Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1568 Hui Yuan Ai: My brother's future is dark

After the discussion, a group of people temporarily separated.

Nanatsuki Koshimi decided to go to Hutian's house with Huihara Ai and talk to Mao Lilan, Yuanshan and Ye.

Chi Fei sent the two of them there late, and sent Longweijing's brown horse to the stable of Hutian's house by the way, and asked Hutian Yuyi to feed it.

"Brother Feichi, then we'll go to Longwei's house and wait for you," Hattori Heiji always felt that Chi Feichi didn't solve the case with them very much today, he wasn't even active in finding him and Ye Hui, and he didn't treat his long-lost reunion friend at all. The welcome, shouted, "Don't sneak out this time!"

There was no response, only the backs of three people and two horses walking away.

Hattori Heiji's expression gradually became dull, and he bent down to get closer to Conan, and said bitterly, "Hey, Kudo, tell me, should we stop telling Brother Feichi the clues we have?"

Conan saw Mori Kogoro happily going to Longwei's house, and decisively raised his heels, "I don't think he is interested in this incident at all, he doesn't care if you say it or not."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

Can't refute.

This trick might work for Kudo, but Brother Feichi... Brother Feichi really doesn't have any curiosity sometimes!


On the way to Hutian's house, Hui Yuanai got on the back of Sanriyue's horse and asked Sanriyue to take her slowly to Hutian's house, silently adjusting her mentality.

When Brother Feichi shoots an arrow, his eyes are absolutely murderous.

Although the murderous intent was so weak that it was difficult to detect, it was not as strong as some vicious criminals. If she hadn't been too familiar with and sensitive to the eyes of the group of people in the organization, and was deliberately staring at Brother Feichi's expression today, she probably wouldn't have been able to detect it. But when Brother Feichi was shooting arrows, he could inadvertently show a murderous look, and it could remind her of Qin Jiu's eyes. All she could infer was that Brother Feichi must have killed someone.

It was a special kind of coldness that only those who had blood on their hands could have.

Was it when you were a bounty hunter?

I think so, 'July' is a person who directly cuts people with a sickle, fights in the city, and dares to use a gun in front of the police. She has long thought about this possibility, but when she got a solid basis for judgment, she still feel surprised.

In her impression, Brother Feichi has a gentle heart, loves and respects children, always worries about their safety, always gives them hope when in danger, and will choose to rescue the criminals on the bus that is about to explode. After a while, although it seems that he doesn't like to talk to people, he has never wanted to kill anyone. Even if he was squeezed out in high school, he has no resentment since then. The relationship is very good and we keep in touch from time to time...

Such a person, no one can imagine how he would kill someone, right?

Fortunately, she was mentally prepared and thought about this possibility a long time ago. She has seen many people who did not kill people but were more hateful, so she would not care much about it, but this matter must not be known to the children and Edogawa.

What happened in the past is not what she is worried about now, what she is worried about is what will happen in the future.

Will Brother Feichi become more and more ill because of these incidents? Will it be found out in the future? What will happen to everyone if they are found out? What would Detective Yueshui think?

No matter how you think about it, my brother's future is all dark, dangling around a group of detectives, he is on a dead end, and he will be finished sooner or later.

Hui Yuanai was distracted, while Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't say a word. They led the horses and walked along the tree-lined road, the concrete road of the village, and the doors of houses with Warring States-style buildings.

If it weren't for the bad weather and dark clouds, the feeling of comfort and peace would be stronger.

When he arrived at the stable, Hui Yuanai was still struggling.

Why don't you discuss it with Brother Feichi, let's run away.

Staying away from the detective team, they can go to England and find their godmother, which is better than being discovered by everyone one day.

But is Brother Feichi willing to leave here and everyone?

Not to mention Brother Feichi, she is reluctant to part with everyone, and she doesn't want to leave Brother Feichi to stay in Japan by herself. Godmother and Uncle Shinosuke are so busy, Brother Feichi will be very lonely in the past, and his condition will worsen if it doesn't get better... …

In the stable, Hutian Yuyi heard the sound of the horse's hooves, and shouted in the house, "Did the Longwei family send the horse?"

Chi Feichi led Longweijing's brown horse into the door, "Yes, Ah Jing wants to entertain Teacher Mao Li, so I'll bring his horse over here, and bring our horse here too."

Hui Yuanai got off the horse and found that Koshimizu Nanatsuki had helped take care of her for a while, and sighed again.

Also, what about Detective Yueshui?

Hutian Yui turned around, skipped the dismounted child Haibara Ai, and sized up Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki. They should have been told by Mori Kogoro or Hattori Heiji before, so he didn't ask much, and went directly Turn around and lead the way, "Mr. Chi and Miss Yueshui, right? Come with me. I will put them in the empty stable. There is ready-made horse feed here. I will help feed them later."

"Thank you." Chi Feichi led his horse and followed.

Haibara Ai temporarily put aside those messy thoughts, and said to Torada Yui, "Thank you."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu also expressed his gratitude, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay," Hutian Yuyi turned back and smiled, "Anyway, I have nothing else to do besides this. I will take care of these horses when I have time. I have been feeding the horses of Longwei's family, and I will take care of one more horse. Nothing."

After setting up the brown horses of Sanriyue and Longweijing, the three of them helped Hutian Yuyi to hold the forage, just in time for Hutian Yuyi to go back to Hutian's house for dinner.

