Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1725 Wonderful times are coming soon

"In the beginning, the Montgomery family focused on curing diseases, but after Lawrence became the head of the family, they got involved in the research of offensive secret arts and poison arts," Chi Feichi said in a calm voice, "Lawrence was the one I watched growing up. Yes, I know how he researched those secret techniques, know the principles of those secret techniques, and I even deduced many things for him. Although it is a pity that in our era, many materials are gone, but here, If Phoebe wants to learn and use it, I can teach it to her in a way we both understand."

"No..." Koizumi Hongzi raised his misty arm, pointed at Chi Feichi, and expressed his shock with actions, "I want to say, have you ever thought that you are the one who caused this?" The culprit of a counterattack? If Phoebe was like this, the revenge council might not exist..."

"The word culprit is not used correctly. It should be said that the Avengers rely on it. In fact, even without me, Phoebe would have made such a choice. We can't persuade her, and we can't stop her from taking risks, let alone To interfere with her behavior," Chi Feichi explained to himself, and pulled Koizumi Hongzi into the water, "and help Phoebe let go, and you have a share, I can let go alone, Phoebe may not be able to live with all her arms and legs Up to now, didn’t you discover the magic circle trap in the church last time? If I’m the culprit, so are you.”

"That's right..." Koizumi Hongzi lowered her arms and was silent for a while, "Then tell me, are we witnessing or writing history?"

"Let me put it another way for you," Chi Feichi said, "Do we exist in this era, or in the future? What are we who exist here, to them? What are we to those who exist in the future?"

Koizumi Hongzi nodded again and again, "Yes, I feel so strange."

"What are we and what is this world like..." Chi Feichi paused before replying, "I choose the head of the Montgomery family based on my mood, and the historical records they left behind are far ahead of me. Everything has been settled before birth, everything we do here, and future development, seems to form a closed loop, it has its own trajectory, and we are all in that circle."

Koizumi Hongzi was silent for a while, watching Phoebe get on her horse, run out of the city, and return to the bone jade space, "I understand a little bit, but there seem to be many things I don't understand. You are the child of nature, and you have conscious existence before you were born." This world is not strange, but what about me? My grandmother’s grandmother hasn’t been born yet, so what am I here for?”

"When you meet me and come back, you are also part of the circle. Don't worry about it," Chi Feichi added, thinking that he was a time traveler, "To put it another way, without us, Phoebe would encounter other situations. There are forces that make everything behave in a certain way."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

Fate, she understands, but she still has a lot of problems she can't figure out.

"Forget it, don't think about it, be careful to become a snake spirit disease," Chi Feichi said, and reminded, "Also, after you go back, remember to think that you are a witch who goes to school in Jianggutian. The you at that time, cut off from the you at that time, adjust your mentality, and be the same you again after you go back, otherwise you will also go crazy."

As a time traveler who tried to change the case and experienced backlash, he is quite familiar with this 'rule' that operates in the dark.

He is very clear that some things cannot be traced back to the origin, but can only focus on the present, otherwise he will be able to drive himself crazy with questions such as "why can he travel through", "why can he travel through", and "should it exist?"

"I'll try my best..." Koizumi Hongzi thought for a while and said firmly, "It should be fine."

"But don't forget it completely," Chi Feichi said, "When your ancestors arrive, they may demonstrate some mysteries that were lost at that time, as well as other witches and wizards in the council. What they know is also very interesting. , this opportunity to learn is rare, after you write it down, go back and see if there is anything you can use.”

"I, I will try my best..." Koizumi Hongzi slowed down, "Let's talk again, do you have any other good suggestions?"

"No more," Chi Feichi said meaningfully, "Look carefully, wonderful times are coming soon."


When Phoebe ran away, she contacted many orphans from other families. When she decided to take revenge, these people were the first people Phoebe looked for.

Having seen loved ones burnt to death and generations of wealth and treasures looted, these orphans are remarkably unanimous in their decision to leave one or two sparks behind while the others go back to fight.

These families have accumulated a lot of contacts from generation to generation. Even if most people have already joined the opposing camp, there are too many people, and many people from outside the family join.

Soon, the Vengeance Council began to take shape, and it also had a stronghold in more than one city.

During this period, people with different knowledge got together, sometimes communicated with each other, sometimes studied alone, and sometimes tried bravely, just like the early days of the Renaissance era, when different ideas collided and burst out many wonderful and incredible things. spark.

At the same time, because the people who joined were young and old and had different ideas, the goal of the council was no longer revenge, but also added a little effort to destroy the relics the church got from their families, and tried their best to destroy the church's ability to hunt down their family's remaining fire.

This goal is difficult to achieve. After the church discovered that these people had gathered, they also started hunting them down. There were some small-scale battles between the two sides, but these people could not retreat. They either succeeded and were able to protect the lineage inheritance, or failed and were taught Use their things to hunt down their remaining clan to extinction.

