Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1732 How to deal with ghosts? [Add more updates for the cute master CARNEGIE]

Below, the muscular man noticed that Mitchell had stopped, and he also observed it suspiciously.

"You don't have to wait for me," Mitchell's tone eased a lot, and he walked to the door in two steps and stopped, "I want to stand here for a while."

The strong man hesitated for a moment, then walked into the herbal medicine hall and talked to Elizabeth in front of the wooden house.

Chi Feichi floated to Mitchell's side, looked at Mitchell's bulging coat pocket, and guessed what was inside.

Mitchell breathed lightly, turned his head slightly, and his ears were also facing Chi Feichi's direction.

Chi Feichi suddenly became interested, drifted a little to the side, and stopped.

Mitchell turned his head slightly again, listening.

Chi Feichi floated, Mitchell listened, Chi Feichi continued to float, Mitchell listened from the other side, Chi Feichi continued to float...

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

This guy, Son of Nature, even plays with his own uncle!

As the sky darkened, the strong man helped carry the box, talked with the two big men Jiang Shenyuan and walked towards the door.

Elizabeth followed a group of people, saw the little queen mother standing quietly at the door, thought of the grandson she had sent away, and seemed to see her daughter's shy and quiet appearance when she was a child, squatting down softly, "I remember you called Mitchell, right? Why are you standing here alone?"

"Yes, dear Ms. Elizabeth," Mitchell stopped following the ghost and turned to face Elizabeth. He took out a black diamond from his coat pocket and handed it forward, "My mother said that you don't want to ask for a reward. Gotta talk to the others about building the pier, so let me send this to you as a thank you for helping Field."

The street lamp on the road was on, and the light was meaningless to Mitchell, but it hit the big gem that was difficult for children to hold, and all the light was absorbed by the impurities inside the black diamond, making the diamond look darker and darker. It's like Mitchell's eyes facing Elizabeth, but they can't be illuminated by the light.

Midnight jackdaws.

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand, touched the surface of the diamond with his fingers, and passed through the inside of the diamond without any resistance.

"It's such a beautiful gem." Elizabeth looked at the diamond, smiled and stretched out her hands to gather Mitchell's hands, "Your parents have decided to build a new pier for Jiang Shenyuan, and I understand your intentions, so I can't do it anymore If you want such a precious gem, and such a precious thing, it is not safe for mother-in-law to keep it at home, tell your mother so, she will understand..."

"I see..." Mitchell was silent for a while, and then asked again, "I heard that your ancestor was once regarded as a witch, so do you know how to deal with ghosts?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Why did his third uncle ask such a question?

It shouldn't be what he should be.

Elizabeth didn't mind the title 'witch', but instead felt curious, "Ghost?"

Mitchell explained seriously, "It's the kind of thing that others can't see, don't breathe, and can't seem to make a sound, but they can feel their existence."

"Ah, I know that, but..." Elizabeth laughed, "Why does Mitchell deal with ghosts? Is it because he is afraid of ghosts?"

"No," Mitchell said decisively, "it's because the ghost has been staring at me, it's annoying."

Chi Feichi: "..."


Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

This brat...

Elizabeth looked back at the herbal medicine shop in her home, looked away in a daze, guessed whether the little Zhengtai in front of her was overly sensitive, or heard too many whimsical ghost stories, worried that the little Zhengtai would become nervous, and comforted her with a smile, "Actually It’s because Mitchell is so cute. Whether it’s a human or a ghost, I really want to see you twice and make friends with you. Ghosts won’t hurt you. It’s just that they can’t express their feelings, so they will always be there. looking at you."

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help sighing in a low voice, "Elizabeth still understands me."

"Is that so... My mother invited you to the dinner party, the car is waiting outside at the intersection," Mitchell put the diamond back into his coat pocket, and turned to walk towards the intersection, "As for dealing with ghosts, I've never I found a ghost, only my mother-in-law has it, it should be a very rare thing, it would be a pity to die."

Elizabeth originally wanted to reach out to hold Mitchell, but seeing that Mitchell was walking forward slowly on his own, she could only smile helplessly and followed, "Is there a ghost here, mother-in-law?"

"This kid is really sharp," Koizumi Hongzi murmured in a low voice, startled, and then said speechlessly, "Hey, what's the matter with saying 'dead'?"

"The ghost was also next to us just now, looking at me all the time," Mitchell looked back, "but it seems that there is no way to leave there, so I can only keep watching, so pitiful..."

He said 'poor', but Mitchell didn't have the slightest sympathy and intolerance that a child would have on his face. Instead, he was extremely relaxed, like a mockery.

Koizumi Hongzi was so angry that she wanted to catch up, but just like before, when she floated in front of the herbal medicine hall, she bumped into an invisible wall of air, and could only watch their backs go away.

"Only the mother-in-law has a ghost here? Maybe it's the patron saint of the mother-in-law's house..."


"Yes, the patron saint of the Witch House..."

