Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1591 Eye Twilight Thirteen: Who is Afraid of Who!

After a while, Mu Mu Shisan sighed and muttered in a low voice, "It's a pity that Brother Chi can't take the judicial examination..."

Otherwise, with Brother Chi's cognition, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman who is being watched, and regardless of what methods the other party uses, it is impossible to let him go if he is stared at by Brother Chi!

"Officer Megure!"

Chiba Kazunobu, who went to check Kawase's situation, squatted in front of the pillar, turned his head and shouted, "Mr. Kawase is fine, it's just that he was hit in the abdomen, but..."

Mu Mu Shisan walked over, "He attacked others with a knife and an electric baton. In order to protect himself, brother Chi may have acted a little harder. How about it? Do you need to send him to the hospital?"

"Uh, no," Chiba and Shinobu said awkwardly, "It's because of the handcuffs on Mr. Kawase's hand...I don't have a key here."

"Handcuffs?" Mu Mu Shisan leaned forward to take a look, then turned his head to stare at Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi"

Now these detectives not only use bugs and other means of invading privacy to investigate, but also carry handcuffs, which are used by the police?

Chi Feichi looked at Takagi She, "This is from Officer Takagi..."

Takagi She was taken aback, and quickly touched his coat pockets and trousers pockets.

The handcuffs on him are really gone.

It's over, this time not only let the surveillance target run away, as a policeman, he also let the handcuffs he was wearing on his body be taken away, and he will be sprayed like a dog by Police Officer Mumu...

"Borrowed from there." Chi Feichi corrected himself.

Mu Mu Thirteen took a deep breath, and the lion roared, "Do you think I'm an idiot?!"

Takagi She received a reprimand, lowered his eyebrows and uncuffed Haise, and followed Chiba Kazunobu to take him into the police car.

Mu Mu Shisan was just about to make plans, when he turned his head and saw Chi Feichi listening to Mori Kogoro nonchalantly about tomorrow's arrangements, Ban Yueyan reminded, "Brother Chi, don't forget to go to the Police Department to take notes."

"I'll go some other day." Chi Feichi nodded and replied.

This time, he wanted to pave the way for the future of Amuro's undercover agent. He took the initiative to keep up with Enomoto Azusa, and he was mentally prepared to take the transcript.

However, as for the record, it can be delayed as long as it can, and a few more cases will be collected, and then they will be done together.

"Mr. Kawase attacked you. Before we investigate the evidence, we need statements from you, Miss Azusa, and Sugito Enomoto. Miss Azusa and Mr. Sugito need to go to the police station with us to verify the alibi "Mu Mu Shisan said expressionlessly, "As for you... If possible, I hope you can come here tomorrow."

Mori Kogoro and the others instantly realized that Officer Megure was trying to cause trouble, and they probably felt that someone was dissatisfied with the handcuffs of the police on duty, and they were very dissatisfied!

Chi Feichi said without changing his face, "If you are willing to take notes for me yourself, it doesn't matter if I go there tomorrow."

Come on, hurt each other.

Mu Mu Shisan was stunned, staring at Chi Feichi, and said with a bared smile, "Okay, I haven't taken notes for anyone for a long time, so I'll take it as a relief for Takagi and the others so they can concentrate on the investigation, Brother Chi, Then I will wait for you at the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow!"

Hurt each other, hurt each other, whoever is afraid of whom!

other people:"……"

I always feel that when these two people look at each other, there are knives in their eyes, the atmosphere is terrifying, and they dare not speak.


next morning.

The Metropolitan Police Department searched the first section, and the police who did not come out quietly gathered outside a room provided for witnesses to take notes.

Watching the bustle of the Mumu Police Department taking notes for Mr. Chi, by the way, you can quietly make a bet to see which of the two people inside will be the first to go crazy.

"Let me confirm again, on December 5th, at 9 pm..."

In the room, Mu Mu Shisan sat behind the table, asked questions, lowered his head to finish recording, looked down at the transcript, and fell into silence.

Brother Chi is very cooperative and experienced. Sometimes he didn't mention it, and he consciously added the date and time in the explanation, but what the hell is the explanation that can use one word but not a sentence?

Unknowingly, the whole morning turned into him asking questions, and the whole answer was 'yes, yes, yes'...

No, there is one exception, the question 'Are you sure you didn't say anything that angered Kawase', the answer is 'sure'.

Don't even bother to say "sure"!

Generally speaking, there is no problem, but how did it become like this? Why did he become him? After asking all morning, Brother Chi just answered easily, didn't he?

It was obviously not this rhythm at first.

But he finally knew why other people were not willing to take notes for Brother Chi, because either he was very tired, or he would be suspected of 'lazy and perfunctory when taking notes' because of Brother Chi's succinct speech.

Suddenly, Gao Mu, who used to be in charge of Brother Chi's transcripts, felt that it was not easy.

"Officer Mumu, are you okay?" Chi Feichi asked aloud.

"No, no problem."

Mu Mu Shisan's eyelids twitched, he barely said a word, and was relieved again.

Brother Takagi is so difficult, forget about the handcuffs this time, he pretends not to know.

Thinking about it this way, he had no opinion at all.

In the corridor outside the house, a group of policemen heard footsteps approaching the door, and immediately turned around, either walking shoulder to shoulder to the office, or standing together to discuss the latest case.

"Is there still no clue in that case?"


"Change shift to monitor at night, you have to work harder..."

