Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1720 Everything Can Be Disked

Heaven fails to fulfill one's wishes.

Chi Feichi felt drowsy soon, and opened his eyes again, surrounded by fire.

He didn't need to recall anymore, he also knew very clearly that he was dreaming again.

He stood in a hall filled with thick smoke and fire. The fleeing men and women were yelling, and beside him, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl was crying profusely.

"Woo woo woo..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Little girl: "Wow wow..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Little girl: "Oh... woo..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Little girl: "Woo... woo..."

"do not Cry!"

Chi Feichi found that he couldn't move away from the source of the noise, so he couldn't bear to say something. At the same time, the familiar sound of bones groaned from the bottom of the black rope hanging around the little girl's neck.

"Treasure?" The little girl timidly said, reaching out her hand from under the neckline of her skirt, pulling out the bone pendant, carefully holding it in her hand, and crying, "I'm so scared..."

Chi Feichi took a closer look, and could see from the girl's eyebrows and eyes the appearance of the well-behaved little Xiandi back then, and said 'um', making the bones make a soft sound as a way of comforting her.

Although the fire in the hall looks scary, it is not a completely enclosed space, but the way out is blocked by the fire, and it cannot be burned here for a while. There are still many people outside using water to put out the fire, and the chance of death is not high...

Forget it, the person you choose is your responsibility.

And as expected of the person he chose, even crying can make so many different styles of tunes.


A melodious melody came from the bones.

"Are you comforting me?" Sandy looked around and clenched the bones in her hand again, "You will bless me, right?"

Chi Feichi felt that the surrounding temperature was a bit high. He tried to stimulate the fire in his abdomen, but found that the temperature nearby seemed to be a little lower, so he stood beside him to help the little girl cool down.

I don't know if it's his illusion...

"It's not so hot anymore," Sandy's eyes flashed with joy, holding the bone pendant with both hands, "Thank you."

Chi Feichi: "..."

It seems that it is not his illusion.

And as expected of the person he chose, she is quiet, well-behaved and sensible, very nice.


The fire was extinguished, and except for one or two people who were burned and fainted by the smoke, everyone in the hall was safe.

Someone took Sandy back from the hall where the walls were blackened, and the little girl said "thank you" to the bone pendant in a soft voice, and then commanded people decently to help them heal their injuries.

She also used her great-great-grandmother’s ghost and animal therapy, giving one bowl to those who were burned, one bowl to those who were fainted, one bowl to those who were unwell, and one bowl to those who felt that they were in good condition.

Chi Feichi took a look and found that there was nothing wrong with the overall medication, after all, Diana recorded the prescriptions.

As for the serving size... Diana tried it out, and it's probably fine.

That's fine.

After active or passive dosing, the crowd had to express their gratitude sincerely. Even the three children, big and small, who were doused and cried before, saluted and thanked them gracefully at the request of their family members.

"You're welcome," Sandy smiled shyly, "This is what I should do."

After the fire, the speed of time suddenly accelerated, even faster than before in Diana's later years.

Compared with Diana, Sandy's personality is much more careful and gentle, and her thoughts are more delicate. In addition to continuing to study herbal medicine, she also adjusts the dosage as much as possible.

Chi Feichi can occasionally seize the opportunity in the gap of flying time. When Shandi adjusts the amount, he makes the bone ring to remind him, and then watches as Xiandi has to take out the herbal medicine every time after studying the herbal medicine. A new silk cloth to wipe the bone pendant lightly.

The little girl has grown into a big girl, with Diana's appearance vaguely in her brows, but because of her gentleness, people can't associate the two together.

Chi Feichi's activity space is no longer confined to Sandy's side. He can occasionally stroll around the rooms around Sandy to look at some small objects of this era.

Sandy, who has grown into a big girl, is also very good at understanding "bones". She began to collect all kinds of novelty objects for her own bones, until she got married and had children, until she grew old.

Probably because she became the head of the family at a very young age, Sandy chose a distant relative with the same surname 'Mongo Marie' as her husband. After seeing him twice, she felt that the other party was pleasing to the eye and considerate, so she married naturally, and her personality was very good. Tolerate each other, it can be regarded as harmony and harmony, raising eyebrows together.

I don't know if it was because after experiencing Diana, Chi Feichi looked away, or because of his intuition, this time he looked at this cabbage pig more pleasing to the eye.

Sandy ages slower than ordinary people. When her husband looks seventy or eighty years old, she looks only in her fifties. After her husband left, her more gentle and tolerant attitude makes her look dignified and kind .

At the same time, Sandy, like her great-great-grandmother, boiled her husband to death and her son to death.

But Sandy failed to break the record and boiled her grandson to death.

Passed down from generation to generation, the life expectancy of the Montgomery family members is longer than that of others, and there are also clan members who leave the family and develop far away because of struggles, greater ambitions, and different ideas.

In her twilight years, apart from looking for her children to help "Bones" collect objects and sitting in the sun to wipe the bones, Sandy also likes to pay attention to her younger generations.

