Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1737 The Son of Nature Is Abnormal

"That's right," Koizumi Hongzi found a chair and sat down by herself after entering the door, looking at Elizabeth with reproachful eyes, "We wanted to see you, and we came to Jiang Shenyuan just for this, you plan to use money to humiliate us? Or humiliate this friendship?"

Old man: "..."

This young girl speaks harder!

"I... I'm sorry," Elizabeth saw that the two were really angry, thinking that what she had done was not right, she became nervous like a child who had done something wrong, "I don't mean anything else, it's just... just... ..."

"Okay," Koizumi Hongzi slowed down her tone, and smiled helplessly, "I scared you, but you can't do this anymore."

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the old man wearing glasses, "Then there is no need to revise the will, just use the previous one."

The old man wearing glasses nodded helplessly, "Okay, okay, if you insist."

"Let me introduce, this is Lawyer Miura," Elizabeth explained after introducing Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi, "In my previous will, it was stated that all the wealth other than this herbal medicine shop would be transferred to Mr. Jiro Toda who founded a private elementary school. If Mr. Jiro Toda gives up, then Mr. Seizo Motomachi who founded the toy museum, Mr. Riki Isesaki, a city councilor who established the hospital, are called Egamibara The three saints have made a lot of contributions to Jiangshenyuan, I believe that if the wealth is given to them, they will also use it to build Jiangshenyuan."

"Then what about the leaves?" Koizumi Hongzi asked suspiciously.

Tsuru saw Ye Zi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Koizumi Hongko was talking about her.

"If the three of them and their children cannot accept the inheritance, then it will be handed over to Ye Zi," Elizabeth said, "and then Mr. Sakuragi..."

"The priest?" Koizumi Hongzi frowned.

Chi Feichi tilted his head close to Koizumi Hongzi's ear, and said in a low voice, "When we were eating together last night, I saw a mole behind his right ear which was covered by his hair."

This is the characteristic of Sophia's son who was sent away back then. He could recognize it, and I believe Elizabeth also recognized it. It was probably because of Tsurumi Yoko's feelings that he didn't explain it all.

Seeing Chi Feichi's reaction, Elizabeth realized that Chi Feichi recognized him, and said with a smile, "He came to Jiangshenyuan half a year ago. I often go to church to talk to him, so I count him in."

Koizumi Hongzi nodded and said nothing more.

"Also..." Elizabeth got up and walked to the medicine shelf, took down a wooden box, opened it, touched the bone jade on the silk cloth in the box, turned around and walked to Chi Feichi, and handed the box to Chi Feichi with both hands. Stepping forward, "I think, this should be returned to you."

Koizumi Hongzi was startled, and looked up at Elizabeth, "Elizabeth, you..."

The bone jade is the connection between the Son of Nature and the Montgomery family, and it is the token of the patron saint and the witch family. Now that Elizabeth returns the bone jade, does it mean that the Montgomery family intends to withdraw from the covenant signed with the patron saint?

If she hadn't watched the grown-up Elizabeth do such a thing, she would have said "I don't know what is good" for the Son of Nature, and then left with the Son of Nature.

Chi Feichi reached out and picked up the bone jade, "Then I'll take it back."

Elizabeth sighed, turned her head to look at Tsurumi Yezi and said, "I told Ye Zi last night, if you two have any orders, she will do her best to fulfill them, if she uses the medical skills I taught her to gain wealth, And to benefit future generations, then I should also pass on such a request to future generations, and treat it as my last request."

Tsurumi Yezi noticed that Koizumi Hongzi's face was not very good-looking, although she didn't understand what happened, she still nodded firmly, "I promised, and I will definitely do it!"

Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "Will you come see me off when I leave?"

"Yes, you are the head of the Montgomery family," Chi Feichi said firmly, "I approve."

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, thank you for your approval."

After the two went to the room to help Elizabeth get a blood transfusion, they left without staying long.

During this period, Koizumi Hongzi was absent-minded, and wanted to ask clearly, but was stopped by Chi Feichi.


"I do not understand why……"

In the afternoon, Koizumi Hongzi sat in front of the window of the yacht room, picked up the cup and poured a large mouthful of bright red blood into her mouth, frowning and staring at the sparkling sea, without wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, she suddenly put the cup on the table "No, I'm going to ask Elizabeth for clarification."

Wuming also flicked his tail and slapped the table, making Koizumi Hongzi even more upset.

"There is another reason why Lawrence transplanted the elderberry." Chi Feichi sat on the chair, staring down at the bone jade in his hand, "The choice of the Patriarch of the Montgomery family is up to me to choose the bone jade. When a head of the family finds that the bone jade is playing a special melody in front of a certain child, he will give the bone jade to that child before abdicating. .”

Koizumi Hongzi listened to Chi Feichi's calm voice, and the turmoil and entanglement in his heart subsided a lot. He sighed, and looked at the piece of bone jade that was like white jade in Chi Feichi's hand, "When I came, Meng The Gemali family has already suffered a disaster, so..."

