and quick response ability.

Although Kaito Kuroba has an extraordinary talent as a magician, he is always the same. He ignores the gorgeous performance effects and blindfolds, and uses basic magic techniques to see it. is how to do it.

And those magic techniques, magic knowledge, and magic experience come from Black Feather Pirates, an internationally renowned magician, the first phantom thief Kidd, Kaito's father, and his teacher, and Black Feather Pirates' magic and The disguise notes were shown to him by Kuroba Kaito.

There are so many origins in it, he will not reveal Kuroba Kaito's magic tricks to Suzuki Jirokichi, lest Kuroba Kaito is really caught, and if he really wants to reveal it, he has to find a way to help Kuroba Kaito master the magic tricks Completed successfully.

Kaito's joke of trying to kidnap someone tonight almost caused trouble for him, but he provided Suzuki Jirokichi with anti-theft equipment, which also caused trouble for Kaito, and it is not too much for Kaito to turn to trick him.

What's more, Kaidou has not succeeded in abducting people, so he can just find a chance to beat him up.

It's okay for the brothers to make any noise, and it's not appropriate to let others get involved.

As for the ball that Conan was going to kick, he also deliberately blocked Conan's line of sight.

If Conan's kick hit Kaito, he would feel that he was too bullying Kaito when he beat Kaito...


The next day, the student party started to go to school.

Chi Feichi connected to the UK online, and played a morning video with Prince Philip, teaching some basic knowledge of Chinese characters and pinyin. After lunch, he took out his scythe and sharpened the two fronts carefully. Wipe clean.

My younger brother, clean up by yourself.

In the evening, at the intersection of Jinza 4-chome, a display stand was put on again, and there was a genuine gemstone sandal left on the table.

This time, Suzuki Jirokichi asked people to pull up the large nets on all sides early, and did not let onlookers in. He only asked Nakamori Ginzo to set up a police guard display stand inside the net.

Dashan Mi planned to join in the fun, and arranged a car to pick up Chi Feichi, Koshimi Nanatsuki, and Haibara Ai, and also went to the Mori Detective Agency, where he picked up the trio of plague gods, and even the detectives who were staying in the detective agency. Sonoko Suzuki took a ride.

Fortunately, the commercial vehicle arranged by Oyamami was large enough to carry a group of people. Before dark, they arrived near the intersection of Kinza 4-chome. Go to the big net to watch the excitement.

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