Chi Feichi's range of activities is getting bigger and bigger, and occasionally he will wander to other places to watch the children, or when Sandy is sitting in the herbal garden basking in the sun, he will take a nap under the elder tree that Sandy transplanted.

Eyes closed and opened, suddenly several years.

Opening his eyes again, the dream didn't end, there was a fat little boy standing under the tree, xx years old, looking up at him, nothing was reflected in his pupils, but he felt that the other party was looking at him.

After watching for a long time, the little fat man leaned closer to the tree trunk, and asked nervously, "Are you a dryad?"

Chi Fei couldn't be bothered to take care of her, and went back to the cabin where Sandy lived.

"Lawrence! How could you just run into your great-grandmother's yard? You are the heir of your great-grandmother, the future of the Montgomery family..."

Vaguely, he heard a young woman's reprimand from behind, and the fat man just now responded.

"Kick me out, mom, I don't want to be an heir, and I don't want to be the future of the Montgomery family..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Look at Diana's underwhelming offspring.

The sound of the little fat man being beaten up and howling like ghosts and wolves soon came from the herb garden. After Chi Feichi entered the wooden house, Sandy, who was alarmed, went out to check the situation again.

Chi Feichi also followed, watching the little fat man run towards Sandy, wanting to hug her knees to act coquettishly, when the little fat man's muddy hands touched Sandy's knees, he said, "Sandy, choose him!" ', let the bones emit the specified melodious sound.

Sandy couldn't hear Chi Feichi's words, so she looked at the bone hanging on her chest in surprise, or...

"The bone jade rings, Lawrence."

"Yes..." The little fat man looked blankly at Sandy's necklace pendant, and then at Chi Feichi standing behind Sandy blankly.

Chi Feichi made sure that the little fat man couldn't hear what he said, so he lost interest in playing outside and went back to Guyu.

Yes, it shouldn't be called 'bones' anymore.

After Diana kept rubbing with her fingers, the bones that were originally not smooth had long since become smooth, and after Sandy rubbed and rubbed them with a silk cloth every day, and oiled them from time to time, the bones were covered with pulp and became white and moist. Like jade.

In disguise, it proves that everything is reusable.

Speaking of which, unlike Diana who called it "bone bone", Sandy almost never called it "bone". It has always been a "treasure handed down from the family" and "bone jade". Yu, I still remember hearing Diana called 'Bone' back then, and suspected that 'Bone' was Yu's name or another name.

After going through the selection of "Pai Pai Zhan", Lawrence, who didn't want to be the head of the house, became the head of the house and put on the bone jade. From watching Chi Feichi drifting into the bone jade in horror, he became annoyed that "I shouldn't have talked to you back then." ', and then to Chi Feichi who frankly faced Gu Yuli, and plotted plans to escape from the family time and time again.

That is, when Lawrence was carrying out the escape plan, Chi Feichi discovered that he could simply talk to Sandy when she was asleep, but whether Sandy could remember it after waking up was another matter.

For the news of the heir, Sandy naturally cared about it, and kept in mind that he didn't care, so the little fat man was caught once every time he ran, and every time he ran, he was caught once every time he ran. Handsome facial features.

Lawrence ran away for three years, and Chi Feichi confessed to him for three years. Until Sandy died, Chi Feichi sent Diana's old songs away and sent Sandy away. Probably because of the solemn and solemn atmosphere, Lawrence suddenly I grew up quite a bit.

But nature will not change, and Lawrence's dream will not succumb to external pressure.

Chi Feichi watched Lawrence, who officially became the head of the family, prepare for 'becoming a general'. He studied, trained, traveled around, and even tried poison with his brain breaking through the sky. At the age of 20, he handed over the family affairs to his trusted brother , He went out with a burden on his back, and became a ghost animal poisoner who was active in the war.

It is worthy of being the person he chose, and it is not in vain that he was optimistic at the beginning. He can lead him to see a bigger world and see more strange people.

He even followed Lawrence and met the witch of the Red Magic family.

It was a big family comparable to the Montgomery family, with strict internal rules of "direct descendant and collateral line". The witch heir Lawrence saw had the same red hair and eyes as Koizumi Hongko. During the "friendly discussion", Lawrence Relying on his own ability, he can also fight a witch heir who is really capable of magic.

Of course, I didn't forget to use him as a 'reminder whistle' during the period.

This is a person who is restless, troublesome, and loves to use his bones. Chi Feichi accompanied Lawrence through war-torn places, killed people and set fires together, and caught him in the rapidly passing time fragments. Several times, reminded Lawrence of the night attack and helped protect Lawrence twice in the fire.

Lawrence returned to the family at the age of twenty-seven. After marrying a wife and having children, he was restless, and he was still interested in being his ghost animal poisoner.

The change brought about by growing up is probably that Lawrence became like Sandy, and began to collect all kinds of novelty things for him. He would also use the best silk and cloth bestowed by the monarch to rub bone jade, and occasionally return to the herbal garden when he was at home. Here, pointing to the elder tree, pointing to the bone and asking 'do you want to go to enjoy the shade', even if Chi Feichi didn't get a response, he would never tire of it.

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