Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1673 Maori Kogoro: Go away

The four upstairs packed up and went to a nearby sushi restaurant for lunch.

"Is there really no need for help?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki confirmed to Mao Lilan.

"Don't worry," Mao Lilan said with a smile, "When my father was a policeman, he and Mr. Takeoka once investigated the case together. I think he is very motivated now. Just leave this matter to them."

"It's too slow, Tanaka!" In the open kitchen, a chef urged, "Have you not cut it yet?"

"Ah, sorry!" A young chef hurriedly said.

Conan looked over curiously, and was stunned when he saw the red kitchen knife in the young chef's hand.

Chi Feichi also looked over and recognized the kitchen knife in the opponent's hand.

It was the kitchen knife that the old lady gave her grandson Shota Tanaka in the case of the mountain demon mother-in-law.

At the beginning, Shota Tanaka lied that he went to Tokyo to learn cooking, but he had plastic surgery to become a handsome guy, and changed his name to Kahara Fuga to become a cowherd. It seems that after the death of the eldest lady, Shota Tanaka changed his face back to its original appearance Changed back to the original name, just like what the old lady said, I really came to learn how to cook.

"What's wrong?" Mao Lilan looked over there curiously.

"It's nothing." Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, "The chef's cooking skills in this restaurant don't look bad."

Conan also gave up telling the truth, and said with a smile, "The ingredients look fresh too!"

Now that he is starting a new life, he should stop talking about such things as cheating on his family and having plastic surgery to become a cowherd. It would be bad if people talked about him behind his back.

Shota Tanaka has been busy in the open kitchen, not noticing that there are acquaintances at the table in the corner.

After the four of them had lunch, they didn't stay long.

It was summer, I had dinner with my friends in the afternoon, wandered all the way to the intersection along the shade of the trees, talked about the recent arrangements, and went to do my own things after parting, life seemed to become leisurely and peaceful.

But the tranquility didn't last long.

The next day, Mori Kogoro once again occupied the front page of the newspaper, not just the front page of a newspaper, the content and headlines were even more explosive than the day before.

A famous detective makes mistakes one after another, causing two people to commit suicide...

Insisting on committing suicide, Mori Kogoro killed another person...

Kyosuke Arai committed suicide because he was suspected of being a murderer. Should Kogoro Mori be responsible for this...

When Chi Feichi rushed downstairs to the Maori Detective Agency, he saw his teacher standing downstairs and making a phone call.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Chi Feichi who was pulling over, then looked up at the signboard of the office, and said solemnly, "Officer Megure, I am Mori. As of today, I have decided to remove my car. Shop sign……"

At the stairway, Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who was one step ahead, stood together with Ran Mori and Conan, looking at Kogoro Mori with his back turned to them in astonishment.

Chi Feichi got out of the car and walked forward, joining the trio who were secretly watching.

Mori Kogoro put away his mobile phone, turned around and looked at the four people standing behind him, and finally said nothing, walked past a group of people with his head down, and went upstairs in a daze.


Mao Lilan looked worriedly at Kogoro Moori's back, led the way upstairs, and said in a low voice, "He has been like this since last night, and he can't cheer up anything."

Chi Feichi turned to Mao Li and said, "If it was last night, the report could have been stopped temporarily."

"I thought about calling you, but Dad didn't agree," Mao Lilan sighed, "He said that the deaths of Mr. Pusheng and Mr. Arai were true. These are two lives. Even if the newspaper's report is temporarily blocked, There will always be people talking about it and people caring about it, so I don’t need to trouble you any more.”

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, "That's right, what the teacher cares about is not what others say."

What Mori Kogoro cares about is whether those two people were killed by themselves!

Koshimizu Nanatsuki frowned and said softly, "Mr. Pusheng's suicide is indeed suspicious, and some of Mr. Arai's previous behaviors are also suspicious. How could it be..."

"On the night of Mr. Pusheng's death, around eight o'clock, Mr. Arai's neighbor next door once heard him talking on the phone loudly at home, so he poked his head around and saw him throwing a temper tantrum at home," Conan said in a deep voice, " That is to say, Mr. Arai has an alibi, so he cannot be the murderer of Mr. Urao. Yesterday morning, Uncle Kogoro and Mr. Takeoka went to find Mr. Arai, and the police found him around four o'clock in the afternoon. hanged himself at home."

"Reporters have always paid attention to Mr. Pusheng's incident," Mao Lilan said helplessly, "Yesterday evening, when Dad came out of Mr. Arai's apartment, there were many reporters outside who heard the news gathered downstairs, facing the questions of those reporters. , he couldn't tell at all."

On the second floor, Mori Kogoro slumped on the office chair, his head was thrown back, his eyes were in a daze.

Mao Lilan asked the three of them to sit down casually, and went to the tea room to call Fei Yingli.

Chi Feichi went to the office chair and squatted down, looking closely at his teacher's upside-down face.

It's not that decadent at all. When he just walked over, the expression on his teacher's face clearly seemed to be thinking.

When he knelt down to observe, it turned into surprise and doubt...

Mori Kogoro was taken aback by Chi Feichi's cold face suddenly approaching, and looked suspiciously at the eyes that reflected his figure.

Those purple eyes were impersonal, transparent and clear, like a mirror reflecting him.

To put it simply, his apprentice stared at him with emotionless eyes.

What does this kid want?

Chi Feichi silently stared into Moori Kogoro's eyes.

Since he wasn't so decadent, why did his teacher look like this?

Pretend to be depressed, probably not to trick his teacher's wife over, all he can think of is to let others relax their guard.

