Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1679 Conan: Sincerely consider Chi Feichi

"Summer festival, apple candy, light rain, just when the rainbow hangs high in the sky, the broken feelings will eventually erase your existence, you gradually fade away, and the lights are also extinguished, but the long tied thread has not been untied , the time will surely come when we meet again..."

The others listened silently and breathed a sigh of relief.

After listening to this passage, it was finally not so depressing.

"We become adults, become heroes of justice, protect the peace of the earth, go to haunted houses, explore, but in fact, I am very scared, I, who love to cry, just want to be with you, if tomorrow is still sunny, reflecting the blue sky One piece, let us build a secret base here, and then go exploring..."

A determined face full of longing flashed in Chi Feichi's mind, and soon, it turned into a white man's face with a sarcasm. He picked up the glass and took a sip of juice silently, covering the stern smile on the corner of his mouth.

‘Don’t accept the bounty for murder? Do you think you are heroes of justice? You are already a different kind of criminal...'

He admitted that what the man said was right, but it was the man who destroyed their ideals. At the beginning, he looked down on them secretly, and then the conspiracy that got them into trouble step by step and led them to disperse was also from the hands of that man.


Since you want to turn him into a tool sword, you must be prepared to be backlashed by him!

Since you value the high status of the organizer of your own alliance, being fair and upright on the surface, and doing dirty things behind the scenes, you should know that some people can also pretend to be innocent for a year or two, or even longer, with a little bit of heart Brewing fangs and toxins, turning all the things and glory that he has devoted his life to ashes!

In fact, he is an extremely willful person. People like him are quite troublesome, aren't they?

As Conan listened, he remembered "Unheard Flower Names", and couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi.

Before Conan looked over, Chi Feichi had recovered his inner calm, and put down the glass of juice as usual.

"If it rains, let's play the game. These times should have continued like this. I am the bad guy, and I am the one who escaped. I am not lying, I am the real liar..."

The owner of the courtyard restaurant lowered his head and raised his hand to wipe his tears silently.

Mori Kogoro was still a little sentimental at first, but he was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and his heart was gradually filled with speechlessness.

Well, another owner of a bar was cried out by his apprentice.

Are there so many stories these days?

No, it wasn't, this song reminded him of his childhood friends, of Takeoka who once solved the case together and surrendered himself yesterday, and of many, many people.

I felt very uncomfortable.

"Surrounded by flowers, you closed your eyes, sleeping peacefully and cleanly..."


The atmosphere was interrupted by Mao Lilan's shout, and a group of people listening to the song came back to their senses one after another.

Mao Lilan ran forward panting, "No, it's not good! Someone died!"

"What?!" Mori Kogoro swished to his feet.

Oda Kirito also turned off the music player, and looked at Mao Lilan in surprise.

"Sister Xiaolan, what's going on?" Conan asked repeatedly, "What did you say that someone died? Where is he now?"

"Xiao Lan, don't worry," Yue Shui Nanatsuki said hastily, "Take a breath first."

Conan also calmed down and focused on Mao Lilan.

"'s the lead singer of the band that sang just now..." Mao Lilan didn't delay too long, after taking a breath, he anxiously pulled Mouri Kogoro, "I went with Mr. Nakamura to get the CD in their band lounge, but Nakamura After the husband entered, he yelled in horror. I went in and saw the lead singer, Ms. Yukiko, lying on the ground, covered by a blanket. Mr. Nakamura was so frightened that she fell to the side and said that she seemed to be dead. , let me hurry to find Dad and you go there!"

A group of people took the elevator to the eighth floor and rushed to the basement level where the band lounge was located.

Nakamura Yusuke sat on the big drum outside the lounge door, leaning against the wall, with his head down.

Mori Kogoro entered the room, pulled back the blanket and saw the female lead singer lying motionless on the ground, squatted down and looked, "There are signs of being pinched on the neck...Xiao Lan, please contact the police!"

Conan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki watched from the sidelines, and Chi Feichi also followed through the door.

Oda Kirito was also standing outside the door with Kikuto Mori, his mind was confused.

They had thought before that if Mr. Mao Li and Fei Chi got together, something might happen again, but just thinking about it, they really experienced another incident happening, and they still had some expressions that they should not make.

Yeah, 'yet' another incident happened.

Looking back on the past 20 to 30 years, before they met Feichi, the most they had personally experienced was being robbed, being blackmailed, fighting with others, and watching others fight.

Oda Qiermin also thought of his father's experience in the case, and he could occasionally hear about it afterwards, but hearing it was different from experiencing the murder case himself.

After getting to know Chi Feichi, their lives seemed to be more colorful, and the world seemed to be more dangerous. Either they were almost killed, or they were treated as suspects, or the person they liked became a criminal and was arrested...

Oda Kiritoshi also thought of a certain male artist who was arrested for homicide after letting Chi Feichi contact him, thought of the agent who died tragically, and also thought of Yu Yu who was very chatty and admired but is now in prison. He Xiangfu couldn't help looking at Nakamura Yusuke who was sitting on the big drum, and soon, he couldn't help but laugh, and looked away.

