Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1718 The Lying Diana

"How is it?" Conan also asked, "Brother Chi, are you feeling better?"

"never mind."

Chi Feichi let go of his right hand that was tightly gripping the quilt, and retracted his hand under the quilt.

In the dream just now, he was caught in a sea of ​​flames, the hot air mixed with smoke and dust penetrated into his mouth and nose, and the moisture in his skin seemed to be dried up a little bit.

He tried to breathe with his dimensional lungs, and he also used the fire in his abdomen to absorb the fire, but the fire couldn't be absorbed. Soon, the fire waves rolled onto his skin, face, and eyes. Apart from the burning pain, his body seemed to be Shrinking, melting, sticking.

It's not even a nightmare.

He didn't feel fear in the dream, even when he was swallowed by fire and burned, but the feeling of suffocation and burn was too real, and after waking up, he was sure that his body was not injured. People feel a little uncomfortable.

Conan looked again and again, and after confirming that Chi Feichi's complexion had improved a lot, he pulled back the quilt and lay back down, "Did you have a nightmare just now?"

"I dreamed that there was a fire, and I was trapped in the fire."

Chi Feichi said softly, closed his eyes again, and connected his left eye to the unknown space. .

After he crossed over, when the three-no golden finger changed, he had dreams for a period of time one after another, and this time again.

At present, the space platform has not been filled with black, so there should not be a dream that indicates changes.

"No wonder you were holding your breath just now..." Conan sighed, but he didn't get a response for a long time. He turned his head to look at the sleeping Chi Feichi, dragged Feichi to the side of the pillow, lay flat and closed his eyes.

It's normal to have nightmares. He still has to get up early for school, so it's better to go to bed quickly.


The skylight was tilted, and in the faint moonlight shining in, Chi Feichi closed his eyes, and his breathing gradually became steady.

In the dream, the mixed buildings of red brick and lime stand on both sides of the stone road. Occasionally, passers-by pass by briskly, but their faces are covered by thick fog.

After a while, the fog cleared a little.

Marble buildings stand beside the pier on one side. On both sides of the brass revolving door are large European-style windows that go straight up to the third floor. You can vaguely see the huge crystal chandelier in the hall behind the door, which is solemn and luxurious.

The field of vision was a little closer, and he saw a five or six-year-old boy standing behind the window, wearing a white shirt on his upper body, holding a dark blue coat in his arms, standing next to a man who could only see his pants .

As if aware of his gaze, the boy turned his head slightly and turned his face to his direction. A fair face appeared in his line of sight, which also allowed him to clearly see the boy's right eye with purple pupils.

The right eye was empty and lifeless, facing the side of the hall without focus, like a dull purple gemstone inlaid in the eye socket, which made the baby-fat side face less angry.

When Chi Feichi saw the boy's right eye, he subconsciously held his breath.

In the room, the boy also pursed his lips tightly and pointed his ears to the window motionlessly.

The two stood quietly across a glass window, mist drifted above the window, and the mist condensed on the glass in the room merged into water droplets, drawing a long and thin water mark on the glass.


The ethereal and slight male voice echoed in front, with a long echo, making it difficult for Chi Feichi to hear the words behind.

The boy in the room turned his head to face the approaching man, his voice also seemed to hang in the fog, illusory and misty.



Chi Feichi approached the window, trying to see the appearance of the man, but he was as bodyless as the morning fog above, unable to move independently, and unable to see through the mist on the window.

He heard the name 'Mitchell' mentioned by Chi Kanai.

Influenced by growing up in England, when Chikana talked about his uncle, even if it was Chikana's elder brother, Chikana would occasionally call him by his first name.

'Mitchell loves to laugh...'

That's right, combined with the fact that the other party has the same purple eyes as him, the boy behind the window is probably the third brother of his cheap mother, Mitchell.

And the man Mitchell looked at was very particular about the material and style of the dress, which was completely different from the man standing beside Mitchell before. If you look carefully, the cuffs of the shirt with black jewels exposed from the cuffs of the other party's dress are very similar to Chi. One of the 'family cuffs' given to him by Kana.

The man in front of Mitchell should be his grandfather whom he had never met before.

He remembered that when the original consciousness was one year old, his grandfather died of illness, and a year later, his grandmother also passed away. Judging by Mitchell's age, he should be called 'grandfather', and he should not be four years old at this moment. Ten, this made him more curious to have a glimpse of the other person's appearance, and to see what kind of person he was.

The boy in the room pointed to the window, raised his head and said something.

After a while, the man in the formal dress walked towards the window where Chi Feichi was.


Two seconds before the other party was about to walk to the window, the morning bell rang, echoing in this white world.

The retreating morning street, the flying houses, and the stone building that is getting farther and farther away...