If someone is harming Kogoro Mori, and seeing Kogoro Mori depressed and decadent, he will probably relax his vigilance for joy, and if someone uses and guards against the famous detective Maori, he will also be ignorant of Kogoro Mori when he sees the famous detective like this be on guard.

Mori Kogoro stared quietly into Chi Feichi's eyes.

What exactly does his apprentice want to do?

Isn't this kid sick?

As a teacher, is he picking himself up and being a good example?

But he has his own ideas and doesn't want to act rashly.

The two faces of the master and apprentice were on the same horizontal line, facing each other, staring into each other's eyes. Conan and Nanatsuki Koshimizu sat on the sofa and looked around suspiciously.

"Mr. Molly..."

At the door, the arrival of Takagi Tsutomu, Chiba and Reachout broke the eerie silence in the room.

"Huh?" Takagi stepped forward, curiously looked at Mori Kogoro who was reclined, and Chi Feichi who was squatting behind the office chair, and cast a questioning look at Conan, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Mao Lilan at the door of the tea room.

What's happening here?

The other three: "..."

Don't ask them, they don't know either.

Chi Feichi came back to his senses, looked at the bewildered expression of Mori Kogoro in front of him, smiled slightly, and said softly, "Take a good rest, but don't try to leave everything to us."

Takagi Wataru, Chiba Kazunobu: "!"

Mr. Chi is so gentle that he seems to have been replaced by an impostor!

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "!"

Although brother Xiaoqi spoke in such a gentle tone, it caused her to think of the past again, and always felt sick and distorted, but thinking about brother Xiaoqi's cold face and always calling her more and more watery... ...She suddenly envied Mr. Mori who had the accident.

Mao Lilan: "!"

Thinking about Brother Feichi's usual cold response of "what's the matter" and "understand" to her, she suddenly felt that her father was treated surprisingly well.

Conan: "!"

Thinking about Chi Feichi's usual disgusting reactions to him like 'Why are you here', 'Why are you here', 'What are you doing here', he suddenly felt that Uncle was worth it this time.

Well, uncle, look at them who are worried about this, and they should take heart...

With half-moon eyes, Kogoro Moori raised his hand and waved it weakly, "You go away..."

other people:"……"

Chi Feichi didn't care, got up and went back to the sofa, and calmly greeted Takagi She, Chiba and Shin, "Officer Takagi, Officer Chiba, please sit down."

"Ah, good..." After sitting down, Takagi put the printed documents on the table, and turned to look at the decadent Mori Kogoro, "I heard from Police Officer Mumu that Mr. Mori wants to close his business. Qianye and I are worried, so we came here to see if there is anything we need help with."

Mao Lilan came forward with tea, bent down and put it on the table, and said with a relieved smile, "Thank you, I'm really sorry for making everyone worry."

"Mr. Mori judged that Mr. Urasuo's suicide was suspicious. I don't think there is a problem with that." Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought for a while, then raised his eyes to confirm to Chi Feichi who was sitting opposite him, "Mr. Arai did leak the case to the reporter. You can be sure, right?"

Chi Feichi looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki, nodded to confirm, "That's right, the newspaper has no reason to lie."

When something happens, she can try to calm down and organize her thoughts carefully. This kind of female detective is very attractive.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt that Chi Feichi's eyes on her seemed sharper and more piercing than before, so she couldn't help avoiding her eyes, and looked at Takagi She, "Officer Takagi, Mr. Arai has an alibi, I heard from Conan, but Is it really impossible for him to kill? I mean, is it possible that there is some trick in time?"

"That's why we came here." Takagi took out a folded map from the typescript, opened it, spread it out on the table, and pointed to a point on the map, "This is Mr. Pusheng's address, according to Mr. Mori said that at 8:00 p.m. on the day of the incident, Mr. Pusheng called him from home to ask him about the investigation, and around 9:00, Mr. Pusheng committed suicide in the woods here... Mr. Arai was confirmed by neighbors, At home at 8 o'clock in the evening, it takes at least half an hour to drive from his residence to Mr. Pusheng's house, and the woods are in the other direction. It also takes an hour to drive from Mr. Pusheng's house to the woods. Mr. Arai is at his home at 8 o'clock If you don’t, you definitely won’t be able to go to the woods around nine o’clock.”

"In addition, Mr. Arai lost his temper to the fax that day because in the serial mystery novel he was in charge of, the murderer used the time machine to go back in time to kill people." Chiba Kazunobu put the typescript of the mystery novel on the map and said dryly, "He Call to complain that readers will not accept it, the time of fax, the address of the fax machine, and the time of his call are all right with the neighbors."

"Then it is absolutely impossible for Mr. Arai to kill someone," Mao Lilan sighed, "right?"

"At present, it looks like this is indeed the case." Gao Mushe nodded.

"Don't worry about what the outside reports say, just say that we are sure," Koshimizu Nanatsuki stretched out his hand, pointed to the place on the map where Ryozo Urau's body was found, and asked seriously, "Mr. Urau is so far away from home. Holding a flashlight and committing suicide in the dark forest caused so much trouble, the possibility of homicide is high, so what about the murderer? If the murderer is not Mr. Arai, where did the murderer who killed Mr. Pusheng go?"

Mao Lilan, Takagi Shibu, Chiba and Shin heard a chill down their backs.

If Mr. Pusheng was killed by someone, there would always be a dark shadow, quietly hiding behind the chaotic debate, and it seemed that he could quietly disappear little by little with the turmoil in the outside world.

When Detective Yue Shui asked him suddenly, the room instantly had the atmosphere of a horror novel.

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