"It's normal if you don't know." Chi Feichi continued to look at the bone jade and said, "After Diana, I choose Sandy, Lawrence, and Becky. When Becky gave the bone jade to Phoebe, I Knowing that the situation cannot be chosen, and Phoebe is Becky's oldest child, she is indeed very good, so I also let Gu Yu scream, and then..."

Koizumi Hongzi thought back and found that when Pell took the bone jade, the bone jade did not make a sound, "Not only Pell, but also the people who received the bone jade later, have they never done it?"

"No, there's also Elizabeth," Chi Feichi said, "When teasing Ma Wen that year, the tone of bone and jade was the tone of the Patriarch's choice."

Koizumi Hongzi remembered what happened back then, and her mood improved a lot, "What do you want to tell me?"

"After Phoebe, the Montgomery family no longer has the tradition of setting bones, and they will no longer use bone jade to assist medicine. If you have to say it, the Montgomery family has been half-extinct after Phoebe's death," Chi Feichi turned his head and looked towards the sea, "And Elizabeth is the last patriarch who recovered after many years. There is nothing wrong with her returning the bone jade."

"The last one?" Koizumi Hongzi was puzzled, "Isn't it still Sophia's son and Ye Zi? Elizabeth can pass the bone jade to them..."

Chi Feichi looked at Koizumi Hongzi and asked, "Don't you understand what kind of person I am?"

"What kind of person?" Koizumi Hongzi felt that she was going to be confused.

"Among the existing members of the Montgomery family, whether it is Sophia's son or Tsurumi Yoko, they are not like the previous family members. I watched and grew up. They are people I know, value and trust. My The soul no longer exists in the bone jade, and I will not be able to understand them like I understand Elizabeth in the future, and even their descendants may be the same," Chi Feichi smiled, but his eyes were calm and emotionless, "I can't Judging how they will choose when they encounter some things, I will not treat such people like Elizabeth, and my bone jade will not be affected by them."

Koizumi Hongzi felt that the smile on Chi Feichi's face was a bit creepy, and he couldn't even make complaints about it.

The Son of Nature wasn't normal, she couldn't tell if it was possessive, controlling, or paranoid, but it was definitely pathological.

But after thinking about it, if the witch family has forgotten their beliefs and traditions, and even no longer recognizes their patron saint, and only believes in science, then it seems not surprising that the Son of Nature feels that the witch family is cut off from now on and is unwilling to protect them any longer.

"Elizabeth returned the bone jade, one of the reasons is that she saw the strangeness between me, Sakuragi Kou and Tsurumi Yoko," Chi Feichi looked away, put the bone jade back on the table, and picked up the spare blood bag Pour blood into the cup, "If I refuse her return, or give the bone jade to Yoko Tsurumi after she returns the bone jade, it means that this is the end of the round and a new beginning, but I can't do it , I can't hand over the bone jade to Tsurumi Yoko, who is a complete stranger."

"Yeah, you don't seem to care much about anyone except Elizabeth," Koizumi Hongzi murmured speechlessly. After realizing that the decision was made by both parties, or even a certain child of nature, she felt that Chi Fei was too late The reconciled mood is nothing to worry about, "So, what about other reasons?"

"The second reason is that we no longer exist in the bone jade. We are people with flesh and blood. The bone jade has become a memorial and is left in the hands of the Montgomery family. Why don't you give it to me? Look at me Can it be used?" Chi Feichi continued, "As for the attitude of the Montgomery family, Elizabeth has explained to Tsurumi Yoko that she hopes that future generations will repay us for the help, but she can't interfere so much. Just do your best."

Koizumi Hongzi picked up the cup and continued to drink blood, "I think it's a pity, it's been with me for hundreds of years."

Chi Feichi got up with a blood bag and helped add blood to Koizumi Hongzi's cup, "Originally, the Montgomery family has been passed down from generation to generation, and there are already people with some magical talents, such as Lawrence, who can see me, but Bei Ji didn't have time to grow up. After Phoebe, the Montgomery family was regressing. Now, they are just ordinary people who can live longer. Unlike you, a witch with magic, bone jade was once the object of the Holy See, maybe There will be an illustrated book of bone jade. If the bone jade is left in the hands of Montgomery's family, it will bring them disaster. As a family heirloom, they must be reluctant and dare not change the appearance of the bone jade at will. Leave it to me, I will change the appearance of the bone jade without any pressure at all."

Koizumi Hongzi thought for a while, her mood improved, and she asked with a smile, "Is this one of the reasons why Elizabeth returned the bone jade, or one of the reasons why you chose to accept the bone jade?"

Looking at it this way, in fact, the two parties are still thinking about the friendship they have had for so many years, and the end can be regarded as consideration for the other party.

Chi Feichi did not deny that this was also the reason for taking back the bone jade, "There are both."


There was a knock on the door, and Dashan Ya said in a deep voice outside, "Advisor, Ms. Hongzi, Ms. Tsurumi sent a message that Ms. Elizabeth has passed away."

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