Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1724 The historical legend is very subtle

"Huh?" Koizumi Hongzi noticed the branch, and floated forward to look at it, her eyes gleaming, "A high-level magic material with the concealment attribute! Powder can be used to make a concealment cloak, which was impossible to find in our era Where are the treasures!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

He couldn't take things away, so Hongzi didn't have to be so excited.

Moreover, this thing may fall into the hands of the Holy See in the future...

At the corner, Phoebe and the boy watched for a while, picked up the wooden branches on the ground, and left quietly in the night.

On the way, Chi Feichi floated back into the bone jade.

Not long after, Koizumi Hongzi also followed in, "Is this thing some kind of treasure? I tried it just now, and it seems that I can't leave the vicinity. Maybe it's some kind of treasure that can absorb consciousness..."

Chi Feichi didn't make a sound, trying to control the airflow through the hole in the bone jade, or block the hole.

When he was alone before, he seldom made a sound. For the Montgomery family, the bone groaning caused by his voice was sometimes a warning, sometimes it was approval, or an expression of dissatisfaction with a certain sentence.

Now he needs to chat with Koizumi Hongzi, and when Phoebe is fleeing and avoiding, he can't let the bone jade ring at every turn, so as not to affect Phoebe's judgment.

Since he can control Gu Yu to make different sounds, and even form a melody, and it has nothing to do with the volume, tone, and words of his speech, he should be able to go further to stop Gu Yu from making sounds...

"What are you doing?"

Koizumi Hongzi asked curiously, seeing that Chi Fei didn't answer for a long time, she held her temper and watched the street outside from the hole.

After Chi Feichi recalled the feeling of controlling the bone jade's voice before, he tried to make it difficult for air to penetrate through all the big and small holes of the bone jade, "I'm trying not to let the bone jade ring because I speak."

This time, Gu Yu still rang, but the voice was much quieter, which caused Phoebe to be puzzled again, and asked Gu Yu why the voice was much weaker, whether it was sad or uncomfortable.

Koizumi Hongzi saw Phoebe's reaction, and immediately understood why Chi Feichi stopped Gu Yu from speaking, "She really cares about Gu Yu's voice, you should be busy, I won't bother you."

Chi Feichi re-experienced the internal structure of bone jade little by little, and tried it for a day and a night.

But time flows fast, for him and Hongzi Koizumi, it only takes half an hour.

Phoebe and her younger siblings who ran out together hid in the hut, exchanged a few words, woke up after a nap, and then split up. At noon, Phoebe brought back a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and the other two brought back a girl of seventeen or eighteen. One or two people of various ages came back.

Koizumi Hongzi didn't quite understand some words and sentences, but she could understand a little bit. Combined with the situation, she guessed what Phoebe was doing, and also understood the meaning of some pronunciations. By the way, she notified Chi Feichi, "Son of nature, Phoebe Bi said that the Holy See seems to be looking for the bone jade. The Holy See suspects that the bone jade is hidden in the elder tree in Montgomery's house, and they want to arrest the escaped people from Montgomery's house and go back to question them. It seems that someone has been caught. Fei Bi contacted the person who ran out, and wanted to go back and save him... By the way, the Holy See will be destroyed if they don’t get it, what will happen to us if they burn that elder tree?”

"The bone jade is here with Phoebe," Chi Feichi said, "The elder tree was transplanted by Sandy back then. It's just an ordinary tree. It has nothing to do with the bone jade. Maybe it was because I was enjoying the shade on the tree back then. When Lawrence saw me, he always thought that I liked that tree, and always took me to rest under that tree, and passed it on, and it turned out that the bone jade came from that elder tree."

Sometimes historical legends are subtle.

Just like Diana, the ghost and animal doctor, can become a glorious goddess, it is passed around, and the final result will deviate greatly from the truth.

"That's good..." Koizumi Hongzi found that the bone jade was silent, and asked pleasantly, "You succeeded?"

"Well, I can barely control it." Chi Feichi said.

"That's good," Koizumi Hongzi breathed a sigh of relief, "I held back for a long time just now, I have too many questions to ask, I almost couldn't hold back, fortunately time seems to flow much faster, but if you can't talk anymore , I will suffocate to death."

"The flow of time I feel has always been abnormal, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but when the master of the bone jade encounters a major event, the flow of time will slow down a bit." Chi Feichi explained.

Koizumi Hongko thought for a while, and then corrected, "Elderwood is not common. It is regarded as the habitat of the soul. Many witches use elderberry to make staffs. Some elderberries that have grown for hundreds of years are rare treasures."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Understandably, many of the 'ordinary things' here are precious in a resource-poor future.


The two watched Phoebe's actions.

It's a pity that the rescue plan failed, another clan member died, Phoebe and a group of children almost fell into the trap, and their whereabouts were exposed.

After the missionary discovered that there were more than a dozen people left in Montgomery's house, he contacted other helpers and planned to dig the elderberry directly and bring it back, and carry out further cleaning.

Phoebe sensed that there was something wrong with the limelight in advance, so she gave up gathering, dispersed people, and even let some people who lack talent leave the territory directly.

During this period, Christianity had swept across Europe, with political support, and missionaries vigorously eradicated dissidents. For example, the Nordic myths and legends with Odin as a god were regarded as heresies, and countless classics recording legends were destroyed. Even Those who sang will be judged as heretics.

