Koizumi Hongzi immediately logged on to the yacht charter website of the Manike Group, "There is also a six-room yacht and a twelve-room yacht that have not been booked. If we go together, the six-room yacht will be enough. "

"I'm here to make an appointment to rent a yacht with twelve rooms," Chi Feichi operated the appointment program on his mobile phone, "and bring the staff who drive the yacht, the cleaning staff and the cook."

"Would you like to go to Jiangshenyuan to live for two days?" Koizumi Hongzi thought about it, and smiled, "That's fine, after all, Jiangshenyuan is also a city we've been looking at for development, but we haven't had the chance to take a good look at it."

Chi Feichi selected several staff members in the reservation options, "Elizabeth may not die tonight, and you can invite her to have a meal with her on the cruise."

"But she..." Hongzi Koizumi looked around, "Huh? Where's the crystal ball?"

"You were left in that room." Chi Feichi reminded without raising his head while filling out the information.

"Forget it," Koizumi Hongzi gave up on verifying the crystal ball, "The crystal ball said that Elizabeth could last until around nine o'clock in the evening, I believe its judgment is correct, if it was an accidental death, I might be able to prevent it, but if It’s because I’m too old and my body’s organs are failing, so I can’t snatch him from death.”

Chi Feichi paid the reservation fee with his mobile phone, looked up at Koizumi Hongzi and said, "It's seven o'clock in the morning, the yacht needs to do a pre-sail safety inspection and arrange staff, and it will sail at about ten thirty in the morning. During this time, You pack up your belongings, and then take the No. 13 freezer in the temporary warehouse and blood bags of various blood types, and I will go home to take a shower, change into clean clothes, and pick up the car at the maintenance shop, and then come to pick you up."

In the No. 13 freezer, there is a low-efficiency version of AHTX-1031 and a reliever.

Since this is the medicine he made and he has all the research materials, it would be a pity to only put it in the organization, so he also made the finished product in the port laboratory. Currently, because the port laboratory is being rebuilt, those things are temporarily placed in Koizumi Hong at home.

"You mean..." Koizumi Hongzi's eyes lit up, she nodded with a smile, "I understand, if metaphysics can't solve it, try to use science to solve it!"


Ten o'clock in the morning, Tokyo Pier parking lot.

Dashan Mi stood next to the car with two men in sunglasses. After seeing the red Lexus SC driving into the parking lot, he took two steps forward.

When Chi Feichi saw Dashanmi, he parked his car in the parking space next to Dashanmi's car, got out of the car and said hello, "Mr. Dashan."

Seeing Feichi poking under Chi Feichi's collar and the white cat in Chi Feichi's arms, Da Shanmi always felt that his young master liked animals to cling to him too much, but he still smiled and said, "Are you going to marry Feichi and Did you take Wuming there too? It seems that you appreciate this tourist destination."

"I want to take them to see," Chi Feichi casually said, and then asked, "How do you know I'm going to travel?"

"Consultant, you placed an order on the yacht charter website of the Manike Group, and you are planning to go to Egamihara, and you also brought the chef and cleaning staff. Mr. Manosuke already knows that it is a famous tourist attraction, so he thinks you should plan to go there Traveling, I also specially asked me to send you some things," Dashan Mi looked at his car, straightened his expression, and made his message more formal." Mrs. Kanai said, Jiang Shenyuan is a romantic woman with the style of the last century. In the city, wearing a dress will be more suitable for the local atmosphere, and your grandmother seems to have been to Egamihara once, so it is very rude to wear casual party clothes, please be sure to wear formal clothes.”

Chi Feichi translated it silently, probably because his mother felt that he would embarrass the family if he went there in casual clothes.

"I'll just say it?" Koizumi Hongzi opened the car door and got out of the car. She was dressed in a black and red waistless witch costume, with gold bracelets on her wrists, and an exquisitely crafted cloak. With a hint of a smile, he said in a slow tone, "This is the first time I've come to Jiangshenyuan, it's better to dress more formally."

Dashan Mi was stunned when he saw Koizumi Hongzi's outfit, and said hello, "Miss Hongzi."

You don't have to dress up so strangely, do you?

Just like the legendary witch who lived in the Middle Ages.

But for girls, if you go to a city with the European style of the last century, you may want to play a role-playing game, and he can understand.

Chi Feichi didn't want to get entangled in the matter of 'what to wear', looked at Da Shan Mi and said,

"This time I will go with you. Mr. Shinnosuke felt that I was always worrying about your affairs, so he specially gave me a vacation and asked me to go to Egamihara to take a week off," Dashan Mi said with a smile, "There are two more A bodyguard will also accompany you, and they will help bring the dress to the yacht, and you can change it on the way."

The two men in sunglasses consciously went to the back seat and the trunk of the car, and took out a set of bags packed in dustproof bags, which made Chi Feichi's eyelids twitch.

Da Shanmi explained with a smile, "Mrs. Kanai sent all the clothes needed for various occasions."

Chi Feichi nodded, waited for Da Shanmi to lock the car door, turned around and walked to the agreed boarding place, and asked in a low voice, "I need to bring bodyguards, did something happen to my father?"

