Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1692 Chinese magic, ghost knocks on the door

Koshimizu Nanatsuki gave up, breathed slowly, shook the candle, found that the flame was still strong, seriously suspected that the flame was fake, and tried to reach out to touch it.

"Don't be stupid, it's a real flame," Chi Feichi stopped Yueshui Nanatsuki in time, and explained, "This is a folk art spread in China, which is not only mixed with medicinal powder, but also sulfur and other ingredients , not only is it difficult to blow it out, but it is also not easy to extinguish it when it is sprayed by water droplets. Of course, the flame will still be extinguished in an oxygen-free environment or immersed in water."

"let me try……"

Yueshui Nanatsuki became curious after being told, and didn't care about Chi Feichi's "stupidity". When he found that there were no tools on the table, he got up and went to the bathroom to get a toothbrush, brought out a glass of water, and started to try dripping.

A drop of water fell on the flame, and the flame jumped, but it was still burning.

Blow air, drip water, find a hair dryer to blow, drop big water droplets, sprinkle water off, study the wax droplets left by burning, light it up again and continue playing...

Feichi's hunch was right, this candle was enough for Koshimizu Nanatsuki to play with for half a day.

Yueshui Nanatsuki played for more than half an hour, and when he saw that the candle was almost burned, he stopped, put the remaining small piece of candle back on the table, and said with a smile, "It's amazing, Mr. Chi is like a magician." Same!"

Chi Feichi had already made all the candles, and was satisfied with Yueshui Nanatsuki's reaction in his heart, and handed the three candles to Yueshui Nanatsuki, "Keep it for yourself."

"You treat me like a child..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki complained, caught the candle, looked at the medicine bag in the bag, "Can we put them together?"

"Although the contents inside are mixed and sealed by wax, it's best not to put them together. The same goes for wax drops. If possible, wrap them in a paper towel and throw them away." Chi Feichi said...

"Ah, I see," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked around the room again, got up and took a small tin box containing snacks and candies, "How about using this?"

"It can be used." Chi Feichi looked up at the box, and handed a piece of paper that he just made to Nanatsuki Koshimi, "Try again, stick this piece of paper to the outside of the room door with glue, and then close the door .”

Koshimizu Nanatsuki took the note and looked at it, and found that it was just a piece of paper with strange attachments on it, except that it looked a little dirty, it looked no different from ordinary paper. After reading it, he took the glue and got up to the door , pasted the note, and closed the door again, "Is this all right?"

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Huh?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki opened the door, looked out at the empty corridor outside, "It's strange, there's no one..."

Feichi also opened his eyes, staring at the door coldly.

Yue Shui Nanatsu looked back and saw that Chi Feichi was busy again, and closed the door without making a sound.

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom!"

The knock on the door rang again.

Watching Feichi froze outside the door with hot eyes, "Master, there is no one outside..."

Yueshui Nanatsuki opened the door again to check, and after confirming that there was no one outside and that no one was hiding, he looked suspiciously at the paper he had pasted on the door, greeted Chi Feichi, and went out with the key, "Mr. , I'll go out and have a look!"

The door was closed again, and there was another knock.

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom!"

Outside the door, Yueshui Nanatsuki stared blankly at the door panel.

The paper pasted on the door didn't move, it stuck to the door panel obediently.

She stood outside the door, making sure that she did not knock on the door, and no one else knocked on the door, but the door panel made a sound of being knocked.

At the end of the corridor, the sunlight poured in from the windows, but it only stayed on a small piece of ground and walls. This side was completely illuminated by the bright corridor lights, and knocks on the door sounded out of nowhere, revealing the corridor under the incandescent lights. There was a trace of weirdness.

And when she got closer to listen, she found that the knock on the door was indeed coming from the door, and it was from the side outside the door. The sound seemed to be knocked up by invisible fingers, making her feel uncomfortable when she was close to the door. It seems that there is an invisible ghost between himself and the door.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the corridors on the left and right, and suddenly felt that it was a bit cold outside, so she opened the door with the key, quickly entered and closed the door.

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom!"

As soon as the door was closed, there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was glad that she didn't have obsessive-compulsive disorder, resisted the urge to open the door, walked to the table, felt that she needed popularity to ease the weirdness she felt just now, pulled up a chair, and sat down next to Chi Feichi, "Then... ...What's going on here?"

Chi Feichi put his hands on the table with a stick of incense sticking to it. He lowered his head and lowered his eyes to stare at the incense stick. There was also a shadow covering his face. Against the background of the calm voice, he looked a little gloomy, "Chinese magic, ghost knocks on the door .”

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's face turned pale, "Really, is there a ghost..."

That is, as soon as Yueshui Nanatsuki's voice fell, the knock on the door suddenly stopped, and there was a slight and prolonged "squeak" sound from the door, as if the unknown thing outside the door heard what Yueshui Nanatsuki said, and no longer attached Yu knocked on the door and opened it with unknown means.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face was pale and stiff, and she slowly turned her head to look at the door.

