Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1566 Dragon Tail Scene: The expression is gradually aggrieved

"In addition, when riding a horse, the force of the muscles of the whole body must be adjusted. In comparison, a person with more developed muscles will be more tired after riding a horse. However, it is a novice period, and it will be better after getting used to it. I suggest standing up first. Archery, if you are proficient, you can learn to ride and shoot on a horse. If you are not proficient in equestrian skills or have poor muscle control, practice on a horse as soon as you come. You may fall off the horse, which is very dangerous," Long Weijing gently suggested , Seeing Longwei Linghua come back after setting up the target, she said with a smile, "You guys try it first, Mr. Chi can also get used to bow and arrow first."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huibaraai nodded, stepped forward and stood a certain distance away, drew the bow and set the arrow, held their breath and focused, and aimed.



Two arrows brushed past the edge of the target.

"If you haven't trained specially before, this is pretty good," Ryuo Ayaka said with a smile, "much better than me. If I want to practice with Ah Jing, maybe I can even compete with him for the person in charge of the riding and archery performance."


Another arrow also missed the target.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki and Hui Yuanai turned their heads and looked at Chi Feichi who had thrown an arrow aside.

Long Weijing didn't find it strange, and explained with a smile, "No matter how similar two bows are, there will be subtle differences. Even people who are good at archery need to get used to archery when they come into contact with unfamiliar bows and arrows. Adaptation depends on the individual's level and talent."

Hui Yuan mourned that Chi Feichi's last horseback shooting at the OK Ranch also hit a target representing a hostage with one arrow, so he directly came up with an "opening hostage sacrifice to the sky", "Then if you can get used to it with one arrow, your level should be Is it high?"

"One arrow is impossible..."

Long Weijing paused, turned to look at Chi Feichi, "..."

So, can anyone really get used to bows and arrows after just one try?

Chi Feichi: "..."

He was still thinking about whether he should try two more arrows to make himself appear more normal. Now, should he continue with his previous thinking, or just say that he has finished adapting?

Longwei Ayahua: "..."

Suddenly, I was a little worried about hitting Ah Jing.

This damned sense of crisis for no reason...

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Why are you silent all of a sudden?

Haibara Ai:"……"

Did she say something wrong? Or is it that the blue is better than the blue, and has surpassed Brother Feichi's cold field level?

After a moment of silence in the woods, Chi Feichi said calmly, "I'm talented in shooting, and because I practice martial arts, I can control my muscles better."

He has very precise control over muscle strength. When touching a new bow, he can exert force through his muscles and feel the subtle features of the bow when he pulls it. Arrows, like bullets, will form a falling parabola after shooting, but the arrow is more Bullets have weaker driving force and are more easily affected by external factors such as wind direction and wind speed. However, he had a very subtle intuition in this regard in his previous life. He only needs to try it once, no matter whether it is an arrow or a bullet, no matter how the environment changes , He can roughly locate the parabolas and landing points of arrows and bullets in different environments based on his knowledge of gun bullets or bows and arrows during the test.

So he wasn't lying, he was indeed talented, but his talent in this area was a little stronger.

I just don't know if Long Weijing would believe what he said?

Haibara Ai remembered Conan's complaints, looked up to observe Long Weijing's expression, and found that Longwei Jing really looked dubious, and was speechless for a while.

Edogawa is right, Brother Feichi’s occasional consolation sounds reasonable at first glance, and looking at Brother Feichi’s expression, he is so calm that it seems to be filled with “I didn’t lie to you, you trust me”, no Experts will think 'that's it', but insiders always feel that something is wrong. The more I think about it, the more I feel that it is just a lie out of well-intentioned comfort, and the more I think about it, the more sad I feel.

"Then..." Long Weijing slowed down, "Then you now..."

Chi Feichi was too lazy to act, and looked at the brown horse led by Long Weijing, "I think I can try it."

Long Weijinghan smiled, and handed the rope leading the horse to Chi Feichi, "Then try the horse."

Chi Feichi led the horse, stepped on the stirrups, got on the horse, and rode to the end of the path.

"Oops, I forgot to find riding clothes for Mr. Chi..." Long Weijing saw Chi Feichi sitting on the horse, and then remembered that he was too happy just now, and forgot that Chi Feichi was still wearing plain clothes, and muttered angrily.

But before he could yell, Chi Feichi had already rode back and kicked the horse's belly to make the horse continue to accelerate.

Chi Feichi sensed the wind direction and speed, and let go of the hand pulling the string.


With a strong wind, the arrow flew to the target in the blink of an eye, and broke the target wooden sign from it with a 'bang'.

Long Weijing looked at the target, his expression gradually aggrieved.


Before the horse ran to the target, he released the arrow, and the arrow shot towards the target in a diagonal line, and the range was much farther than when he practiced archery.

Moreover, at that angle, the wooden target was sloped, and it was not easy for the arrow tip to hit the wooden sign, let alone break through it after hitting the wooden plank.

With just one arrow, he could feel that Mr. Chi was really not on the same level as himself.

