Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1690 Mountain Village Exercise: It's easy to handle!

Mao Lilan also let go of her hand decisively, and asked in a daze, "Father, you, you mean, Brother Feichi knows who the witch we are going to catch is?"

"That's what he said." Seeing that Mao Lilan had finally let go, Kogoro Moori pressed the redial button, and he couldn't help turning black when he heard the notification that the phone couldn't be connected, "Damn it! The phone can't get through... Feichi Turn off your phone!"

After Conan came back to his senses, he suspected that Mori Kogoro had misunderstood, and raised his head and asked, "Uncle Maoli, what did Brother Chi say?"

"He said that he knew who the silver-white witch was a few years ago, but this time it must have been imitated by someone else," Mouri Kogoro said with half-moon eyes, "That's the exact words, I can't get it wrong!"

"Didn't he say how he knew?" Conan asked.

"Afterwards he said he was going to sleep, so he hung up the phone. If I knew why he knew, would I still need to call him? Really..." Mouri Kogoro said, and continued to call, "No, I Call his landline at home, no matter what you have to ask!"

Mao Lilan did not stop this time.

Although Brother Feichi said that this time it is definitely not the witch, but if you don't know the reason, it may be that Brother Feichi believed in the wrong person, was deceived by someone, thought too well of others, and so on.

That witch has already caused many traffic accidents, and some people have been seriously injured. If she is left alone, it will be terrible if there is a murder case next.

So, this time she supported her father to call to find out.

Conan was also looking forward to seeing Mori Kogoro on the phone, silently checking the people Chi Feichi knew.

Does Chi Feichi know anyone who is racing? Could it be Miss Yueshui?

Miss Yueshui drove very fast last time, and her skills are not bad, but she feels that she is still far from crushing drag racers. Moreover, when the silver-white witch appeared, Miss Yueshui was only in high school and didn't even have a driver's license.

That is the person who is older than Chi Feichi. Although he is said to be a 'witch', before he is sure, it should not be limited to women.

Toshi Odagiri? Mori Garden Chrysanthemum? New Zhiming? ...

Damn it, Chi Feichi made it clear if he wanted to say it, which made him curious all morning!

"Damn it!" Mori Kogoro jumped on the spot angrily after hearing the notification tone on the other side of the phone, "The landline phone can't be reached, he should have even unplugged the landline phone line!"

Mao Lilan hesitated and asked, "Then do you want to go and find Brother Feichi? But he wants to sleep, so it's not impossible to wait a while..."

"Then why don't you go to Dongming Mountain to catch the witch first, and then go to Brother Chi when you come back?" Conan raised his head and proposed, seeing the eyes of Mao Li and his daughter, explaining cutely, "Although I don't know who the witch was a few years ago , but Brother Chi is so sure that it was not the other party who caused the car accident. Either he has evidence that can absolutely prove the other party's innocence, or he trusts the other party, right? If he has evidence, it means that the witch we are looking for is not a few years ago The witch, knowing that the witch a few years ago is useless, the most important thing is to catch the witch who is making trouble now? If he trusts the other party..."

Mao Lilan understood, touched his chin and said, "If he knows that someone he trusts so much has done such a thing, he might be very sad."

"Hmph..." Mori Kogoro put away his phone angrily, "That kid doesn't seem like someone who would be sad?"

"How could someone not be sad?" Mao Lilan retorted unconvinced, "I think Brother Feichi is just better at covering up."

"Then..." Conan interrupted their argument.

"I'm going to rent a car, and we're going to catch the witch!" Mori Kogoro waved his fist, his eyes glowing, "I don't need him to tell me, I can figure it out!"

Mori Kogoro's enthusiasm continued until he went to the famous winter mountain, and found a white FD appeared in the foggy day, and the other party stretched out his hand out of the car window to provoke him, he was so angry that he drove straight to speed up to chase the car, and the result...

Almost killed three times!

Conan reached out and hugged the handbrake in time to pull hard, and then stopped the car that was rubbing against the railing and almost rushed out of the cliff.

Almost got into a car accident, and Kogoro Mori's anger calmed down instantly, and he met Shancun Cao who was blocking the car ahead.

Yamamura stopped three white FDs. Because they worshiped the silver and white witch of Dongming Mountain, white FDs were very popular with motorcycle racers, so the number was a little more.

A group of people learned about the situation, but still had nothing to gain, so they could only let the people in the three cars leave.

"Sure enough, I'd better ask Brother Feichi after we go back..." Mao Lilan said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Shancun Cao looked around, "So, Her Royal Highness and Mr. Chi are not here."

Mori Kogoro looked unhappy, "Yeah..."

"Then how can it be possible!" Yamamura Cao stepped forward excitedly, and put his face in front of Mori Kogoro, "This time is to catch the witch. Without Mr. Chi and His Royal Highness, we will definitely not be able to catch it!"

Mori Kogoro had black hair, "I said, as a policeman..."

"It's over!" Shancun Cao put his head in his hands, his face collapsed, "No wonder I haven't gained anything after guarding for so long, I don't think there will be any gain if I keep guarding..."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

He is not familiar with this person... No, he doesn't know this guy at all!

