Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1721 A long, long time ago

The Montgomery family in this period was brilliant, the main line was capable of medical treatment and fighting, and its branches blossomed everywhere. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is "powerful".

Lawrence, who is over 100 years old, is also proud and willful. Because he likes the great-great-granddaughter Becky Little Lolita who is not afraid of him among the younger generations and likes to pester him to tell stories, he also sells Guyu crazily from time to time.

"Guyu, look, Becky is so outstanding..."

"Guyu, look, Becky is so cute..."

"Guyu, look..."

If he could hit someone, Chi Feichi really wanted to beat the already gray-haired Lawrence.

However, Becky accompanied Lawrence the most, and naturally accompanied him the most. Like Lawrence, he watched a milk doll grow into a lively and delicate little loli, and watched the little loli's eyes light up and amazed as she listened to Lawrence's past. From the point of view of character, Becky has Lawrence's bravery and tenacity in her bones, she is calmer than Lawrence, and she is much cuter than the old man Lawrence.

So, he chose Becky.

The only thing that surprised him was that before Lawrence died, he saw Lawrence's soul leaving his body, sitting on his unconscious body, watching him speak while floating in a higher place.

"Hi, I'm Lawrence..."

"I know."

Chi Feichi expressed his dislike, and made Gu Yu make a sound,

I thought it would be impossible for Lawrence to hear it as before, but this time, Lawrence responded. .

"Oh, my holy object, my partner, my bone jade..."

"My name is Chi Feichi."

"Oh! Then I'll have to tell the kids..."

Lawrence's pale soul tried to return to the body, but unfortunately it was in vain. During the struggle, it became transparent little by little, and finally disappeared.

Chi Feichi made his bones sound and sent Lawrence away with the same melody. His mentality has calmed down a lot. The only regret is that he never had the chance to beat Lawrence up.

Before and after Becky took over the family, Europe ushered in greater turmoil and innovation, and the Montgomery family was inevitably involved in it.

The foundation left by her predecessors is strong enough. Little Lolita Becky grew up amidst the turmoil and became more tenacious and stable. Will be smashed to pieces by the waves.

In the midst of the turmoil, the religious cleansing that once swept across Europe has returned, and it has become a tool in the hands of some ambitious people.

The flow of time is getting faster and faster, like an urgent drumbeat.

At a certain point, Chi Feichi heard the discussion about the demise of the Red Magic family outside. After leaving the bone jade, he saw Becky looking worriedly at the oldest child who was only five years old. Gu Yu was running around outside, and after that, he watched Becky hand over Gu Yu to her eldest daughter, Phoebe, who was only twelve years old...

One night, Phoebe and the young children were scattered and taken away, and the king's witch-seeking general rushed into the territory of the Montgomery family with heavily armed soldiers and people from the church.

Another night, wooden frames were set up in the square, and straw and dry firewood were piled up underneath. The flames were like ferocious beasts in the cemetery, devouring the figures on the wooden frames.

Chi Feichi was in a corner far away from the crowd, and in the alley beside him was Phoebe, who was in a mess, clutching her bones tightly and huddled in the haystack by the wall, and two choked-up sobs who dared not speak out. , Younger children.

The fire was far away from his range of activities. Becky, whose arms were bound by iron chains, raised her head in the fire, her pretty face was deformed a little by the flames, and her gaze was still fixed on the sky.

Black smoke billowed above the fire, and the air probably smelled of burnt flesh.

In front of the fire, General Xunwu yelled majesticly and loudly. Some people could not bear to turn their heads, while others echoed loudly.

'Burn the witch! '

'Burn to death these people who are bewitched by the devil! '

In a daze, he seemed to see the little girl who was holding the elderly Lawrence back then, smiling and shaking Lawrence's arm acting like a baby.

'Tell Becky the story of Gu Yu again...'

'A long time ago, there was a mighty general named Lawrence Montgomery, he was the descendant of the witch Diana, that year he took a piece of bone jade passed down from his ancestors from his great-great-grandmother...

The fire set by the enemy enveloped the barracks, and Lawrence was trapped inside with his personal guards, but the fire couldn't reach him anyway. In this way, he led his men in ambush in the fire, and when the enemy entered the ruins unsuspecting, He led people to kill and won an incredible victory. The king said that the wizard of Montgomery's family is the patron saint of the country...'

'Wow! '

‘Does Becky want this precious bone jade? '

‘I want to, last time I decocted the medicine, I accidentally burned my fingers by the fire in the stove, and it still hurts thinking about it now, it would be great if the fire didn’t burn me, and Becky also wants to be the patron saint...’

"Then next time Becky comes, remember to bring something new for Gu Yu and me, and tell me something new..."


This year, the one who betrayed his promise and pushed Becky into the fire was the king for whom Lawrence had fought all his life!



