Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1694 Nakamori Ginzo: Like a Sacrifice

"That's good." Harry Genzin took the magnifying glass and put it away with a smile, watching Chi Feichi close the lid of the glass case.

The forged specific impurity lines on the magnifying glass are invariable. He doesn't believe that his apprentice will be so careless that he can't see it.

Not telling the truth and helping him conceal it was also expected by him.

Because he had switched the diamond last night, Chi Feichi might think that he was repeating the old trick, and he asked Chi Feichi to check it before the opening. Changing the package, I will not say it, try to cooperate with him in acting, and insist that the diamond is real.

Of course, things might not be that simple, his apprentice might hide his own little thoughts, or even prepare some tricks, and he had to guard against them.

Before that, if Kaito is tricked, Kaito will be sent out~!

"The time should be coming soon," Nakamori Ginzo stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the support team downstairs with a speechless face, "Speaking of which, everyone still has the time to support the criminals..."

Harry Nezu stepped forward with a confident smile, "The winner is king, as long as those two monster thieves are defeated, the people watching the excitement will be quiet!"

Ginzo Nakamori turned his head and asked, "But is this floor getting colder?"

"Yeah, last night I asked the worker to apply the cold insulation on the walls and the ceiling without leaving any gaps," Harry Genzu looked at the ceiling, pointed to the back of the display stand, and shouted, "Okay, put the Put the blower here!"

"Blower?" Ginzo Nakamori turned his head curiously when he heard the sound of wheels rolling behind him.

Two mobile team members pushed a large blower nearly two meters high and placed it behind the display stand...

"The reason for the failure last time was that a large number of paper roses blocked the view," Harry Genzin explained. "If you want to prevent it, you have to use this."

Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at the mobile team members beside him, "Please bring the candles I prepared."

"Candle?" Nakamori Ginzo turned to look at Chi Feichi.

Kuroba Kaito quietly looked at Chi Feichi.

Brother Feichi proposed to use candles, the candles must be props, there is a problem!

Will there be any ingredients in the candle that make the hands and feet weak? How can he avoid the influence of candles?

"It's too cold here, I think it will be warmer by lighting candles." Chi Feichi said calmly.

Nakamori Yinsan half-moon eyes, "Your reason..."

The white horse detective also felt strange, "If the paper rose falls on the candle, the burning paper of the candle may overflow with black smoke, which is easier to block the sight. If a blower is used, the candle will be blown out by the strong wind, so it is useless to light the candle. ?”

Chi Feichi looked at the white horse and said, "It's really just to look warmer."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Hehe, he doesn't believe it!

Not only Kuroba Kaito, Harry Nezu didn't believe it, but he couldn't refuse it clearly.

"What if it was used by those two guys?" Harry Genzu looked sideways at the large candles held by the two mobile players. The candles were pitch black, and they didn't look like good things at first glance, " As long as one of them changes the candle and replaces it with a prop that releases hypnotic gas when it burns to a certain extent, we will be taken over!"

Kaito Kuroba suddenly felt that he could have a lot of voices, and this Harley Mouse was not just adding to his troubles, and he still wanted to avoid the trap of Feichi Gebu, so he would sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight first.

"We can put on gas masks." Chi Feichi looked at the mobile team members standing in a row.

Those mobile players nodded in unison, took out their gas masks and put them on neatly, not forgetting to hand one to Nakamori Ginzo, Chi Feichi and the others.

After Chi Feichi took the gas mask, he looked at Ginzo Nakamori, "Everyone wears gas masks, and it will also prevent those two guys from using hypnotic gas."

"That's right," Nakamori Ginzo took the mask and put it on speechlessly, "But when did you order my subordinates to do so many things? Why didn't I know anything about it?"

"I told them when I came here," Chi Feichi said, "In order to prevent the two strange thieves from receiving the news and prevent us from using gas masks collectively, I asked them to keep it secret first."

"I also kept them secret for the same reason." Harry Genzin smiled.

Nakamori Ginzo: "..."

The point is, as the leader of the police team, he didn't even know that his subordinates were ordered to do so many things. Do these two people think it's too much?

Soon, more excessive things came.

At the request of Harry Nezu, Ginzo Nakamori, wearing a gas mask again, climbed onto the display stand, knelt down and grasped the left and right handles of the glass box with both hands. Behind him was a two-meter-high blower. The black candles that were lit around him made him feel that his current image was weird, like a sacrifice being sent to the sacrificial altar.

Baima looked down and checked the gas mask. After confirming that there was no problem, he put on the gas mask in doubt.

This scene is really getting more and more confusing tonight, he can't see anything right.

The ones who had the same feeling as Detective White Horse also had Kaito Kuroba and Hari Nezu. They both thought the circle of burning black candles was weird, but they couldn't figure out what Chi Feichi was trying to do. Able to put on a gas mask and stand aside waiting for the time to come.

Since it is proposed to let them wear gas masks, there should be no hypnotic ingredients in the candle...

"Huh?" Nakamori Ginzo looked at the surrounding candles, "Ignore the black candle body, just look at the warm light, it feels a lot warmer."

