Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1736 Old photos from half a century ago

"She is my grandmother," Chi Feichi didn't hide it. "It seems that she and her family took a photo here. Will there be any photos left here?"

"I see, did it start at that time?" Elizabeth recalled her own feelings, which seemed to have disappeared around that time, and made up all kinds of "reincarnation" plots with a clear face, and said with a smile, "At that time, I remember it was a little boy named Mitchell, and he sensed it very acutely."

Behind, Oyama Ya, Tsurumi Yoko, Sakuragi Isao and others listened silently.

Considering the conflict between the Holy See and the Witch, Elizabeth paused, "If it was a photo of Baron Field, she probably wouldn't stay here. She invested in Jiang Shenyuan's most important pier in the port city. Even if there were photos, she probably would Keep it safe in the hotel library."


A man's thick voice came from the stairs. A man with gray hair combed into three quarters walked down the stairs. He was wearing a well-tailored British white suit and his eyes were full of energy. He arrived beside Chi Feichi and the others. , and heartily laughed a few times, "People who have contributed to the development of Jiangshenyuan, if they have photos left, they will be stored in the reference room of the city hall, and only I will be left here!"

"Mr. Motomachi, long time no see," Dashan Mi greeted with a smile, then looked sideways at Chi Feichi and introduced, "This is the young master of our chairman's family, and also a consultant of the group."

"I heard about it two hours ago, and I'm also a descendant of Baron Field, right? I'm Motomachi Seizo, the owner of this toy museum and hotel," Motomachi Seizo said to Chi Feichi himself with a smile on his face. Introduction, Chao Chi Feichi stretched out his hand, "Tonight's dinner will be held at the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel, and it is almost ready. I can show you around here, and then eat at the restaurant on the second floor. Please give me your advice." !"

"Excuse me, please give me your advice." Chi Feichi reached out and shook Motomachi Kiyozo.

Seeing that Motomachi Kiyozo was dressed so formally, he suddenly felt that it was reasonable for Oyama Ya to come here after changing his evening dress after staring at him.

Led by Motomachi Kiyozo, a group of people went to the library in the hotel.

The library of this hotel has a lot of space, the floor height of the building is as high as six meters, and the wooden bookshelves are full of old books full of time, which looks very spectacular. .

Motomachi Qingzo found a stack of photos from the book box he collected, sat on the table and helped Chi Feichi find out the photos left by the Field family back then, "This is the one"

Chi Feichi took the photo and looked down at the three people on it.

The photo was taken in the lobby on the first floor, where the light from the crystal chandelier is reflected on the marble floor.

The woman is sitting on a chair with a luxurious style. She has short ear-length hair that was very popular at the time. The head and tail are slightly curly and fluffy, revealing a smooth forehead and a sharp chin. With a faint smile, the long skirt was covered with a windbreaker with a plush long collar, looking bright and proud, lazy and extravagant.

Mitchell was standing beside the woman. His facial features were no strangers to him, but he put on a formal coat, and with one hand held by the woman, his expression became much gentler.

The man standing behind the chair is wearing a formal dress, with long hair and tails tied casually. His face and facial features are soft and smooth. There is no stubble on his face, and he is well groomed, showing a gentle and refined artist atmosphere. Leaning slightly with one hand on the back of the chair, with eyes slightly drooping under the short hair on his forehead, he looked at his wife and children with a smile. Even through the photos, he could feel the gentleness and clarity in those eyes.

This is a photo that is somewhat unexpected to him.

Not to mention his grandfather, he was basically consistent with his mother's description, and he seemed to be a gentle gentleman.

However, every time Chi Kanai mentioned his grandmother, he would say 'I was bullied back then', 'It was not easy in that situation', 'My mother is just too talkative', he thought his grandmother was the kind of helpless Harmful and innocent type of woman, I didn't expect to be such a queen and sister-in-law of "If you dare to mess with me, I will kill you"

Just looking at the photos, he doesn't think anyone can bully his grandmother casually.

So here comes the question—is he misunderstood his grandmother, and this is actually a person whose heart and appearance do not match, and who is gentle and good-tempered in nature? Or did his mother misunderstand his grandmother, and was affected by the aura of intimacy between mother and daughter?

Wuming, who was hugged by Chi Feichi all the way, poked his head lazily. After seeing the photo, his eyes widened, and he leaned closer to the photo, "Master, your grandmother is so beautiful."

Chi Feichi dragged Wuming back, turned to the back of the photo and looked at it.

The date on which the photo was taken and the signatures of three people were left on the back of the photo.

His grandmother's signature is 'a-h-field', which has a free and easy shape, 'michell' at the bottom, with immature strokes, and the word 'Xiu Mi' written in Chinese characters at the bottom, with elegant strokes.

Some of the faded ink still retains the mood of the three when they signed the signature. It can be seen that the three of them did not write their signatures too rigidly, but treated them with a relaxed mood of parent-child games.