The door opened, and after Mu Mu Shisan went out, he said to Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, thanks to your help this time, you go back first, I won't see you off, and if you need to come over, I will contact you again." you."

Chi Feichi nodded, turned around and went downstairs.

He couldn't be more familiar with the first floor of the Metropolitan Police Department's search department.

Where to record witnesses, where is the interrogation area, where is the office area of ​​which department, where is the meeting room, which window to stand in front of smoking has the best view, how many roads can lead to the first floor, how many roads can go to Underground Parking Lot……

To be honest, he may not be familiar with the newly transferred police officers.

A group of policemen quietly observed the two people leaving, muttering in low voices.

"It doesn't look weird."

"Yeah, Police Officer Megure is still the same, I can't tell who won at all..."

"As expected of Police Officer Megure..."

Mu Mu Shisan returned to the office with a calm expression, picked up the teacup on the table, filled half a cup of tea, sat down on the chair and sighed.

I'm too tired, I'd better let brother Takagi go next time, he will relax the requirements appropriately.


Chi Fei was late at the parking lot, and when he got in the car, he took out his mobile phone and called Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

Half an hour later, the two met at the door of a hot pot restaurant.

The night before was still the twelfth lunar month, and after one night, the time jumped back to the beginning of November.

The weather is not so cold, but it is still very suitable to eat hot pot.

Yueshui Nanatsuki made a reservation in advance, and after sitting down with Chi Feichi, looking at Chi Feichi's slightly cold face, he asked innocently, "Mr. Chi, what's wrong with you? It's never been good."

Chi Feichi looked sideways at the meat that was boiled in boiling soup on the table next to him, looked away, and looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki to confirm the sign at the entrance of this store, "A restaurant specializing in Fukuoka special chicken flavor hot pot?"

After he entered the store, he saw that there was not half a piece of chicken in the pot at the table at the door, and the tumbling white soup was full of offal pieces.

Intestines, beef heart, tripe...

Not only the table at the entrance, but the seat reserved by Yueshui Nanatsuki is near the innermost part of the store. He walked all the way, and every table along the way was full of offal.

He had an ominous premonition.

"Yeah," Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned his head and looked at the table next to him, with an innocent and harmless expression, " wonder why the soup is full of beef offal? Didn't I tell you, Fukuoka's most The famous chicken-flavored hot pot, in fact, should be called chicken-flavored viscera hot pot. It is the most delicious soup made from chicken bones, and then the main ingredients are beef intestines, tripe, and beef heart, and vegetables such as cabbage and leeks are added. .”

Chi Feichi: "..."

"In addition, the most suitable dipping material is orange juice vinegar. The offal made in this way is fresh and sweet..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, but was quickly interrupted by the waiter who brought the hot pot.

"This is a chicken curry hot pot reserved by two people, please take it easy!"

Chi Feichi raised his eyes to see Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was sitting opposite him.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked up at Chi Feichi, with anticipation in his eyes, bright as a lake reflecting the sun.

Chi Feichi's stiff face just now hadn't recovered yet, and his expression was still cold, "Thank you, I'm very pleasantly surprised."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, lowered her head, and stretched out her hand to rest her forehead, "Wan, I didn't feel any sincerity at all."

When Chi Feichi saw the waiter bring over the juice, he poured a cup for Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and handed it to the opposite table, "You're in a restaurant that specializes in Fukuoka chicken-style hot pot, is it okay to order this?"

"It doesn't matter, this restaurant only features Fukuoka's chicken-flavored hotpot. If customers have other needs, they will agree." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked up and saw that Chi Feichi was about to start using chopsticks, and sat up straight. I said to myself 'I'm going to start', picked up the chopsticks on the table, "Since we have agreed to treat you to dinner, of course it is impossible to treat you to something you don't like, but it is really dangerous, fortunately I asked in advance Xiao Ai, she said that you don't like sweets, and it seems that you have never seen you eat offal, if you make an appointment for offal hot pot, you will simply step on the two things you hate the most..."

Chi Feichi tasted a chicken nugget and found the taste to be acceptable.

"I was looking for an ordinary hot pot restaurant, but didn't I owe you a Fukuoka-style hot pot when I was young? So I thought it would be better to come to a restaurant run by a Fukuoka person," Koshimizu Nanatsuki put a piece of chicken into the bowl , lowered his eyes and smiled, and added, "I didn't tell you in advance because I wanted to scare you, and lowered my expectations first. Isn't it easier to be pleasantly surprised after finding out that things are not so bad?"

"I was really taken aback when I entered the store." Chi Feichi said truthfully.

"Your face at that time was really stinky, and the waiter at the counter didn't dare to look up at you..."

Yueshui Nanatsuki raised his eyes and looked at Chi Feichi through the light white mist rising from the pot. He felt a little regretful, but also wanted to laugh, "How does it taste? It should be good, right?"

She was still wondering if Mr. Chi would smile when he was pleasantly surprised, but in the end...

Sure enough, it failed.

But it doesn't matter, this is within her expectations, and today is somewhat rewarding

Mr. Chi's smelly face expression collection +1!

"It's okay." Chi Feichi replied.

Much better than offal hot pot.

"Xiao Ai said that the Chinese cuisine you cook is delicious, and you can also make Chinese hot pot. I did it two days ago." Koshimizu Nanatsuki lowered his head to deal with the food in the bowl without raising his head, "It's a pity that I went to have a cup of Household Detective Agency, so when she asked me if I wanted to go to Dr. Ali's house, I refused."

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