Ha, how is it possible.

He can't be optimistic about one, so Feichi will send him one to prison, right?

And he doesn't particularly need Mr. Nakamura, he just thinks he can get in touch with him.


Half an hour later, Mu Mu Shisan led a team to arrive. When he saw a group of old acquaintances, he decisively drove them out of the door first, arranged for his subordinates to conduct on-site inspections, and sent people to investigate nearby.

The door of the rest room is locked. If you want to open the door, you can only go to the guard room to ask the guard to get the key.

According to the guard, he was the only one from the band to get the keys tonight.

In addition to Nakamura Yusuke who went to the lounge with Mori Ran, guitarist Shota Aoki, bassist Makoto Nishimoto, and female keyboardist Risako Tanaka, the other three had already left after the performance.

Mu Mushisan asked Nakamura Yusuke to contact the other three people, and asked those three people to come back for investigation.

Seeing Yusuke Nakamura going out to make a phone call, Conan looked at the corpse, and said to Chi Feichi in a low voice, "Brother Chi, have you considered not singing unlucky songs in the future?"

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan.

detective what does that mean?

Who is the god of death, Conan himself has no idea?

Even if he sometimes encounters cases, it is because Conan, a troublemaker, has distorted his own magnetic field!

Conan looked back at Chi Feichi speechlessly.

He admits that he often encounters cases, but Chi Feichi is not bad either.

The host family had accidents in every family, and the Mori Garden Chrysanthemum outside was a victim; they lived in Kabato-cho, and the crime rate in Kabado-cho hit a new high; In the Maori Detective Agency, there are always people outside who crash their cars and get involved in the case.

Also, the last time Chi Feichi sang something like "maybe hell is more suitable for me" and "the retribution of being deprived of countless words", a bullet flew behind him, and he was almost shot dead.

This time, when Chi Feichi sang the song, "Close your eyes, sleep peacefully and cleanly", Xiaolan ran to say that someone had died. When she went down to look, she saw that her neck was strangled black and blue. , Ms. Yukiko Watanabe, the lead singer lying on the ground and covered with a blanket, doesn't she also look like Sleeping Beauty?

Although superstition is not advisable, before you complain about Chi Feichi, you have to think about how helpless you are when you are complained about, but his friends really need to think about it, and write more positive lyrics in the future, don’t make it so hellish, or write Just write it, let others sing it, don't do it yourself.

He also knows that after something happens, people will subconsciously look for the common ground of many things, and ignore those examples that do not conform to the law, and summarize them as 'laws', but Chi Feichi is no longer a matter of probability.

It's not that Chi Feichi has bumped into all the events that happened in this world, but so far, the chance of Chi Feichi borrowing someone else's accident can be said to be almost 100%!

He was really thinking about Chi Feichi, don't "borrow the curse" and come up with a "song curse". People who are prone to cases themselves are not suitable for writing that kind of song...

Chi Feichi looked down at Conan calmly, raised his hand, curled his fingers and dropped them heavily.

The famous detective still looked at him with such strange eyes?


"Ah! It hurts!" Conan cried out in pain, holding his head with his hands, felt a swelling on the top of his head, and stared at Chi Feichi involuntarily.

Damn, trying to suppress his reasonable suggestions with violence!

Others in the room turned their heads and looked at the two in doubt.

Conan held his head in his hands, his eyes swept over Mao Lilan and Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

If you want to file a complaint, you should find a girl...

"Conan said that he saw some green stains on Miss Yukiko's shoulders, which was very strange," Chi Feichi babbled calmly, "Although Conan is not afraid of corpses, he is only seven years old. It's better not to look close to the corpse all the time, I told him, but he didn't listen, I was a little angry, so..."

Conan: "!"


What is talking nonsense with your eyes open? This is!

"Yes, Conan," Mao Lilan stepped forward, bent down helplessly, and hugged Conan, "Don't be so curious about everything, just go to the scene of the crime, and try not to get too close to the corpse in the future oh."

Conan: "..."

He went to investigate the situation of the deceased in order to solve the case, very seriously!

Damn Chi Feichi.

Mu Mu Thirteen: "..."

Really, what do you mean by "just enter the scene of the crime"? It's not good for children to wander around the scene of the crime casually, right?

Kogoro Mori looked at the corpse and asked with a frown, "Is there really a suspicious green stain on the shoulder of the deceased?"

"Yes," the forensic officer squatting next to the corpse said seriously, "We need to confirm what it is."

Mu Mu Shisan nodded, "Then thank you for your hard work!"

On the side, Mao Lilan, who moved to the door with Conan in his arms, looked back at the room, frowning suspiciously.

Conan observed Mao Lilan's expression, and asked aloud, "Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?"

Mao Lilan looked puzzled, "I always feel that this place is a bit different from what I saw before..."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki heard the conversation between the two, and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Lan, what's the difference?"

Mao Lilan frowned and thought, "I can't say, it just feels a little different."

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