"How is it? Mr. Chi," said Motomachi Kiyozo who was sitting opposite, "Is this the photo you are looking for?"

"That's right," Chi Feichi pulled back Feichi who was about to poke his head into the photo, looked up at Seizo Motomachi and asked, "Mr. Motomachi, can I take this photo with me?"

Motomachi Kiyozo looked at the black and gray live snake crawling on Chi Feichi's shoulder, and always felt that Chi Feichi's indifferent expression was tinged with hostility. It was obviously a questioning tone, but no matter how he looked at it, it seemed to have a " If you dare to refuse, I'll kill you in the next second', sweating immediately, "Hey, since the descendants of the Field family want this photo, it's no problem, but can you let me take the picture?" How about using a computer to scan and print the photos as a collection?”

"No problem," Chi Feichi handed the photo to Motomachi Kiyozo, "I will stay at Jiangshenyuan for at least three days."

Motomachi Kiyozo breathed a sigh of relief, "Then you can get the photos the day after tomorrow, and I will find someone to copy them tomorrow."

Alas, he originally wanted to say, why don't the originals be kept here for collection? Unfortunately, he was persuaded.

At the dinner in the evening, Elizabeth, Tsurumi Yoko, and Sakuragi Isao were added.

These three people are all celebrities in Jiang Shenyuan. Elizabeth is still a legend who has lived for more than a hundred years. She will not be restrained when eating together, which makes the atmosphere more relaxed.

After dinner, Elizabeth smiled and invited, "Everyone, why don't you stay in the herbal medicine hall tonight."

Motomachi Kiyozo: ""

He even reserved the room, and Ms. Elizabeth, who doesn't run a hotel, is also robbing him?

Chi Feichi looked at Dashan Mi and the two bodyguards, "There are so many of us, is it too disturbing?"

"It doesn't matter, there is enough room for everyone," Elizabeth smiled, "A few years ago, I transplanted the elder tree that was not completely burned from Sophia's house back to the Herb Hall. After taking care of it over the years, it has grown It's flourishing."

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

Everyone in Egamibara knew about Sophia. Seizo Motomachi, Isao Sakuragi and several city councilors were all stunned for a moment, quietly observing Elizabeth's face.

Tsurumi Yoko frowned worriedly, "Elizabeth"

"It's okay, those things have passed for so long, people can't always live in painful memories," Elizabeth smiled, looking at Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi, "then"

Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi nodded decisively in agreement.

They thought the elder tree had been burned back then, but they didn't expect it to survive, so they must go and see it.

Who can refuse an elderberry that they are familiar with?

That night, a group of people went to the herbal medicine hall.

Tsurumi Yoko helped Elizabeth walk through the hall, and was just about to explain the herb garden to Chi Feichi and the others, when she found that Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi walked skillfully through the path and arrived under the elder tree deep in the backyard. Without a chance to lead the way or introduce them, I could only support Elizabeth and follow the two of them.

Standing in front of the elderberry, Hongko Koizumi reached out to touch the trunk, looked up at the small creamy yellow flower buds on the tree, turned her head and smiled at Elizabeth, "It is indeed growing well, and it is still in its original position."

Seeing that Chi Feichi seemed to be planning to stay under the elderberry for a while, Elizabeth smiled from ear to ear, "As long as you like it!"

Tsurumi Yoko and Sakuragi Isao who accompanied him wanted to ask questions, but seeing Elizabeth so happy and energetic, they swallowed their words first.

After sending Isao Sakuragi out, Elizabeth personally arranged accommodation for the others.

Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi stayed under the tree for more than half an hour before returning to their room to rest. On the second day, they followed Elizabeth and walked around the famous place of Jiang Shenyuan.

The appearance of the building here has not changed much, but some places are actually a large library, some places have become schools full of modern style inside, and some places have been changed into movie theaters. Different styles, but ingeniously blended together.

At night, after the two of them transfused Elizabeth's blood, they didn't stay in the herbal hall overnight, but went back to the yacht, and gave the rest of the time to Elizabeth and Tsurumi Yoko.

Not long after dawn, Koizumi Hongzi had breakfast and dragged Chi Fei to the herbal medicine hall late. As soon as he walked into the open door, he heard Elizabeth talking with other people in the room.

"Ms. Elizabeth, I don't understand why you suddenly amended your will and handed over your accumulated wealth to two young people?"

"I have been taken care of too much by them, and so is the whole Montgomery family. Although these can't repay them a ten thousandth, but this is all I have. I think Ye Zi can understand."

Tsurumi Yoko who stood beside smiled and nodded, "This is Elizabeth's property, and she has the right to decide how to deal with it."

"That's not what I meant," the old man wearing glasses looked puzzled, "I just wanted to say that your body looks much better, and this is actually the case"

"Elizabeth," Chi Feichi went straight into the room with Wuming in his arms, walked to an empty chair and sat down, "Do you think it's appropriate to make up your own mind without discussing it with us?"

Old man: ""

this attitude is really

How about you be more polite to a hundred-year-old Xiangrui?

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