Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1730 The Last Straw

"And we're here, and we haven't found that kind of person coming," Koizumi Hongzi took over, "Then Sophia should be the same as you, just sick?"

"Do you think I'm sick?" Chi Feichi asked coldly.

What is his situation and why is he treated as a snake spirit disease, Koizumi Hongzi still doesn't know?

"Uh, I'm sorry, I'm so worried about Sophia," Koizumi Hongzi sweated, but she still slandered the Son of Nature with a split personality in her heart, "Elizabeth can bring her back to take care of her, we can help look after her... "

Elizabeth ran between the herbal medicine hall and Sophia's house, and soon became emaciated, trying to bring her daughter and grandson back to the herbal medicine hall to take care of her.

Koizumi Hongzi almost collapsed after seeing Sophia.

Sophia, who had inherited her mother's beauty and had blond hair, turned out to be skinny, wearing tattered clothes, messy hair, and her beautiful face was aged a lot, her straight nose turned into a hook nose, gloomy face, no wonder those people would say that Sophia is as scary as a real witch.

And Sophia still resists being touched by others. Elizabeth tried to help her tidy up, but as soon as she touched Sophia, Sophia suddenly yelled emotionally, knocking the tables and chairs to the side, and frightened the baby who was put on the bed to cry .

Seeing Elizabeth's slumped expression, Chi Feichi made Gu Yu make a sound.


After the bone jade screamed, the baby was still crying, but fortunately Sophia suddenly calmed down, and turned her head to look at the box containing the bone jade.

Elizabeth hurriedly took the box off the shelf, opened it, and put it in Sophia's hands...

Koizumi Hongzi heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Sophia quietly letting Elizabeth wash up, and said with a smile, "You still have a way, you are worthy of being the patron saint of the Montgomery family for hundreds of years, the children are willing to listen to you oh."

Chi Feichi let the bone jade play a melodious melody, "It was said that she started to be abnormal because her husband left, but her condition deteriorated so quickly, I suspect that she was strongly stimulated, maybe her husband left I said something excessive to her before, and it may be because I heard the news of people dying in battle one after another. I was always worried and under too much psychological pressure. After that, her husband passed away again, and she completely collapsed. That's why she was like this. Then, she She will have a mentality of escaping from the present, and when she sees the bone jade and hears the sound of the bone jade, she will think of herself in her childhood and let herself temporarily escape to the space that makes her comfortable."

"I see," Koizumi Hongzi paused, "but I don't think her husband would do that kind of thing. Although I don't like that guy, he loves Sophia very much and is very considerate. He won't make Sophia sad. Sofia must be too worried about him."


Chi Fei replied late, but did not continue.

Sophia was very worried about her husband's death, but when she first brought the child to see Elizabeth, she had no negative emotions. Even if she was worried about the child, she was still full of hope for the future. Moreover, Sophia was very resistant to being touched by others. If you touch it, you will lose your mind as if you were attacked, giving him a bad guess.

During the war era, orphans and widowed mothers lived alone, and the remaining relatives were tolerant mothers who were nearly fifty years old. They were easily bullied, especially Sophia, who inherited her mother's beauty. Her beautiful appearance is amazing. When I was walking on the street, every frown and smile could attract many people's attention.

However, there is no need to tell Koizumi Hongzi about this, otherwise he is worried that Koizumi Hongzi will go crazy first.


Elizabeth helped Sophia clean up. Seeing that her daughter was still sitting obediently holding the box, she looked at Gu Yu with complex and grateful eyes, and then turned to coax the child.

With Gu Yu's assistance, Elizabeth was much more relaxed.

Sophia often sat in a dark corner holding the box in a daze for a whole day. Although she still didn't take care of her child, her mood stabilized a lot. Occasionally, when Chi Feichi thought of a cheerful melody, she listened to Gu Yu's song Noisy, also suddenly laugh.

Elizabeth took care of her grandson while running the herbal medicine shop. After Sophia fell asleep at night, she took the box out of Sophia's hands and put it aside so that it would not fall to the ground.

Occasionally, Sophia would run out suddenly when she was sick, regardless of whether the bone jade sounded or not, but the frequency became less and less.

During a meal, Sophia put down the box for the first time, and found that Elizabeth was staring at her in a daze, and she raised her head and smiled at Elizabeth embarrassedly, which made Elizabeth's eyes turn red instantly.

It's a pity that fate still refuses to let Elizabeth go.

Not long after that, a boy with disabled legs and feet disappeared. The children who were frightened by Sophia's "witch" appearance agreed that Sophia did it, and Sophia, who was like a witch, took the child away.

The adults thought that no one would hurt a seven or eight-year-old child in Jiang Shenyuan, and what was suspicious was the crazy Sophia, who flocked to the herbal medicine shop regardless of Elizabeth's years of healing and saving lives.