"Everything is fine for them there, but they can't come back for the time being," Dashan Ya also said in a low voice, "Bring bodyguards, because I think Jiang Shenyuan has a lot of people going to travel again, and the floating population is large and complicated, so it will be safe to bring bodyguards Some."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Since everything is fine, why does Mr. Dashan keep his voice down so mysteriously?

Feichi quietly poked his head: "..."

It also thought it could hear some important news!

Dashanya added with a smile, "And Mrs. Kanai thinks that if you walk on the street with your bodyguards, people will not think that the Field family has fallen. The Field family once invested in port construction there, and the port city of Jiangshenyuan It has made great contributions to the development of the city. If the city councilor knows, he will probably want to meet you. If you want to meet with the city councilor at that time, I will help you arrange the meeting."

Chi Feichi understood right away, because he might have to meet the city councilor with the descendants of the Field family, so his mother thought that the line should not be lost, and he could understand, "What about you? It's rare to have a vacation, and you have to follow me Are you too tired to help?"

"It's okay, I have a week's vacation, but I can only stay with you for three days at most," Oyama Mi said with a good mood, "I'll go home and take my family to Yokohama when I'm sure there's nothing wrong with meeting the city councilor. That's what I told them before."

Seeing that Dashan Mi was in such a good mood, Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi felt a lot more relaxed. It seemed that this trip was really a trip to relax.


Chi Feichi took out his vibrating phone, opened the new email he had received, glanced down, and put away his phone again. When he was about to board the ship, he walked aside and opened the email while no one else was paying attention.

It's the email from that guy.

He also emailed that person in the morning to ask for travel leave, but before that person would not reply, defaulting to 'knowing' and it was over, but this time he responded to it——

[No important actions recently, do you want Gin to accompany you? 】

Members of the organization seldom get together because of private affairs, so as to avoid someone being targeted and being dug out along the line.

Except for Takatori Yano, who is his bodyguard on the surface and can reasonably go in and out with him, he went to the mountain to grill skewers with gin, vodka or Belmode, and most of them were before and after the operation, and he confirmed that no one would follow him , will drop by to get together.

This time he went to Jiangshenyuan, which was regarded as a private action, but that one mentioned, "Would you like Qin and wine to accompany you?" It is really worth pondering...

Thinking about it, Chi Feichi deleted the email, and entered the email address to reply:

【No, my grandmother has been to Jiangshenyuan, and I want to go there this time as Chi Feichi. ——Raki]

Going as 'Chi Feichi', it would be inconvenient for Qin Jiu to follow him, so as not to let others know that he is connected with the organization, so he should be able to refuse.

This time, he and Elizabeth may talk about some special topics, and it is inconvenient for Gin to follow, otherwise he would really agree to see why that person proposed such a proposal.

Want to spy on him? Or is there another reason?


After that, that person did not reply again.

The yacht sailed on the sea, and when it arrived near Jiangshenyuan, there were obviously more cruise ships and cargo ships on the sea.

When Koizumi Hongzi heard that she was about to arrive, she put down her dessert and coffee, walked to the deck, and looked at the land in the distance.

Seeing this, Da Shanmi got up immediately, took a dark blue cloak from a side bag and handed it to Chi Feichi, and said seriously, "Consultant, this will make you look more imposing."

Chi Feichi looked at the cloak decorated with a long golden chain at the neckline, and wanted to tell Dashanmi that he didn't want to accompany Koizumi Hongzi in the second grade, but seeing Dashanmi's insistence, he still didn't want to continue entanglement, so he took the cloak After putting it on, he picked up Wuming who was reluctant to move, covered most of it with the cloak, and walked onto the deck.

As the yacht got closer, the two towers became more and more clear.

Under the sun, the cable-stayed bridge stretched like harp strings connects the two towers, carrying a rich and unique exotic color.

"Master, the scenery is beautiful," Wuming hid under the cloak, meowing lazily and elongated, "But I really don't like the feeling of being on the sea, and having a cloak to cover the wind doesn't increase my sense of security."

Soon, the yacht passed under the cable-stayed bridge, and the people on the pier came into sight of Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi little by little.

Since the nearby cruise ships have been docked for a long time, there are not many tourists still wandering on the pier, but occasionally the staff of other cargo ships push things past.

And at the place closest to the beach, an elderly woman in the twilight is sitting in a wheelchair, with a thick blanket around her body, and a hat with a wide brim on her head, which blocks her wrinkled face, and looks at the sea peacefully. Preoccupied.

A young girl stood behind a wheelchair, her light blonde long hair was tied behind her head, messy by the sea breeze, but her hands were tightly holding on to the push handle of the wheelchair, refusing to let go to tidy up her hair, and she bowed down with a helpless and pleading expression. He leaned over and whispered in the old woman's ear.

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but be attracted by the young girl, and she muttered in surprise, "Suo, Sophia?"

The young girl has the same long light blond hair, blue eyes, and exquisite facial features carved out of the same mold as Sophia.

If there is a difference, it is probably that the girl's hairstyle and long skirt are more modern.

Chi Feichi was the first to look at the old woman in the wheelchair.

After half a century, I haven't seen Elizabeth's body aging and becoming thin and weak, but this is at least the person I watched growing from a wrinkled baby to fifty or sixty years old. The familiarity is far from that of her body. A little change can interfere.

In contrast, the young girl next to Elizabeth, no matter how similar her appearance, figure, and temperament were to Sophia, he always seemed to lack a sense of familiarity.

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