Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1668 The scene is very tragic

Seeing Henggou Chongwu on the phone, Qingli Zhou Ping sneered, and said to Chi Feichi, "Okay, stand up slowly..."

Chi Feichi still squatted sideways to Qingli and Zhou Ping, looking down at the shadow on the ground, his voice was cold but decisive, "No."

Qingli Zhou Ping: "..."

other people:"……"

Okiya Subaru was about to make a noise to attract attention, but his mind was stuck by Chi Feichi's reaction.

When Qingli Zhouping felt that he was about to succeed, relaxed, and less nervous, he uttered a voice to attract Qingli Zhouping's attention, allowing Mr. Chi to take the opportunity to escape from the hostage. If Mr. Chi's shoulder injury was too serious to react, He can also approach slowly, and take the opportunity to pull away Qingli Zhouping's hand. This idea is very good, but...

Mr. Chi's reaction was beyond his expectation, making him uncertain about Qingli Zhouping's next reaction, so he didn't dare to act rashly, and his mind was a little confused.

"You, what did you say?" Qingli Zhou Ping was also confused by Chi Feichi's reaction, and said angrily, "Stand up slowly!"

"No." Chi Feichi responded indifferently and decisively.

Henggou Shigeno held the phone and looked at the two of them, wondering whether to follow Qingli Zhouping's request and stabilize Qingli Zhouping, or ask his colleagues to prepare first aid to stop the bleeding immediately.

He is willing to cooperate, but Mr. Chi, who is now being held hostage, does not cooperate. What can happen?

Okiya Subaru narrowed his eyes at the two of them.

He seemed to understand Mr. Chi's plan. Mr. Chi didn't expect them to help. He probably planned to let Qingli Zhouping be disturbed by other things, and then take the opportunity to get away...

Qingli Zhou Ping also didn't know what to do. If he gave up this hostage target, he could only catch him without a fight, and if he accidentally killed him, he wouldn't be able to escape either, but if he didn't cooperate, what could he do? Embarrassed, "You, you..."

Chi Feichi's tone was calm, with a trace of doubts that could not be detected, "Why can you cut me?"

In the past, in order to save people, he was stabbed by the prisoner, but this time he didn't try to save people, nor did he try to change the plot. Why did he still get stabbed?

Did Akai and Conan cause the restraint effect of '1+1\u003e2', or is he doomed to a bloodbath today? Or... is it a coincidence of various small changes?

For example, he was present, for example, the brats are used to staying by his side, for example, the knife raised up and dazzled his eyes, for example, today’s sunset is not very friendly to him...

"Why..." Qingli Zhouping was confused and speechless, "Idiot! Of course it's because..."

Chi Feichi's face darkened, and he stretched out his uninjured right hand, grabbed the wrist of Qingli Zhouping's left hand holding the saber, pulled him forward suddenly, and stood up at the same time.

"I have a knife in my hand..." Qingli Zhou Ping was pulled by his wrist vigorously, and his wrist made a dislocation sound, and his whole body was still pulled by the undiminished force before Chi Feichi, and flung him to the bottom of the rock wall. Dazed, the back and the back of the head hit the rock wall hard, and the next second, the neck was also heavily pressed by an arm with a sleeve that was a little sticky.

"The bones on a person's shoulder are still very hard, and there are no large blood vessels or too many nerves underneath," Chi Feichi stood in front of Qingli Zhouping, with his left forearm pressing on Qingli Zhouping's neck, and said with cold eyes, " So didn't I use 'cut' to describe it?"

Qingli Zhouping's whole back was against the rock wall, and Chi Feichi held his dislocated left wrist tightly. The knife fell from his hand, and his neck was pressed down by Chi Feichi's arms. Feeling suffocated, his wrist, back , the back of my head was hurting, and I couldn't even think of using the other hand to get out of trouble. I couldn't even breathe, let alone make a sound.

The others stared blankly at the sudden reversal of the situation, unable to react.

Seems to be all right?

Chi Feichi let go, and gave Qingli Zhouping another blow in the abdomen, looking down at Qingli Zhouping who was covering his stomach and fell down, "Why do you think I have lost the ability to fight back?"

After Okiya Subaru came back to his senses, he subconsciously raised his hand and pushed his glasses.

This is really...

He also felt that Mr. Chi couldn't fight back.

Conan was sweating.

Qingli Zhouping probably didn't expect that the person he was trying to hold hostage was a snake spirit who was good at skills and would be violent and beat others...

"Officer Henggou? Officer Henggou?"

Henggou Zhongwu heard the colleagues on the phone calling one after another, quickly picked up the mobile phone and said, "Come here and arrest Qingli Zhouping immediately, and bring the emergency medical kit by the way!"

Only then did the others remember that Chi Feichi still had an injury on his back shoulder, looked at the blood stains on the ground, and then at the blood stains on Qingli Zhouping's neck where Chi Feichi's left arm had pressed him over, and hurriedly surrounded him.

The coat on Chi Feichi's body is black, and the color of bleeding cannot be seen, but the coat is thin in summer, and the windproof material can't absorb much blood. The wound on the back shoulder is not deep, but it was stretched for a long time. , Some blood flowed down the arm to the back of the hand and palm, and some blood dripped on the place where he squatted before.

"Brother Chi, how do you feel?" Ayumi stared worriedly at Chi Feichi's left arm, "Does it hurt?"

Mitsuhiko turned his head and looked at the policeman who ran down from the police yacht, "We should stop the bleeding quickly!"

The policeman with the medical kit saw patches and drops of blood on the rock, one fell to the ground with a bright red neck covering his stomach with one hand, and a surrounded child with blood on the palm of his left hand, was stunned for a moment.

