Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1653 No, illegal

"Sightseeing, we're just here for sightseeing," Mori Kogoro was speechless after being stared at with disdain, "Even if we didn't come here, incidents would still happen here!"

"Ah, that's right." Henggou Shigewu Banyue looked at Chi Feichi, "After all, at the time when the victim died, it should be when Mr. Chi called our police to the Yokohama Shipyard..."

Conan couldn't help asking, "Is it speculated that the deceased died so early?"

"Okay, don't ask too much, the investigation is the job of the police!" Henggou Shigeno looked stern and refused to disclose.

"Six o'clock in the morning." Chi Feichi said, looking at Henggou's re-enlightenment.

He told the time when he called the police, are you sure he didn't remind them on purpose?

"Yeah, while I was still eating breakfast, I received a call from my subordinates saying that the accident at the shipyard was intentionally caused by someone, and it was suspected of attempted murder, and the shipyard also provided evidence and asked me to go there immediately," Henggou said. Chongwu looked at Chi Feichi's eyes with too much resentment, "I didn't expect that there would be a murder case soon..."

Chi Feichi reminded calmly, "Officer Henggou, this kind of resentful expression is not suitable for you."

Henggou realized again: "!"


"Resentment, resentment?" Mao Lilan looked at Henggou Shigewu's furious face.

Very good, now I don't complain about my wife at all.

Henggou re-awakened thinking about Yamato's help before the search meeting, took a deep breath, told himself not to find anger, and looked at the yellow-haired man in the corridor who was being questioned by the police, "Then, when you got here, you found that The man was wearing a hood and carrying a backpack, and fled from the house in a panic, but he was still caught by you, isn't that right?"

"Officer Henggou," the inquiring policeman turned his head and said, "He is the second son of the deceased, Akihiko Yaguchi, and he has a driver's license. He bought a large sum of money and wanted to come to his father to steal money. When he came, the deceased was already dead. Although he picked up a shotgun and fired, it was to open the safe..."

"Oh?" Henggou Shigeno looked back at the safe, walked to the corridor, approached Akihiko Yaguchi with a sullen face, and said in a gloomy voice, "Come to steal money from my father?"

Yaguchi Akihiko was taken aback, took a step back, turned his head away, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "Who made him suddenly refuse to give me financial aid! I was forced by the creditor to have no choice, so I wanted to come here and get some secretly." , I said police officer, it’s not illegal to take your father’s money, right?”

"No, it's against the law." Chi Feichi corrected with a calm face.

Is this person so righteous when he gnaws at the old man?

"That's right, even if it's your dad's money, if he didn't agree to give it to you, it's his personal property. It's a crime for you to steal or rob other people's property," Henggou re-enlightened Continue to stare at Akihiko Yaguchi with a cold face, "Not to mention killing my father for theft and robbery..."

"I, I didn't kill him!" Akihiko Yaguchi declared quickly, and took out his wallet from his pocket, and took out a receipt, "At six o'clock this morning, I ate at this family restaurant, and the clerk there You should be able to testify against me!"

"Really?" Henggou Shigeno took the receipt and looked down.

"And around six o'clock in the morning," Yaguchi Akihiko hesitated, "my brother-in-law has been here..."

Henggou Chongwu immediately raised his eyes and stared, "How do you know he has been here?"

Takato Yannan couldn't help but look at Henggou Shigego.

This police officer is very sharp.

Akihiko Yaguchi knew that his brother had been here around six o'clock, probably because Akihiko Yaguchi was here, and the alibi of the family restaurant could be forged.

"Yes, we discussed it before," Akihiko Yaguchi hesitated, as if he was going all out, but his expression relaxed, "You know, our father is a rich man, but since not long ago, he suddenly I am stingy, and I don’t want to give us any more financial assistance. My store closed down and I owed money. The company my father supported my brother-in-law was not doing well and was facing bankruptcy. He told me last night that he wanted to come to my father to steal money. Help, he came here before six o'clock. When I left the family restaurant, it was around eight o'clock in the morning. He ran to tell me in a panic that he was discovered by my father when he failed, so I decided to come here by myself... If someone killed my father, it must be my brother-in-law!"

Seeing that Chi Feichi was beside him, Takato Yannan took another step to Chi Feichi's side, and whispered, "Boss, is the relationship between this family really all right..."

"We can make them consider taking a paternity test." Chi Feichi complained in a low voice without mercy.

Conan who heard the two whispering: "..."

Hehe, his little friend still speaks so... so sharply.

Kogoro Mori didn't hear the complaints from his apprentice and the bodyguard in sunglasses, and looked at the black hood in the corner of the room, "In this way, it should be left by your brother?"

"It should be." Yaguchi Akihiko looked at the black hood, "He said his hood was taken off by his father, and his face was also seen by him."

"Officer Henggou!" A policeman ran up and whispered in Henggou Chongwu's ear.

