Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1738 Sakuragi Kungfu: Thinking carefully is extremely frightening

Conan: I Am Not a Snake Syndrome Main Volume Chapter 1738 Sakuragi Isao: Thinking carefully, I am afraid that when Elizabeth was talking to Tsurumi Yoko, she said that she was sleepy and wanted to take a nap, but she never woke up after sleeping.

Tsurumi Ye Zi discovered it an hour later, and after a long time of being in a daze, he remembered that someone had sent a message to Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi, and went to the funeral home to help with the funeral.

Since Elizabeth helped many people during her lifetime and is a legend who lived for more than a hundred years, almost half of the people in Jiangshenyuan changed into black clothes and went to the herbal medicine hall to help. It didn't take long to prepare all the things needed for the funeral. .

After dark, there were still many people who came to burn incense and mourn, and the queue lined up far away.

Koizumi Hongzi stood under the elder tree in the depths of the yard, listening to Chi Feichi next to Guyu playing a melody, looking at the crowd in line, suspecting that she had become indifferent.

I don't know if she sent away several generations of the Montgomery family, but she was not as sad as she imagined.

At least Elizabeth had a good death, almost all her wishes were fulfilled, and there was no pain before she died. She felt it was easier to accept than Phoebe's death...

It doesn't seem very strange.

Look at the son of nature who sent away countless generations of Montgomery's family. After Gu Yu sang a melody, he went behind the tree to answer the phone. He was much calmer than her...

"Over water?"

Chi Feichi stood behind the tree, holding the bone jade in one hand, and listening to the phone with the other.

Elizabeth's funeral is not part of the Japanese tradition, but it still belongs to the European tradition. Because the relatives and friends who came here include Japanese and European descendants, monks and priests were all called in, and they took each side. The sound of chanting, wooden fish and prayers merged. in one place.

However, groups of monks are obviously better in terms of sound.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was a little surprised when he heard the sound of chanting scriptures and the sound of wooden fish on the phone, "Huh? Has anyone passed away?"

"An old friend passed away," Chi Feichi said, and asked bluntly, "Calling so late, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. Conan accidentally sprained his foot while walking today. Xiaolan and I were shopping. After hearing about it, we rushed to the hospital to see him. In the evening, I stayed at the detective agency for dinner, Mr. Maori said. I plan to take Conan to Kinosaki Onsen for a trip, because Kinosaki Onsen has a saying that white cranes can heal wounds," Koshimizu Nanatsuki explained, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Mori seems to have a hot spring coupon from someone else. I just made a decision. I will buy it tomorrow." In the past, there seemed to be a lot of coupons. Conan and Xiaolan were calling to ask Dr. Ali and other children, and I was in charge of calling to ask if you want to go together tomorrow..."

Chi Feichi understood. His teacher probably thought that if the vouchers were not used, they would be wasted if they expired. He happened to take a group of people out to soak in the hot springs. "Sorry, I'm not in Tokyo, and I might not be able to go back in these two days."

"You have a friend who died, there's nothing you can do about it," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with emotion, "Although it's a pity, you should still be busy with things over there. If you encounter interesting things or see beautiful scenery, we will If I share it with you again, then I won’t bother you, and we’ll talk about it another day.”

"Let's talk another day."

Chi Feichi hung up the phone.

It's a pity that I can't go to a hot spring trip.

However, Elizabeth passed away today, and Motomachi Kiyozo, as Jiang Shenyuan's "Three Sages" and one of the heirs to the property in the will, will be busy at least until tomorrow night. I am afraid that the photo promised to him will not be available for a while. He wants to get the photo and then wait. If you go, you can't go to Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo Prefecture.

Thinking about it again, it would definitely not be peaceful for this group of people to go there. If you want to go to Yueshui to soak in the hot springs, when you have the opportunity, there is no need to run into the case.


In the early morning, people who burned incense and mourned left one after another.

Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi stayed under the elder tree for the entire time, and they arrived at the front of the house after they had almost walked away, and handed over the money in the incense bag to Yingmu Gong, who was in charge of collecting the incense.

