Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1567 The correct way to open the arrow

"A Jing..."

Longwei Linghua frowned worriedly, and began to regret why she made a noise to let Chi Feichi stay with Bijian.

It's like... no comparison at all.

If she had known earlier, she should have encouraged Mr. Chi to follow Mr. Mori and go quickly, even if she was asked to lead the way to Hutian's house to find Hutian Yui.

Longwei Jing breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to comfort Longwei Linghua, "I'm fine, Senior Kai once told me that his level is nothing compared to a real master of riding and archery, and everyone thinks that I have surpassed him , I am a master of riding and archery. Frankly speaking, I have felt that my progress has been very weak since three years ago. Until last year, I have not felt my progress. But I have the feeling of senior Kai at that time, probably I seem to have just started, and the feeling of stagnant growth but no direction is really uncomfortable, but I am the strongest in riding and shooting in the village. When other people hear about it, they will probably say something because I am very sad. Stronger words like this."

"Have you been practicing horseback riding with fixed targets?" Chi Feichi asked.

Long Weijing said hastily, "Occasionally I practice with moving objects, but I practice more with fixed targets, because the village celebration performances are all fixed targets, and I can't make mistakes when performing, so..."

"Since you have been an archery performer for so long, how could you have no talent?" Chi Feichi threw the reins to Long Weijing, walked under the tree, and said calmly, "Your problem is just self-limitation. "

After Long Weijing caught the rein, he was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Chi Feichi with thoughtful eyes, "Self-limitation?"

"The first restriction on you is the village celebration. What you need to consider is whether what you need is to complete every performance of riding and archery for the celebration perfectly, or to improve the level of riding and archery? You were inclined to the former before, compared to improving , you are more worried about making mistakes in the celebration of riding and shooting," Chi Feichi looked at Longwei Jing and said, "You should also understand that if you want to improve, practicing moving targets may be an option, but in that case, you may be injured because of practicing new skills. , and lead to an impact on the mastery of old skills, just like standing archery and horseback archery, it seems that there is only a slight change, but the way of muscle force, aiming and other habits must be adjusted and adapted.”

Long Weijing closed his eyes and thought for a while, then nodded seriously, "That's right, I was really worried that the celebration would go wrong before, so I didn't dare to try new practice methods."

"The second limitation is the limitation of thinking. You have probably always aimed to surpass others. After you surpass them, you lose your goal and feel lost..."

Chi Feichi leaned against the tree trunk, took out an arrow and put it on the bow, drew the bow and shot it quickly.


The powerful arrow shot into the opposite woods, nailed deeply into the trunk of a tree, and the leaves were shaken and fell down.

Chi Feichi quickly drew out two more arrows, put them on the bow, and his eyes sharpened, "Actually, if you want to make progress, the goal you should set to surpass yourself is yourself."



Two arrows flew out with a strong wind and nailed two leaves to the trunk.

"The third limitation is that you feel impossible," Chi Feichi put away his bow, turned his head and said to the frowning Long Weijing, "If it is difficult to make a choice for a while, you can think about it slowly. long."

He also feels the bottleneck now.

In the previous life, he still felt that he had a direction to work hard, but after strengthening his arm strength and body bones in this life, his grasp of strength is more precise, and he feels that the road ahead has come to an end.

Fortunately, he has a magician teacher. Although that teacher has never taught him archery, and the number of times he shows up is not as many as he used to flip through his notes. When he shows up, he is just for an assessment. He has no intention of teaching any magic tricks at all, but the real core thing, In fact, it was already hidden in that notebook.

From those unconstrained ideas of magic performances, he saw that 'as long as you dare to think, nothing is impossible', whether it is for magic or other skills, this kind of thinking is very important.

It's just that he is still considering the specific direction of development, because the road ahead really depends on imagination, and he doesn't pay much attention to improving his riding and shooting skills.

If it wasn't because he also had the same trouble, if it wasn't because he seemed to have hit Long Wei Jing hard enough, he wouldn't care about Long Wei Jing.

Of course, Longweijing has a good personality and is friendly enough to them, which is also one of the reasons.

"I can understand, I will seriously consider it," Long Weijing frowned thinking, then suddenly raised his eyes and smiled at Chi Feichi, "Thank you, teacher! If you don't mind if I call you that."

Chi Feichi glanced at Long Weijing, took out a cigarette, bit it, and lit it with a match.

He didn't bother to say such arrogant and awkward words like 'I didn't say you were my apprentice', he just yelled if he liked.

Speaking of which, he didn't teach Long Weijing archery, but he talked about the problems that Long Weijing had. He also pointed out the way ahead for Long Weijing, and there was still a long way to go. Long Weijing called him The teacher is not too much, just like he called Mr. Black Feather Pirates.

Ideas are more precious than skills.

Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't refute, Long Weijing became happy again, and looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai with a smile, "I decided to take a break today and stop practicing. Although my level is not as good as the teacher's, But if you want to learn archery, I can still share with you my experience when I was a beginner.”

Seeing that Chi Feichi seemed to be planning to take a rest, Huiyuan hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

She wanted to ask Brother Feichi, 'Have you ever killed someone' or 'Have you ever had a strong killing intent towards someone', but now that there are other people present, it is inconvenient to talk about such topics, so why not try first.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also nodded and said, "Now that I have found the bow and arrow, let me practice again."

