Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1739 The Secret of European Herbal Medicine 【Happy Lantern Festival】

Conan: I Am Not a Snake Essence Volume Chapter 1739 The Secret of European Herbal Medicine [Happy Lantern Festival] On the second day, after the farewell ceremony for the remains, Elizabeth was buried in the foreigner cemetery in Egamihara.

The flowers in front of the tombstone were piled high, and before Tsurumi Yeko had time to tidy them up, she had to hold a banquet to entertain those who had helped her and to deal with the reporters who came to cover her.

Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi didn't join in the fun, but after eating on the yacht, they would still go to the herbal garden and stay under the elder tree for a while.

It doesn't matter whether you eat or not, the important thing is that the more you look at this familiar elder tree, the more beautiful it looks, and the more you feel comfortable.

Tsurumi Yezi didn't know what to do with the two who were hanging around under the elder tree whenever he was free. Seeing that the two of them didn't need her entertainment, after finishing their work, he remembered Elizabeth's instructions and brought two books to the tree, "Sorry, both of you , I've been too busy these two days, so I didn't entertain the two of you well."

"It's okay, you are busy with your work," Koizumi Hongzi yawned, and leaned against the tree trunk to look at the night sky, "Stay a little longer, and we will go back. I am going to go back tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow?" Tsurumi saw Ye Zi was a little surprised, "Would you like to stay for two more days?"

Koizumi Hongzi took out her mobile phone to check the time, "My classmate invited me to see the troupe performance, the time is tomorrow..."

Isao Sakuragi was about to step forward, but after hearing this sentence, he silently turned his head and joined the other talking crowd.

classmate? The classmates from half a century ago... It is unlikely that they still have the energy to go to the troupe's performance.

Koizumi Hongzi said, then turned to Chi Feichi and asked, "Si...cough, what about you?"

"I made an agreement with Mr. Motomachi, and he will send me the photos tomorrow evening," Chi Feichi said, "I can't go back tomorrow, so someone can take you back on a yacht. Mr. Dashan and I will stay at the port hotel first. , When I get the photos, I will go back on a cruise ship the day after tomorrow.”

Koizumi Hongzi nodded, put away her phone, "Then I won't wait for you."

Tsurumi Yoko smiled and listened to the chat between the two, before handing over the two books with both hands, "By the way, this is what Elizabeth wants to give to you. She wrote a book a few years ago and wanted to wake up from a nap. Come on, I will give it to you when you come over, but it's a pity... In short, please accept it."

Koizumi Hongzi took the book and looked at it, "The Secret of European Herbal Medicine? It has been very popular in my high school recently, so it was written by Elizabeth."

On the side, Isao Sakuragi, who was quietly paying attention to this side, felt his stomach twitching.

High school attended...

Chi Feichi took the book, flipped through two pages, and found that it was not a prescription record book, but some legends about herbs, no wonder it was popular with high school students.

"Yeah," Tsurumi Yoko said with a smile, "Elizabeth also said that if you two need me to do something, you can just tell me."

"I want something, can I?" Koizumi Hongzi came to the spirit, pointed to the herb garden, "The weed between the two herbs, the soil about ten centimeters below the vine plant, by the way, if you don't mind , I want to chop off two elderberry branches to take home."

Tsurumi Yezi felt that what Koizumi Hongko wanted was very strange, "No problem, then do you still need to bring some herbs back to make tea?"

"No need, those things are useless to me, as long as these are enough," Koizumi Hongzi lowered her head and calculated in a low voice, "plus the two toy dolls I bought from Mr. Motomachi, this trip is good enough .”

Tsurumi Yoko didn't delay, he prepared the things that Koizumi Hongzi wanted that night, and delivered them to the yacht not long after dawn.

Koizumi Hongzi left with the collected materials contentedly, Chi Feichi, Oyama Mi, and two bodyguards stayed in the suite on the fifth floor of the Port Hotel, and stayed in the living room after receiving the photos sent by Motomachi Kiyozo Here, pass the time with the book Elizabeth wrote.

Da Shanmi had nothing to do, so he bought a book a long time ago. When the two bodyguards were sent to watch TV by Chi Feichi, he sat on the opposite sofa and flipped through the book, "Unmarried young girl, put St. John's wort in St. John's On the eve of the sacrifice, put it under the pillow, and dream about the appearance of your future husband...does such a thing really exist?"

"Don't little girls like this kind of story?" Chi Feichi said without raising his head, "St. John's wort can relieve depression, anxiety and irritability. Elizabeth's original intention should be to let girls sleep well at night."

Dashan Mi's face was a little dark, he looked up at Chi Feichi, and explained, "My daughter who just went to middle school, I seem to have bought a bunch of cucumbers from a flower shop not long ago, it looks very similar to the picture in the book, and her I bought a bouquet and took it home, but I didn't put it in the living room, but secretly took it back to the room...Consultant, I wonder if she fell in love early?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "Very likely."

Logically speaking, he wouldn't pay attention to this kind of story books, and Dashan Mi, a married middle-aged man, would not pay attention to it. Unfortunately, it was such a coincidence that they came to Jiangshenyuan, and it seemed that there was a young girl's puppy love. That's how my father found out.

Dashan Mi's face became even darker, he closed the book angrily, and gritted his teeth, "I don't know which bastard is messing with girls. She is only thirteen years old this year, what is she dreaming about other men in such a hurry..."

Chi Feichi saw that Dashanmi was a little anxious as an old father, and closed the book, looked at Dashanmi and comforted him, "It's not a bad thing to dream, think about it, if your daughter sleeps all night and doesn't dream of anything, Isn't that worse?"

