Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1592 Are you all so arrogant and awkward?

Chi Feichi was a little surprised, "Do you want to join Kuwano Detective Agency?"

"No, just to see the environment," Koshimizu Nanatsuki analyzed seriously, "I have never joined other detective agencies before, and the client relies on the introduction of acquaintances. I am used to being free and undisciplined. It’s not good for the agency to distribute tasks. Since I’m in Tokyo and the environment is relatively unfamiliar, I want to see how the detectives in Tokyo work. I also want to visit the seniors, and the result..."

Chi Feichi took over the conversation calmly, "You go to the Cupido Detective Agency and find that the detectives working there don't seem to have any commissions. A group of big men are smoking and playing mahjong. The room is smoky. The people in front of the mahjong table Shout out."

"Yes, yes, after I knocked on the door and walked in, they stopped to entertain me, and after knowing that I was also a detective, they also enthusiastically asked me if I wanted to visit," Yueshui Nanatsuki looked a little strange, "But I thought it was too strange, so I left without staying longer, but how do you know about them..."

"Teacher Mao Li will take me to play mahjong when he has time," Chi Feichi said, "Long and I are pretty familiar."

"Yes, is that so..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki was silent for a while, and looked up at Chi Feichi curiously, "Is it because the Mori Detective Agency doesn't have enough people for a mahjong table?"

Chi Feichi was also silent for a while, nodded and said, "Xiaolan and Conan sometimes have to go to school, and even if they don't go to school, Xiaolan doesn't want Conan to play mahjong with us all the time, so he only plays with us occasionally. "

"I thought that the detectives in Tokyo would be like in movies and TV dramas. When the client came to the door, they would sharply observe the other party's information or intentions, record the client's commission seriously, and have a colleague next to him with the case in full swing. As the files pass by, there will be someone discussing a recent incident," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with emotion about his previous fantasy, "As for a famous detective like Mr. Mori who handles the case alone, he will sit in the office alone, Drinking coffee with a deep face, lowering his head to study a certain commission, there must be a blackboard next to it, which is covered with post-it notes written with commission ideas."

"So film and television are just film and television." Chi Feichi mercilessly exposed the old background of Tokyo detectives, especially his own teacher, "Mr. On the bulletin board is written the broadcast time of Ms. Yoko Okino's program in the next few days. After all, there are really not many commissions for detectives. Mr. Mori is okay. Because of his great reputation, he will sometimes be invited to be a guest on the program, but sometimes he will accept it. Entrusted by some acquaintances, no payment is required to help with the investigation."

"It seems to be the case now, so I'm not in a hurry to join a firm or open a firm..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said suddenly, "By the way, when it comes to entrusting an acquaintance, Lawyer Concubine called early this morning , asked me if I was free tomorrow, she wanted to treat me to a potluck, she had a friend who was in a little trouble and wanted a detective to help investigate, so she wanted to introduce me by the way, and she said that if you have If you are free, we can go there together."

"I'm free tomorrow." Chi Feichi said.

"I think..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki hesitated for a moment, "Should I tell Mr. Mori? Attorney Concubine has an entrustment, shouldn't it be handed over to Mr. Mori? After all, they are husband and wife... But if you say it directly , I am worried that Mr. Mao Li complains that the concubine lawyer has forgotten him, causing them to quarrel."

Chi Feichi thought about it, "It's fine to tell Teacher Mao Li, just say, because it's a very simple commission, so my wife doesn't want to bother Teacher Mao Li. Don't lose your face to find Teacher Maori, but you have to be mentally prepared..."

"Heart, mental preparation?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki became nervous.

Chi Feichi was satisfied with Yue Shui's dignified expression in his heart, who told Yue Shui to flirt with him before, and actually used offal hot pot to scare him.

"For example, 'How could that woman say such polite words', 'It's none of my business what she does', 'If that woman makes things difficult for you, you must...'..."


It's two thirty in the afternoon.

The trio of Chi Feichi, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Mori met at the entrance of the theater, and they were going to meet Mori Kogoro's client and watch a theater performance by the way.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mori," Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he was always following along, "I have caused you trouble again."

"It's okay," Mori Kogoro waved his hands indifferently, and walked into the theater, "Anyway, the client gave me five tickets, and Xiao Ai and the kid won't come, so it would be a waste to not use that ticket!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki took advantage of the opportunity to tell Mori Kogoro about Fei Yingli, and followed what Chi Feichi said, saying that the commission should be too simple, so Fei Yingri didn't want to trouble Mori Kogoro.

" could that woman be so polite? I think it's probably because she wants to cover up her unreasonable troubles in front of outsiders." Mao Li Kogoro looked disgusted, "And you don't need to tell me about this kind of thing, how is she? It's none of my business!"

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

It's almost the same as what Mr. Chi said.

The difference is that Mr. Chi's tone was indifferent when he guessed, while Mr. Mao Li's tone was disgusted and disdainful.