The next time, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai were practicing archery, and even Longwei Ayaka couldn't help but ran back to the warehouse to get a novice bow and arrow, wanting to mix it up, but when she came back, she found that the atmosphere seemed to be Something is wrong.

Hui Yuanai stared at the target with a cold expression, showed the indifference attitude he had when organizing, and drew the bow with the arrow.


The arrow hit the edge of the target and missed the center, but the look and eyes of a certain loli were extremely frightening.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face was also cold, and he stared at the target with unusually sharp eyes, and also shot an arrow.

She found that Xiao Ai's aura suddenly became dangerous, and then thought about the aura of Brother Xiaoqi before, and wondered... Isn't archery with the aura of killing people the correct way to open it?

Anyway, Brother Xiaoqi and Mr. Long Weijing are right, so let’s practice like this. It’s not that she has no murderous intentions before. If she shows the mentality of wanting to kill Shi Jinrunzai and put other detectives and herself in the same pot, then that’s fine. up.



Two arrows were shot, and the distance to the center of the target was a little closer than before.

Hui Yuanai was a little puzzled in his heart, wondering if he was thinking too much, after all, the aura of Detective Yueshui next to him was also super fierce...

And as someone who came out of the organization, she didn't believe that she would be weaker than others if she exploded with murderous intent.

Yueshui Nanatsuki felt a little depressed.

Xiao Ai's aura seemed to be really dangerous and ferocious. As a person who attempted to murder many people, how could she be inferior to a little girl? It didn't make sense.

Definitely not enough...

Long Weijing stood blankly behind the two of them, looking at the two girls, one big and one small, who seemed to be shrouded in a terrifying black air, sweating in his heart, with a trace of doubt.

Could it be some kind of practice augmentation technique that brings with it the indomitable momentum of practicing arrows?

The teacher is like this, the two girls who came with the teacher are like this, should he try this in the future?

After all, the teacher seems to pay more attention to thinking and ideas, and it is normal to not pay much attention to the teaching of skills. It mainly depends on personal understanding.

Thinking about the aura of those professional baseball players and professional tennis players staring at the enemy seriously when they went to the court, he realized.

Under the tree, Chi Feichi lit a third cigarette, and looked down at Feichi who crawled out from his collar to watch the excitement.

What's the matter with Yue Shui and Xiao Ai's attitude of shooting hard with the target as their mortal enemy? No one should have provoked these two girls recently, right?

Why do you feel like everyone is moody, moody, and abnormal?

Fukuyama Zhiming thinks that he is mentally abnormal, but he feels that there are more abnormal people in this world than him, but other people's seizures are not frequent, or they have not been discovered by the world like the group of snake spirits in the organization.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Mori Kogoro, Conan, and Hattori Heiji found the woods, and when they stepped into the woods, they felt something was wrong.

There is evil spirit!

"Hey, let me say..." Hattori Heiji looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai who were shooting arrows with cold expressions, feeling a little confused, stepped forward and asked, "What, what's going on?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki and Hui Yuan Ai didn't continue to practice, the black energy on their bodies dissipated, and after slowing down, they realized that their arms and back were faintly sore.

Hattori Heiji turned his head and asked Chi Feichi under the tree, "Brother Feichi, did anyone offend them?"

Long Weijing said uncertainly, "Perhaps it is more effective to practice arrows like this."

Conan laughed dryly, practiced an arrow, and it's not like he's more fierce than anyone else.

"Really?" Hattori Heiji turned his head to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai dubiously, and soon stopped thinking about it, and greeted with a smile, "Miss Koshimizu, you are here too, long time no see!"

"You too, Hattori-san, long time no see." Koshimizu Nanatsuki responded with a smile.

"Brother Feichi, long time no see," Hattori Heiji greeted Chi Feichi again. Compared to Koshimi Nanatsuki, he knew Chi Feichi a lot better. He walked under the tree and smiled at Chi Feichi, showing his white teeth, "You guys Being lazy here, we have gained a lot here!"

"Where's Xiaolan and Heye?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki put away his bow, walked up to look at the end of the road, and asked doubtfully, "Didn't you come with you?"

"We want to come to Tatsuo's house to inquire about something, and they will stay at the Torada's house to wait for you," Hattori Heiji explained with a smile, looking at Mikazuki who was brought over by Haibara Ai, "Because it seems that only the Torita's house has a big stable nearby. We have to go back no matter what, so we also stopped by to call you, Mrs. Youyi has helped clean up a stable!"

"It's getting late," Long Weijing looked at Chi Feichi, and said with a smile, "Everyone and teacher, why don't you go to our house for dinner, if you have anything to ask, we can ask you later, what do you think?"

"Teacher?" Mori Kogoro looked at Chi Feichi blankly.

He had only left for less than an afternoon, and all the apprentices had taken in apprentices?

"On horseback." Chi Feichi explained.

"So that's how it is," Mori Kogoro felt relieved when he thought of his apprentice's level of riding and archery. He felt no pressure to go to Longwei's house, and smiled at Longwei Jing, "Then I will trouble you!"

"But Sanriyue still needs to feed the horse feed..." Hui Yuanai turned to look at the pony he was leading, "I think I'd better take it back to Hutian's house, I can have dinner at Hutian's house."

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