Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1779 Lak has been surrounded by the red side

"That's right," Mitsuhiko frowned in confusion, looked at the man in black in front of him, and lowered his voice, "But..."

"As for the wound on his face, it might be from a fight with the bad guy. Brother Chi also has a knife wound from the prisoner, right? Because of this, it's too unfair to others to think that others are bad guys," Conan saw Mitsuhiko was still hesitating, and said again, "Of course, everyone is not familiar with it yet, and I also think we should be a little vigilant, so I let you misunderstand that I am nervous."

Mitsuhiko thought about Conan not feeling nervous when communicating with him now, and nodded thoughtfully, "So, what you mean is that you can't completely relax your vigilance, but don't maliciously speculate on others, right? I understand... "

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, put his hands behind his back, and quietly touched the anesthesia needle button on the watch.

That's right, for the children, it is enough to maintain this state, and leave the rest to him, he will act according to the situation...

Chi Feichi led the team to the corner, and did not go directly to the hall. After stopping, he stood with his back against the wall.

Yuan Tai was puzzled, "Big Brother..."

"Hush..." Chi Feichi signaled the children to keep quiet.

The hall outside was also quiet, and from time to time, there was a depressing and frightening cry.

Soon, a man with a rough voice shouted, "Damn it! If this is the case, just blow up the safe, brothers, come and help!"

Startled by the shout, the three children subconsciously looked up at the only adult beside them.

Conan understood.

The robber yelled like this, and then mixed in with the hostages. After the police rushed in after hearing the explosion, the hostages would testify that "the robber seems to be planning to use a bomb to blow up the safe." Explode and treat those five innocent guests as robbers.

This is what Lark said, let the hostages know the 'situation' they want the hostages to know...

Chi Feichi waited for a while, and after hearing that there was no movement outside, he walked out of the corner.

In the hall, the guests were all gathered in one place, with their hands tied behind their backs, their eyes and mouths covered, and they sat quietly on the ground.

Looking around, there was not a single armed robber standing in the entire hall.

On the other side of the counter, there were five men in headgear, Judy, and the president of the Mihua branch in a coma. Seven people were leaning against the counter unconsciously, with suitcases stacked next to each other.

Chi Feichi went to the counter in a grand manner, bent down to open a suitcase, and found that apart from a small amount of cash, there was only a time bomb with more than two minutes left to detonate, and walked out of the counter.

There was a trolley in the corner next to the counter, which should have been used by the robbers when they asked the president to bring cash, but Chi Feichi pulled it to the counter.

Conan and the three children had already arrived behind the counter. They also opened a suitcase and looked at it. When they saw the bomb, they heard the "click" sound of the wheels of the trolley rolling across the cracks in the floor tiles, and turned their heads to look at the hostage pile.

Although the 'click' sound was very slight, they were also worried about being heard by the robbers who mingled into the crowd.

Here, Chi Feichi has already reached out to pick up a suitcase, walked over the counter as lightly as possible, put it on the trolley, and then came the next suitcase...

His left hand hadn't been coated to cover fingerprints, but these boxes would be blown up by bombs, and fingerprints were fine now.

The three children came to their senses immediately, guessing that the foreign man in front of them wanted to take the bomb away from here, opened the suitcase, and found that the explosion time was less than two minutes away, and pointed to themselves anxiously, indicating that they could help.

Chi Feichi calculated the time and found that the time was really tight. He nodded and agreed to help. He walked around the counter and stretched out his hands into the counter.

Yuantai and Guangyan worked together to lift a suitcase, and leaned forward as steadily as possible, then Chi Feichi took it and placed it on top of the other suitcases on the trolley.

Conan sighed inwardly, let go of his fingers touching the anesthesia needle button on the watch, and joined the team of helpers.

He still thinks that Lark will not be so kind, and even vaguely guessed the purpose of Lark to help them, but they still need an adult male with better physical strength, like Lark, to help send the bomb away, and now Lark picks up and releases the bomb , If he puts the person down, even one person accidentally hits the bomb, it may cause the bomb to detonate early, and they will all play together by then.

One, two, three...

All the suitcases were gently placed on the trolley, and the countdown to the bomb was less than twenty seconds away.

Chi Feichi pulled up the trolley and walked towards the rolled-up shutter door of the bank, counting silently in his heart. In the last five seconds, he suddenly pushed the trolley forward forcefully, while dodging behind a chair beside him.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The wheels of the trolley quickly rolled through the gap in the floor, and when it reached the door of the rolling door, there was an explosion.


The fire shrouded the shutter door, and the dust and smoke from the explosion billowed.

"What, what's going on?"

The police and mobile team outside the door heard the sound of the explosion, and when they saw a fire at the door, they immediately asked the fire truck to put out the fire. When the fire died down, they rushed into the bank armed with riot shields and facing billowing black smoke.

