Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1678 Can't suffer alone

Five minutes later, the two walked upstairs to the courtyard wine house together.

With his hands in his pockets, Conan looked up at the paintings on the wall, "Why did you go down there to smoke alone?"

He suspected that Chi Feichi had suddenly caught a string of autism.

"Is it not possible?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

Conan Banyueyan, "No, but it's so lively up there, you don't have to leave everyone behind and sneak down to hide and relax."

"That female singer...actually doesn't sing very well," Chi Feichi commented, "Min also came here, and it was Yusuke Nakamura, the leader of the Chong Orchestra."

"Huh? Brother Minye is here to poach the wall?" Conan was immediately distracted, and looked up to see that the performance was over and the head of the orchestra was still standing by their table, and he didn't even think about Chi Feichi upstairs alone. Let's talk about smoking.

Well, his little friend probably ran downstairs to hide for leisure because he disliked the poor singing skills of female singers and couldn't listen to it.

"It doesn't have to be digging, it's just because I heard that Nakamura is a versatile player, and Min also thinks that his guitar skills are passable, so I want to get in touch first to see how he is." Chi Feichi explained, and stopped talking when he got near the wine table. .

"Little devil, you guys are really slow, go and buy me some more snacks!" Mori Kogoro said without looking back, took out his wallet and handed it to Conan, and took the guitar that Nakamura Yusuke handed over with a smile, "Do you want to sign it? No problem!"

Conan saw that Oda Kirito and Morien Kikuto were also wearing black sunglasses, and guessed that the two wanted to observe the band leader secretly first, so he supported it in his heart, and...helplessly ran errands for Mori Kogoro.

Just as Chi Feichi was about to sit down, he found that he looked up at him, fell silent for a moment, and followed Conan to run errands.

Conan looked away in satisfaction, even if the little friends wanted to advance together and retreat together, they couldn't fall on him alone when running errands.

The two went to the nearby fast food stall to buy something, and when they returned to their seats, they found that Mao Lilan and Nakamura Yusuke were not there.

"Uncle, where's sister Xiaolan?" Conan tiptoed to put the tray on the table.

"The man said he had the CD that Xiaolan had always wanted, so Xiaolan went with him to the band lounge to get it." Mori Kogoro said casually.

"I wanted to go with her, but she said I'm drunk, so I don't need to run with her, and it's fine for her to go by herself." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, looking at Chi Feichi's side dishes.

Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki, and found that Yueshui Nanatsuki didn't seem to drink too much, so he was instantly relieved.

Conan thought of Mao Lilan's karate level, so he didn't worry, and sat back on the chair.

Senyuan Chrysanthemum saw the appetizers on the table, and smiled helplessly, "There are really few appetizers here, either fried chicken nuggets or fried peanuts, I get tired of eating them after two visits."

"Actually, there is a bar that serves very good spicy appetizers." Mori Kogoro smiled and picked up his glass and took a big gulp of beer. "Whether you pair it with beer, sake, or whiskey, it feels great!"

Oda Kirito was also interested, and turned his head to look at Senyuan Kikuto and Chi Feichi, "After Feichi's injury is completely healed, we can go there to get together again!"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki sipped his drink with a smile, and agreed, "This is to celebrate Mr. Chi's recovery."

Chi Feichi felt that this group of people he could only watch was cruel, and he should let these people know what cruelty is, "Don't think about it, you can't go."

"Huh?" Oda Kirito also drank beer from a glass in doubt.

"The owner of the bar who can make spicy appetizers is now in prison," Mouri Kogoro said with half-moon eyes, "Although I said I don't want to pursue it, it will take at least three to five years for him to hold firearms privately." Come back and reopen the shop."

"Yes, is it?"

Oda Kiritoshi also twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and exchanged a look with Morien Kikuto.

Wait, did they overlook something important? For example, the case...

"Everyone, I am the owner of this courtyard bar," a short, fat middle-aged man with a guitar came to the table, looked at Oda Kirito with a smile and said, "Excuse me, are you the guest who got drunk and snatched the guitar that night?" ah?"

Oda Kirito also pushed the sunglasses in embarrassment, "I have changed my clothes and sunglasses, can you recognize it too?"

"Because the famous detective Mori Kogoro is here, I couldn't help paying more attention," the boss said to Mori Kogoro with a smile, and then to Oda Kirito with a smile, "And you played the guitar very well that day, frankly Said, I am also a music lover, that’s why I run this pub and invite the band to play, but I can’t invite a guitarist of your level. Playing such an atmospheric guitar, this will recognize you!"

After hearing these words, Mori Kogoro laughed from ear to ear, and Oda Kirito also enthusiastically invited the boss to sit down.

The boss was also very enthusiastic. After sitting down, he put the guitar by the table, turned and shouted to the waiter, "Fujita! Bring another case of beer over here. I'll treat you guys to drink two more glasses!"


Kogoro Mori, who was drinking with his head down, sprayed back all the beer that came to his mouth, looked up at the boss in a daze, "One, one box? That's too much, right?"