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, walked aside, took out his mobile phone to check the time, and called Hui Yuanai.

I almost forgot, Hui Yuan might know something, it’s already eight o’clock, no matter how late Hui Yuan stayed up, he should have woken up... right?

"Hello? This is Ali's house..."

Hearing that it was Dr. Ali who answered the phone, Conan looked at the Maoli father and daughter who were being entangled by the mountain village, walked a little further, put his hands beside the phone, and said in a low voice, "Doctor, it's me."

Gu "Oh! Shinichi," Dr. Ali was a little surprised, "Did you call for something?"

"I'm looking for Huiyuan," Conan said, "Is she up yet?"

Dr. Ali: "Not yet..."

Conan: "..."

"She stayed in the laboratory last night until after two o'clock in the morning. It happened to be a holiday, so I let her sleep a little longer," Dr. A Li explained, and then asked, "What can you do with her?"

Conan briefly talked about their arrest of the witch and Chi Feichi's words, and then asked, "Doctor, do you know who the witch was a few years ago? Brother Chi, did he mention it to you or Huiyuan?"

"Feichi knew who the witch of Dongming Mountain was a few years ago? But I haven't heard him say it," Dr. A Li paused, "It's getting late now, how about this, I'll ask Xiao Ai..."

Two minutes later, Hui Yuanai's cold voice came from the phone, "Hello..."

"Uh," Conan wondered if he had to explain again, "it's me..."

"I heard from the doctor, but Brother Feichi didn't tell me about the silver-white witch. I don't have any clues here." After Hui Yuanai finished speaking, he hung up the phone.


Conan felt a strong dissatisfaction, thinking that Chi Feichi who was woken up this morning might be similar, sweating, and suddenly understood why Chi Feichi turned off the phone, unplugged the phone line, put away the phone and walked to the car.

"It's not surprising that Mr. Chi knows a witch," Yamamura said with a matter-of-fact expression on his face, and rubbed his chin in thought again, "but he said that this time he was imitating a witch, which means that the one we want to catch is not actually a witch?"

Mori Kogoro reminded, "It's not sure yet..."


Yamamura clenched his right fist and smashed it on his left palm, excitedly said, "It's easy! It's impossible to catch a witch, but it should be fine for me to catch a guy pretending to be a witch. I've decided to interrogate the stopped car tomorrow." When we were talking to each other, I asked the other party 'are you a guy pretending to be a witch'..."

Mori Kogoro turned around with a blank face, and motioned for Mori Ran and Conan to get in the car.

"If that guy doesn't tell the truth, he might be cursed by the witch, or attract the witch to arrest him in person..." Yamamura Cao said with a gloomy face, he shivered first, and looked up to see Kogoro Mouri open. The red car that came turned around and drove away, and hurriedly waved and shouted, "Mr. Maori, it's too bad, that guy may attract a real witch, I will die here alone, you must come tomorrow! "

Mori Kogoro, who drove away quickly: "..."

I suddenly don't want to come tomorrow...


Nine o'clock in the morning, Kuboto-cho.

A red car was parked under the high-end apartment building.

Mori Kogoro pulled over and parked, muttering in a low voice, "You're not even allowed to enter the parking lot, really..."

"Because you can take the elevator upstairs from the underground parking lot, so don't let the cars outside enter the parking lot casually." Mao Lilan said.

Kogoro Mori was still dissatisfied, "The other party also knows my name is Kogoro Mori!"

Conan laughed dryly.

The security of this kind of apartment is already strict. He used to sneak in once with the young detective team just because he was a child. He still remembers that he used to investigate near Chi Feichi’s apartment, and he couldn’t even get in the door. Neither can detectives.

Even detectives who know how to check people's privacy are also on the security system's "high attention" list. The two uncle bodyguards just looked at Uncle Mao Li with vigilance and vigilance. Has the uncle reacted yet?

Mori Kogoro complained, but decided to call first.

This time the call was quickly connected, but after less than two minutes, Kogoro Mori was a little furious again, "What, what? You said you went to Yokohama?"

In the passenger seat, Conan unbuckled his seat belt, curiously poked his head next to Kogoro Mori's phone, and listened sideways.

On the other side of the phone, Chi Feichi's tone remained calm, "I'm here to do some shopping."

Mori Kogoro took a deep breath, trying to control his blood pressure, "I want to have a good talk with you!"

On the expressway to Yokohama, Chi Feichi looked at the road and drove, feeling that the two teachers were too energetic, and reminded the earphone, "Then hurry up, I'm driving, it's not good to be distracted."

Mori Kogoro took another deep breath, "Okay, then let's talk quickly, the first question, how do you know who the witch was a few years ago?"

"Do you still remember Mr. Haruhito Kanhara?" Chi Feichi asked back.

"Mr. Kanbara Aihito?" Kogoro Mori was taken aback, "It's that retired Japanese painting painter. I remember that the case where his son-in-law tried to kill him and accidentally stabbed you with a knife has already been opened, right? This incident has nothing to do with him. Does it matter?"

When Mao Lilan heard the name of an acquaintance, she probed curiously and eavesdropped with Conan.

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