"Thank you," Tsurumi bowed and thanked Ye Zi, "If you two are not in a hurry to leave, you can stay for a while, and I will prepare some vegetarian dishes, snacks and herbal tea for you."

Koizumi Hongzi nodded, then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Are you going to stay here tonight?"

"I'm going to stay on the yacht for a while." Chi Feichi looked down at Wuming, who was lying in his arms and yawning profusely. "I don't know if there is a rule that cats cannot enter the mourning hall."

Isao Sakuragi remembered that the two of them were outside the house before, and watched Tsurumi Yeko go to the kitchen, and then looked curiously at the lazy Wuming, "Can't cats enter the mourning hall?"

"There are legends in China that cats are psychic, and when they come to the dead, they may cause fraudulent corpses. There are similar legends in other countries. I have heard stories that after an old lady passed away, cats passed away from the body. Passing by, the old lady sat up suddenly, and she was resurrected like this. After the resurrection, the behavior of the old lady gradually became strange. At first, people didn't notice it, but the little granddaughter who lived with her, one night..."

Seeing that the night was still long tonight, Chi Feichi calmly talked about the story of the 'cat-faced old lady'.

"In the dark, the girl followed the chewing sound to the kitchen, and saw the shadow of the suspected old lady, and asked the old lady, what are you eating, grandma..."

"The old lady stuffed the dead mouse into her mouth, chewed it, wiped off the blood around her mouth, and replied that she was eating beans..."

"The girl asked again why there was a bloody smell, and the old lady said..."

A gust of night wind blew into the house, and a group of vigilers listened to the story with their ears pricked up, feeling the chill down their backs.

This is a frenzied story. The old lady who was possessed by a cat and cheated her body was half-human and half-cat. She behaved strangely and cunningly. She liked to eat raw animals and made up lies to deceive the girl. In the end, the girl was also eaten by the old lady who lost her mind. Neighbors, friends, and people in the whole city suffered one after another.

When Tsurumi Ye Zi came back with herbal tea, he found that the mourning hall was quiet, and the guards were all kneeling in the room, all of them bowed their heads with pale faces, put down the trays in doubt, and went to close the windows, "Is it tonight?" a little cold?"

A group of people raised their heads in unison with pale faces, and nodded in unison.

Sakuragi Isao eased his stiff face, and smiled, "I don't believe those..."

"Meow~" Wuming stretched his waist and arched his waist as if planning to jump from Chi Feichi's arms into the mourning hall.

Yingmu Gong quickly dodged to block the front, and seeing Wuming lying back in Chi Feichi's arms, he was somewhat embarrassed, and added, "But since there are such legends, it's better to avoid it."

Tsurumi Yezi came back after sharing herbal tea for others, and noticed that the reaction of others was still weird. When he reached the door, he asked in a puzzled voice, "What's the matter with everyone? Are you angry because you think I didn't treat you well?"

"It's nothing." Chi Feichi hugged Wuming tightly with one hand, and freed his hand to take the cup handed over by Tsurumi Yezi. "You need to stay up late for the wake. I told everyone a scary story to refresh you."

It's just that these people's ability to bear it is too poor. His story is obviously not that scary, it's just a little bloody.

"Yes, that's right," Tsurumi Yezi thought of the pale faces of a group of people, and sweated, "Please don't worry, the herbal tea I prepared for everyone can also refresh you, so, you can think of a place to go, right?" , both of you should try it too."


Chi Feichi took a sip of the herbal tea and tasted a bit of refreshing light bitterness from it. When he found that Feichi was curious and wanted to drink it secretly, he said coldly, "It's cold in nature, snakes should not drink it."

When Feichi heard it, he retracted his head again, "I'm just curious about what it smells like..."

"Huh?" Crane saw Ye Zi curiously sized Feichi who had retreated, and asked again, "Mr. Chi, do you know herbal medicine too?"

