Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1691 Do you want to make a biochemical bomb?

"I copied his "Family" that I burned a few years ago, and I have been looking for him. A few years ago, there was a sanatorium on Mount Touma. I heard that Mr. Shenyuan was recuperating there, and I once brought the painting to it. That nursing home," Chi Feichi said, "but the staff told me it was just a rumor. It was too late that day, so I stayed there for one night. The next morning was a foggy day. When I was eating breakfast, I heard When I went outside, I could hear the woman's screams and the roar of the car's engine, and I saw that white FD..."

The nursing home had moved to another place, so it was difficult to verify, and he was not afraid to investigate.

A few years ago, the original consciousness did go to that sanatorium, and also met the "Silver Witch" in the morning to drive FD to the sanatorium, but the original consciousness thought that he could make a wish and made a wish, so he didn't have the heart to pay attention to it. He was driving so crazy, and he didn't know about the Silver Witch at the time, so he never went out to see it.

"Then, Brother Feichi, did you see it?" Mao Lilan couldn't help asking, "Did you see him that day?"

"I just went to the window and saw the staff taking the owner of the white FD into the nursing home," Chi Feichi said in a panic, "The fog is very heavy, I just saw a little bit, and I only heard about it recently About the silver-white witch, I thought of the other party, I didn’t know the silver-white witch of Dongming Mountain at that time, I didn’t think of her, so I stayed in the room all the time, without the past.”

Mori Kogoro looked at the two faces close to his head, turned on the hands-free, and guessed with a heavy face, "I said, that nursing home is not a lair of criminals, right?"

"Maybe it's to visit someone? The silver and white witch from a few years ago..." Conan thought of an idea, "Because there may be a job and I am in a hurry to go back to work, so the car drives so fast."

"That's right," Chi Feichi said, "I vaguely heard the staff talking to her, she seemed to be visiting a little girl living in a nursing home."

"Then, Brother Feichi, do you believe that the other party will not do such things as attracting people to race cars, is it because the other party will visit the children in the nursing home?" Mao Lilan thought about it, "Because the other party is a very caring person, so……"

"Even if you go to visit a child, it doesn't mean that person won't make the bikers go racing, right? Maybe that child is a family member of the Silver White Witch, who was injured because of the bikers. The resentment in her heart has been buried deep in her heart." , until something broke out recently,” Mori Kogoro used his rich imagination, boldly assumed, and taught his daughter, apprentice, and host kid by the way, “and I tell you, people will change! Even if The other party was a good person at the time, and he may not be a good person now..."

"I'm sure she's still a good person," Chi Feichi followed Mori Kogoro's words, and decided to get rid of this matter as soon as possible, "Do you want her to help catch the fake witch who caused trouble recently?"

"Ah?" Mori Kogoro was taken aback, "Ask her for help?"

"Is Brother Chi still in contact with the Silver White Witch?" Conan couldn't help asking, "But, didn't Brother Chi say that you didn't go to see the situation at that time?"

"I met again this year. The owner of the white FD car I saw at that time was Police Officer Miwako Sato. She was the same as she is now, and her appearance didn't seem to have changed," Chi Feichi said, "You can call her and ask her. It’s almost Chinatown, let’s not talk about it.”


The phone hangs up.

In the car, the Mao Li trio was silent for a while, before Mao Lilan asked in a daze, "I, did I hear you right? Brother Fei Chi, he said... the Silver White Witch is Officer Sato?"

Conan also found it unbelievable, looking at the mobile phone put down by Mori Kogoro, "Uncle, let's call and ask Officer Sato."

Mori Kogoro called immediately to ask for confirmation.

A few years ago, more than one morning of drag racing to a nursing home, it was right.

A few years ago, I drove a white FD, right on.

It's just that the parties seem to be confused.

"So the FD they mentioned is Mazda," Miwako Sato wondered, "I thought it was a foreign car!"

"What's the matter with the witch's screams?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking, "Officer Sato, has your Mazda been modified a few years ago?"

"No, this car was left to me by my father. How can I modify it? At most, I changed the color of the car paint a few years ago when I found that white cars are likely to cause traffic accidents in the fog," Sato Miwako said embarrassedly. Said, "But when I speed up to turn, I always feel that it's good enough to call out. Could it be this?"

Conan: "..."

In other words, the unique scream of the Silver Witch was not caused by the tires of the car rubbing against the ground and the specially modified engine, but a woman really screaming?

No wonder after so many years, some people can imitate driving a white FD, but they don't know how to modify the car to make the scream of the silver-white witch.

"But I'm not sure if the silver witch they're talking about is me," Miwako Sato said with a smile, "Of course, if necessary, I'd be happy to help catch that guy who caused several traffic accidents. Before going to work tomorrow morning, I'll go with you too, I know that road very well!"


