Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1695 Kaito Kuroba, whose heart is gradually collapsing

Almost at the same time, Harry Nezu immediately reached out to snatch it, but he was a step too late, and Kaito Kuroba swiftly caught it in his hand.

"Pretend to be a failure first, in order to achieve the final success, or in other words, after performing a fake magic reveal, and then use this unexplainable method to do it again, let you..." Kuroba Kaito Disguised as Phantom Thief Kidd, he coughed dryly, held up the black stone in his hand and said, "Mr. Chi checks the authenticity of diamonds, it's the same, it's one of magician's performance techniques, Phantom Thief gentleman! What they scribbled on this real diamond with a black oil based marker when they were drawn to the paper rose! Since ink won't work on imitation gems, I'm pretty sure it's the real gem! "

"You don't need to pretend you don't know each other," Harry Genjin stood up, looked at Chi Feichi who was standing by and didn't move, with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered, "I still know about that guy's apprentice, Since you stayed, you should have seen through my tricks, right? Did you not grab the gems because you wanted to join hands with his son?"

"It's not necessary at all," Kui Yu Kaito smiled, looked at Chi Feichi, and threw a mobile phone at Chi Feichi, "It should be waiting for Miss Detective to make the last move to cooperate, but unfortunately, in her When I came here, I had already switched the mobile phone on her body, although I wanted to do something to make her faint, but you stare too closely, it is difficult for me to act...but this is enough, right? I can't contact you in time, now I should follow the police department to the outside of the building..."

"Indeed..." Chi Feichi put Koshimizu Nanatsuki's mobile phone back into his pocket, took out a black cloak to put it on, and pulled up the hood, walked to the candles, knelt down and lit the candles one by one, and said softly , "It's enough to catch all of you."

Since both his teacher and Kaito are using science to cover their eyes, he will not use metaphysics to deal with it.

This kind of candle is not easy to ignite with phosphorus fire and other means. If the internal fire is disabled, he can only light it slowly one by one.

"Oh?" Harry Genjin turned around and looked at Chi Feichi lighting the candle, "Did the candle really do something wrong? But, we all wear gas masks. I checked and there is nothing wrong with the gas masks..."

Chi Feichi raised his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth under the brim of his hat, he took out the mask of the faceless man with his right hand and put it on, "Light the candles, it will really warm up, you guys continue chatting, I want to wait until a few guests arrive, right? What a friendly guest."

Harry Genjin looked at Chi Feichi's seemingly gentle but cold smile, and felt that he was not well.

His apprentice is a snake spirit...

Kuroba Kaito also felt that his scalp was numb from Chi Feichi's laughter, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Harry Nezu, "It's really arrogant to want to catch two top magicians, but before that, Let me just talk to you! What is the relationship between the Phantom Thief gentleman we saw outside the window just now and the magician Kuroba Robouichi who was killed in a magic show 8 years ago?"

Harry Nezu stood there silently, listening to Kuroba Kaito's question...

"Although he said that he is Black Feather Pirate One's junior, is he really going to find the murderer who killed Black Feather Pirate One and avenge Black Feather Pirate One?" Kuroba Kaito questioned.

"This question..." Harry Nezu paused, looked up at Kaito Kuroba, "I want to return it to you intact."

Kuroba Kaito was silent for a while, ignoring Chi Feichi who was squatting over there lighting candles one by one, so as not to affect his mentality, and said seriously, "I don't just want revenge."

"Oh?" Harry Nezu was a little surprised.

"I want to catch all those guys who tricked him into the trap, and surpass him!" Kaito Kuroba looked serious, nostalgic but determined, "Beyond my most respected magician, Kuroba Robichi!"

"If he hears it in the spirit of the sky, he will be very pleased," Harry Nezu smiled, raised his hand to straighten the black top hat on his head, and looked behind Kaito Kuroba, "The guest is here."

Behind Kaito Kuroba, the door was closed at some point.

Viper Snake led a group of accomplices in trench coats and top hats, pointing guns in their hands, "Thank you, Kaito Kidd! And Gentleman Kaito, this is the first time we've met, right? Besides... ..."

After Chi Feichi finished lighting the candles, he stood up and looked at Snake.

Snake was stunned for a moment when he saw a mask of a faceless man, thinking of the spider that had been tragically victimized, and soon felt that he would not repeat the same mistakes, and laughed, "July is here, tonight is really complete !"

Kaito Kuroba turned around and saw Snake. After being surprised, his mentality calmed down instantly. Guessing that Chi Feichi had already made preparations, he laughed and said, "What are you talking about? Mr. Phantom Thief, just outside the window..."


The gust of wind swept through with smoke, and when the shrouded figure of Harry Nezu reappeared, it had become the image of the black version of Kaitou Kidd, but the outline of the face under the top hat was the same as that of the Black Feather Pirate One.

"Gentleman Phantom Thief?!" Kaito Kuroba lost his voice in surprise.

"That's right, I'm the real one. The one who flew past the window just now was just my assistant," said a strange thief whose voice was no different from that of Black Feather Pirate One. "Have you seen it once?"

Hei Yu Kuai Dou stared blankly at the person in front of him, and couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi again.

Come on, come on! Is this his father?

