Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1669 Okiya Subaru: The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved

half an hour later...

After Chi Feichi changed his clothes, he was stopped by the three children at a place away from the cooking counter, watching Okiya Subaru fry the fish, "It's time to turn it over."

"Ah, it seems to be..." Okiya Subaru looked down at the pot and began to operate it.

Conan and the three children stared at the cooking table, looking more or less worried.

Is Mr. Subaru really all right?

Chi Fei recognized the condition of the fish in the pot from a distance, guessing that the skin of the fish should be browned, and continued to remind, "Add water, then put in the tofu and salt, and remember not to put ginger."

Okiya Subaru gave up struggling and was ready to listen to Chi Feichi's command.

He is also stealing a teacher to learn art, so that he can do well in the future.

Huihara Ai wrapped Feichi in a towel, came out of the bathroom, looked at Dr. Agasa and Okiya Subaru at the cooking table, walked to the sidelines, lowered her head and wiped Feichi's body with a towel, "Feiqi I’ve already washed the blood on it, how is it? Are you satisfied with the clothes I bought for you? I specially bought the special Tang suit for you. Your left shoulder is injured, so you don’t need to raise your left hand when you put on the clothes, and you can also hold the clothes with one hand. Buttoned up, it doesn't get any better than that."

"I couldn't be more satisfied." Chi Feichi said.

Hui Yuanai was a little surprised, and looked up at Chi Feichi's calm expression, "Isn't this irony?"

It's true that she helped buy Tang suits, and it's true that the main body is still black, but she has mischievous intentions.

The hem of this dress is embroidered with a big lion head, red, blue, green, and yellow embroidery thread together, she thinks the lion head is very cute, plus there are some blue and white water ripples, The color of the pattern was too bright, she thought that Chi Feichi would turn black.

Chi Feichi looked down at the clothes, not quite understanding what Hui Yuanai was thinking, "The material of the clothes is not bad, and the lion head embroidery is exquisite, why should I be ironic?"

"It's nothing, as long as you like it." Hui Yuanai looked back regretfully.

If it weren't for the clothes of other main colors without embroidered lion heads, she wouldn't have chosen black, and she was thinking of choosing pink and red clothes for Chi Feichi, just to see her brother's dark face, but she didn't expect to get this kind of clothes evaluate……


Okiya Subaru hurriedly prepared a whole fish feast, and the taste was actually not bad. After receiving praise, he took over the rest of the work contentedly. Like Chi Feichi before, he took the children to clean up the table, wash the dishes, and cook after the meal. Dr. Ali was too embarrassed to sit down.

"You should know the dietary taboos, so I won't remind you. Remember that alcohol is absolutely prohibited during this period, don't take a bath in the past two days, and don't go to morning exercises again, so as not to tear the sutured wound, and also avoid sweating, which is inconvenient to clean up The wound," Hui Yuanai told Chi Feichi worriedly, "After going back tonight, go to bed early..."

"Huh?" Dr. Ali, who was helping to clean the dishes, looked back at Hui Yuan Ai, "Xiao Ai, it's late tonight, and it's inconvenient for Fei Chi to drive again, so let him stay here for one night, anyway, his room won't be long. It can be cleaned up, and it will save him from running back."

Hui Yuanai remained silent.

She thought about telling Brother Feichi not to run away tonight, but she was more worried about the pink hair next door.

There was an organized aura about that guy, and she hoped that Brother Feichi would stay away from that guy.

Seeing that the dishes were almost washed, Okiya Subaru took the towel and wiped his hands, "Why don't I drive Mr. Chi back, how about it?"

"No need," Hui Yuanai changed his mind resolutely, "I didn't think carefully before, it would be better to let Brother Feichi stay here for one night."

That night, Okiya Subaru returned to Kudo's house, poured a glass of bourbon in the study, drank slowly in the dim light, and digested today's harvest.

He was suspected by Shirley, which didn't matter much.

When he first met, Shirley accidentally noticed the abnormal aura, but as long as he didn't try to threaten the safety of others, Shirley didn't dare to break his face, and would probably be secretly vigilant, anyway, Shirley couldn't drive him away, and she wouldn't Tell Chi Feichi that he can go there occasionally for dinner.

It was better when Chi Fei was there, and Xue Li was more restrained and would not show him a cold face.

Of course, he will try his best not to let Chi Feichi find out what's wrong with him.

He can probably understand the feelings of Detective Boy, Dr. A Li, and Xue Li. Chi Feichi's ability is nothing to say, and his skill is also good, but his state is not stable. Ordinary prisoners will be at a loss if they say 'no' to the enemy willfully or willfully, but those guys who organize them may just pass by with a bullet.

Now there is another problem, Bourbon actually went to track down Judy again, that kid is definitely going to make trouble, he has to be prepared to deal with it...

No, I will find an opportunity to compare with Chi Feichi in the future, this time I was really aggrieved by being blocked, and the more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I became.


The next day, Okiya Subaru didn't run to the next door anymore, and drove out early in the morning.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Oda Kirito also brought a large table of food to the door, and arranged for people to drive Chi Feichi back to Yokohama in the truck that delivered the panda dolls.

