Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1731 The Burnt Elderberry

Sophia seems to be getting better, the time spent in a daze is getting shorter and shorter, and the times when she loses control of her emotions are getting less and less. Not only did she start to help her mother do some simple things, but once she walked up to her infant son and reached out to pat him. Taking pictures of children, and more often, Sophia did not hold the box to look at the bone jade, but stuck to her mother like a child.

Even if Elizabeth sometimes went out to buy things, even if Sophia faced cold eyes from others, she would still follow Elizabeth. After being accused on the road, she did not lose control of her emotions when she came back.

Elizabeth was relieved, and didn't care whether to move out. After contacting a good person, she made an appointment to board the ship and cleaned up at home. Although she was worried that her daughter would be stimulated and seldom took her out, she also hoped that her daughter could go out and go out. always bring it.

Every time the mother and daughter went out, two clouds of fog floated over the herbal medicine hall day by day, watching the two disappear from sight from a distance, and when the mother and daughter came back, they continued to stare at one side.

Once, twice, three times...

Watching the mother and daughter go out again, Koizumi Hongzi became optimistic, "Son of Nature, do you think Sophia will really recover?"

"It's hard to say." Chi Feichi said.

"If you think about it, she feels guilty towards her mother, and she can make up for it by being strong and taking good care of her mother," Koizumi Hongzi said. "If she dies, wouldn't her mother be even more sad? Just think about it. , she will really be strong."

"Don't take it lightly..." Chi Feichi reminded.

I'm afraid that Sophia can't figure it out, or think too much.

Hongzi Koizumi overlooked one point. Now is the time of war. What if Sophia chooses the latter after comparing "moving away may cause the death of her mother" and "herself dies and her mother stays alive"?

"Understood, we can't do anything else," Koizumi Hongzi said confidently, "but if Sophia messes around at home, we can use bone jade to remind Elizabeth to stop her. At the last moment, don't take it lightly."

The two did not take it lightly, but Elizabeth was blinded by the illusion.

This time when Elizabeth came back from the house, there was no Sophia around her. After hearing the sound of the bone jade, she also vaguely guessed the doubt of the bone jade, and replied with a smile that Sophia went back to pack her things, and she would go there tomorrow to help bring the things.

Koizumi Hongzi's mist floated up to the sky as far as possible, staring at the direction of Sophia's residence to release the wind.

It was a very dark night and the wind blew very fast. A little fire suddenly lit up behind the wall of Sophia's house. After being blown by the wind, the fire immediately spread to the top of the wall.

Koizumi Hongzi was taken aback, turned to look at the fog beside her with an ugly expression, "Child of Nature!"

Chi Feichi had already seen the flames over there and made Gu Yu keep screaming, waking up the sleeping child.

Although he is not sure if Sophia wants to die, it is too late...

On the wall over there, the flames became more and more intense, and the elder treetops sticking out of the wall were licked by the flames, and slowly became scorched black.

In the room, the baby burst into tears.

Elizabeth was disturbed by the sound of bone jade and the cry of the child. After walking out of the house, she vaguely saw the sky in that direction reddened by flames. .

It's too late.

At this time, there were not so perfect fire-fighting facilities, and in times of war, even the police station was not manned enough, let alone firefighters.

The fire was not extinguished until the next morning, and in the afternoon, the people of Egamibara sent Elizabeth back with a blank expression as if she had lost her soul.

The baby who cried all night slept quietly in the room. Although people did not find the baby's body in the ruins, considering that the child was still young and the charred body was difficult to find among the ruins, they thought Sophia committed suicide with the baby. He comforted Elizabeth for a while.

Elizabeth didn't seem to hear a word, and sat blankly until everyone left, and then sat blankly until it was dark, until she heard the cry of the child, she seemed to wake up in an instant, and went back to the house to take care of the child.

Day by day, the person Elizabeth contacted arrived, but Elizabeth only entrusted the child to the other party, asked the other party to take it back to the Montgomery family, and paid the child support. After everyone left, Elizabeth shed for the first time. tears.

People over half a century old sat in the room and cried loudly until they fell asleep unconsciously.

After this time, Elizabeth seemed to have completely become a walking dead. When someone came to the medical center to seek medical treatment, Elizabeth would also receive him. They should eat and sleep, but shed tears all night, and ignored the sound of bone jade, making Koizumi Hongzi feel uncomfortable. I was worried that Elizabeth would suddenly be overwhelmed.

A year later, the war was over.

Many people who returned home dragged their crippled bodies and continued to live. Elizabeth cheered up tenaciously, continued to run the herbal medicine shop, and continued to help people in Jiangshenyuan to treat diseases. Occasionally, she would give some herbal medicines to the children for free. The sorrowful clouds dissipated little by little, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes became more kind and tolerant.

Koizumi Hongzi all admired Elizabeth's tenacity, and repeatedly lamented that she was the one Chi Feichi commented was "like Becky".