The Montgomery family has nothing to do with Norse mythology, but the Montgomery family who believed in the "gift of nature" and did not believe in the so-called true god became heresy, batch after batch of treasures were transported away by missionaries, and elderberries in the herbal garden It was also uprooted, and what was left was reduced to ashes in the fire together with the residence.

Chi Feichi followed Phoebe, and Koizumi Hongzi looked at the burning yard from a distance, looked at the boxes of treasures being pulled away by the carriage from a distance, and guessed in his heart how many of the Montgomery family had been there for him for generations. The collected novelties were taken away, and how many were burned in the fire.

That's a staggering amount.

In the entire witch hunt from the 15th century to the 18th century, at least seven or eight families comparable to the Montgomery family were destroyed, and there were very few things that the fleeing clansmen could take away. This shows the strength of the Holy See. How deep is the foundation.

After the search of the house and castle was over, someone broke into the cemetery of the Montgomery family and opened the coffin in the name of 'purifying the place polluted by demons' to carry out a last wave of more thorough search.

All this was seen by Phoebe from a distance, and Koizumi Hongzi could also witness this scene, gnashing her teeth with anger and exhaling fragrance.

Chi Feichi thought that the Red Magic family might also be treated in the same way, and the Red Magic family had a fortune earlier than the Montgomery family, which meant that Koizumi Hongzi's ancestral grave had been dug up more than this, and Koizumi Hongzi's mouth Fragrant behavior also shows understanding.

While the carriages continued to carry away batches of goods, missionaries and witch-seeking generals did not stop hunting down the orphans of the Montgomery family.

Phoebe put on a black robe to cover her face, and moved in the dark night like a ghost whose eyes seemed to be burning with hatred, and had to find ways to keep herself and the rest of her family in the hunt. tribe.

In this territory, the Montgomery family has practiced medicine for generations and has been kind to others. Many people are willing to help the troubled members of the Montgomery family hide, but the missionaries clean up wildly and arrogantly. Happy to cut grass and roots, under this kind of pursuit by many people, the members of Montgomery's family were caught one by one.

For those who help Montgomery, the church declares that they have been bewitched by the witch and need to be taught and purified.

Those who are willing to admit in public that they have been bewitched will join the sentencing at the stake; those who are unwilling to admit it are hopeless and thoroughly polluted vassals of the witch, and must be judged by burning at the stake together with the witch's lineage.

The witch-seeking generals have become the real witch-seeking generals. Under the sword of justice, the descendants of the deceptive witches will be captured, and the people who are hopelessly bewitched will also be completely purified by the flames. It is all heresies that are watched with resolute and firm eyes.

Those who obey will live, and those who disobey will perish.

Sadly, some people saw the irreversible situation and silently chose to obey, refusing to lend a helping hand to the Montgomery family, and some chose to betray.

And the stories of witches doing evil spread one by one. When everyone said 'witches are evil', when everything can be explained logically by stories such as 'bewitched' and 'in fact', in this kind of Under such circumstances, more and more people have shaken their previous beliefs, and began to recognize the statement that 'the witch of Montgomery is evil', and gradually became convinced.

More and more people were chasing the witch's lineage. Koizumi Hongzi and Chi Feichi's range of activities was limited to the inside and outside of Phoebe's house, which was enough to give Phoebe an early warning.

Phoebe has been on the run for two years, watching her clansmen being arrested one by one, secretly contacting some clansmen and victims of other families, either helping each other, or accidentally being caught in the net, she has become the most tenacious one alive.

It's just that Phoebe's younger brother also died. This year, the eleven-year-old boy was caught, dressed in a black robe, and was regarded as a symbol of evil. Together with the people who helped him hide, he was bound and sent to the stake. Before lighting it up, he kept uttering the most vicious curses to the righteous missionary.

Compared with the pity-faced missionary, the ferocious faces undoubtedly confirmed that wizards and witches are all evil beings bewitched by demons. When the flames ignited, they also got a drop of tears and sighs of relief from the crocodile.

Phoebe hid in the crowd, clenched her fists and then quickly let them go. She ran into the wild to find her sister Per who was hiding, and took her to a farther place.

Koizumi Hongzi gradually fell silent from the mouth of her mouth, because she had said everything that could be scolded and cursed, and she really had no words to use, and she also understood that it would be useless if she continued to scold.

After helping Pell live in a small town incognito, Phoebe bid farewell, the repressed hatred in her eyes broke out completely, and her delicate face under the black robe was distorted by resentment.

"Pell, I still remember what my mother taught me, whether it is the ability to cure diseases and save people, or the poison technique passed down from my ancestors... Vader is the embodiment of the power of nature. He can bring life as the god of the forest, but he is also The god of vengeance who pierces the enemy's heart with a sharp sword, then, I who believe in the gift of nature can do it too!"

"Can she really become that vicious undead witch?" Koizumi Hongzi floated beside Phoebe, becoming unsure, "Although it is recorded in the classics, it is not detailed. This situation is so depressing. It made me breathless. Becky died when Phoebe was twelve or thirteen years old. Looking at it in the past two years, Phoebe didn't learn much from her family, not even the simplest offensive secrets. meeting……"

"I will." Chi Feichi said firmly.

Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chi Feichi's cloud of mist in surprise, " know?"

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