Senyuan Chrysanthemum was stunned for a moment, looked at Chi Feichi, and quickly smiled, "No, no, we can drink here, either we can't drink tonight, or..."

"I'm really sorry, I have work tomorrow, so I can't drink too much." Oda Kirito also smiled.

"That's really a pity," the fat boss said that he felt sorry for not being able to invite guests, and soon lifted his spirits, looking at Toshiya Odagiri with bright eyes, "do you plan to join the orchestra? I know many orchestras, and I know Many musicians, if you have such a plan, I can introduce you!"

Conan held the juice cup, drinking while watching the play.

Those who came to poach the wall were poached instead. It was interesting to see Oda Kiritoshi's dull face.

In other words, this is the cornerstone of Chi Feichi, right? Watching Chi Feichi... Forget it, ignoring Chi Feichi's irrelevant reaction is more conducive to watching the show.

"No..." Odagiri also scratched his head with a smile, "I also formed a band before, and later joined a music company, so I don't need to trouble you to introduce me."

"Oh?" The boss was surprised, and nodded again, "With your level, if there is no band to invite you to join, it would be too disrespectful!"

Oda Kirito was also embarrassed by the praise, and said modestly, "I'm too proud, I'm still far from a master."

"But it's a pity," the boss looked at the guitar by the table and sighed, "I even have the guitar ready, just want to listen to the song you played that night again, but you have a music company, so you shouldn't be able to play outside casually ..."

Mori Kogoro has black hair.

Looking at it now, the boss just said that he invited them to drink, didn't he want to get Min Ye drunk, and then listen to a guitar performance?

Conan also looked at the boss curiously.

He has heard of Toshiya Odagiri's guitar, so it shouldn't be that exaggerated, right?

"It doesn't matter. My company can't control me. It's all over now. Only a few of us stay here, so it doesn't matter." Oda Kirito also laughed, got up and picked up the guitar that the boss put on the table, After memorizing it, I was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Senyuan Juren and Chi Feichi, "By the way, what did I play that night? I drank too much, and I can't remember it at all."

Chi Feichi picked up the turning head juice cup, bowed his head and took a sip, "Let's Let It Be" was played and cried."

Seeing the juice makes him feel uncomfortable, so he can't feel uncomfortable alone, can he?

Oda Kirito was also stunned for a second, "I...crying, did I cry?"

"Yeah," Senyuan Juren couldn't help gloating, and said slowly with a smile, "you snatched the boss's guitar that night, and you refused to let it go, and you bought it directly from him, and then played a part after drinking two glasses, I also shed tears all over my face, crying and saying 'I can't find it, it's too difficult', it really showed my true feelings."

Mori Kogoro, Conan, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki stared curiously.

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

He couldn't find what he said that night, it must be because he couldn't find a suitable person to sing. It's over, his image of being wise and powerful has fallen, completely ruined!

Hearing what Senyuan Juren said, the boss nodded repeatedly, and sighed, "When I heard the melody of that song, I also remembered the past inexplicably, so I think you must be a person with a story, and I want to listen to it again. "

"This is a new song not released by the company." Chi Feichi said.

Morien Chrysanthemum glanced at Odagiri Toshiya with a half-smile, "Some guy leaked the new song in advance, but luckily there was no one else but the boss and us that night, we ask the boss to keep it secret, and we don't want you to blame yourself, if If it is really leaked out, there is no way to do it, and the person who leaked it can only bear the responsibility."

"I never told anyone!" the boss immediately assured.

Oda Kirito was also sweating, suddenly thankful that the boss kept his word, "Hey, I'll release that song tomorrow..."

"Then tonight..." The boss looked at Odagiri Toshiya expectantly.

"Since this is the case, I don't need to play it anymore." Oda Qiermin also felt that he was not in the mood to play the guitar. He took off the guitar and put it on the table, took out his mobile phone and sat down, and dug out the saved songs, with a sad tone, " Let me listen to the full version with the lead singer..."

He's suffering right now, so he can't be the only one suffering, right?

Senyuan Chrysanthemum poked his head curiously, "Are you going to play Nonchi or Xiangfu?"

"Let's put it all," Oda Kirito said with a faint gaze under the sunglasses, with a weird smile on his face, "Start from Feichi."

Mori Kogoro, Conan, Koshimizu Nanatsuki: "..."

There is a sense of foreboding, does this song sound scary?

When the three of them silently conjured up the quiet and cold horror song, the prelude to the music sounded, and they were stunned one after another.

It doesn't feel like a horror song.

"If you can be reborn, make a mark, use a long thread, wrap your little finger with your little finger, and tie a dead knot..."

The three of them looked at Chi Feichi who was drinking juice with downcast eyes in surprise.

A certain person's voice is so cold, but his singing voice is much softer, but no matter how he listens to the first sentence, he is so melancholy, not so sad, and there is a trace of free and easy, but it still makes people feel depressed.

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