"It's okay." Chi Feichi was worried that Yueshui Nanatsuki would cry in fright, and turned to look at the door. "It's just a prank trick. It's all the effect of that piece of paper, and it's only useful for the wooden door at a certain time. After the things exposed to the air, and then attached to the wood, the chemical reaction produced by the mixture will erode the door paint, and then erode small holes in the wood that are invisible to the naked eye, making the wood make a sound similar to a plank being knocked, and finally The chemistry is about the same, and there's this door-opening sound, and then it's gone."

After Yue Shui Nanatsuki finished listening, she was still dubious, "Really?"

"Of course, after using this method, the door panel will emit some strange smell like spoiled grease. If you pay attention to it just now, you should smell it. After the paper is peeled off, the paint on the door will still have a little smell. A little bit of honeycomb-like peeling marks, and sticking to the paper," Chi Feichi pulled the chair away and got up, and walked to the door, "Before you talked about horror movies, I thought you were not afraid of ghosts."

"I don't think it's right to be afraid when watching horror movies, but I'm afraid of ghosts that I can't see!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki immediately stood up, took Chi Feichi's arm, and hid behind, with the nervousness of facing an enemy Staring at the door, "Don't go out yet..."

"Bring the paper and burn it." Chi Fei arrived at the door late and reached out to open the door. "Although it's fine now, you should feel more at ease when you burn the paper."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Chi Feichi peeled off the paper on the door, went back to the room and lit a fire, and put it in the ashtray.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw that a little bit of transparent lacquer was sticking to the paper, and then watched the paper being burned by fire. He felt completely at ease, and heaved a sigh of relief. He raised his hand to touch the cold sweat on his forehead, "This strange Apart from scaring people, it seems that the technique is useless, right?"

"It's just for scaring people," Chi Feichi continued to make his own incense stick, lowering his head and patiently sticking black mud on the stick, "stick this note on the door late at night, in a more secluded place , the people in the house heard the knocking sound and went to open the door, but found no one outside, and when they came back and closed the door, they heard the knocking sound again..."

"I found no one outside again and again, and checked to make sure no one was hiding from the prank. The people in the house must feel terrible, hiding somewhere, and then I heard the knock on the door suddenly stop, followed by the door. It was like the sound of being turned on," Yueshui Nanatsuki said, feeling chills in himself, and silently leaned a little beside Chi Feichi, looking at Chi Feichi's calm expression, he felt at ease again, "It's not like this Will it scare people to death?"

"It is said that people were scared to death in ancient times. The materials for making this kind of thing are very rare. I only bought a little bit, and this is the only one." Pass a handmade candle and cut it, "But I won't use it at night, if you still want to play, I will find the right material another day, and I will make it for you..."

"Buzz... buzz..."

Feeling the vibration of the phone, Chi Feichi took out the phone to answer the call.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki sat silently by the side, looking at the candles and incense sticks on the table.

Brother Xiaoqi's definition of "toy" is different from other people's. For a prank like "ghost knocking on the door", which is as terrifying as a supernatural phenomenon, is it really appropriate to say "play"?

She watched the paper being made step by step with her own eyes, and she also pasted the paper up with her own hands. She felt terrified in her heart, and this kind of prank could really scare people to death.

Also, with so many candles and incense sticks, there is a high probability that they will be used tonight, and the painting style of the exhibition hall tonight may be very wrong.

Candles, incense sticks, if she hadn't played with the only piece of 'Ghost Knocking Talisman Paper', it would be a supernatural package...

"Brother Feichi, it's me," Kaito Kuroba said with a smile on the other side of the phone, "Do you have any idea? It's just a trick played by that guy..."

"Probably." Chi Feichi said, "You are so relaxed, do you want to understand?"

"Yeah," Kuroba Kaito was in a good mood. He wanted to ask Brother Feichi if he had any clues, but he didn't expect to find the problem from the coin left by Mr. Phantom Thief, "By the way, I I saw Gentleman Strange Thief outside, so I suddenly sent an email to the police, saying that I wanted to cancel the operation, and that arrogant guy said he was my dad’s younger brother, have you heard what my dad said?”

"No, I don't know what kind of juniors the teacher has." Chi Feichi said.

"Really... I didn't hear my dad say that he has a younger brother, and I've never seen that guy before, but my mother came back suddenly last night, and she said that my dad did have a younger brother, as if he was older than me in the early years. Dad is a bit contradictory, so she doesn't know each other very well," Heiyu quickly complained, "You don't know how arrogant that guy is. He actually said that I was imitating him, and that he wanted to avenge my dad, but I I also feel that he is not kind, in short, he is a very strange person, since we have all discovered his tricks, then we will find an opportunity to send him out tonight..."

As he said that, Kaito Kuroba couldn't help being possessed by drama again, his personality split, and he said in the slow and confident tone of Kaitou Kidd, "Of course, Kaito will not give up the loot that is about to be obtained, and put that black man After sending the guy out of the game, your Excellency's Midnight Jackdaw, I also..."

"Understood, just come and get it."


The phone is hung up.

"Hello? Wait..."

Kaito Kuroba put down the phone, looked at the page where the call ended, was silent for a while, and suddenly put away the phone happily.

Brother Feichi is not in a hurry, is he?

In any case, tonight, let that gentleman out of the game first, that guy is doomed to lose, it's best to try to trick Brother Feichi, and then, he will get that black diamond unceremoniously!

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