Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1720 Diana, you are too noisy

This dream lasted longer than Chi Feichi imagined.

He watched with his own eyes that Diana boiled a pot of herbal soup that 'listened to the sound of bones and threw herbs, and did not pay attention to the dosage', sneaked into other people's homes in the middle of the night with a small broken bowl, and jumped onto the weeds boldly while the patient's family members were not paying attention. Mat, opened the patient's mouth and poured a bowl of medicine into him, almost choking him to death.

Then, he also watched Diana run out of the door in a mess of sticks, back to the small shack, and clumsily dispensed her own medicine.

Diana is not only willing to use other people to test medicine, but also likes to test medicine herself, "I will release the bone when it rings". She is not afraid of being poisoned to death at all.

In the hut late at night, strange humming and the girl's soliloquies could be heard from time to time.


"Bone bone, is this what you mean?"


"That's it!"


"What about this? How about some of this?"


"Isn't it? What about this? This kind of fruit is so red, so beautiful!"


"Can't you put this one too? What a pity, what about this one?"


"Is it still not working? What about this one?"


Chi Fei was late at the back and was too lazy to talk. He ignored Diana's long-winded emotion, and found that Diana took the right herbs, so he said 'hmm', listened to the sound from the space, and watched Diana throw the herbs in.

Diana worked hard for a long time, boiled the herbal medicine, picked up the bowl, and finished pouring it.

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is topical medicine!

Watching Diana become a doctor is really depressing for the people in the dream.

However, taking this medicine internally... is not impossible, it's just that the effect is not very good.

"Ah, it feels better!" Diana threw the bowl on the broken table, and touched the hole again.

This time, Chi Feichi saw a magnified girl's face through the hole on the top, slightly curly chestnut hair was a bit messy, blue eyes, and a small nose, except that the face was a bit heavy from the wind and sun. , if you only look at the facial features, she is also a beautiful girl.

Diana stared at the hole, or maybe she was staring at the 'bones' that looked big to Chi Feichi but not so big to her, "Bone bone, can you sing?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is not a fool.

"Alas..." Diana sighed, moved her fingers away, and the angle of view of the hole also dropped a little, probably because she put down the 'bones', and said cheerfully, "Tomorrow I will ask the wandering musicians in the city, Maybe you are some kind of amazing musical instrument! However, it doesn’t matter even if it’s not, it’s really nice to have bones that can make sounds to accompany me..."

This dream was much longer than Chi Feichi imagined.

It was so long that he watched the light outside turn from dark to bright, watched Diana go to the city with the 'bones' to ask the musicians, and was ridiculed as 'it's just a rotten bone', and watched Diana argue that 'this is mysterious and capable Bones That Make Nice Sounds', watching Diana tap space to make him sound, try to blow holes, and go silent in an embarrassing way.

It was so long that Diana was running in the field wearing the 'bone', and he looked at the scenery around the fourteenth century.

It was so long that he saw the patient's family find Diana, express their gratitude and ask for medicine.

It was long enough for him to learn about Diana's past, an abandoned child who didn't know who her parents were, a wild girl who was regarded as a "liar and bastard", a fifteen-year-old girl who was once so lonely that she cherished even a stone.

It was long enough for him to witness Diana's growth. After being regarded as a "witch" who could cure diseases, Diana quietly began to study, read and write, and began to record prescriptions seriously. .

Of course, the point of "listening to the sound of bones to release medicine" has never changed, and the style of completely disregarding internal and external use and following the dose has not changed.

Sometimes Chi Feichi gets annoyed and doesn't make a sound for a whole day, so Diana puts the 'bones' that carry the space on the table, researches herbs by herself, and tries to make the bones ring from time to time.

Diana became a famous witch in the city, no longer satisfied with staying here, and began to travel far away.

One day, two days, three days...

One year, two years, three years...

Chi Feichi has seen so many springs, summers, autumns and winters in the dream, watching the girl transform into a woman who laughs happily, and also tried to link the ark or his own space with his left eye, trying to escape from the dream, but all failed .

Fortunately, the limitations of the original space gradually disappeared, he was able to leave the space, and saw the things that carried him.

A bone indeed.

It looks like a human finger bone, but it is square, with holes of various sizes and indiscriminately punched on it. Diana tied a rope through the two slightly larger holes, which looks like a thrilling necklace hangtag.

Occasionally at night when he lived in the wild, Chi Feichi was bored, and he would try to use the way of speaking to make the bones make different sounds and form a simple tune.

And it didn't take long for Diana to start humming on the road.

In a certain year, the mature witch Diana finally met her Prince Charming in a city.

Specifically, it is not counted as a prince, but it is also the heir of a lord.

Even though the other party had a handsome appearance and an elegant demeanor, Chi Feichi still felt uncomfortable with the feeling that 'the little cabbage he had worked so hard to raise was picked up by a pig'.

