Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1734 Jiang Shenyuan's Mysterious Visitor

After hearing the whistle of the yacht approaching the shore, Elizabeth looked sideways as if feeling something, and couldn't help being startled after seeing Shang Chi Feichi's gaze.


The sense of familiarity that spread from the bottom of her heart made her feel that this kind of gaze seemed to have been felt there before, and it had lasted for many years.

She unconsciously recalled the past.

Thinking of when she was a child, Lai acted like a baby beside her great-grandfather Ma Wen; when she was a young girl, she went out to play and returned home, and stepped into the herbal medicine shop; she also remembered that her parents died in the sea. When she cried bitterly, she seemed to feel that feeling Dao's calm and reassuring gaze was beside her; and the time when Sophia was crazy...

As the yacht docked, Koizumi Hongzi also looked at Elizabeth.

While Elizabeth was in a daze, she felt the two gazes that stopped on her body, and there seemed to be a whisper of bone jade coming from her ears. At that moment, her eyes turned red.

The kid named Mitchell was right, there was a ghost in the herbal hall, the patron saint of Montgomery's house, her patron saint.

When she was young, when she got married, and when Sophia got married, there always seemed to be something watching all of this, and every time Sophia lost control and wanted to run out, these two eyes always existed... …

After these two gazes disappeared, she felt that something had changed around her, and she was vaguely aware of their existence. It seemed that she discovered it too late. Someday, those two gazes never appeared again. .

The company she had been with for a long time suddenly disappeared, and she seemed to have lost her family again, and that time, it seemed that there was no one to accompany her at all, but she also told herself that the patron saint probably needs to rest, and the rest of the road, She wants to go on alone.

But feeling those two gazes again, she was obviously over a hundred years old, but she still fell like a child outside and ran home and wanted to tell the adults. She had this strange little girl mentality.

She suddenly wanted to say that she fell down again, but this time she was not helped by anyone. She got up by herself and walked back alone. She also helped many people on the way. She didn’t cry or feel depressed. very strong?

A tear rolled down Elizabeth's wrinkled face, seemed to shine for a moment in the sun, and soon fell on the blanket.

After the young girl next to her noticed carefully, she whispered, "Elizabeth..."

Elizabeth just looked up at a group of people coming off the yacht.

The two of them were also looking at her, and she really wanted to confirm whether the pier under the sun today was a wonderful hallucination she had when she came to the end of her life.

The young girl followed Elizabeth's line of sight suspiciously and looked up.

She has seen many tourists here, some dressed casually, and some dressed formally, but far less formal than this group of people.

Especially the two leaders.

The young man is wearing a dark blue long cloak, the front is drawn diagonally to the shoulders, and it is fixed by a row of extravagant gold buttons. The gold chains on the buttons are slightly shaken by the sea breeze. As he walks, the corners of the cloak sway to the sides from time to time , allowing her to see clearly the dress on the other party, and a lazy white cat leaning on the young man's arms.

It should have been an exaggerated image, but the young man walked decisively, the expression on Junyi's face was calm and indifferent, and the purple pupils were deep and difficult to read, she didn't think this attire was abrupt or exaggerated.

The young girl on the side was dressed even more exaggeratedly. She should be only a high school student, but she was wearing a dark red and black waistless attire, a long black cloak, a golden headdress on her forehead, and several gold bracelets on her wrists. There is also a gold chain hanging on the chest. Looking at the texture of these gold ornaments in the sun, they are all made of solid gold. The purple crystal necklace wrapped around the neck several times also reflects the dim light in the sun.

Similarly, the girl's inadvertently arrogant and delicate face made her unable to feel that this outfit was inappropriate, just like seeing a witch coming from the Middle Ages.

Compared with these two people, the dress of the people behind them seemed much more normal. She could roughly guess that they were a middle-aged man working as a housekeeper and two bodyguards.

"You, you are..." Elizabeth looked at Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi who were approaching, with a questioning look in her red eyes, and said uncertainly, "Are we..."

Chi Feichi stopped some distance in front of the wheelchair, looked at Elizabeth, "Long time no see, Elizabeth."

Koizumi Hongzi smiled, seeing the tear stains on Elizabeth's cheeks, her eyes softened, "You don't like people who cry like that, and you don't feel well, so why did you come to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze?"

"I..." Elizabeth just opened her mouth, her eyes were a little red again, she raised her right hand like a dead tree branch, and slowly wiped the corners of her eyes.

Koizumi Hongzi thought about the little loli who used to be so old, and felt even more distressed. She sighed softly, looked at the young girl who looked similar to Sophia and was watching them quietly with curiosity, "She is..."

Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, put down her right hand, turned to look at the girl, and sighed, "Her name is Tsurumi Yoko. When she was a baby, she was placed at the door of the herb shop in the winter. The paper left on her body The name was written on the note, so I adopted her."