The two, one old and one young, chatted and got into the car at the intersection of the street.

Chi Feichi tried to take a step, and found that although there was resistance in taking this step, he still successfully broke through the air wall that restricted the range of movement.

Koizumi Hongzi followed suit, but hit the air wall and was bounced back, "Son of Nature, what's going on? How can you be so far away from Guyu?"

"Maybe it's because Mitchell has been here," Chi Feichi turned around and said, trying to walk in the opposite direction, but was quickly blocked by the air wall, "Sure enough, I seem to be able to walk wherever Mitchell passed by. "

Koizumi Hongzi did not give up, tried again, looked at the car leaving at the intersection, and sighed, "Why is there no relatives to pick me up?"

"You wait for me here, I'll go and have a look."

Chi Feichi didn't answer Koizumi Hongzi's words, but gave some advice, and walked back to the direction Mitchell had come from before.

The dense fog gradually covered the street, and the street here became more and more familiar, not only because he watched Jiang Shenyuan build up little by little, but also because he walked the same road in the previous dream.

There is a bluestone road under his feet, surrounded by red brick buildings, surrounded by white mist and hurried footsteps, but he can't see the faces of passers-by clearly, and walks forward step by step until the sky is getting brighter and the fog thins...

At the end, the stone building is majestic and majestic, with a large glass window next to the copper revolving door.

Chi Feichi walked to the window and looked in.

In the mist, Mitchell, who was wearing a white shirt and a coat on his arm, stood behind the window. When he looked, he turned his head slightly and pointed his ears in his direction.

The dream I have experienced has been experienced again, and the exact same scene makes people feel a little creepy.

"Mitchell, have you decided to take a photo with Mom and Dad?"

The well-dressed man walked to Mitchell's side, but there was still mist above the window, and there was water mist on the glass inside the window, and he still couldn't see the man's face clearly.

Only this time, he could clearly hear the conversation in the room.

"Father is right. Although I can't see it, I can take it back and show it to my brother and younger brother." Mitchell turned to the man and pointed to Chi Feichi outside the window and asked, "You can take pictures with the ghost." ?"


The morning bell rang again.

Chi Feichi was dragged in the direction of the herbal medicine hall by the huge suction force, and was dragged straight into the frame of the wooden house.

In the room, Elizabeth looked down at the bone jade in the opened box, and quickly closed the box again.



"Boom boom boom boom..."

Koizumi Hongzi's house.

Chi Feichi suddenly sat up from the stone slab, stretched out his hands to cover his chest, took a deep breath with his eyes downcast, concealing his instantly dilated pupils, and at the same time comforted the heart that seemed to be jumping out of his chest.

There was no fear, no tension, no panic, but his heartbeat was so fast that he worried that he would die suddenly in the next second...

After a while, Koizumi Hongzi limped open the door and entered the room, "Damn it, my leg is numb again... Hey? What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay..." Chi Fei breathed a sigh of relief. After his heartbeat returned to normal, he stood up, looked at Koizumi Hongzi who walked to the side, and said, "I'm going to Jiangshenyuan."

"Then I'll go too," Koizumi Hongzi's eyes suddenly softened, "Although half a century has passed in the dream, if Elizabeth could live to the present, she would already be over a hundred years old, but because she is Meng Mary's family, because she's the one you said resembled Becky, and I want to see her... and whether it's the tomb or seeing her in person, I want to see her."

"Then let's go together," Chi Feichi contacted Shang Zhou with his left eye, set out to go out, checked the information of 'Elizabeth Jiang Shenyuan', and after seeing the content, he said, "There is news from the African-Ink Legion that Elizabeth is still alive ..."

"Really?" Koizumi Hongzi smiled with relief, "That's really great!"

"However, she has been lying in the hospital for more than a month," Chi Feichi continued, "the specific situation is unknown."

"Wait a minute..." Hongzi Koizumi said, turned around and walked quickly into a room, and took out the crystal ball under the sundries from the box, "Crystal ball, tell me, Elizabeth Montgomery's current How is it going?"

An old woman lying on a hospital bed appeared in the crystal ball.

The old woman's hair was thin and white, her face was wrinkled, and she was wearing an oxygen mask with her eyes closed.

"Dear Lord Hongzi, she passed away at about nine o'clock tonight."

"Nine o'clock?" Koizumi Hongzi frowned, quickly calmed down, turned to Chi Feichi who was standing at the door, and said, "Son of Nature, no matter what, I have to go see her one last time!"

While the two were eating breakfast, they used their mobile phones to check the boat to Jiang Shenyuan.

Jiangshenyuan is a famous tourist attraction, and more people go sightseeing during the holidays.

There are only two cruise ships departing from Tokyo and Yokohama respectively before 7:00 p.m., but all of them are fully booked.

"Think about booking a yacht," Chi Feichi looked at the phone page, and reminded aloud, "The Manchi Group happens to have a yacht docked at the Tokyo pier."

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