Diana took the other party's surname "Mongo Marie", began to pay attention to her manners, became more and more ladylike, and began to try to inlay strange jewels and gold on her bones.

Not only was Chi Feichi unhappy seeing Diana's husband, but the other party was also unhappy seeing his 'bone'. He always felt that his wife was always talking about a horrible bone.

Two years later, Diana welcomed her first child, and the two sides finally compromised. Diana's husband admitted that his wife was a witch with a fetish, and found the patient of the Black Death in the city, the other party After preventing Diana from taking risks, Chi Feichi reluctantly admitted that he was a pig who had slapped his own cabbage.

The speed of time is gradually accelerating.

The spread of disease and the disaster brought by the Black Death made Diana return to the previous Diana.

Nosy Diana, Crazy Diana, Ghost Animal Doctor Diana.

Even though the level of herbal medicine has improved a lot, Diana's style of boiling, dispensing, and boldly testing medicines remains the same, and she is still so ghostly.

In this era, it is not surprising that one or two critically ill patients were killed by doctors.

Yes, the glory of the Renaissance era has come, more ancient cultures have been found out, the "God" is no longer the only one, music has changed from entertaining gods to entertaining people, and medicine is also developing crazily.

And this also means that Diana's glorious era has also come, communicating with doctors with strange medical systems, entering university, and becoming famous, from being called a 'witch' to being called a 'doctor' or 'teacher'.

In contrast, it was Diana's husband's incomprehension.

What Diana did is not surprising hundreds of years later, but in the Middle Ages, it could not be understood by the noble husband with traditional thinking, and because of Diana's reputation, she couldn't marry someone else, so she could only have fun outside.

However, after the initial sadness, disappointment, and despair, Diana cheered up again and continued to do what she wanted to do, just like the girl who wanted to inject human drugs at the beginning, but she must inject human drugs.

Chi Feichi didn't even care about that man. Thanks to Diana wearing a bone pendant at all times, he also met many strange doctors and scholars, and heard many scientific or unscientific, even unbelievably strange theories. I have seen a lot of treatment scenes that are more horrible than Diana's treatment.

The years are passing like crazy.

Diana's grandson has come of age...

Diana's husband died...

Diana's son dies...

From Diana, Chi Feichi saw the terrible changes that time and aging brought to the body.

Diana poured medicine juice on herself every day, and her body and life span were stronger than others. She boiled her son to death and almost boiled her grandson to death.

Until that summer, Diana, who could no longer stand up, was lying on the bed, her gray-haired grandson stood aside, and a group of children, big and small, surrounded the luxurious bed.

It was obviously not the dilapidated earthen house and messy straw mats back then. After Diana took off the necklace bones, her tone was as joyful as that fifteen-year-old wild girl back then, "Bones, choose one of these children, I want to put you Delivery, I know you don't like to be set in any jewelry, like me, hate so much bondage, you can rest assured that they are good boys, will treat you as I will treat you, if you want to do that Let the child ring, and all the wealth I leave behind will be handed over to that child."

After speaking, Diana handed the necklace to her grandson beside her.

The gray-haired man had the demeanor of his own grandfather, took the necklace with both hands respectfully, and waited for the young people and children to stand in a row, then walked by in order, stopping for a while among the tense faces.

In the crowd, a quiet and timid seven or eight-year-old girl peeked at the bone necklace from time to time, with a respectful and curious look in her eyes.


When the man passed by the girl, Chi Feichi said, "Diana, you are too noisy, I want to choose a quiet one this time."

The melodious melody of the bones made the young people who had never seen the sound of the bones tremble with trepidation, and looked at the selected girl in surprise.

"Is it Sandy... Do you think I'm too noisy?" Diana smiled, her voice quickly lowered, "Bone, let's sing that part of the song again, it's the first time you made a lot of noise I have already told them about that part of the story, you are a magical bone..."

The bones could only make a simple melody, and when that part sounded, Diana slowly closed her eyes.

The space was distorted a little bit, and when Chi Feichi saw everything in front of him clearly again, he saw the slanted skylight of the attic of the wooden house in front of him again, the sky was half dark and half bright, and the sound of the second hand of the clock clicked next to his ears.

In the morning, 4:05.

Such a long dream just now, but it took less than an hour to sleep?

Chi Feichi gently pulled back the quilt, gestured a 'shush' gesture to Feichi who was startled, but did not wake up Conan next to him, got up and went downstairs, smoked a cigarette in the living room on the second floor, and went back to the attic to lie down again. Down.

Long night dreams are often uncomfortable experiences.

Falling asleep again and again, feeling that I have slept for a long time, but my body and spirit are still in a state of exhaustion and fatigue.

After closing his eyes, Chi Feichi used his left eye to connect to the Ark. After confirming that the energy had not recovered much, he began to pray that he would stop dreaming.

Give him at least an hour or two of good sleep.

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