Koizumi Hongzi finally understood how Chi Feichi imparted knowledge to Phoebe.

Every time she needs to make medicine that she doesn't know, Phoebe will pull the bone jade out from under her collar, stick it to her forehead, and murmur reverently

"The patron saint of the great Montgomery family, please help me!"

The witch Hongzi, who is used to hearing the words of the second class, blushes, but looking at Phoebe's eyes seems to be able to wash away the hope of sadness and hatred, watching Chi Feichi piao carefully identify the herbs by the side, closing his eyes from time to time to calculate , Thinking about the hardships they had to accompany Phoebe all the way, Hongzi Koizumi could only sigh in his heart.

In the oral stories that Phoebe mentioned, an evil child of nature has indeed guarded the Montgomery family for hundreds of years, helped the Montgomery family to create glory, and once saved Montgomery from disaster. For members of Mary's family, there is nothing wrong with saying 'patron saint'.

And after Phoebe prayed, she would pick up uncertain medicinal materials, listen to the different sounds of bone jade, and distinguish whether it was this kind of herbal medicine, and she could try a little bit to get the right one.

Due to the fast flow of time, they couldn't seize every gap in Phoebe Pharmaceuticals. For the rest of the time, Phoebe also needed to go out to contact other members of the council and collect materials and intelligence.

"what about this?"

"This...isn't it?"

In a trial of medicine, Gu Yu didn't make a sound even once.

Koizumi Hongzi cast a questioning look at Chi Feichi, "What's wrong?"

Chi Feichi told Gu Yu to stop speaking before explaining, "There is no suitable one."

"Isn't there any? This is all I have now..." Phoebe sighed after understanding, bowed her head in silence for a while, then suddenly got up and walked out of the pharmaceutical room, and appeared in front of people again, with a soft and hard expression before. Get up, with crazy brilliance in your eyes, "Contact people in other strongholds, it's time for us to make a big move!"

Several strongholds in nearby towns responded one after another, and people in black robes moved around in the dark night, and finally gathered outside the residence of a witch-seeking general one day.

The sudden night attack stained the clean bluestone floor of the courtyard with bright red, and the things that were once plundered from blood and life were plundered back in the same way.

When these people plundered back then, they could transport things away with chariots and horses, but the council hidden in the dark could only transport things away, and another batch of things was swallowed by the fire along with the house.

Use his own way to treat his own body.

The brutal and crazy killings shocked Koizumi Hongko, a person who lived in a peaceful age, but he had seen more than one burning at the stake before, and he was a little numb. When he saw the people of the parliament gathered at the headquarters to count things, he also felt joyful. .

"Son of Nature, look! There are a lot of magic ingredients, and there are a lot of precious medicinal ingredients that Phoebe didn't have before. This time, it should be enough to make a lot of medicine, right?"

"That's enough," Chi Feichi commented, "But Phoebe is a little reckless."

"Huh?" Koizumi Hongzi was puzzled.

"For this operation, it is enough for people from one stronghold to go out. Contacting so many people is a bit wasteful, and it will make the people of the Holy See pay more attention. When they have not developed and stabilized, they will encounter more dangers, Phoebe He is a good leader, but they lack military forces in their ranks," Chi Feichi paused, "but the clarion call for counterattack should be louder, and as long as they survive a difficult period, they will get more rewards."

Koizumi Hongzi thought of her ancestors who had rushed back, and understood what Chi Feichi meant, and said with a smile, "It's just that it's been difficult recently. Let's help out more and make it through."

Chi Feichi gave an 'um' and didn't say much.

Facts have proved that Koizumi Hongzi was a little optimistic. It was not a "relatively difficult" period, but a "very difficult" period.

The church in the past was proud of its victories, and didn't pay much attention to these people who were operating in the dark. After they were surprised to find that the forces gathered in the dark were so powerful and dangerous, they spread the horror of the "Dark Council" witch to the people. At the same time, it is terrifying, and once again unites with the monarch or ambitious person of a country, vowing to smash this dark parliament in one fell swoop.

Parliament received a devastating blow.

He was accompanied by traps, hunting and rebellion almost every day, and was either fighting or preparing to fight. In just one year, the number of members of the council dropped by nearly half.

Phoebe also encountered countless ambushes, fires, and raids.

Chi Feichi helped in the big fire, and Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi helped to explore some dangerous traps. Even if a traitor appeared in the team, Chi Feichi was able to find some clues based on the opponent's reaction. Phoebe honked the horn.

Phoebe and the members of the council are like lone wolves driven mad, and even when they are injured, they will bite the enemy hard.

This is a bloody battle all the time, with both our own people and our enemies. In this year's battle, the title of "Phoebe the Immortal Witch" also spread like wildfire and became a headache for the Holy See. Trouble number one.

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