"You don't have to be so surprised, I'm just like you, I can disguise myself as anyone," Black Feather Pirates refused to admit it and forcefully explained, then turned his head to see the reaction of his apprentice, but when he turned his head, he saw that a certain eye was missing Kong's mask, endured the speechlessness in his heart, and continued to maintain a calm demeanor, "You don't need to look at him, he should not be able to see anything now."

Kaito Kuroba looked at Chi Feichi's mask, and the wind was messy.

That's right, Brother Feichi's mask doesn't have any holes for the eyes, he just flirted with the blind man...

"But it's okay if you can't see it," Kuroba Pirates decided to shift the target, continued to tease his son, raised his head so that Kuroba Kaito could see his face more clearly, and said in a slightly mocking tone, "Don't be like You are just as stimulated."

Kuroba Kaito suddenly became annoyed, "You bastard..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Snake led his men to raise their pistols, pointing at the three of them, "It doesn't matter what kind of blind or irritated monster you are, give me Pandora..."


Suddenly there was a piercing loud noise from the ceiling, and soon, the same sound was heard from the ceiling everywhere in the room.

"What?!" Snake immediately looked up to where one of the sounds came from.


The iron bars of the air vent fell to the ground, knocking away the paper roses that fell on the ground, and a large group of mice poured down like a black waterfall.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The vents on the ceilings fell one after another, and countless mice rushed in frantically, and several of them landed on the shoulders of Snake and others.

"Old, mouse!" A man in sunglasses with a gun jumped away.

Kuroba Kaito was also sweating, and suddenly found that those mice were rushing towards him with red eyes, and there were a large number of mice pouring in to form a layer on the ground, moving towards him like several carpets, and quickly took two steps back, " Hello!"

"Whoever gets the diamond is the mouse's target." Chi Feichi reminded in a gentle male voice, and stood aside to watch the show.

Although Snake and a certain black monster did not become the main targets, there were too many rats in the room, and more and more rats were swarming, almost leaving them nowhere to stay. There were also rats jumping from shoes and trouser legs, which seemed very nausea.

On Snake's side, a few strong men in sunglasses who are afraid of mice jumped with their feet in their arms, "Ahhh!"

"Ahhh!" Kaito Kuroba noticed that there were mice trying to get under his clothes, and there were mice nibbling on his cloak, his heart collapsed instantly, and he jumped onto the stage, and found that the mice were rushing up the stage layer by layer , looking like he would never give up if he couldn't kill him, but there were rats all over the ground in front of him, rats spread on the ground in two layers, his heart broke down even more, and he threw the diamond at Chi Feichi, "Here you are! Don't give it to Chi Feichi." Those guys!"

After Chi Feichi caught the diamond, he threw it at Heiyu Pirates with his backhand.

Black Feather Pirate subconsciously caught the diamond and remained silent.

He is really a good apprentice who loves to pit Master...

Soon, the mice shifted their main target, leaving a small group to continue chasing Kuroba Kaito who had climbed onto the platform. The large force rushed towards Kuroba Pirate One, which also made Black Feather Pirate One understand that Kuroba Kaito Why is there such a big reaction.

These rats want to climb on him! I want to drill into his trouser leg! He also ate his clothes!

If this went on like this, he suspected that he would be eaten alive by mice!


Over there, Snake was forced by rats to shoot into the surrounding ground.


Kuroba Pirates took the gems, jumped onto the stage to avoid the rats, and unceremoniously squeezed Kuroba Kaito almost down, and at the same time pressed the remote control in his pocket.

"Hey, hey, I say you...!" Kaito Kuroba almost fell off the display stand, before he had time to complain, he had to reach out and use a cloth to smack the rats that were rushing up the stand crazily.


The refrigeration equipment restarted, and the temperature in the room cooled down.

One degree below zero, three degrees below zero, six degrees below zero...

The temperature quickly reached minus ten degrees. Poor Snake and others were so cold that their hands and feet were stiff, but the mouse seemed not to be affected by the low temperature at all. Not only did it not escape to the warm place, it even ran quickly.

Black Feather Pirates suddenly heard Chi Feichi's words "light candles to warm up", reacted, and directly threw the diamond in his hand to Snake, reminding Kuroba Kaito in a low voice, "Turn out the candles first, not only diamonds have the effect of attracting mice. Something, the candle is also problematic, it should make the mice so excited that they are not afraid of the low temperature!"

Chi Feichi stood aside, had already taken off his mask, and put on the gas mask again.

That mask really can't see the outside, it's not very convenient to watch the show.

Rats will not freeze to death immediately at minus ten degrees. If there is enough food, they can actually survive for a few days. Compared with Feichi, which freezes when it is colder, it is more resistant to stress in this environment.

Take your time, he wants to see who dares to take his diamonds tonight!


The mice bypassed Chi Feichi and jumped at Snake who was holding the diamond.

"You guys are smart!" Snake unceremoniously reached out to catch the diamond, looked up and saw the mouse that was about to form a low wall, sweating, pulled one of his men to block in front of him, turned to open the door, "here I resist!"


A certain man in sunglasses was submerged by a pile of rats while his whole body was numb.

Enduring his frozen body, Snake turned to open the door, but found that the door couldn't be opened, "Damn it! It's too cold, it can't be opened at all!"



Men in sunglasses were overwhelmed by rats, and their bodies were covered with rats.

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