"However, I want to turn on the blower first, in case something goes wrong with the blower and I don't have time to respond." Harry Genjin looked at Chi Feichi.

He still felt unable to keep the candles burning.

Chi Feichi didn't insist and nodded.

Immediately, some mobile team members connected the power to the blower, causing the wind to blow behind Ginzo Nakamori.

Nakamori Ginzo: "..."

The warmth that didn't last too long is really nostalgic.

The wind power of the blower is not weak, even if Chi Feichi's candles cannot be extinguished by ordinary wind, they will be extinguished one after another under the strong wind of the blower.

Chi Feichi didn't care too much, he just wanted to burn part of the ingredients in the candle, so that part of the gas would escape in advance, now that the purpose has been achieved, it doesn't matter if the rest is burned later.

Harry Nezu turned his head and said to the mobile team, "By the way, bring me the prepared champagne."

"Champagne?" Nakamori Ginzo was stunned, "What are you going to do this time?"

A mobile team member brought the tray forward.

"This is a toast. Before I put on the gas mask, I want to have a drink first." Harry Nezu reached for the tray and poured champagne into the glass. Impossible, Mr. Chi, do you want a drink?"

"No need." Chi Feichi refused.

"I don't need it either."

"Me too, thanks."

Yueshui Nanatsuki and Baima Tan also chose to refuse.

Harry Nezu didn't insist, poured the wine, raised his glass and sighed, "Lord, please witness this victory!"

Gin Mitsukoshi Nakamori felt more and more like a sacrificial sacrifice, and the group of people in front of him were still playing romantic forms very unreliably.

Detective Baima took out his pocket watch to check the time, "Police, there is still one minute until the forecast time, please concentrate."

"I see!"

Ginzo Nakamori cheered up, braved the cold wind behind him, and decided to slowly get over it, but the wind behind him was blowing, and he didn't know if he was numb, but he didn't feel so cold anymore.

At zero o'clock, the cooling device suddenly stopped.

Blossoming black paper roses fell from the sky again, fluttering around in the air under the blowing force of the blower.

"Impossible!" Harry Genzu looked shocked, "Where did this come from?"

Bai Matan squatted down, picked up a piece of paper rose and looked at it, "So it's like this... Paint one side of the paper rose the same color as the wall, and then stick it on the ceiling and wall with refrigerant. After the device stops, the room temperature rises, the ice melts, and it can be stripped off with just a blow of wind."

"We need to use this method... It seems that Mr. Phantom Thief has also learned about Mr. Harry's use of the blower in advance." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said.

"Yes." The white horse nodded and sighed.

Harry Nezu murmured in surprise, "But, but when exactly..."

Ginzo Nakamori turned his head and said to the mobile team, "Anyway, turn off the blower! We can't let the paper roses fall down again!"

The blower is turned off.

"What about the gemstone?" Tan Baima asked hastily.

Ginzo Nakamori looked down at the glass box under him, and said in surprise, "No, it's gone! There's only one coin left!"

"This time we are completely defeated." Baima Tan frowned, and couldn't help but look at Chi Feichi.

Is Brother Feichi here to watch the fun this time? No wonder, Mr. Harry was well prepared, he couldn't even figure out how Gentleman Phantom Thief exchanged the diamonds.

"No, we're not done yet," Harry Nezin asserted, "because the real gem hasn't been stolen!"

"No way?" Nakamori Ginzo climbed down the glass box, "Could it be that you..."

"He probably didn't expect that I would use the same method. This is the blind spot! Of course, when Mr. Chi confirmed later, I also did a little trick on the magnifying glass, just to deceive those two guys who might be watching somewhere... ..." Under Nakamori Ginzo's speechless gaze, Harry Nezu smiled awkwardly, reached into the right pocket of his coat, and took out a black stone, "What?"

"What is this? It's just a black lump in the shape of a diamond!" Nakamori Ginzo couldn't help but stepped forward, picked up the stone on Harry Nezu's palm and looked at it.

At the same time, in the high sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, a monster in a black dress flew by with a hang glider, and provocatively raised the diamond-shaped object in his hand, showing it to a group of people.

"Bastard!" Nakamori Ginzo threw the black stone in his hand on the ground, pointed at the door and said, "Catch him! Don't let him escape!"

The mobile team members present shouted and rushed to the door immediately.

Seeing the white horse Tan chasing after him, Yue Shui Nanatsu exchanged a glance with Chi Feichi and followed him out the door.

Chi Fei stayed where he was, looking at Harry Genjin.

"Mr. Chi won't follow?" Harry Genzu laughed, "You don't seem to pay much attention to the whereabouts of the diamond, or...your companion has already succeeded, so it's okay if you don't pursue it?"

Who asked Chi Feichi to cooperate with him in saying that the diamond was real? Now there is still a kid staying here, so it will disturb the audience...

"Of course he won't catch up, because the real diamond is still here..." Kaito Kuroba, wearing the uniform of the mobile team, a helmet and a gas mask, walked to the black stone on the ground, bent down and stretched out his hand, " blindfold."

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