Pay attention to the two bodyguards here: "..."

If you can really dream of your future husband by doing this, then you don't dream of anything, doesn't it mean that you are destined not to get married?

What a wonderful way an advisor comforts someone.

Dashan Mi also choked, and quickly said with a calm face, "That's okay, as a father, I can support her. Even if I have an accident someday, I can still leave money for her to live on. No matter what, it's better than her. It's better to be tricked by a bad boy!"

Chi Feichi opened the book again.

No one knows, and can't be sure that he is a bad boy, right?

Looking at the elementary school students in this world, he feels that it is not too early to have a good impression of the opposite sex at the age of thirteen, as long as they are properly guided.

Forget it, it's unreasonable to fall into an old father with a irascible nurse.


at the same time.

Hyogo Prefecture, Kinosaki Onsen Hotel.

In the room where the girls lived, Haibara looked at Ayumi, who was lying on one side and was sleeping deeply, and then at the other side, who were lying together, reading a book with a small desk lamp and whispering to Mo Lilan and Yue Shuiqi Tsuki, yawned.

What did Miss Xiaolan and Miss Nanatsuki say?

"Why did you tell Mr. Mori to go sightseeing?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said in a low voice, "When you get there, you have to visit the grave too, and he will find out by then."

"To be honest, he will definitely ask me why I went to sweep the graves of people I don't know," Mao Lilan looked at the picture of St. John's wort in the book, and said in a low voice, "If I tell him the truth, I will pay my vows because of this kind of thing." , he definitely doesn’t want to go, maybe he will say that this is all a lie to children, don’t go, there is no possibility between you and that detective boy..."

"Oh..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki teased with a smile, "So you dreamed about Kudo Shinichi last night."

Mao Lilan blushed, and hid in the bed, "You can't just talk about me, what about you? Did you dream of anyone last night?"

"I don't believe this," Koshimizu Nanatsuki closed the book, turned over and lay down, looked at the ceiling and laughed in a low voice, "It's just that I think too much during the day and before going to bed, and I only dream about it at night. You must be It’s the same way, before going to bed, I still worry about whether I will dream of Kudo Shinichi, and I also think about what it will be like to get married in the future, I think about him too much, of course I will dream.”

"However, I heard that Ms. Elizabeth is a witch. Maybe she has some strange magical powers. It's good to believe it." Mao Lilan also rolled over and lay down. "I didn't expect her to die. I asked her to fulfill my wish piously, hoping that she would bless her." We might be able to realize everything in our dreams.”

Nanatsuki Koshimi pondered for a while, couldn't help but put aside the detective's rationality, and didn't really want to admit that he wanted to fulfill his wish, so he whispered, "I'm sure I'll feel more at ease."

"Speaking of which, Miss Nanatsuki, who did you dream about?"

"I won't tell you, if you accidentally tell Yuanzi that you slipped your tongue, she won't be able to hide it. It would be embarrassing if she ran to tell that person."

"Then I promise not to tell Sonoko..."

"No, after you know it, if you casually reveal a little abnormality, that person will definitely be able to see it."

"That's the person Yuanzi knows, who I usually come into contact with, and who has a keen observation ability, plus age..."

"Stop! No more guessing."

"Yes, yes, but I don't think it's strange, it seems that I should have seen it long ago..."



Jiangshenyuan was shrouded in thick fog in the early morning, and it hadn't completely dispersed by 8:00 am.

After Chi Feichi had breakfast, he walked around the toy museum on the first floor. Seeing that the fog outside the window had thinned a bit, he let Dashan Mi and the two bodyguards move freely, put on his cloak again, and went to the herbal medicine hall with Feichi and Wuming. .

Da Shanmi contacted the returning cruise ship, knowing that Chi Feichi would just stay under the tree in a daze when he went to the herbal medicine hall, so he didn't bother, and arranged for bodyguards to pack his things.

After Chi Feichi arrived at the herbal medicine hall through the mist, the mist dissipated a bit.

Tsurumi Yezi was already sorting out the photo album in the herbal medicine hall. When she saw Chi Feichi coming, she said hello. Seeing that Chi Feichi entered the door, she was not surprised. She greeted with a smile, "Mr. I received it in the wooden house, do you want me to help you move it down the tree?"

"No need," Chi Feichi walked into the misty herbal garden, "You're busy."

There is nothing quite like lying down for a while under an elder tree.

On the other side, on the cruise ship that was about to dock, Mori Kogoro, like Oyamaya the night before, gritted his teeth angrily, "What?! You, who did you dream about? Could it be that detective boy... "

Conan imagined the image of Kogoro Mori glaring at him viciously, trying to maintain a calm expression, and said with a smile, "This kind of thing is just a superstition!"

"Perhaps, but Miss Xiaolan and Miss Nanatsuki are also holding a book besides the bouquet?" Hui Yuanai sat upright on the seat, looking at the things in their hands, "This This "Legend of European Herbal Medicine" is very popular among young girls recently."

"That's right..."

Conan was a little absent-minded, and his eyes drifted to the book in Mao Lilan's hand.

real or fake? He believes in science, but he wants to make sure who Xiaolan dreamed about...

Hui Yuanai leaned over the seat and leaned close to Mao Lilan's ear.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan gave a light gasp in doubt.

Hui Yuanai asked in a low voice, "Miss Nanatsuki also dreamed of someone? That's why she brought a bouquet of St. John's wort to fulfill her wish."

Conan who approached quietly stared at Haibara Ai speechlessly.

Why can't Huiyuan ask for him?

Haibara Ai noticed a certain line of sight and glanced at Conan.

The detective man is here, trying to ask himself the question.

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