Koizumi Hongko looked at Tsurumi Yoko, silently counting her age.

She didn't believe that picking up any child could be so similar to Sophia.

If Sophia hadn't died, she would be in her nineties by now, not the right age.

And Sophia had a son back then, who was sent to Europe by Elizabeth. Sophia's son is about 60 years old now, and the girl in front of her is no more than 25 years old. That should be... Sophia's granddaughter?

Thinking that Sophia's granddaughter is so old, she instantly felt like an 'old antique'.

Chi Feichi also guessed the girl's identity, didn't reveal it, and turned to Da Shanmi and said, "Mr. Da Shan, we have met an old friend, and we want to invite her to the yacht to talk, you can move freely."

"That's right," Koizumi Hongko smiled at Elizabeth, "Stop blowing the sea breeze here, and take Ms. Tsurumi to sit on the yacht for a while, and we will send you back later."

Oyama Mi didn't slip away, the yacht had someone prepare hot tea, and the two bodyguards naturally couldn't leave, Tsurumi Yoko even followed Elizabeth closely.

However, Chi Feichi asked Oyama to sit and drink tea with Tsurumi Yezi in the dining room, and pushed Elizabeth's wheelchair into the next room with Koizumi Hongzi.

These three people insisted not to let others follow, and the others could not insist on following the room.

"I'm so sorry, I still need you to help me push the wheelchair," Elizabeth turned her head to look at Chi Feichi who was helping her push the wheelchair, and said truthfully, "I'm a little nervous."

Chi Feichi bent down to adjust the wheelchair brake, "I should also thank you for not pouring water into the box that year."

Elizabeth was stunned, recalling the naive idea of ​​treating Gu Yu as a silkworm baby back then, and wrinkled the corners of her eyes with a smile, "Time flies too fast, thinking about how anxious my great-grandfather was when he stopped me that year, it seems that everything happened yesterday , today is also like in a dream.”

Aside, Koizumi Hongzi smiled and took out the crystal ball and put it in Elizabeth's hand, "It's not a dream, sorry, Elizabeth, there are some reasons why I can only come to see you now, do you know me?"

"Of course, your sight has accompanied me for so many years and helped me so much. I can remember it. It's great to see you at the last moment," Elizabeth said with a weak voice, but she kept smiling softly, Looking down at the crystal ball, "This is..."

"Do a physical assessment for you," Koizumi Hongko explained briefly, and asked aloud, "Crystal ball, check Elizabeth's body."

"Okay, Lord Hongzi!"

The crystal ball responded, startling Elizabeth, and soon she was enveloped by the red light emitted from the crystal ball.

"Start to report basic physical data, height..."

"Next, I will report on my physical condition..."

With Elizabeth's current body, it would be exhausting to do a comprehensive examination, but with a crystal ball as a scanner, no matter the degree of organ failure, or whether there are hidden diseases in the blood and heart, they can all be scanned.

The icon of Umbrella flashed in Chi Feichi's left eye. He listened to the report of his health from the crystal ball, and used the ark to calculate Elizabeth's plan for using the thinner.

Elizabeth's physical condition is very bad. Listening to the report of the crystal ball, feeling the weakness or pain in the body, her mind is still peaceful, and she just looks curiously at the crystal ball held in both hands.

Crystal Ball made a report and added, "In addition, the blood type is O, so it is suitable to use No. 1, No. 4, and No. 9 blood bags."

Koizumi Hongzi opened the freezer containing the blood bag and medicine, and looked up at Chi Feichi.

"Elizabeth, now you have two choices. One is to die at around nine o'clock tonight, and the other is to inject the medicine and blood I brought. There is a 27% chance of failure. Failure means that your body cannot bear the power of the medicine and will die immediately." Death, if successful, in about two days, you will have a body that is close to a healthy state, and for these two days, every 12 hours, you will have a blood transfusion, and two days later you will die of organ failure, " Chi Feichi looked at Elizabeth and said, "It's up to you to decide how to choose."

"Is there only two days?" Koizumi Hongzi asked with a frown.

"Two days at most," Chi Feichi said to Koizumi Hongzi, "according to her current physical condition, if the dosage is increased a little bit, her body will not be able to bear it, and the success rate will be less than 10."

It's not that he never thought about taking one, but Elizabeth's body was too weak to bear the power of the medicine at all.

"Then try it," Elizabeth said with a smile, "You brought the potion here because you want to extend my life, right? Even if it's only two days, it's good. I can take you to see it. Look at Jiang Shenyuan."

Koizumi Hongzi smiled, seeing that Chi Feichi went to prepare the medicine injection, picked up the blood bag and blood transfusion tube, "We watched Jiangshenyuan develop from a desolate foreign mansion to a port city. How to change, speaking of familiarity with Jiang Shenyuan, we may not be worse than you."

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