On the other hand, Chi Fei came late to Yokohama Chinatown to buy a bunch of things, and brought roast duck and miso noodles back to Tokyo, and met Koshimizu Nanatsuki at the hotel.

After having lunch together, Chi Feichi stayed in the room tinkering with the things he brought back.

The silver and white witch is handed over to the detective team, and he is going to fight against the black and white ghost thieves.

"Ten grams..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat next to him, and used a small scale to help weigh, "Ten grams... By the way, are you going to use Chinese medicine to deal with the phantom thief gentleman and phantom thief Kidd? Or you Is your wound uncomfortable?"

"All of them." Chi Feichi looked down at the slag in the mortar, and patiently ground the slag into powder with a stone pestle. There are a lot of good medicines, and you can make some hemostatic medicine and bruise medicine by the way."

Yueshui Nanatsuki put down the small scale, cut a small piece of medicinal material with a knife next to it, put it on the weighing platform, and saw an eye-catching red gourd bottle in one of the bags, "Huh? What a cute gourd bottle, it's real Is the gourd dried and painted?"

"That's right," Chi Feichi reminded, "Don't touch the things in that red bag, and even if you do, remember to wear gloves."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki observed the contents of the red bag, without reaching out to touch it, looked down at the weighing platform, and put the weighed medicine on the spread paper, "It looks like there are only some herbs and powder in that bag... ..."

"There is raw lacquer in the gourd," Chi Feichi said, "and some poisonous medicinal materials."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's mouth twitched slightly, and asked seriously, "Are you trying to make a biochemical bomb?"

Chi Feichi asked calmly, "How could I make such a vulgar thing?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki retorted disapprovingly, "Is it cool to be able to make biochemical bombs?"

The two of them worked for three hours, dealing with a pile of things on the table.

Chi Feichi wrapped the seven divided medicine packs, put them in bags and handed them to Yue Shui Nanatsuki, "One pack at a time, boil on high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for an hour, add the medicine juice to the bath when taking a bath. Go in, soak for 20 to 30 minutes, once every three to five days, it can enhance the flexibility of the body."

"Hey?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki took the bag in surprise, feeling like he was seeing a Chinese medicine doctor, "Is it for me?"

Chi Feichi began to tidy up the packets of medicine powder on the table, "Aunt Qianying's skills require a lot of body flexibility. I saw these medicines in the pharmacy and brought them to you, but don't be a panacea. It's just an aid, and it will make it easier for you to exercise your body flexibility."

"It's a big help if it can be used a little bit," Koshimizu Nanatsuki hugged the bag tightly with a smile, "When I was training not long ago, I felt like my limbs were about to break off."

"Use it at the beginning of training, it won't have much effect, it should be just right for you now," Chi Feichi explained, mixed the medicine powder on a piece of paper with wax, and added a stick while the wax was still wet. The white line is made into a candle shape, "This medicine is used to develop greater potential when the limit is approaching."

"So that's how it is," Yue Shui Nanatsuki looked down at the bag, and asked again, "By the way, these are all given to me, don't you need them yourself?"

"It's useless to me right now, after you finish soaking the seven packs of medicine, it won't be very effective if you use it again." Chi Feichi explained.

He thought about doing it by himself at the beginning, but before he started, his body flexibility was raised to a non-human level by Sanwu Goldfinger, and he was no longer needed.

"Thank you," Yueshui Nanatsuki put the bag aside with a smile, watching Chi Feichi make candles, "How do I do this? I can help!"

"No need, you need to be proficient in the rest." Chi Feichi took out a lighter, lit a rolled candle, and handed it to Yue Shui Nanatsuki, "Go and play."

while playing?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, with a black thread on her hair, took over the flaming handmade candle, "It's not good to play with fire in a hotel room, it would be very dangerous if it caught fire, and there are medicinal materials in it, wouldn't it be a pity to just burn it like this? "

Chi Feichi was busy dealing with the remaining things, without looking up, "Try it and blow out the fire."

"Blow out?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was puzzled and tried to blow out the candle.

The flame of the candle flickered, but stubbornly did not go out.


Koshimizu Nanatsuki blew again, and found that the candle was still burning, so he continued to try.




Feichi looked at Chi Feichi, who was busy at work, and then at Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who was blushing from competing with candles, and fell into deep thought.

It feels like Miss Yueshui can play with candles for a long time, I wonder if she can... Wait, she can't blow air.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki probed with her hand to make sure that there was no problem with her blowing, and then took a deep breath and blew it out, "Huh—"

The flame slanted to one side with the wind, but it still insisted on not extinguishing. It seemed that it could last as long as Yue Shui Nanatsuki's breath lasted.

Chi Feichi couldn't help but look up, "Be careful of lack of oxygen."

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