Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1674 Koshimi Nanatsuki: Shocked

"And if the murderer is Mr. Arai, how did he do it?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki continued, "So I think the investigation of the incident should go back to the starting point, which is to investigate who killed Mr. Urao, no matter who Is the murderer Mr. Arai? Investigate Mr. Pusheng's recent movements, investigate who Mr. Pusheng has feuded with, and who can benefit after Mr. Pusheng's death. In addition to reasoning, investigation is also the main work of detectives."

Chi Feichi and Conan silently agreed in their hearts.

This way of thinking is correct, put aside the doubts from the outside world, only consider what they can confirm, let the investigation go back to the starting point and start again, either to prove that Kyosuke Arai is the murderer, or to find out the real murderer, no matter which result, as long as the investigation is clear , it can prove that Mori Kogoro's initial judgment was correct, and all problems will be solved.

"Could that be the case?" Conan said, pointing at the map, "If Mr. Arai's next door neighbor heard the voice after 8:30, then Mr. Arai still has a chance to kill someone. He can do it at 7:00 p.m. At that time, hang the unconscious Mr. Pusheng in the woods, and use some method to delay the time of Mr. Pusheng's hanging, so that he can return home at half past eight."

"Impossible," Chiba and Shinobu smiled helplessly, "Didn't I say that before? Mr. Urasuo called Mr. Mori at eight o'clock, and he was still alive at that time."

Of course Conan knew about this, but he still made a guess, "What if the caller wasn't Mr. Pusheng, but someone imitated his voice?"

If the call was made by the murderer, then the murderer can make a move in advance, rush to a certain place on the road, imitate the voice of Urau Ryozo, make this call, and wait around 8:30, he can arrive at a certain place and make a phone call. Alibi.

"Impossible..." Mori Kogoro sat up straight and confirmed in a deep voice, "The call I heard didn't sound like someone else's imitated voice."

"But Mr. Pusheng's voice is very deep and muddy, right?" Conan couldn't help but said, "If someone imitates it, it will be difficult to distinguish..."

"It's impossible for me to mishear the client's voice!" Mori Kogoro said firmly.


Conan wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Mori Kogoro slapping the table.

"Stop rambling! I've been a detective for 10 years!"

Mori Kogoro finished speaking angrily, sighed again, and lay down on the table.

So he couldn't figure it out, especially couldn't figure it out.

Chiba and Shin were stunned, and then asked, "So, we still need to re-investigate Mr. Pusheng's interpersonal relationship, right?"

"Leave this to our police," Takagi stood up, and said to Mori Kogoro, "Mr. Mori, let's re-investigate this case again!"

"Farewell!" Chiba Kazunobu finished, and went out with Takagi Tsutomu.

"Then let's go and investigate near Mr. Pusheng's house." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi, "Inquire about Mr. Pusheng's recent movements, maybe we can find clues."


Fei Yingli stood at the door, raised her hand and knocked on the door, saw that the people in the room except Mori Kogoro turned their heads and walked in with a smile, "Did I interrupt your discussion?"

"No," Mao Lilan stepped forward quickly, and stretched out her hand to pull Feiyingli to the desk, "Dad, he has been unable to cheer up, so I think I must let you come over."

Feiyingli saw Kogoro Mori lying motionless on the table, walked around the table, walked up to Kogoro Mori, bent down, put his hand on Kogoro Mori's arm, and softly comforted him, "That's it, my husband." , you have been working as a detective for the past ten years, are you tired too?"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki was not in a hurry to leave, looking at the sweet and greasy scene in front of her, there was a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged woman with a round figure in a pink sportswear strode in. There was a pearl necklace wrapped twice around her neck, and even her hands and fingers were covered with jewelry rings. Her coquettish voice still seemed Somewhat stout.


Under the ignorant stares of others, he ran to the desk, took advantage of his body, and pushed Fei Yingli to the window, stretched out his hand to grab Kogoro Mori's arm, and pulled Kogoro Mori up with a smile, and dragged him outside Go, "According to our agreement, today you are mine!"


Mori Kogoro screamed and was dragged away, his voice gradually faded away.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

She couldn't read it, but she was shocked.

Fei Yingli stood up by herself, with a smile still on the corner of her mouth, her glasses reflecting a dangerous cold light, she turned her head to look at the animal biscuit box on the table, "Oh, animal biscuit? I really miss it."

Mao Lilan was sweating, and laughed quickly, "Mr. Takeoka brought it before."

Fei Yingli stepped forward and sat down on the sofa, with a dark face, she kept stuffing animal biscuits into her mouth, "He should have said that this is what my sister-in-law likes to eat, right?"

Chi Feichi tried hard to recall what his teacher had promised in this episode, but decided to give up in the next second, and looked at Mao Lilan with a calm face, "What agreement did the teacher make with her?"

"Yeah," Fei Yingli stopped holding the animal biscuit, her face was speechless and disgusted, "Has your father started to have that kind of interest recently?"