Hui Yuan Ai had confidence in Chi Feichi's archery skills, so she didn't look at the target, and let Yueshui Nanatsuki pull her away a little, but only paid attention to Chi Feichi's expression.

She still remembered that when Brother Feichi rode and shot last time, his aura became different from usual. At that time, she thought that all cavalry and archers were like this. After aiming at the target, they were completely concentrated, so they appeared very powerful. .

But she didn't feel that kind of change in Long Weijing just now, which made her a little curious, wanting to see what caused such a big difference in the momentum of the two of them...

Second arrow!

Chi Feichi drew the bow and released the arrow very quickly, and the second arrow soon reached the wooden target.


The wooden sign shattered in two, flew out, and landed on the ground far away from where it was.

Hui Yuan Ai stared at Chi Feichi's expression, his face became heavy, and the hand held by Nanatsuki Koshimizu unconsciously tightened.

She saw clearly.

At the moment when the arrow was released, Brother Feichi's dilated pupils concealed a stern aura that made her feel uncomfortable!

"Xiao Ai?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki noticed that Huiyuan Ai had grasped her hand tightly, lowered her head and called out in doubt.

Hui Yuanai still stared straight at Chi Feichi on the horse, and didn't even pay much attention to Chi Feichi grabbing a few arrows from his quiver this time, only paying attention to Chi Feichi's expression and eyes, his face was pale.

For some reason, Gin's face repeatedly flashed in her mind, and Gin's extremely indifferent eyes flashed when he aimed his gun at someone else...


This time, two arrows were fired at once, and the two wooden targets shattered at the same time, reflecting in Hui Yuanai's eyes like two splashes of blood.

"Xiao Ai?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki called several times in a row, and found that Hui Yuan Ai seemed to be petrified, squatted down, looked at Hui Yuan Ai's dull and pale face, reached out and touched Hui Yuan Ai's forehead under the bangs, "What's wrong with you? You look so ugly?"

The warmth from the palm made Hui Yuanai slowly come back to his senses, looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki who was squatting in front of him, and crossed Yueshui Nanatsuki to look at Chi Feichi who was approaching by the galloping horse.

How can you think of gin?

When organizing those guys to aim at the target, there is not only indifference of disregarding human life, but also bloodthirsty frenzy in their eyes.

Brother Feichi's eyes were calm, but a little sharper than usual. Since he was looking at a lifeless wooden target, it was normal for his eyes to be cold.

Then she will suddenly think of gin, could it be because...

Brother Feichi's eyes showed killing intent unconsciously at that moment?

Chi Feichi took out three arrows from his quiver, aimed at the target, and drew the string.

Three arrows flew out, and after hitting the target, the arrow tip split the wooden target in half again.

Hui Yuan Ai found that all the targets had been shot, and Chi Feichi's gaze seemed to be as cold as usual. He retracted his gaze and said to Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was looking at her worriedly, "I, I'm fine."

Since the target was shot before the horse ran to the front, Chi Feichi slowed down the horse and rode slowly to a group of people.

Yue Shui Nanatsu looked back at Chi Feichi, a strange look flashed in his eyes and he quickly restrained himself, smiling at Hui Yuanai, "Is Mr. Chi's aura just now too scary?"

"One thing..." Seeing Chi Feichi get off the horse and come over, Hui Yuanai suppressed the panic in his heart, showed an aggrieved face for a second, raised his head and said to Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi looked so fierce just now!"

Walking to the side, Chi Feichi was at a loss, carefully paying attention to Hui Yuan Ai's expression, wondering what's wrong with Hui Yuan Ai, and replied without any fluctuation on his face, "Sorry."

"Ah Jing?" Linghua Longwei looked at Longwei Jing worriedly.

Long Weijing's expression was more aggrieved than Hui Yuanai's, looking at Chi Feichi hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak...


He always thought that the realization of the three arrows and the arrow hitting the target just now can only appear in film and television works, but today someone actually demonstrated it in front of his eyes, and it was a young boy younger than him, demonstrating it with such a relaxed posture. Come out and make him feel...

These years of hard riding and shooting practice have fed the dogs!

He's fine, just a little skeptical about life.

Hui Yuanai looked up and saw Long Weijing's expression, and suddenly became speechless.

This kind of grievance expression is very familiar, she remembers that Ma Yuan Gongping used to be like this, confidently playing tennis with Brother Feichi, but in the end he was beaten with an aggrieved expression, as if he was being bullied.

If it wasn't for Brother Feichi's serious problems, she would probably have mixed feelings of pride and helplessness.

"Mr. Ah Jing?" Chi Feichi saw that Long Weijing was also so abnormal, and silently reflected on whether he had done something too much just now.

After thinking about it, he only shot two arrows from a distance, and because of the fast running of the horse, he was a little bit involved, and he played two arrows at once, and three arrows at once.

If it was a moving target that moved erratically, he wouldn't dare to shoot two arrows at once, but this is a fixed target, so it shouldn't be so strange... right?

Long Weijing lowered his head and sighed, then raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi again, his eyes were serious but a little puzzled, "Mr. Chi, I would like to ask, am I not suitable for riding and shooting? Or is it because of my previous practice?" Going in the wrong direction?"

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