Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1652 Takatori Yannan: The bodyguard job is here

As soon as Mao Lilan reported the name of the temple, Takatori Yannan drove directly to the foot of the mountain where the temple is located. He didn’t even need to look at the map. Interested.

Going up the walking path, Morilan asked curiously, "Is Mr. Takatori from Kamakura?"

"No," Takatori Yannan followed Chi Feichi wearing sunglasses, "It's just that he was interested in the temples in Kamakura a few years ago, so he visited all the temples."

Chi Feichi chose to remain silent.

He remembered that when Takatori Geno was drinking with him, he once mentioned that at a certain period of time in the past few years, he was very interested in the Buddha statues in those ancient temples and famous temples.

Not the kind of interest of ordinary people or religious people, but the kind of interest that wants to send Buddha statues to the black market.

Walking on the road is also boring, Mao Lilan is still very interested in understanding Mengxin who is unknown in the team, "Are you a Buddhist believer?"

"No," Yano Takatori looked at the temple in front of him, and said with emotion, "I was just interested in those things with a sense of history, and I was obsessed with them for a while."

"I also think that things with a sense of history are very interesting," Mao Lilan said with a smile, "but not to the extent of obsession."

Conan couldn't help but look at Takatori Yano.

Regardless of whether it is a bodyguard or a driver, this uncle is quite tasteful.

Takatori Yannan saw Conan looked at himself again, thinking that he should not talk too much and attract too much attention. He originally wanted to keep silent, but seeing the situation in front of the temple in front of him, he couldn't help but said, "That temple..."

There is only a stone road at the door, and there are only woods and grass beside it, and there are no hydrangeas that Mao Lilan said.

When Mao Lilan looked over, she also found that there was no scenery as she had imagined. She quickly stepped forward to look around, and then looked down at the travel brochure, "It's strange, the travel brochure clearly says that there are many hydrangeas here..."

Takatori Yannan looked towards the jungle opposite the temple, "I remember a few years ago, there were hydrangeas."

"Maybe it has been eradicated long ago," Mori Kogoro said casually, "No one would climb all the way up just to see the hydrangeas..."


In the clean environment, a gunshot sounded particularly ear-piercing.

The startled crow croaked and lifted off in front of the house not far away.

Takatori Yannan immediately tensed up, stood beside Chi Feichi, and looked sternly at the place where the gunshots came from.

come yet? His bodyguard job...

"Don't be nervous." Chi Feichi glanced at Takato Yan Nan, and signaled Takato Yan Nan to change his expression.

Takatori's murderous aura was about to emerge.

After regaining consciousness, Mao Lilan asked nervously, "This, is this the sound of a gunshot?"

"It seems to be the family in front!" Mori Kogoro ran forward along the road, "Let's go and have a look!"

Chi Feichi followed, silently recalling the episode.

There is too little information at present, and he can't remember it for a while, but he finally came. If nothing happens during this trip, he will wonder if there will be any explosive news from his own shipyard when he returns. And it just so happened that the Death Elementary School student inadvertently grasped some relevant information last night.

After all, Conan had been near the shipyard.


The place where the gunshots were heard was near the temple, and it took less than three minutes to run along the upward stone road.

When Mori Kogoro reached the gate, he pushed the door and ran across the yard, raised his hand to knock on the door, and shouted loudly, "Hey! Are you okay?"

Conan saw that the courtyard led to the backyard, and turned to the backyard, "Uncle, this way!"

The door of the backyard was not closed, and when Conan, Mori Kogoro, and Morilan turned around the house, and arrived at the back door, a man wearing a black hood, coat and hat on his head, carrying a big bag, did not look like a good person at first glance. The man ran out the back door.

"Hey, what are you doing there?!" Mori Kogoro yelled, running forward, seeing the man waving an iron rod rushing forward, twisting his body to avoid the swinging iron rod, he turned around and grabbed the man's right wrist, Pressing back with the man's arm, he asked, "What happened to the gunshot just now?"

The iron rod in the man's hand fell to the ground, his right hand was cut behind him, and he fell backwards forcefully. When Kogoro Moori accidentally let go, he waved the handbag with the heavy object indiscriminately, forcing Kogoro Moori to retreat.

Standing aside, Mao Lilan wanted to see the right moment to make a move, but was distracted by the bag the man waved.

Conan thought that Chi Feichi was still behind, so he didn't care at all, and ran into the house through the back door.

The man took advantage of the chaos and ran towards the gate. As soon as he got to the corner of the house, two more people came over and blocked the way. He waved his bag again and shouted viciously, "Go away!"

Takatori Yannan suddenly became happy, and took the initiative to step forward quickly.

How dare he wave things at his boss and try to commit murder?

Here comes his bodyguard job finally.

"Brother Feichi, little..."

Mao Lilan, who was catching up, hadn't finished speaking yet, and suddenly felt that with Chi Feichi's skill, this reminder might be a bit redundant.

It's just that the situation was not as she expected. Before Chi Feichi could make a move, Takatori Yannan took the initiative to take two steps forward, standing in front of Chi Feichi, and saw the gap where the man swung the bag, Forced to open the bag sideways, grabbed the man's wrist holding the bag with his left hand, and quickly hit the man's abdomen with a punch with his right hand.

The man lost his strength in pain instantly, and after Yan Nan Takatori let go, he fell to the ground with a plop, and even the bag flew aside.

Mao Lilan: "..."