What happened? Why do you feel that the scene is so tragic?

Yuan Tai ran over, grabbed the policeman with the medical kit and dragged him to this side, "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Ah, but..." The policeman looked at Qingli Zhouping under the rock wall hesitantly.

There was blood on that neck, and it was so painful that it seemed that it was about to die. Do you really need to give first aid to that one?

"He's fine, Mr. Chi pressed the blood on his neck just now," Henggou Chongwu squatted in front of Qingli Zhouping, checked Qingli Zhouping's situation, and couldn't decide who was worse, Chi Feichi or Qingli Zhouping At one o'clock, he stood up and said to the subordinates, "The wrist of his left hand was dislocated, his abdomen was hit, and there was an indentation on his neck, but it should be fine. When you take him back, be careful not to twist his left hand again."

Chi Feichi took off his coat and sat down on a rock.

Hui Yuanai was not at ease with the thick-handed and thick-footed policeman, so he took over the task of treating the wound himself. He used scissors to cut off the back shoulder of the T-shirt bit by bit, took a rough look at the wound, and lowered his head to rummage through the medical bag, "Wound It’s about 10 centimeters, the upper part is deeper, and the lower part is shallower, I’ll wash to stop the bleeding first, do a simple bandage, and the rest will be handed over to the doctor after arriving at the hospital.”

Ayumi helped to find out all the cleaning potions that could be used, "Xiao Ai, here it is!"

Henggou Chongwu waited for Hui Yuanai to do simple wound treatment before returning with a group of people and sending Chi Feichi and Qingli Zhouping to the hospital.

On the way back to the pier by boat, the sky gradually darkened.

When Chi Feichi came out of the treatment room, he found that Dr. A Li had arrived, greeted Henggou Shigeno, and took Dr. A Li's car back.

"I have already repaired the omelette machine, and found that you haven't come back or called, so I called Mr. Subaru." After Dr. Ali entered the door, he turned on the light and said helplessly, "That's when I found out that Feichi Injured again."

Okiya Subaru helped the children carry two buckets of fish and followed through the door, "Does Mr. Chi often get hurt?"

Yuan Tai recalled, "I often knock down prisoners..."

"However, I was injured by prisoners more than once." Guangyan looked at Chi Feichi, who was changing shoes with one hand and was a little slower than everyone else. He stood aside and waited, and sighed with a mature face, "Either fell into the sea, or was killed by a knife." stabbed, and met a murderer who drove after him.”

Okiya Subaru followed Dr. Ali to put the barrel away, and asked back, "Did you work too hard when chasing the criminal?"

"No," Chi Feichi changed his shoes, got up and said, "It's just that they suddenly wanted to kill me."

Haibara Ai followed, quietly watching Okiya Subaru.

Is this guy asking for something?

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, "Sometimes it's because brother Chi is too sensitive, which makes them feel threatened, sometimes it's because he was accidentally stabbed, and as for the time when he was chased, it's because the murderer Pu He admired his music more."

"Sometimes it's caused by Conan and Mr. Mao Li." Chi Feichi added.

Conan: "..."

"It's really an innocent and strange reason," Okiya Subaru laughed, remembering that he couldn't keep up with Chi Feichi's reasoning speed this time, he was puzzled, and felt that Chi Feichi was so sensitive, "It seems that sometimes he is too sensitive. Being sharp is not a good thing."

Take Mr. Chi sending his colleague to the police station as an example. At that time, he thought that Mr. Chi was a trouble, and he had better find a way to get rid of it. If they were criminals, he would probably consider killing Mr. Chi directly.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Is being too sharp a good thing? Is this person implying something by saying this?

Conan thought of a certain organization, and wondered if Chi Feichi was too keen to discover something to attract the attention of that organization, but he didn't know how to ask, so he could only keep his doubts in his heart, "By the way, Brother Chi, you When Mr. Kaitian introduced the names of the three of them, he seemed to look up at Mr. Qingli. At that time, did you suspect that he was a criminal?"

Chi Feichi gave an 'um' and walked into the house.

"Why?" Conan chased after him, "At that time, we hadn't seen Mr. Kaitian's diving watch, didn't we know that the word 'FISH' was rubbed off on the back of the dial?"

"The Chinese characters in Japan come from Chinese, and I have read many Chinese books," Chi Feichi said, "When you hear the first three characters of the name Qingli Zhouping, you will immediately think of mackerel, carp and snapper."

Conan was speechless with half-moon eyes, "Then I didn't think of the answer this time, do you want to say that it's because I don't usually read Chinese books?"

Chi Feichi nodded.

If you understand Chinese, this case should be the easiest.

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, and couldn't help but look at Okiya Subaru who was also speechless.

Please experience Chi Feichi's comforting style, he can't be the only one being abused.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the case later," Dr. A Li said with a helpless smile, "Feichi is injured, if you move your left hand, you may hurt the wound again, Feichi, the clothes Xiaoai bought for you last time , I just stayed here and didn’t send it to you, so you go and change into clean clothes and wait for dinner, so don’t worry about cooking tonight to me!”

Ayumi smiled awkwardly, "Don't worry..."

Mitsuhiko looked suspicious, "Doctor, can you handle it?"

"We caught a lot of fish." Yuan Tai looked at the bucket with reluctance, as if the two buckets of fish were about to be ruined, "I also want Brother Chi to eat something delicious to replenish his body."

"Then why don't you let me do the cooking?" Okiya Subaru saw other people looking at him, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Although my cooking is not as good as Mr. Chi's, it shouldn't be too bad..."

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