After getting in touch, Hutian Yui also had a good sense of the three of them. Although he didn't show much enthusiasm, but after learning at the door that Chi Fei would not go in, he couldn't help asking, "Isn't Mr. Chi eating at Hutian's house?"

Chi Feichi looked up at the sky, "I have agreed with Hattori to meet Longwei's house."

Torata Yui also looked up at the gloomy sky, "It's going to rain, if you want to go there, it's better to start earlier."

"Then... Mrs. Yuyi, can I trouble you to bring Xiao Ai in first?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki glanced at Chi Feichi, lowered his head, showing a shy look, and whispered, "I still want to talk to Mr. Chi Just a few words, but I won't make you wait any longer, just a few words..."

Hu Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and quickly laughed, "Okay, leave the child to me, you can talk slowly, it doesn't matter how long it takes, just go to the restaurant to find us in a while!"

Hui Yuanai obediently followed Hutian Youyi to walk in, but after walking for a while, he fell behind.

turn around...

near the gate...

leaning against the wall...

Um? Why is there no sound?

Hutian Yuyi stepped forward, bent over and turned his head, imitating Huiyuan Ai's appearance and leaning against the wall to listen, but found that there was no sound, took Huiyuan Ai, dragged him to the restaurant, and said with a straight face, "Eavesdropping is Bad behaviour, and it's too early for your age."

Haibara Ai was not frightened by Torada Yui, and retorted calmly and calmly, "I want to know about my brother's emotional state. I don't think this is an incomprehensible and unforgivable mistake?"

Hutian Yui couldn't help but looked down at Huiyuan Ai, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his tone was not like a good person, "little sister, your mentality is really good, very few children can still be like this after being accused by adults of being wrong." Rebuttal with confidence and without haste.”

Hui Yuanai was a little absent-minded when he thought about the previous discovery, and when he heard the description of 'reasonable and unhurried', he subconsciously replied, "I learned from my brother."

Torata Yui: "?"

At this time, I don't forget to black my brother. Is this the relationship between brother and sister?

Haibara Ai:"……"

What did Mrs. Yuyi say? Forget it, it should be an unimportant matter, compared to this, the fact that Brother Feichi's future is dark worries her more.

If you don't take a step back and think about it, she will keep a close eye on Edogawa. If Edogawa comes into contact with certain cases and suspects something and wants to investigate Brother Feichi, she will help destroy the evidence?


In the woods outside Hutian's house, Nanatsuki Koshimi was walking in the middle of the path, without turning around to look at Chi Feichi, he stopped suddenly.

Chi Feichi saw that he had walked far enough, and asked aloud, "What do you want to say?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki was still struggling at first, but when he heard Chi Feichi's cold tone, he suddenly felt aggrieved, looked at the road ahead, and said calmly and firmly, "I thought about killing Shijin, after I have made a plan and decided to The day I led the detectives to the isolated island, I saw a very strange self in the mirror, with a gloomy face and frighteningly cold eyes. Those eyes with murderous intent could not be possessed by an indifferent person. And just now, the moment you aimed at the target when shooting an arrow, I seemed to see that you had similar eyes..."

Chi Feichi smiled slightly, "What do you want to say?"

"At first, I wondered if it was someone here who caused your killing intent. Later, Xiao Ai shot so fiercely, and I suspected that this was the habit of your brothers and sisters when they shot arrows. A child can be so fierce. Then you After aiming at the target, I think of the person I hate in my heart, and I may transfer the hatred to the target, so there is a killing intent," Yue Shui Nanatsuki smelled the smell of cigarettes, turned around and saw Chi Feichi looking at him calmly. Looking at her, the voice was lowered but the tone was firm, "But I have an absolutely accurate basis for judgment, which makes me believe that you have killed someone."

Chi Feichi decided to continue acting with Yue Shui Nanatsuki. He originally wanted to show a little nervous expression, but thinking about how silly he looked, he didn't make any unnecessary reactions, "What is your basis for judgment?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki choked for a moment, continued to look indifferent, showing the indomitable momentum of a detective accusing a prisoner, "Of course I can't tell you such important evidence."

Chi Feichi nodded, with a serious voice, "You're right."

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."


It was because Brother Xiaoqi said 'what do you want to say' so coldly, she suddenly wanted to scare Brother Xiaoqi on purpose, and wanted to see a nervous reaction on a certain face that had been calm all along.

Although this kind of behavior was a bit strange, she couldn't tell what she wanted to prove, whether it was because she was sad and wanted a little revenge, or whether she wanted to see if she could make Brother Xiaoqi change his face, she just wanted to do it and did it.

But someone's reaction of "I know what you think, I will barely cooperate with you, pretending to be cheated by you" but not seriously cooperate... is really annoying!

Looking at Yueshui Nanatsuki's flushed face, Chi Feichi admired 'Yueshui's bulging.jpg', and a bad taste came to his heart. It would be boring if the people around him didn't use it to bully him, so he continued to ask, "You Bring me here, do you want to persuade me to surrender?"

"Hmph..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned her head to look at the small tree on the side of the road, raised her chin slightly, "Of course, I'm a detective..."

Chi Feichi took a step forward, lowered his head and approached Yueshui Nanatsuki's head, with a cold smile on his face, and said softly, "I'll kill you."

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