At first, the adults were quite restrained, and they just went to the herbal medicine hall to negotiate with Elizabeth, hoping that Elizabeth would allow Sophia to return the child, and Elizabeth also said that the child was not with her, and took someone to Sofia's residence to see.

Valley/span\u003e But the child's parents and relatives were too emotional, even after reading it, they insisted on going to the medicine hall to search. Seeing that many people gathered outside the door of the herbal medicine hall and making noise, Elizabeth also wanted to prove Sophia's innocence. Let a group of people come in and watch.

A group of people who suddenly rushed into the house and searched everywhere made Fei Suoya fall into uneasiness and panic, even the sound of bone jade could not appease, put down the box and screamed loudly in the house, scared the people outside almost to death Dare to search for it.

Elizabeth also ignored other people, stopped her daughter who was about to rush out, coaxed and comforted her patiently, and finally calmed Sofia down.

Of course, it was impossible for people to find the child in the herbal medicine hall, but this did not dispel their suspicions about Sophia.

No matter what Elizabeth said, the child's relatives shouted angrily to ask Sophia to hand over the child. Others looked at Sophia as if they were looking at a demon who didn't know when to attack them.

"Our young detective team will definitely find evidence!"

Amidst the noise, the three boys shouted along with firm expressions.

Chi Feichi keenly caught the words "Youth Detective Team" and looked over, but among the crowd, these three children were far less excited than the relatives of the missing children.

"Elizabeth, you should stop shielding this witch!"

"She must have done it! Give me back the child, woo woo woo..."

Amidst the noise, Sophia was held in Elizabeth's arms, leaning her head against her mother. Under the messy hair just now, her face was calm and dull, and she stared blankly at the crowd.

"Elizabeth, if you can't find the child, please take Sophia and move out of here," an elderly man stood up and said seriously, but thinking of Elizabeth's help to everyone these years, and Sophia's childhood With a shy and cute appearance, she still calmed down, and said softly, "I know, this matter may not have been done by Sophia, but in order for everyone to live in peace, I can only make this decision, I hope you can understand... ..."

Sophia's drooping eyelashes trembled, she looked up at the crowd, and then quickly lowered her head and lowered her eyebrows to look at the ground.

The old man paused, "Just take it as my begging to think about it for everyone and the children, please!"

"No, it was this witch who took my child!" The child's mother still broke down and shouted, "If they don't return my child to me, I won't let them leave like this!"

Once again the crowd was discussing and making noise.

This time, Elizabeth and her daughter were silent together, nodded to the old man, and did not speak.

The crowd dispersed again, and Sophia quietly returned to the house, picked up the box again and sat back in the corner.

Elizabeth sighed, stepped forward and stretched out her hand, hesitated for a moment, and tried to stroke her daughter's hair lightly, "Sophia, it's okay, you stay here obediently, dinner can be served soon."

Sophia did not resist Elizabeth's touch, but nodded, then suddenly put down the box, stood up and whispered, "I, I will help."

When Elizabeth was overjoyed, Chi Feichi reminded Koizumi Hongzi softly, "Hongzi, when Elizabeth is busy in the future, help keep an eye on Sophia."

Koizumi Hongzi heard the seriousness and solemnity in Chi Feichi's tone, and was taken aback for a moment, "Keep an eye on Sophia?"

"When Fei Suoya loses control of her emotions and reacts violently, she can't control herself, but she is sober most of the time. She just wants to escape from the outside world, let herself hide in her spiritual world, reject everything from the outside world, go wandering in the forest or Soaking in sea water is an obvious self-harm tendency," Chi Feichi explained, "When she escapes, she will subconsciously ignore everything around her, but she finds that she will cause her mother to move away from the place where several generations were born and raised. , and now it is a time of war, there is some chaos everywhere, Jiang Shenyuan is considered a very stable place, they move to other places, they are easy to encounter danger, this kind of stimulation may make her suddenly wake up, think of hard work to take care of herself mother, she will have a strong sense of guilt, and in pessimistic moods, this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back."

He remembered that in the Detective Conan series, there seemed to be a special episode of "Egamihara Witch", but he didn't read the special episode completely. He could only guess that the case decades later had something to do with it, but he couldn't predict that Sofia and What will happen to Elizabeth.

"You mean..." Koizumi Hongko asked uncertainly, "Is it possible that Fei Suoya will commit suicide?"

"Very likely." Chi Feichi affirmed.

In the following time, people in Jiangshenyuan were still searching for the missing boy, and some people were looking for evidence that Sophia had taken the child.

No one came to see a doctor in the herbal shop anymore, and the boy's relatives came to visit from time to time. Elizabeth simply closed the business and concentrated on taking care of her grandson and daughter. By the way, she contacted people she knew outside to plan to move out.

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