After Oda Kirimin also brought people in, he saw that the fish was already on the table, he was taken aback for a moment, and asked someone to put the dishes on the table. After the people left, he took off his flamboyant purple sunglasses, and said speechlessly, " You still have so many fish, I heard that Feichi was injured, and I was thinking of ordering a big table of good food for him, so that he can have a good meal."

Dr. A Li looked at the dishes on the table, and was also a little worried, "Xiao Ai has gone to school, and Mr. Subaru has something to go out, so I can't finish these dishes, and I have to waste them in the end."

"It's okay, if you don't mind adding another person, I can help!" Oda Kiritoshi also said with a smile, "I haven't eaten lunch yet, we can eat as much as we can."

Chi Feichi looked at the dishes on the table, and decisively ignored all the fish, "I don't want to eat fish anymore."

Thanks to vodka, he now gets sick of eating fish.

"Okay, let's have dinner then," Dr. A Li laughed, and turned to get the bowls and chopsticks. "However, Min Ye, how did you know that Feichi was injured?"

"Yuanzi must have said it." Chi Feichi said.

When Conan went back last night, he would definitely explain to Xiaolan and his teacher why he was late. By the way, when the student party went to school today, Xiaolan would mention it when chatting with Yuanzi. As soon as Yuanzi knew...

It is estimated that many people in Didan High School and THK Company need to know, and if it continues, the news of his injury will spread throughout the circle of friends within a day.

"It was indeed Yuanzi who told me, but everyone seems to know..." Oda Kirito touched his chin and asked again, "Feichi, don't you forget what day it is today?"

Chi Feichi took out his phone to check the date, "August 2, at 9:00 am, Qian He's new song will be released."

Oda Kirito was also in a good mood, ignoring Chi Feichi's behavior of watching the time temporarily, and said happily, "Yes, I was talking about the celebration banquet in the chat group in the morning, and only then did I hear Sonoko say that you were injured yesterday, so I'm afraid I can't go to drink , I didn’t want to disturb you at first, but this kind of good thing, you have to find someone to share it with to make you happier!”

"Oh?" Dr. Ali came back with the bowl and chopsticks, and asked curiously, "Miss Qianhe's new song has been released, are the results good?"

"I haven't looked at the data yet, but it's definitely not bad." Oda Kiritoshi also took the initiative to take his bowl and chopsticks, and said with a smile, "I plan to endure two more hours and watch it in the afternoon, maybe I can have double the happiness!"

Dr. Ali was amused by Toshiya Odagiri's "double happiness", "In addition to sharing with me and Feichi, the happiness has to be doubled and doubled!"

Chi Feichi suddenly felt that the two of them were extremely childish, and got up to serve the meal, but Dr. A Li helped serve it first, so he had to sit down again with the bowl, "Min Ye, how much is the tuning and harmony part?"

Ever since he heard Qian Heling's voice, he planned to make the song "Faded" come out.

Although this song has mixed reviews among experts in electronic music, not everyone is professional, and not everyone can speak electronic music well. For more people, no matter what kind of music, as long as Sounds good enough.

Some singles are very popular in the electronic music circle, but it is difficult to spread among the masses. What he wants is more masses, so that Qian Heling can be known by more people and become more famous.

Moreover, in this song, the fresh and ethereal female voice adds a lot to the original single, and it can highlight the charm of Qian Heling's voice, and it will not be robbed of the limelight by the electronic music arrangement. If it is harmonious, the singing voice will be soft and as if The feeling of the dream, the overall melody is also brainwashed, and the final score will definitely not be bad.

The female singer in the previous life sang that kind of singing, all relying on the assistance of equipment, tuning, harmony, live singing is completely different, and many people are disappointed. With help, can Qian Heling sing that ethereal and clean female voice by herself.

"Don't worry, Qiu Ting has always had high standards for singing, and you told her what standards she needs, but she used the synthesized voice you gave to find a way to try out the way of speaking, and asked Qian He to do it, Qian He When I sang, I almost didn’t use tuning.” Oda Kirito also seemed to see a pile of gold, laughing exaggeratedly, “With this kind of singing, Qianhe can definitely try the title of Japan’s number one singer, and no one If I can compete with her in this aspect, when she sings live at the carnival, she will definitely shock everyone! So no matter what the final score of this song is, I will hold a celebration banquet tonight!"

Chi Feichi agreed, "It's not easy for them, so it's time to celebrate."

He thought about it, no other singer in the world could sing that effect by himself. If Qian Heling could do it, even if it was only 80%, it would be enough to become an international famous individual.

Before helping Qian Heling to open up overseas markets, Qian Heling has a foundation of popularity abroad, coupled with this kind of singing, she can almost reach the level of an international superstar in no time.

Oda Kirito also sighed with regret, but couldn't hide his gloating, "It's a pity that you were injured, so you can rest at home."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Min also deserves to be beaten by this attitude.

Chi Feichi ignored Odagiri Toshiya's schadenfreude, and worked hard for Qiu Tingren and Qian Heling herself. The two protagonists of this celebration banquet are enough, and it doesn't matter whether he goes or not. Be careful of those with bad intentions."

If someone poisons or poisons Qian Heling's voice, it will destroy not only the large amount of wealth they can reap, but also destroy their efforts and expectations, not to mention other people can't stand it, he will feel a big blow... Will want to kill.

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