After hearing this, Henggou nodded his head, "Then go ask that husband-in-law to come and cooperate with the investigation!"

Mrs. Yaguchi hadn't arrived yet, but another fat man arrived here. Since he claimed to be the eldest son of the owner, his name was Yaguchi Rokuro, so he was taken to the waiting room.

When Shigego Yokomizo passed by, Rokuro Yaguchi saw Akihiko Yaguchi who was following Shigego Yokomizo, and stood up in surprise, "Akihiko, what's wrong with you?"

Yaguchi Akihiko's wrist was sprained by Mori Kogoro before, and he was knocked down by Takatori Yano, and his face was rubbed on the small stones in the yard. The police came to bandage his wrist and put a wound on his face. Tie, when asked about it, turned his head in displeasure, "You don't need to be hypocritical!"

"Hmph," Yaguchi Rokuro looked at the wound on Yaguchi Akihiko's hand, and sneered, "When I went outside, I heard people nearby said that my father was killed by someone. Could it be you who did it?"

Before Akihiko Yaguchi could speak, Shigeno Yokomizo asked, "Why do you think he did it?"

"His shop closed down, and he still owes a lot of money, right?" Yaguchi Rokuro said casually.

"Brother, are you still the same?" Akihiko Yaguchi said, "Although you are a film director, you have never made a decent film, have you? And since not long ago, your father has not given you any financial support. You Isn't it possible to hold a grudge against Dad?"

"And if you kill your father, you can get inheritance to solve the problems you are facing," Henggou Shigego added, counting all three brothers, looking at Yaguchi Rokuro and asked, "Can I ask Now, where were you at six o'clock this morning?"

"I went to Tokushima yesterday to collect material for the movie," Yaguchi Rokuro recalled, "I left the hotel in Tokushima at 6:30 this morning, and it was already around 10:00 in the morning when I arrived in Tokyo."

"Then do you know who will come to your father's house?" Henggou asked again.

"This..." Yaguchi recalled, "I don't know very well."

"After my father retired, he didn't have much contact with outsiders." Akihiko Yaguchi added.

"And the servant was also fired half a year ago," Yaguchi Rokuro said with a speechless expression, "You're really stingy!"

"Anyway, I'll have someone confirm your alibi," Henggou re-awakened seeing that none of the three brothers were sad because of his father's death, but filled with resentment, and walked out speechlessly, "Take a look at the room first. Is there something missing?"

After going out, Yokomizo Shigeno sent someone to confirm the alibi of Yaguchi Rokuro and Yaguchi Akihiko at six o'clock in the morning, and took the three brothers to the room where the body was found.

"So..." Yaguchi Rokuro looked around the room, "My father's collection of antiques is gone."

"Brother, you didn't take it, did you?" Yaguchi said.

"I think you two sneaked here to steal it." Yaguchi Rokuro retorted angrily, "You actually did such a shameful thing, do you still have the nerve to ask for Dad's inheritance?"

Akihiko Yaguchi's face changed, "Hey, brother, what do you mean?"

"By the way, we found this thing from the room," Henggou Shigeno took out the evidence bag from his pocket, looked down at the blue camera inside, "this should be called a webcam, right?"

"Who installed such a thing?" Mori Kogoro looked at the camera.

"I remember installing a camera, brother, isn't it your specialty?" Yaguchi Akihiko glanced at Yaguchi Rokuro.

Yaguchi Rokuro suddenly said angrily, "What are you talking about!"

Not long after, Henggou Shigeno received the news from the Tokushima police, and took the three brothers back to the previous lounge.

Conan didn't follow, but went into the room where the body was found. Seeing that Chi Feichi did the same, he couldn't help but smile.

It seems that his little friend is interested in this event, so he has to work hard.

Chi Feichi went to the place where the eagle specimen fell and took a look, then turned and left the room.

Conan followed immediately, and raised his head and asked, "Does Brother Chi have an answer?"

"Well, it must have been an accident." Chi Feichi confirmed.

"Huh?" Takatori Yano, who was following the two of them, was surprised.

"I thought the corpse was weird before, but no matter how I looked at it, I didn't think it was abnormal. In fact, the strange thing was the position where the deceased fell down," Chi Feichi explained in a low voice, "Mr. Yaguchi Hisemon was shot dead in the chest at close range. If there is a murderer, the murderer should be standing in front of him, but judging from the position where he fell, he should be standing on the cabinet under the window, that is, in front of the cabinet where the eagle specimens are placed. There's room for a guy who pointed a shotgun at him, and the stuffed eagle was glued to a branch craft, and that branch craft had signs of breaking, and I think he was standing in front of the window with a shotgun at around six o'clock , and accidentally slipped or had other accidents, the trigger of the shotgun was hooked by the eagle specimen, and when it fell backwards, it died under the muzzle of the shotgun..."

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