She finally believed that this uncle was a bodyguard.

Chi Feichi: "..."

In the future, when you want to go out to beat people legally, you can't take Takatori with you.

If it wasn't for Takatori who stood between him and the other party, he would have kicked him back with one kick.

"You bastard!" Mori Kogoro rushed forward, squatted down, and held down the man lying on the ground covering his stomach, "Quickly tell me, what happened to the gunshot just now?"

"Uncle!" Conan ran out from the back door and shouted loudly, "Someone is dead, please call the police!"

"What?!" Mori Kogoro looked at the man who had been punched and held down in astonishment, then turned to Mao Lilan and said, "Xiaolan, call the police!"

It is impossible for the detective team to wait for the police to arrive before going to the scene.

In fact, before Conan ran out to remind him, he had already seen the scene briefly.

Kogoro Mori didn't stay in the yard all the time, he brought the man who had lost his resistance into the house, took off the mask on the man's head, and threw it outside the room where someone died, so that Mao Lilan could watch it.

Chi Feichi took out the disposable medical gloves and handed a pair to his teacher naturally.

Mori Kogoro also took it naturally, tore open the bag, put gloves on his hands, and asked seriously, "Hey, kid, did you open the door when you came here just now?"

"No, when I came here, the door was open." Conan saw that he had no gloves, and he was almost used to it. He went straight into the house and ran to the fallen body, "I'll come in to see if the old man is okay. By then, the blood on his body had dried, but the barrel of the shotgun next to him was still warm, and there seemed to be something strange on his collar?"

"What strange thing?" Mori Kogoro asked, put on his gloves, and brought Chi Feichi into the door, "You didn't mess with anything here, did you?"

"No." Conan looked at the young man sitting against the wall outside the door, "When I came in, the room looked like this."

"That's robbery and murder?" Mori Kogoro also looked back at the young man, and squatted down in front of the corpse.

The deceased was already old, with short hair all white. He was lying face up on the ground with bare feet, his kimono belly was stained with blood, and his left hand was still covering the spot where the blood was smeared.

Due to a long time, the blood has been oxidized and blackened, and it has coagulated on the kimono.

The shotgun that was suspected to be the murder weapon fell aside, and the eagle specimen that was originally on the cabinet in the house also fell at the foot of the corpse, and there was a bullet hole in the safe next to it.

Other than that, the room was fairly clean, with no obvious signs of fighting.

Conan said that there was something strange on the collar of the deceased. It was some small white particles like powder, which stuck to the front collar of the deceased's kimono, sticking around.

Chi Feichi didn't remember this case, and was also interested in investigating the scene. After putting on his gloves and following Kogoro Mori into the house, he squatted beside Kogoro Mori and looked at the corpse, then looked around, pointed to the black hood in the corner, and reminded him Said, "Teacher, that."

They can't move the things on the collar of the corpse casually. It's better to wait for the police forensic personnel to come over, but they should look for other suspicious points first.

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro looked up and saw the black hood, got up and walked over, muttering in doubt, "Strange, why is there another hood here? Could it be that the guy was wearing two hoods, but they were taken off when he was arguing with the deceased One? Or, he originally had an accomplice who ran away while we were not paying attention?"

Conan frowned and looked at the black hood that was thrown on the ground.

Combined with the fact that the time of death is not the time of the gunshot, there is another possibility. Before the man they captured arrived, someone had already come here, and killed the deceased after arguing with the deceased...

Chi Feichi also thought of the same point, looked at the bullet holes on the safe, and quickly looked down at the corpse.

He has a strange sense of awkwardness.

There seems to be something wrong with this scene, but I can't tell for a while.

Takatori Yannan stood outside the door, seeing his boss running to inspect the scene, staring closely at the man with the yellow-stained beard sitting on the ground.

His boss is a plague god, he doesn't get involved in the investigation, so he can help keep an eye on the suspect.

"I..." The man sitting in the corridor outside the door raised his head, his right hand was still covering his stomach, and said with difficulty, "It wasn't me... I didn't do it..."

Mori Kogoro walked towards the door, "You wait until the police arrive, and then explain to the police!"

An hour later, Henggou Chongwu led people to arrive, arranged people to conduct on-site surveys, arranged people to investigate nearby, and drove the detective team to the corridor.

With such a capable and organized police force as Henggou Shigewu leading the team, the speed of the police investigation is not slow.

"The victim is Yaguchi Kuemon, 70 years old. He is the owner of this house. He seems to be a rich man. The cause of death should be that he was shot in the chest at close range, almost on the spot," a policeman reported to Shigeo Yokomizo. The shotgun picked up by the forensics officer, "As for the murder weapon, it seems to be that shotgun."

"Then," Henggou Shigeno turned to look at the detective team waiting in the corridor with a speechless face, "Are you the first discoverers?"

Mori Kogoro nodded and said, "Yes."

"Really," Henggou Shigeno sighed speechlessly, looking at a group of people with disgust, "Why did you come to Kamakura again? We just brought people to the police station for the incident at the Yokohama Shipyard this morning. It didn't take long, and I didn't even have time to record the confession, so can't you change the jurisdiction to cause harm?"

Takatori Yan Nan looked at his boss and his group.

Thinking about them being in Yokohama, the police were dispatched in Yokohama, and they had just arrived in Kamakura, and the police followed closely to Kamakura, that is, the front and rear feet... How did he feel that the police officer's grievances were justified?

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