One day, Elizabeth was invited out for a trip. When she came back in the evening, with a smile on her face, she went to the wooden house to pack up herbal medicine books and put them into boxes, which filled three big boxes.

"Is Elizabeth going to leave here?" Koizumi Hongko asked doubtfully.


Chi Feichi looked at the people waiting in the herbal garden. It was Jiang Shenyuan's handsome figure and two strong men.

Before his grandfather came, Elizabeth would definitely not leave Jiangshenyuan at this time.

Outside the wooden house, two strong men looked at the herb garden, and after waiting for a while, they were a little bored and began to talk in a low voice.

"Is Elizabeth really going to give all herbal medicine books to that lady?"

"Hello, it should be Your Excellency the Baron."

"Ah, yes, but I always want to call her Madam. I heard it's because she also had a child who died in the fire just like Sophia..."

"Isn't it because the other party is willing to donate to Jiang Shenyuan to build a new pier?"

"It's because I don't want to see this kind of tragedy anymore." Elizabeth walked to the door, turned her head to look into the room, and said with emotion, "It's already packed, and everything is inside, although I don't know if they can use it." , but even if it’s just a little help, it’s like they don’t know if they can use it, but they are still willing to give in return.”

Chi Feichi heard the sound of a car in front of the door and drifted towards the door.

Could it be that his grandmother is also here?

In the evening, there was no fog in Jiangshenyuan, and two cars, which will be called "classic cars" in the future, stopped at the intersection.

A boy got out of the car, said something to the people in the car, turned around and walked in the direction of the herbal medicine shop, the purple pupils in his eyes were dull and lifeless, as if covered by a layer of fog.

Koizumi Hongzi followed to the door and looked at the boy, then turned around in surprise and asked Chi Feichi, "Is this person related to you by blood? Your eyes are exactly the same, and I heard from Mr. Shinnosuke that your mother is very worried about your blindness." ..."

At the intersection, a muscular man in a suit with a European face got out of the car, but was left behind by the boy, who only followed from a distance, saying something to the front.

Chi Feichi didn't pay much attention to the man, but just stared at the boy who was walking slowly step by step without relying on the guide stick, "My third uncle, Mitchell."

His maternal grandfather was of Asian descent, and his face would have Asian features, so that man should be a bodyguard or housekeeper, so don't pay attention to it for now.

As the two of them got closer, Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi could clearly hear their conversation with a strong British accent.

A certain young lady was facing forward, walked slowly forward with a stinky face, and said in a cold tone, "Didn't I say that? I can smell such a strong herbal smell, and I know the direction, so I won't be so stupid Hit the wall without you following me."

The muscular man at the back obviously stiffened for a moment, I don't know if it was embarrassment or other emotions, his eyes wandered, "You misunderstood, I want to help carry the box..."

Chi Feichi "..."

What did Chi Kane tell him before?

His third uncle, Mitchell, is gentle, cheerful, and loves to laugh, and his smile is very sunny... These descriptions have nothing to do with the Zhengtai in front of him!

People do change.

"No wonder..." Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi next to him, and commented, "It's very similar to you."

The little Zhengtai who walked to the door stopped, turned back to the strong man and said impatiently, "Then go in front of me!"

Chi Feichi commented, "I think there is still a little difference."

He's not that grumpy, is he?

But it’s no wonder, according to this, the third uncle of his family is a person with strong self-esteem. He doesn’t like others to take care of him as a blind person, and he doesn’t like the habit of blind people who “turn their ears to the speaker first” when talking to men. When he was walking, he was facing the man face to face. Even when he was walking, except for his slow speed, he did not show any characteristics that a blind person should have.

At present, Mitchell has been blind for about one or two years. The sudden inability to see the facts of the world, the embarrassment caused by the inconvenience of life, and the sympathetic gazes he feels are enough to stab a child's heart, so he becomes sensitive and emotionally unstable. Not surprising either.

"I don't think there's any difference," Koizumi Hongzi looked at the strong man and stepped forward, then paused, "It's not easy to be fooled either."

The muscular man walked up and down, at the corner of the entrance, and sneaked some uneasy eyes at the little Zhengtai as he walked.

Mitchell took two steps forward, then stopped suddenly, with his head tilted slightly, as if petrified, and even his breathing slowed down.

"What happened to him?" Koizumi Hongzi asked curiously.

Chi Feichi looked at Mitchell's right ear looming toward them, "He's listening to what's happening here."

"Listen?" Koizumi Hongzi asked in a low voice, "He won't feel our existence, will he?"

"Very likely," Chi Feichi did not deliberately lower his voice, "When a person's eyes are blind and lose the largest entrance to receive external information, the brain will focus more on other entrances. As long as you consciously go to Training, to feel, people's hearing, smell, taste, and even senses may become more acute than those who are not blind, and he probably feels our sight." -

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