Chi Feichi put the cup back on the tray, and did not directly answer Tsurumi Yezi's question, "You can replace the lemon with soaked safflower to relieve the cold, and verbena is not suitable for pregnant women. It doesn’t matter if pregnant women drink it with safflower, but improper use of safflower can lead to poisoning, and in severe cases, there is a risk of respiratory failure, so it’s okay not to use it.”

Koizumi Hongzi also put the cup back, turned around and left with Chi Feichi, and said with a smile, "In this respect, he is your ancestor."

"Old ancestor..." Seeing Ye Zi watching the two leave, He smiled helplessly, "I should be about the same age as me next year. He is really a strange person."

Isao Sakuragi turned his head and asked doubtfully, "They seem to have a good relationship with Elizabeth, didn't Ms. Tsurumi know them before?"

"I've never seen it before, but they and Elizabeth seem to have known each other for a long time. Elizabeth told me this morning that you must respect the two adults," Tsurumi Yoko explained to Sakuragi Isao, "That's why I feel strange, They are about the same age as me, and they may look a little younger than me. I have been with Elizabeth since I was a child. According to their familiarity with Elizabeth, I should not have seen them, and I think... Elizabeth brought them yesterday. When they went to see Jiang Shenyuan scenic spot, what they said was a bit strange."

Isao Sakuragi also walked around for a long time yesterday, frowning and nodding in approval, "Yes..."

Elizabeth was very happy yesterday. When she arrived at the library, she said to the two of them, "It's a surprise, Odis's house has been confiscated as a library, but the original building has been preserved." When she arrived at the school, she said, " It's Parker and the neighbor's home-change school', as if the two should know those same people.

He has been in Jiangshenyuan for half a year, but he doesn't know the Otis and Parker Elizabeth is talking about.

But no wonder...

The red-haired girl quickly asked Elizabeth: 'Odis? Are his descendants still in Jiangshenyuan? '

Elizabeth's answer: 'After 1960, his children moved back to Europe. '

In 1960... He was in Europe at that time, probably about the same age as Yoko Tsurumi, and of course he didn't know that person named Otis.

Later, the red-haired girl also talked about Parker: 'How are Parker's descendants? He seems to be in good health all the time. '

Elizabeth also talked about that Parker: 'Parker passed away in 1963, and his son also passed away a few years ago. After his grandson went to Tokyo to study, he stayed there to work, and he hasn't come back for a long time. '

Odis and Parker are not alone.

Some people even almost forgot Elizabeth. When the two mentioned their names, Elizabeth's face suddenly realized, smiling as if reminiscing with her peers, and talking about how her children and grandchildren are doing.

Leaving aside the issue of whether he should know these two people, this kind of topic that spans half a century at every turn, from grandparents to grandchildren, is frightening to think about.

Two young people who have not been born for half a century, and Elizabeth who lived for more than a hundred years, talk about the old people who have left or died for half a century, but they seem to know those people very well.

Yesterday he followed Elizabeth and these two people for a while, listening to the three of them chatting from time to time, he always felt that these two young faces had lived in Jiang Shenyuan for many years, and they only left about half a century ago, so he knew half of Jiang Shenyuan The appearance of a century ago, but not the changes in recent decades, that's why Elizabeth took the two of them on a tour so happily, just as happy as a child showing off that he knows a lot and understands urban development very well.

And Elizabeth's attitude towards the two is also very strange, just like a child meeting an elder. Thinking about Elizabeth's age and looking at the young faces of these two people, he felt creepy. He left early yesterday and saw two people tonight. The man stayed under the elder tree and didn't go up to say hello. Just now, after hearing Chi Feichi's story, he was worried that it had happened in the real world, and that's why he was so nervous that the cat jumped into the mourning hall.

Obviously that Mr. Chi's identity has been confirmed, he is from the British Field family, he shouldn't be someone of the same age as Elizabeth, right...

He could feel that between Elizabeth and these two young people, there was a secret beyond the expectations of the world, and it might be related to the secret of the Montgomery family.

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