"Quick! Quick! The hostages are here!"

"Where are the robbers?"


"The robbers seem to be in a coma!"

"Be careful! Be careful to protect the hostages!"

There was a lot of shouting at the scene, and the police surrounded the hostages on the ground in an orderly manner, and the police also surrounded the front and back of the counter.

Conan jumped onto the counter, covered his eyes with his hands to cover the dust that drifted towards his eyes, and stared at the door of the bank with a frown.

Sure enough, Lakjiu agreed to help, in fact, to use the bomb brought by the robbers to blow open the shutter door, and then escape when the police were worried about the safety of the hostages, rushed in and were attracted by the hostages there.

Since the police also found a person wearing a hood and suspected of being a robber behind the counter, they will relax a lot. As long as the rake moves fast enough and covertly, it will be difficult for the police to notice that someone took the opportunity to leave here and sneak into the crowd outside the bank. middle……

found it!

After the police rushed through the door, there was still black smoke from the flames of the explosion at the door, and the blond, blue-eyed figure in black clothes had left behind the chair at some point, and had already stepped out of the door, as if planning to leave just like that.

"Wait a moment!"

Conan stared at the figure and shouted.

"Little, little brother?" The mobile team member who stretched out his hand to hug Conan down was startled by the shout, followed Conan's line of sight and saw the figure at the door, "Huh?"

Chi Feichi, who had just walked out of the door, noticed a series of eyes on him, fell silent for a moment, then turned to look at the policeman in the hall and the detective on the counter.

The black smoke at the door has dissipated a lot. When the explosion happened, people outside the bank ran away in panic, but they were watching nervously after they left. When they saw a foreign young man in black at the door, they all threw themselves into it. Doubtful gaze.

After hearing Conan's yell, Haibara Ai raised his eyes to look at the door, and for a moment, fear like a tide swept over his heart, his pupils constricted, and he reflected stiffly at the figure standing at the door.

The man standing at the door was tall and thin, wearing a black long-sleeved jacket and black trousers, facing the bank, even though the distance was a bit far, but from her angle, he could clearly see the side of the other side with blond hair. With a solemn expression, blue eyes that were as cold as jewels, tight mouth corners, and a slender scar that flew into the hair beside the ear.

This person is...

Dr. Ali was stunned for a moment, ignoring the cold sweat on his forehead, and turned his head to look into the bank.

The voice that said 'wait a minute' just now should be Shinichi's...

Among the crowd on the other side, Andre Cameron was also very sensitive to people in black. He looked at the man in black with his back to them, and couldn't help but linger on the other's blond hair in astonishment, "He, he yes……"

Next to him, James Black eased the astonishment on his face, and said the answer slowly in a low voice, "That organization's... rake wine."

In the hall, Conan was standing on the counter, looking at the man in black who turned around, his heart was pounding, and his right hand behind his back was tightly clenched.

He sabotaged Lark's evacuation plan, and let Lark be discovered and watched by so many people. It is conceivable that Lark now has everything he wants to kill him.

There are probably some accomplices of raki outside. After discovering that raki was stopped, he really couldn't judge what those guys would do. Once something happened to raki, he would definitely be targeted by that organization if no one else said anything about it.

But how could he just watch the rake sneak away like this?

The last time the Eastern Capital Tower where Ireland is located was surrounded by the police, and Ireland was silenced. It can be understood that this was because Ireland attacked the police before. It doesn't matter if you get entangled by the police, and Lark's status in that organization is unusual, so he won't be given up so easily.

In this case, he would take a gamble and stop him.

If you're lucky, under the police's interrogation, Lakjiu might show some flaws to make the police suspect it, so the police won't let Lakjiu leave at will.

Even if the police have no intention of detaining people, as long as they delay for a while, when Teacher Judy wakes up or the FBI is ready, they can still choose to secretly seize the rake, or dig out the clues of the organization along the rake.

You can find a way to solve the troubles in the future, but he won't regret the decision to stop the person first!

Outside the door, Chi Feichi looked at the crowd in the room and remained silent.

The distance between the two sides was not too close, and he couldn't see the expression on Conan's little face clearly, but he could also imagine the tension and excitement mixed in the famous detective's heart.

In fact, now it is 'fearing both sides of the pole to beat the wolf'.

In front of him is a group of policemen rushing into the bank lobby, and there are mobile team members and onlookers on the front, back, left, and right sides. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Dr. Ali in the crowd on the left. Due to the crowd's obstruction, he has not seen his sister for the time being. , but it should be by Dr. A Li's side, and the FBI must be in the crowd...

He, black raki, has been surrounded by red. (to be continued)

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