In the attic, the morning light shines through the slanted skylight on the clock that ticks and moves.

Conan sat on the bed and yawned. The quilt had been pushed aside. After yawning, he saw that Chi Feichi, who was lying next to him, had opened his eyes and was staring straight at the ceiling. Feichi's expression remained calm, but he suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and asked aloud, "Brother Chi, did I wake you up?"

"No..." Chi Feichi glanced sideways at Conan, closed his eyes, and let his mentality return from the dream, "Go wash up, and then go to the second floor to have breakfast."

Even though the speed of time in the dream is sometimes astonishingly fast, after three or four hundred years, when he sees Conan again, he will inevitably have the trance of "Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou".

Conan looked at the quilt that had obviously been made up. Thinking of last night's hot and cold, he felt Chi Feichi get up several times in a daze, and couldn't help but said, "You didn't seem to sleep well last night. If you feel tired , you can continue to sleep, I can go to Poirot to have breakfast by myself."


Chi Feichi opened his eyes, pulled back the quilt and got up with his usual expression, "The beans were soaked in water last night, and if they continue soaking, they won't be usable."

"Then I'll brush my teeth and wash my face first!"

Conan went to wash up obediently, ate breakfast obediently, and carried his schoolbag to school obediently.

"I am leaving!"


After the porch door was closed, Chi Feichi went back to the living room on the second floor, sent an email to Dashanmi, and asked Dashanmi's contact person to come over to build the bathroom, and linked to the ark with his left eye.

The energy has only recovered 80%, and I have to go to the Maori Detective Agency in a while. It will be very troublesome to run out of energy, so Chi Feichi only used his left eye to open his computer to check some information.

Ask Ark to search for 'Mongolia Family', and a lot of information comes out, including information from all countries, but after continuing to lock on the specific name of 'Diana-Mongomarie', the external network is gone except for two online accounts. other information.

Instead, he found the name in the family heirloom library provided by Hongzi Koizumi, and found out the information of the Montgomery family along the way.

Chi Feichi looked through the relevant information and called Koizumi Hongzi.


The phone was connected, and there was a noisy classroom over there.

"Wait a minute..." Koizumi Hongzi said, the phone was silent for a while, and when Koizumi Hongzi's voice rang again, the noisy voice was much lighter, "I just arrived at school, and I have ten minutes to go to class, why? Suddenly calling me?"

"I dreamed of Diana Montgomery," Chi Feichi said straight to the point, "or, I dreamed of the Montgomery family."

"Huh?" Koizumi Hongzi was a little surprised, "That legendary witch? Wait... I remember the records in the classics, the Montgomery family respects nature, is good at using herbs, and has a long life span. Could it be yours? "

Chi Feichi ignored the unreliable words like "your people" and looked at the records displayed on the computer page, "It is."

Diana, recorded in the classics, did good deeds and saved many people.

Because many people were ignorant and ignorant at that time, Diana was able to cure some incurable diseases that people thought at the time, so she was regarded as a witch.

A shrine maiden as dazzling as a legendary goddess.

The only record that mentions 'nature' is said to be a famous saying by Diana - 'the gift of nature can heal the pain of the body and mind, and bring hope to people'.

There are too many similar famous sayings, and many people have said similar words in the classics, so he didn't pay attention to this name when he looked through the materials before.

Diana did say this sentence. After studying various aspects, Diana, the ghost and animal doctor, was invited to an exchange meeting and said such a sentence in a serious manner. She did not expect it to be recorded.

In the classics related to the Montgomery family, there are also records of Sandy, Lawrence, Becky, and Phoebe, but only a few biographies.

Sandy inherits the will of her ancestors and is a gentle witch.

Lawrence is a bastard, because Lawrence bullied the witch of the Red Magic family and cheated on their magic plants.

He expressed his disapproval of this, because the witch from the Red Magic family was too stupid.

However, the classics did not smear Lawrence's reputation as a good fighter. Looking at the old notes, 'bastard' is just the words written by the witch when she was complaining.

Among all the records of the Montgomery family, the number gradually increased after Lawrence, and Lawrence was the most, which is enough to show that the children he selected had a strong ability to establish diplomatic relations.

Lawrence, like the previous two witches of the Montgomery family, had a very long lifespan. He not only survived his own son, but also the witch and the witch's children and grandchildren. During this period, there were some transactions between the two parties. There were trades in plants, magic materials, and one or two exchange meetings across regions, which also matched what he saw in his dream.

"You said you dreamed about the Montgomery family?" Koizumi Hongzi asked, "Does it also include Becky Montgomery? According to the classics, she also secretly helped the Red Magic family escape from capture. Looking at the ancestors' notes, it is a A very kind witch, but she seemed to be burned to death afterwards..."

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