Chi Feichi was dragged backward uncontrollably by a force, and watched as he was pulled into a house with vegetation and herbs inside and outside, then into an old wooden box, and then into an old wooden box. A white jade-like stone engulfs it.

With one last look, he saw a sagging, wrinkled right hand closing the box.

It was dark, and the slanted skylight on the attic gradually became clear.


The clock on the wall chimed softly.

Chi Feichi opened his eyes, stared at the skylight for a moment, then sat up, glanced at Conan and Feichi who were sleeping beside him, and looked at the clock on the wall in the dim light.


In other words, he has only slept for about an hour since he woke up last time?

On the side, Conan turned over and unconsciously kicked the quilt away.

Chi Feichi got up, took off the quilt that Conan had put on it, put it back in the closet, and lay down on the bed again. His left eye was connected to the ark, and he swiped the information until the energy was exhausted, and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Light and breeze passed through the holes, illuminating the dimly lit space, which was full of loud noises outside.

Chi Feichi looked through the hole, and there were red brick walls and pieces of swaying coarse cloth outside. It wasn't until he heard the voices outside that he guessed that the swaying pieces of coarse cloth should be people's clothes.

"You liar..."

"My name is Diana! Diana!"

Those people spoke the language of Europe, but with a strong accent and some strange pronunciation, he could only vaguely understand part of it.

The young female voice who called herself "Diana" was a little childish, and she was very close to him, so close that there was a buzzing resonance from the side of the space.

The beginning of a group of quarrels was that the girl named Diana was meddling in her own business. When she saw a seriously ill person, she insisted that the black lump in her hand was medicine and could cure the disease. Of course, the family members of the patient did not believe it. Said 'Liar Diana' in a teasing tone.

"This is what a grandpa told me. He said he came from far away, and he had those mysterious black eyes, which were so beautiful... Look! This is what he gave me as parting gift, I swear ,I did not lie!"

Diana tried so hard to prove herself that...

Chi Feichi saw that the hole was blocked a bit, and he could vaguely see the texture of huge, calloused fingerprints.

He probably understood that he seemed to be inside something, hanging on the chest of this girl named 'Diana', and he was not big...

Well, if he had a body.

By now, he was almost aware that he was in a dream.

"Okay, Lying Diana, please take that piece of yours and leave, we don't want to see a bone you picked up on the road..."

"That bone is really old and dirty, you wear something like this on your body..."


Chi Feichi looked around and tried to get out of the hole, but was completely trapped and could only float around inside. He simply gave up struggling and waited to wake up from the dream. He passed the hole and looked at the patient outside. situation, and Diana handed over the 'black block' from time to time.

The patient's condition should be inflammation caused by a cold and fever.

And the black lump in Diana's hand was clearly the root of the plant. He identified it, and it was indeed a herbal medicine for treating symptoms and anti-inflammation. He also cleaned up the excess and dried it. The technique was not very professional, but it was correct.

So... Diana was the one who didn't lie? This girl really learned herbal medicine, and the 'bone' he was on was given to Diana by someone with mysterious black eyes? Maybe that black-eyed man is a visitor from China?

After being entangled outside for a long time, Diana was driven away in the end, but Diana found a broken earthen pot after arriving at a dilapidated earthen house, and began to boil medicine with 'black lumps'.

Chi Feichi listened to a group of people entangled in the afternoon and heard the night, but he never woke up from the dream. After the initial impatience quickly disappeared, he calmed down a lot and watched Diana make medicine from the hole.

The girl didn't give up at first glance, and was ready to kill her back.

But just put a root, the effect is not great.

And isn't the method of boiling the medicine too rough, just stew it on high fire until it's rotten?

Who taught this? Or did this girl figure it out by herself?

"It seems that I need to add something else... It will be better if I add something else, I remember..." Diana murmured in a low voice, rummaging through the pile of herbs on the table with her giant hands, "Is it this? It seems not ...Is that this? It doesn't seem to be..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

When will this dream wake up? He is going crazy.

"Looks like this..." Diana picked up a handful of needle-like leaves and looked at them before putting them back. "It doesn't seem to be..."

"That's it!" Chi Feichi couldn't bear it anymore.

Which teacher taught this waste material? Can't even distinguish the most obvious medicinal ingredients!

When Chi Feichi made his voice, the airflow in the surrounding holes suddenly changed, making a melodious and clear voice.

"Huh? Can the bones make noise?" Diana was puzzled, and touched the hole again with one hand, while the other hand was still holding the thin needle leaf, and threw it into the clay pot. The musical instruments of the vagabonds here must be nice, and Diana’s mood suddenly improved a lot, so let’s put this in! Good bones, bones that can make beautiful sounds, I think we need to put something more in it..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is the legendary ghost animal doctor.

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