"No, no!" Mao Lilan broke down and explained, "Father didn't promise anything, that person made a mistake!"

There was a drop of sweat on Conan's head, and he couldn't help but whisper in embarrassment, "It's a mess..."

Feichi lay on Chi Feichi's collar, and asked curiously, "Master, that woman is so strong and looks healthy, why does she seem to be talking badly?"

Chi Feichi felt that if he wanted to explain this, he had to start with the history of human development and the law of biological reproduction, so he decided to give up discussing this topic with Feichi, and said to Mao Liland, "Then let's investigate first."

Mao Lilan remembered that there was still business to do, and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Brother Feichi!"

Conan saw that Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were going to investigate, and immediately chased after him, "I'll go too!"


Downstairs, Chi Feichi handed the car keys to Nanatsuki Yueshui, "Yueshui, you can drive, is it okay?"

Nanatsuki Yueshui caught the key in doubt, "No problem, but..."

"I have a computer in the car." Chi Feichi turned to the passenger seat and was not surprised to see Conan following him. He opened the door and got in the car. "On the way to Mr. Pusheng's house, I will check his situation online. .”

Conan got into the back seat without notice, and smiled at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who got into the car.

He just wanted to catch the investigation express.

Yueshui Nanatsuki drove, except that the speed was a bit fast, but overall it was pretty stable.

Of course, this was Chi Feichi's evaluation.

Along the way, Conan not only put on the seat belt of the back seat, but also reached out and hugged the car window, watching the speeding street scene, his little face turned pale.


The car stopped on the street near Ryozo Urau's house.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked back at the pale-faced Conan, and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm not used to driving this kind of car, the speed is faster than I expected, and it seems to be driving a lot faster if I'm not careful."

"It's okay." Chi Feichi closed the laptop on his lap and put it aside.

It doesn't matter if you are not used to it, as long as you get used to it in the future, it will be fine.

Conan suddenly felt that Chi Feichi was really taking care of the children too much when driving, so he slowed down a bit, and didn't care, opened the car door and jumped out of the car, "I'm fine too."

Yueshui Nanatsuki waited for Chi Feichi to get out of the car, locked the door, and handed back the key to Chi Feichi, "How is it? Do you have any clues?"

Chi Feichi took the key and installed it, and walked to Usagi Yoshizo's residence, "There are only some simple information, such as the address of Mr. Usagi's company and the company's operating conditions. His company has not had any problems, and its reputation is not good. , but it’s not bad, I can’t find information about the early years, but in recent years, what can be called grievances happened about five years ago.”

"What happened five years ago?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought for a while, "Is it because of the police's mistakes that caused him to be arrested?"

"That's right, I've checked different reports about that case, and one of them mentioned that shortly after the art dealer was attacked five years ago, a woman witnessed Yoshizo Uramoto rushing into the car nearby, The driver was a young man with medium-length hair, so the police found Ryozo Urasu." Chi Feichi looked at Conan and Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "and that woman was in charge at the time and was in charge of investigating this case." The wife of a certain policeman later, because Yoshizo Urayu had an alibi, the incident ended with a police error, and the policeman took the blame and resigned.”

Conan was a little surprised, "Is that Mr. Takeoka?"

While talking, the three of them arrived at Uramoto Ryozao's house.

Although something happened to Pu Shengliang, the door was still locked.

The three of them were not in a hurry to enter the house. They looked in the yard and found that there were many messy footprints next to the bathroom near the backyard wall.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't step forward to destroy the footprints, but just stood aside and watched, "It's the footprints of the same person, and there are many overlapping footprints. It should not be left by the police who came to investigate."

Conan looked towards the main house, "The murderer has been monitoring here for a long time, trying to find an opportunity to kill..."

"Then there's no need to go inside the house," Chi Feichi turned and walked out of the yard, "If the acquaintances around Mr. Pusheng want to confirm his whereabouts, they don't need to spy here secretly. put things like that in the house."

"According to this, the murderer is unlikely to be Mr. Arai." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said.

"Mr. Arai's death is also very suspicious," Conan added, "Not long after the police suspected him, he chose to hang himself. Mr. Pusheng was suspected and tried to find someone who could prove his innocence. He shouldn't have died so soon. Feeling hopeless? Maybe the same murderer did it."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought about it, "If Mr. Arai hadn't been noticed by the neighbors that night, then the police should think he committed suicide in fear of crime, right?"

"That..." On the road outside the yard, a middle-aged woman looked curiously at the three people who came out of the yard, "Are you here for Mr. Pusheng?"

"No, we are here to investigate his death," Koshimizu Nanatsuki's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, are you a resident living nearby?"

"Yeah, I live next door," the middle-aged woman pointed to the room separated by a wall, and sighed, "I saw you enter the yard on the second floor, because I knew that something happened to Mr. Pusheng, and I was worried. Someone came to his house to mess around, so I came to have a look.”

"After Mr. Pusheng's death, you are still worried that someone will mess around in his house," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "He should be a kind person usually!"

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