"Father," Mao Lilan frowned and complained, "Why do you say that?"

"Isn't it?" Mori Kogoro replied to Mori Ran, then turned his head and said to Koshimizu Nanatsuki with a straight face, "By the way, if that woman makes things difficult for you, you must call Give it to me, I will teach her a good lesson, as a senior detective, I will never let it go!"

Mao Lilan was very angry, "Dad, you really..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared blankly at Kogoro Mori.

She remembered that when eating hot pot, Mr. Chi also explained:

‘Mr. Mao Li hopes that you don’t forget to ask him for help when you can’t handle the commission. He is worried that the matter is too complicated. If it can’t be solved, the teacher’s wife might be embarrassed by her friends. '

Just because Mr. Chi can guess Mr. Mao Li's reaction and what he will say so accurately, she believes that Mr. Chi's interpretation will not be wrong.

Hiss... Are couples these days so arrogant and awkward?

Or is it that famous detectives who are good at solving crimes actually prefer to be like women?

Seeing Koshimi Nanatsuki glance at him strangely, Chi Feichi asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing." Koshimizu Nanatsuki withdrew his gaze.

She couldn't say something like'I don't care what happens to you', and Mr. Chi might get angry.

She always had a... premonition that the end would be miserable.

Mr. Chi is very fierce when he is angry. When Miss Midorikawa Kulala went out last time, she could see that she had cried before.


At the entrance of the performance hall, Mori Kogoro met a young woman to say hello.

The woman was wearing a white professional dress, her black hair was coiled up, only her bangs were hanging down, and she was wearing glasses.

Chi Feichi looked at his teacher and said, yes, he is quite honest.

Since the performance is about to start, the woman invites a group of people to watch the performance, and will explain the content of the commission after the end.

The auditorium of the performance hall was almost full of people, and after the door was closed, the light in the hall also dimmed.

When the dance music is played, bunches of spotlights are lit on the stage, illuminating couples of men and women in court costumes dancing together.

The dance didn't last long. A man wearing an owl mask and gray and black clothes stepped forward and confronted another man wearing a white rooster mask. Although the two didn't say a word, they "clench their fists and lean forward", Actions such as 'suddenly turning the head' and 'throwing the cloak away' showed the contradictions between the two.

In addition, the music changed from a melodious and soothing dance music to a somewhat passionate accompaniment, and the men and women who were originally dancing also retreated one after another, making people feel that the stage was full of a strong smell of gunpowder.

Afterwards, the two kept stumbling in various scenes, and the contradictions finally intensified, and a decisive battle of swords and swords began.

In the increasingly passionate music, two people fought back and forth with Western swords. Although the masks on their faces blocked the upper half of their faces, if they sat in the front row, they could still see the two gnashing their teeth and staring fiercely at each other. other side.

"Mask, the so-called masquerade, is a play that was popular in England before Shakespeare," the female client introduced to Kogoro Mouri in a low voice while the two were fighting, "This time the play is John Benson "TheTdayumphOfFolly", translated, means 'victory of folly'."

Mori Kogoro nodded dryly, not knowing how to answer the question, turned his head to look at his apprentice who was sitting next to him, and found that the apprentice was just staring at him like everyone else, so he could only turn his gaze back to the stage, "Speaking of which, This is really shocking.”

The apprentice didn't give him any homework preview this time.

The man next to the female client is the art director of the troupe. Hearing this, he couldn't help but take the words proudly, "In order to achieve the effect, we usually practice with real swords."

"Huh?" Conan, who was watching the performance, turned his head in surprise.

On the stage, winners and losers are decided.

The man wearing the owl mask flew the sword in his opponent's hand, while the man wearing the white rooster mask fell to his knees in a daze, spreading his hands as if to explain something, and then put his hands together in front of him to express his submission, but he ushered in It is still a merciless sword piercing the heart.

After the opponent finally fell to the ground, the man in the owl mask laughed, at first just laughing with his head down and shoulders shrugged, and then he looked up and laughed.

"Strange, where's the line?"

Only then did Kogoro Mori realize that none of the actors had lines.

"There are no lines at all," the female client laughed, "It's just a kind of mime."

"I see." Mori Kogoro turned his gaze back to the stage.

Laughing, the man in the owl mask retreated to the balcony, and lightning flashed behind him.

The entire stage went dark, and when it was lit up again, the man in the owl mask standing in front of the railing had disappeared.

"Disappeared!" Mori Kogoro exclaimed in surprise.

"Under the balcony is an elevator," the female client explained patiently. "The actors jumped off by themselves when the lights disappeared."

The sound of the music suddenly became magnificent. A man in luxurious clothes, with a white wig on his head and a rooster mask on his face walked slowly and calmly, walked to the throne in the middle of the stage, poured a glass of red wine and drank it under the only spotlight.

"That..." Mori Kogoro asked, "What is this scene?"

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